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December 17, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-12-17

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Time Table (Revised) -Nov. 18, 1894.
A. M
ail and Ex----- 3 0 mall ------------- 8 43
N. Y. Special---- 5 1.5 ( N. Y. specia1____ "r 30
IT astern Ex------ 10 25 N. S. Limited._ 3 25
A. M. i Pacifie Ex--- __ 15
Atlatltic Ea ----- t 47 1,. M
1). N. Express---- 5 40 Western Es----- 2 12
],-.x press I t -__0.5 Chr \t. Ex---_ .1025 t
G It. Ex---------- 5 57 1
( . \V. M-G(a2 ES, 11. W. HAYES
G. 1' & T. Ant.. Chita ;o. Ant., Ann Arbor. j i
T., A. A. & N. 1A. RY.
'Pal:rnrr eft'ecti Sunday, slant'. 1, 194. ,
'Trains leave; Ann Arbor on Central Stared-
;it'll tilile.
NO RT2;. (A- H.
112:2:5 p. it i. 11::30 a. in.
4:15 p. In. 9:00 p. Ill.
.Trains run betweeti :inn krboraiidToledo''
oiily. F
All trahis daily except sund<ty.
It. S. GREEN\V001), Aent
1V. if. BE.NNETT G. Y. A. Toledo O.
Time Table, October 7, 1894.
Le eve Ypsilanti from (oilrrress st., 7:00, 9:00 1
a ud I t:00 a. in ; 12:45, :2:155:U0, 6:45, 9:00 and
111:30)). it).
Leave Aiirl Arbor Tuns tion, 7:2,0, 9::30 and
11::30 a.ni.:l 1> ::4a >:i30,i1) r:30rnd11:00p.m,
Leaves Ypsilanti from Congress st.. 1::30, :3:3o, i
5:n0, G::30 to rid X1:00 p. m.
Leave. Ann .Arbor Junction, 2:00, 40), 5:311,
:1x) and 9:30 p. ni.
tars run on city tinge. Fare: singie trip 15 i
,-ollts; round trip tickets ') eerits. j
\V3i F. I'.virci:R, Supt, i
Corner of State and 1Vil19ain sts.,
William St. entrance.
I"'or Everything and Everybody.
COUSINS & HALL, EIorisis, .(> 1'elephoneli

.. i.i
c t"

MURAT HALSTEAD. each, witli your guarantee that w1um of the Grip at Grand Rapids, Dct: t Nt
I got to E'hicago I could secure tickets and 27, upon presentation of monilr-
CO\TINUED FRO31 FIRST PAGE. from there to Oniaha aiiJ r0ut'Ii wit ship certificates issued 11' tbC" 3114710
.patrted to reports of tiie so-called $22 each. W)u mnt mof us as far as gan Knights of the (wilt. Tickets ;=Ad
Chicago and when Nve -ot there we Dec. 26 and 27, limited to Dec. 2-
ellsational- newspapei' .
[11 conclusion. NIr. II"tlstcad said. had. N) lmy $25 each for the ticket, 189-1.
'he cditar 11.1s the "'I ",me ii lets and but You paid iss the diforenco out of For the nweling of the Grand
your OIA-n pockct. TMs is IN first trip Free and kcccpccd Masons of .lliti hi-
e swine responsiltilities as ilie lawp r rve made since that tune, stud I was gan at Detroit, Jan. 22. 2:1 and ,¢1.
minister. He has "rc'ator c"ares" hound to huh- them at Ward Iarotl ris' I'icl:ets sctlcl 'Jan. 21 and 22, limito,41 14,,
r 1w addresses a lair, er audient1% if possihlc, for you certalulc dhl the return not later than Iaii 25,
at tho present day c dilol is not as fair thin:; Q me the last tryp 11; 1 W. II. I>I.\\ E l" 1'.
I'lw repiliation of f his firm has not I IL S. G.- T I.. -k -
ell l uo -11 to leis readcis ais was tli
been acquired without mangy- an item i Local . gvut.
litor of a 1'e\N Vicars since. The !('I) -
()f loss of similar Iwi llrc ctnrist;, I llo IS 1'() I:1,\'1' l picasaut suite with
?nc oi' the liress is Ics" wwzird in- mars of OuN twlwricnc-e. Isut. such furnace heat. iiOh and HOH at
vidnalism, and the ore Man power things are tadlced about Lair mitl Nvht(% 11 It ;Matte St. c*

111 t. ,.a, 1r,11xT is a thin, or the lrtt.
The vorlc of 11n1:11m -n writo1", conic
tci tt, by cahlc\ .toil tolc\:;-1".tnl from
every parl or the wtwhL The jmimml-
it. 11111.1: do his worR I-olltont. per-
11) 11.1~ thrcn;-'11 lira t1n11c iicccl.
but conscicnl, of his I-ownrcl it* he t1;t,
wiled ro1. the ('1111Hlinc ilt ,)r hi, simple
(hit\-. To him :tlxl c nll Allier", i, givF.11

on-L, \\ "rcl >-r-o ivco - 1
ni ed an ov c r mis minw. as imurs
hl IN Ini huss or flimliKi1q railmad
and steoinship transportaiimi. and
owir omlcTs ror tie uts tom t', n, aw
i most evory stlle ill the I'llioll.
\otc..it inwit imn sonic, of mir own
c"itiuons to correspond "vith << anj
Iwotllors hoforv taking any oxioncled!


the 40hlinttiolt to shed tiu light t'; At the Grand Opera HouSC.
ktt r 'lccl, e ill humble
I"clieviil 111,11 ilothill" i1 0)o '1md
for its lrttrons the 111,t11i g-ei1]ettl cif
Juniors 56; Saginaw H. S. 4. McNttlt, N'1 \-isit" is careful to sec
The ,junior t outhtll wom rt1 et1i1} that the latest of everythitt:; ill the
t'ictvriott ,tt ',tttti"cia slttl o of sou ;1, chile("". 'lies lmvc lties
are plentifully spriukle(l thrott-hout
the piece. NN,11 ell (loll btle s hts a l l ;ts
mile lottellclmvit ,\a1 iiltete ill the etY'cct solluohill" limilor to Ile iu-
1e1eOMI 11,11' tlirotlyli the carelellttcll ti-odllctio n of ,1. l rcll)ei oillol
' of the juniors. T111, Si;i l:i toaui -it linter .111d salt into I Imll (If
frc"111 p(q)coru.
hail ,(evcra1 strrn1 illdiVillutl
j 0111 they 'crl ttt, 111,11eh t'or the S01Wr BUSINESS LOCALS.

III connect.iolc with the ;"ti, iT: ,czi, _
Iron Jl.onut.cici & Southern I.Cail .1 ,.
Texas & Pacific Itaihvzly Ivtwrluli.ioll-
'I & (xreat Northern I:ailroad, . +1
Sotltheru Pacific Rnihvny} li'm-13 a::
the "Only 'line Southern ltou'o.: 11;1's
i pkIced ill service a throng-11 first. c I c"s.
sleeping (..Ir .111d tourist
leavin;; (_'hic.t o daily at 10: 50 <c.. m..
via St. Lotii.s to Little Rock, 4 ,31 sr;
(llot: sprin' g), .Austin. 'S aic _lu.t < <..
Laredo (where a direct co _ne(:tic !c i
made with through slecvizlg car
the city of Mex ico), E'l
A111gelvs and Sall Francisco. T'hl, i
the only line from Chicago whi(li i':m.
offer this ezcellellt service- CA]'.
{ write to an"k- ticket agent of lash or connecting lines for lraatc c:l
mat.ler showing t . ; roltte rate ". 414's-
crihiion of cars. cte., or

Vacation for laid work of the 1111110I1i(,1111. Not lees in5e11t d I(I this Colur(((I at th( IIte C S t"Ii: I t 1.'
1,11o latlet" ele\-eil also 11.1(1 ;1 sh ,'ht of ; ceI(ts per lice. Speeial rates for lonner t:. 1.,111:1, rtlr.
tinge, Mild extra lilacs t"nrnishe'd by applyinn ,
Excursi*on 1(l a1It1 e in cif llt. at the DAIt.Y otliCe 7
I11tx1I ('I.aSB :TmI.t)1:1\t: .v1' 1.1. ?0I. S. Clark st., CI1)C'a-j34.
The I-tiitersity tIl' Uliio lt.1s recei -cd I)t CE I)
Tickets. Ie(lttest of alt estltc. 'aluect 1ti1 >0,- .lir. :k. 1. , Itio.c will lie :tl the t'oulc ED, A. CADIEUC
i'lt()Yitii:'r()I, OF 1'HFS
llousC Dec. 18, 111(1 oftf(Ts si),,!0,11 it,- j Latest Im 7^OVed Barber S ho
aaamaaasaaaaaaaas tjl it ). p p,
tlltcolm"Ills oil 111 winter c"lotlltlt; . In thecit"y. I'..W.Ishil(ntr>1( st., lit: cl:>(aa
17W-Please keep in mind the Toledo, NOTICES pecially on I'1t11 Dr(-'s wits, it, ;vill east of 1lI.LiII ,I ., _\nn Arbor.
St. Louis cC Kansas City R. R., p,1y on to see the line Ind ;ct pt ie e.s. REUBEN H. KEMPF,
' Litclary students \t'ho ,1re to enter' tell dollar' bill, 4711es(ltiy, From the Royal Conservatory,
Line77for St. Louis, itilo., and the the pronouncili contest will tilcc t. to- I)cc. 11. a. reward will be N'('it f'ot" Stuttgart:, Germany,
Nest and Southwest leaves To- (liy, (3l:onday) at 4 p. ill. in room +. 1#; retau"u of sunl(r to V" o. . 1'. t'ttivcr Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical"T:
redo Union Depot at 5 p. in. is N"ory important that, every literary sity ave. Composition; also the Art of
daily, arrives New Vnion Station (oi1t(araut be 1n°csetlt. Teaching-
THE, C()1,1II,10N Olt
(the largest in the world), St. AL 11. I1t)I:'f i"R. (';I] in, sttidio 221 s. Division St., Ann AriSv r, l[i r,_
Phis dauce w "ts introduced ill \eW
Louis early next morning. CATERER,
York about th( veztr 18-14 A
I t.intc the duadrillcw1s the fushioutlf le tort .,r.
done(I , but A\-1 known <ts the cotillion. l
and Michigan Central lines at _ ; o11.. I)ce. 1 .-t )r~et"1 1:ic (+t (,: I - DIET-AS & SCHANZ,
Toledo. zdc.
lI()n.. I>ec", 17.-11. ha}' OF Lo make- a distinction betwoI dial,
E _ pp1e1)ee 1(("- "lnd this (1111ce which wos hilo\A'1t 111 Obi a TAIL s"
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free ( Europe 11y the same nm ille, t his; w:l s
tilres at Uility chib oil (.Leor e Eliot. ! Latest and best styles of Fotei
Sleepers with- ._ cllled the "t'e na
and Vestibuled s ti C'(ltillion, rod- mestiC woolens. 111
'Tues.. x1 Cl, ass fit rn 1)(c. IS . - - T. , 1y _ ppleboo lo(
Itally the word Cotillion 'as dropped ork -uaranteed. CIe sn press f., aI1,i
out change. tures It, T pity c"Ittb oil Doll.-l'1,.rs .Jet- repairing neatly done.
i°ol(1. the dlnc"e beeoluili,'l; sinlpl.)"Th( (ler- 4:8 S. State st., Second Floor, AnuA.r*ht)3-..
C. O. J SNK INS, ., i man." Mr. and Mrs. loss (I"In"'ol,
lles., :Dee. 1S1 mitoltncin- contest
(,'eneral Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0.! 1 of (:r1n<er's , make t11is 22 Years in the Bnsiness - '
at: 1 11t -erslt3- hall.
I'rid. ere., I)ee. '?1. -:An11 Yacltioll donee and the NN.altz t sp(cialty%
G Y M S U IT S 1.1eins. V. OF ,I. CII1.1S1',1_ S V. C A I'1O.. I
at...lan. 1-.( onc"ert for beuetll. of. 1 'or the L. of .l.[. Christmas .Ind _New I ,
thlciic assoc iai:icnt fit Vnit"ersity 11,111. Ye,"11' liollda -s rltes of ottc and olle-
J ust received a sainple line l' - -- third fare for round trip Nv ill be mado M. M. SEABOL'T, No. 4 N. 4th ave-
A REMARKABLE ILLUSTRATION to all points in the Central 'Traflic MERCHANT TAILORING of (z '1nnaSllllll Suits. hc'Se
j association territory to students and
Of the Value of an Established GI(anln~ 1 e nc:; and ltepairirsl
oods are nianllfactured by the instructors Ilpolt presentation of prop- I done neatly by
{ Reputation and One of the Nurn-
Overman er certifi( tt(s. Tickets sold AUG. CHOk \E1VALi,, 2G E. Washingtoll
Wheel Lo.lllal el'S Of emus Items of Expense in , , ,
?l and ??, 11 t1-I, Intl limited to TIME reiuru
Victor Cycles, which is sufficient I Acquiring It. not, l ttcr than Kati 8, 1895. I
O tlarantee as to their- quality (E"traot frcnn ("ultlnibn>, o., NvWSj),Iper). T. & A. A. 111, 7 rl.,: TPN.
While 1 I)Aspatch rcpori.et ~,1s 1'or the Christmas atltil N'o'x year
We sell them for less than what standing yesterday at the Countcr of ' holidays rates of ogle anti one-third
you leave to ay for interior Ward 1>rothers' ticket ottiee a gentle- fare for the roan([ trip will be made to O C C ID E N T A L .
1111111 value up -Ind purclltlsecl so11e all points in llichizn rnid t'entral YPSI h AN'PI, 1I ICH.
(oOds. See them before Poll l)II)'. tiekc1s to tli(' west. L1"hile11to tickets Traffic Association territory. Tickets t
acre bein: fixed 111) the customer said: to be sold Dec. 24, s?) and i/I, 18191, :tnd SUNDAY 1 DINNERS Al 5 Q'CLOCK30.,
"'Phis is the first trip 111av(* tat en ill Jan. 1, 1893, lighted to return not Later
t S I A L l CYCLE 041 I 1.'2 years, and now llr. 11' tr(l, don't than Jan. 2, 1895. studeuts and citizens should maks Ypsilanti
you rerneniber the last tickets I bought hates of one fare for round trip will asssr ture the head( m = tbhey ey w N willhfiile nd in me, , as as eveer,,Inil t
_ ,, s,
11. W. Washington st. _ of you'? It was in IS81. I pill- h.tsecl be made for the following lilectin s: Most cordially,:
Subscribe for the Daily. I five tickets of you to Chicago at. $, 1 The annual meeting of they Knights W, H. LEWIS, Prop-_

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