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December 17, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-12-17

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of miho enlet frominthe siewly insade
M f O ff'a* tu. uisonsot the lOratorical Ass)Jaioiit
Pbis hed Dily (Sunayiexceted) duri in lidthat iithel(' i~tl'lsitlit' all
the (ale;t.ya, t.i

OFIFECE: Tims b uilding N. -lain st., opposite
psot office.
J. A. LIBRoy, '96i, )ltumin-- Editor.
. u. GRYIU.L,sta.l.
.J. Ft. T'It sts, 's7, A,=istict.
SE. Ifs i~i','t.At lt iic Editor.
It, Ci. FWss.DS~'i. lsior.s ils t.
Associate Editors.
Lc. A. Pratt, 'i A. K. Pestrie, '98.
EelA. loution c, ' i l). . Issossto 96'15.
It. C. lloct, ' .) iM. So soc itieh'd'i,'t'.
It. A. IMiocr, '96 II. E. L..Uismerc, 1'8iL
Wt. W. ilai ct,.S
Thne pie of ttthc'.icily will rst cdi as tere-

i)t: li'tlt'Iluiiiig 11. inltc t 1,o\t1itVl'iii -
a.Nv 1 a. e'Ibis( delll nitw eligl
of ti the5. thiis c'iite't i of'its'',it
woleintittin. TeIe - ag- 'let huditlill;I; istililttof all
l't ' th I ti l1 11111' l lt'.il'ft1 1111i-

(Conltinuecd from irst tag.I It youtr savel ills" tittt'isal iles.
sdirisig theie ar yenu'sill esivemnety
ill zttuit il allItliitt.il'y 1c'ct' itt e -'.Tilie hest in thst' matiket ,are those it-
shil o'tlitiilitit'.e, lilliltIniiali' stime-isuetd'cthi'agents of (Ohio Ce'ntail Ilst's.
,vlitloftt.arepilo tionlias liiitorltor' is'- They ass' good eves' all the iipotttt
systens west of iPittshurg, taic Big
Ntt'tlwtslit'i lni'eisiy. ti t~tFor tl Ser e agelts fs antcke
cit oie it'otis ai citilt' tt c alo t'e ineli'sbetirkcpurThesin.iceook$goot
1orthevil. Oatoi-llshnegli.t It alsocsisicl(ilc onelicat.g
twite ll stltkedeae it EN.TRA ctMItEAG T IC E T .'i
Nortwciyil. it'll itiittiesFor t' o o vi er sitoetmileageithanoraiticet
tctl rliut'tthe i' ''hita ie fteI i' 111 intheullimarssk t. T is.oA.y 'oot:tood.)
nit ti1 bit 'tua .iiuet"t a alt.. t cct til e lcii u Iotie11ilO.Sy to hi'est ofa
ti'ttttS liPittt'lsbu'rgh. It.1'.____also____ includes________ the____ Bi-__


teiec. s i~t ide tiuin ty i iet t c Ii lt m 1't'il.' ttefitlt hil h I tl

lii'h sit ttf slt i dtl'tt'tItoii thuiitltt(ti
3-i ith t .:_ ci s tl i'. i; of 'iii lilt'
Itiscs' it 111111' i t 1. ' it'"(inedt o t e-
Il)Zit i lylt il 1 'il t l f tilt,

i(,i. 'zist a11,ford to romaill. Iw-
hind in ilia fotrlll( ,
!1 l1.71T1L1 l^TY 111t'^rtTT 1-1 A t 111

GOl-R i'S 'uSTUDENT' SLANG 0111ii-'.; ;.13,Imo. 1. rooz; 1tilt.
Among Chsrists'as inlasider's Inter-} 's utttct'e r; lhfIt.I.. G. lig. l0siii-
eating Contribcutions. AR.llt(.
alli s t if ti0 sclic
out 11'd a l'isl co er o- litat'tr o r ,lo l 1,, itt' it ilct I ii i e~'.ht
-,;1It'' AttI,(,tw.-t'loohblt:i. t. ZZ 1'eiscfitx1111
ft AS 1.' tt'ti isittit Itt 111. cii t I' l i d tt' st olt Iof111111ais 11.11
tt l1 11'-tlle o tll, .. !ll'tic o'ari. to 11'ieshl eeu tilto thks ilt ianv follos:t I
l i's<c~ i i c'ii c itt'it',, ,t tt.'i' .ltl i t ltetsst'tlti tt31e ret' ittj tIl(!w' 4AA~epMTH 20V FAtE TA L ET J50
'It-s. rii 'tt Itt. tttt(ty.i Iii .'fl l t 1}<i,"'o otI , ~ t.FTC
:I3t tt : Fl t ) i t"}1 1 l A1 litit' 1'1i:1l< 11i t(} tttt . I~ 6 D \uI1EG T L E . - C
It ttit' i f-lit 'i t 11 l i'l tttts tit hetttittlt trt I t11ti ETC T I~E B LT 3
t'1tItil I'.c l t i s ttt. tli tlt t 1 i tti - tr l s ' '1 BY N hEzUIP.E OR 1LC

itt' Itt' tail. 'lit' - 1 is Itt t'ui 1 s' t'I'itti
dliii'. lit .c B 1 Itt dollis. I)1,t 11.itt'l'stti 011t t thll'hi. 11 t'il'l'l -L E A O D 1 D 9
5',t~ . ttt tth t'ht t t 1:-I~il, his tIl t __________^lilk or t oc
'lilt' spttlst 5t utu'r t'' Irs litow tver.Illicit eit' ii 11 ti'()111 it el Il1£'Iec
seI'l ut' ltt tlt ,e a stilop iet osi nic t' E t I li', teett !i, 7 1-11711
gl55 1 u l tttt . st i l(t'i1111.1)2. P e c .ii! ;",. _______
-Ind thut'' il'seI' iiihuu'tilieu'ct it' slu ill. I'tsht ?uueec 1c, Sic, Stc uli:illc
111t su it'i ty lt'I'ilt't i li' iinvitedt il 11h it tli.. t tt 5i M tse P ic-v ssdSc
hiisi' tu Ilut u'iltutltu us l s'.Ihu Hl(itittit.'sis ft aiiti'tt(u'ilui r11) 'te f ti 1.'tits i 1 i E IL W LG u
os' 1, ! t,,,ii li. 1cif:ui;I iiit5 s 'it li111)'; i1Dc1A, 11('10 tti uitl ilsgutito'hiesntisxs11t1tlisMo
M II o.(tieii t t'iilhil e i ii ii'iiscllt ' 'ti''l Iil lt' ueitei~l E htits o '~si. ci
s ill !ctlt' ti taiti, clubsi Ills th i eiluul iiitbiatslilit'it' tuitb'r.T e l v tsd oaEte d te. A o d y
"iPots ecsui (luillt, tlryittultuictl te't)hoc di't'o-
EdtsontIi.tutu lii' huidslea'staitliii' ti-lilt 1 OF'''tAMING t tttultui atl ter illes ' r os ;ci _ii Xksud, si us tltKts r ustsn
Th r moel ntlll tit'' E S c tuhio ( 1)su f uths lusts uttii tisc A it0its i trtuu'i, hii
th~s 'slt' I stlt iuisu tsutisu'uisi i nora sule cf itoss f eututi tuiut'hlotte oooil('1usioise Ci i'. 1 ht I
lii hilitklih5i'tisti'ri ceouriuii hu' atdusebtiillitsitt111hut11c-i
lif forxorthc hlect poe<t~ N) IsC11ttshmihei1,!1t stus sir
st1ssiht ' i tis ii r lltI itit u-li' st isitut's'_'i)( itt' situ he. 'i's's. hilt hits')<
be, collfese(1 l~~lchi tnl Ills not kept Ito collegefet e 're d.a fet.11£T,/(er Ole11~ri
As.t uttu'ur'tslli'i ul tr ~- iti't't ihitisi i ii 1 11)ii th lii'sitsit'hitsikst _________________Cs I .d Al')ris a1,(1wthsr Iss Fyre
Mll' slot ict hi'bouid.frsItiroei retu otei (i etCrons s'- H N S IL R
issi ii sis sicare t''ii spol i'e. eaitatoheget. tuNiported hi' 39c K Slits
cit~aistsselty li t he s-su iti usussso ste 1 tS (3~ I I1 n
foerry Slistdeillest, ititins ibs, c aerittulyWANT D. lian foussthei ent.L1. tt't a i H O O P e !
oi'ox:I11)1e" o "i nieli ; aug by'S. ta" t t 1 e hle ta h fyprprinteisol frl- ~t :l>wil eU .
tretC it edfrm s'cst e' . hre stu de upisiitrouse exiscrbons e sienANNfl'e ARBtOR. MICH.1- t a
ili nss'siautlt'sots slreprters Pos-isot-tt'iltiy;IDe. (-'out'itshs, hot
ou rprsesais's s iiclosl ~o tlipoa2' Wrkrsoly A- rSate ot., si ocahapefrookpon "Ehxic al t S'5,ParkrDBCn *TS 1 ood
'tl a ic t}itIt:e h i till r°tes datng easerieuce1 F.( C.y D., shoo pei i .. tEl tin erfwi'lal iulse yeswseureihe hsisco ecl
cockiisetoihe expectednSonthe wayNFourth ave.

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