MICIGN ENTZ(L ever Known Before.
Time Table (Revised) May 1l,194.
EAST. ET uc l .Is.. 5-, i llsttist VMnaIs e c. I 6h a eerin t)(or nteso
P.-u-. bsies t thi i ge ofitclle yeat or. lui u li-la e s-lu-.-mi ~- 0
Mail and Ex--- 50 lMill----- A----845 uriltirestocks(nith~ingtsrel ilbole e trdcdpi( rti1e, 8,
N. ___1 12 p Nh. I0 N. VSp iiiet ii 2 Nothing Will Be Charged Dnring this ae
Eastern E-Va1lNe..imte
A., Pacific EL-i ---li1st
Atlantic Exu--- 77 dP hr. XWi susst ti L cs-li fore eceryllsiug. WR e wzue eyou W erOi e iotIsisleIhis. ele forple sn
D.N.Express--5 40 Western E--- "N)itiss-reply a attietiof buirss. ts ceIt-i inly iin iot -terue to( )- c h -- cs atre id-1 o
G.R. Expres -_11 05 ChiNt x----0 28 i pr c seciallylheu good--ar -sidttibeadtaicigit thicf Itoi u vehv l ti - i-
0. W. & 'Rouus, 11. XV. lAYtES,
G. P.& T. Act., Chicago. Act- Aun Arbor 91" O S -eM ]D
1)1 .1 1 It-IiN 1INIE t l-l IClS,
T. O. &C.E y. K. & M.Ry.
I i-cir al) t. l.Tet lier T lesdo, Ohio,
irdC]s7l s. Xl. c - ca Slumsit-, the
Toledo, 0.
Findlay, : 0.
uenton, 0.
- . ,. ~a I illX~iiluiigiiu -Col umbs, 0.
r-______________________________________Athens, 0.
i zs-rm Pomery, 0.
1 --Ifi-- Pt. Pleauant, W. Va.
KLUGS9 T ichnmond. Vu.
TimeiTale, fie, 45 ). Olete Piutur omortVV.
NOR~TH. SOIIes). S t tQt lllllIr i ciinav1fa.atiny hI3 srt-i-. 1atitol ASo ci. lii ci lPottery, II lautis
7:3 a m .un. W-cr, Clsh t-.. l aie t. o etlull oiT oy (-. ,c l oic--cl-. ot juitlly ato! c-cia! W la mbrlanmnburg, Va.
X:25p. In. 5110a. Il. articles . - hoidy san t ~~s iiftD Nepr y NwV
'1:1p. su. 1:00p11 4.,:,117 , '°. Ot. r . orpor,
Altrimsaiyeceupt Sunday Pedfl -oulio-eokVu
Teaius i uu hetuco lAunArboe atilToledo 56, 58 and 60 S in St, n allto ile. too: cc-.ern oint.Fe
ony rBnzo :cI,() lltaolzttan . S. OGRPENXPOOL), Agent Vrf 1 1 . iii l(, ° ,t l lo c,1 l u yc ur local
W. HI. BEN'NETTG. P. A. Toledo II. IIA e 1i', '({r ~r
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. W3.A Glen, Tb-c State St. ss. (,;too.
__ ~~DO -YOU KNOW?._ _ lic. 1i
Time 'Table, Oct. 27, 1895. ThatIWeca.o-.sci youfom $3 -to.0510 n ee. lliO t r leoell~: otwilt f sli'e-do,
WeI wr b .o-'ri 1i1)i.(1i- .il--., ndiiloo el peak- . '.c5ili1myioui to oo it
Leave Ypslauiifrom longt-ss s., -":i0.S:4. liii -.: dl)ft. beforei toyingcl-coflai-c
and; 12:45,2:15, 5:00,6.45, 9.1., anti 20 5.5T r sT.- Y RS . IP.AN~s
Leavo Anu Arbor.eJun ionii, 7:411, 0:15 anllLi.-
11:01a. m.;1. ~, 2:45, 5:30,.7:15, :45 and 11:15 w
C-nt- THE INFANT ELECTRICITY Intertcollegiate. eThC modern stand-
LerveYpsia -iro Cn -- - -,I303:0,A Very Lusty Chlfd -Unity Cu isii 'ilili: oJeiw2LinEI,-JeIlj. GL arcld 'Faily M7 ecli-
I A 1:0 o p u.11000f).ur -
00 ad 930puI.clue: ursthe
cns ro n trp te e s50 os ' 11ol21' 111 lv4)'tt {~i~
P 1F. XX'. up;., 1ar111011 fo11. {.1om on every-day
,,__________________________it?.ct1if)ill. 11is-fi . omo
MA OHri~ f<1LE - t?.; ccl 1. 'yills of humni1ty.
V OIc t ) ' ,3 - ll 5 - i s f i .:.i t (' l i ( 2 1 1 1 ri - A o 1~ 1 I
WHOLESALEL S CIAR0 1 1 10 0:11ti(Io~t ~1 I I Lunches. ~' s.{
Railroad1-, Ticket .- Brokers . 7 "" 1111 Ii. ii{.:l11 12) 3 t011i;:113t'(ii-) 1 11:1 I 1 p
.iy{llcl 11 O-f' lltllel. 1)()11 110:1 :1 : i'lfi I * i ^.111 i')(if f), li 11,Ii 1 1 1-1 t1:1tt 1 iw - ,I 11111it, St1tI St
U111 and Coldll Lu'pch s1 atl All flours. it 1.
lei Wash ?'-tgon Block. !
Call on lthi o
Fine Lunchea,'
Fine Chocolates, f
and Baked Goods. 4
Try Oue Lunches.
Aveu1alsoDr i dlineI t
of-. im01 ti led
Skates Conclaved.
Experimental Work.
Readers of the Daily will con-
fer a favor on the Editors by men-
tioning this paper when dealing
with a.:_ertsars.
01 iie t if i 1111 l 1 iii iii siilt i il
asi liii! lil1ievo. li . i 11-0 i~l i " t1111
e cIikli--Ii lli. l i li lu l 111 ci 11
tl t i ti t ill 11 l tllil ii liIii ii I
h~~ oi 111111 il reIis, 5lic l
Ire not fl 11 11 101015 : e iitv~tioliii
per i l el l iilil. I l i Isil in liii
.110 111tll dos(us lss'istl It-its11 flheinowil
{silsctisi iy Itrolu _to '.001110 hlii tl
fsciistiec iiI-ll('rl Xehlitl hit hlit Itir
1 Thetp'1IliF. ofSlea i-,cityPti Phic.
hilthel, fo-acier ofBthe iln, d oia
and O nril ar. Annhe Arol r Oigan (
4 l°1s.;7Tollsand s t 40-mlit les11ons
1i) els i. , Onanule' xvlmensi73yclxt.1
liii' 1111, 1w .11ichi 1-. 11111 1 1 i n a-. s p-
'wInalo X)iii :11 1:1-ll l
", 11 i-ll 111 1 li .( i ctr a he 2o n a .11 it1 11 111
C ll!1b 1 O llietei e dl- I of M!el 111111 flu 1:
111150whw 1w cl .
toXliar., you s12s'IrtSuples-st i
WillsheI. (If AT. Plily iciery
sly isll iih XiiieIt. iii( XXI sill)hilt
oileri- lly fortp-i gtit I 5e (,di-
iio I O t iur - r f It Ill Ii-of .2.0)
("I ir. W ei l 111l; { ii 17 th 1111-
s l y ri liiiscsi 111tic il u -ti-
d Ttii iv u - iSly iiiVptilrlct il-
eigtid iirtreas- of iihe
silo-iveisitx-tushd llthe liii-tlditt
ozz li iti ls
.il~eosileagecticet, iflilfs tli-ltii you1111oorini l ti hei-enic
11011.ns i t h b st ttlveiji- thIti lu tli-pr year, fits- siI
Fourt, B'. ti O1., (.,II. i& D., hio el 101pacrt n eladijlmreofrs-ti i ot repotis f i ivrsi5hty
li~h ttu lltiiIilolsil it hi .l-ct-ii facu h lty andfIlis ois-r e;t
ti's thtefas-orilt avleris' Companion. le iniiof i-the dtesiof
I12(11:-2;5 11 OIUEIS E IOX(IlIION ews o row n istaisd tl
To 'Virgihlitlandthet-Soilsi, Nov. 15, depairtmlentsh l.intic-ha
Doc. R>an15t 7,St18r95-.this eabetito keen i
(On ll-the lstviteslgent511-soof the ori e r tatiinhg to ttisi n
Ohiio (C-entrahl ine ill sel oli ECrst-on
tice-ltst one(117farce tot hie iounitrihp;
limi fo retrn 0 das.Ihere's no Contradid1ion
(1iiar tot Sals.--A (lI-lhihConserti to thit fact that the I_
Watshbucirniu(tai~r for stile iclitap. For Daily is the only papP
fuher patrtnitas aly atitse Hulb, can msake you Iluis offer,
110 conmpetitsor. If you
31 and 5 Et. Wtshinigton st. interest in than Iniver:
For 11snt--Tsuofturnishiesucills, bhs will receive more lb
ands foriuace liiea0t, cornier of Divisiotn money's worth fronm y-
67serintion before the ens
anod WhIianis. 0, football season.
d oflit.e
r evets
if -lie
Ii- oshser
'p polsted
IT. of ATt.
-r wthich
rIt has
feel any
city you
an your
,ur sub-
I of the