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December 17, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-12-17

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AWW RM DEAT May Meet in Detroit. Great Educator Dead.
W IL D - ~It s ioreIlthan problable that the Prof. . S. Perry, whii for 27 yaiis
Hasreeivd fol ineofNovlteswon by the Alpha NU Society diulrack and field meet lsrnwe'! i s been superiiieident of the Ainn
Wintr inNovetiesLastChicago and Mlihigan will ie held Abr Public schools, died Thurxsday
for Fall and Winter nLs Night, inext spring ini Detroit atolist year.b night. Niio ler sperintendet in the
- s ro srSagg has been il coresponlerce state lhs held his poiioit so loug.
4 Laash iglt the foal detie of thi with our manager and toti Capitain iiglt onls ago his healh av Wiy
and Overcoatings lieiary departincill was held in Iholi Tlionas o Lgichiga. aid Caloi, aidle stopied to rest. te could
24 'hree was at larger alinudatice (If tie (5ilicigo -team, have ijogl ex have had a leave of ablsnce for a
antoriioe iiiterest iiiiiifeslcd thanil atiprssed their belief that Dc.Aroit will year, but wstld inot take it. goon f-
N. 08 E. WASHINGTON ST NEAR MAIN Pln5'li5 literary deibts. Mesrs. be bi eter place than tiulelgs for 'tri liersehlool began le ress' worse.
Eoiisii. t iteiiitraiik an l yiGeafr 1UP- liet. 'Naturally ('Iliago wotld leI H~irt tdisae nieid kidney touleun ~it-
teilierhotinttive. and Harrison. te plicOfor the meet this year, ut ed lto c-nilhis life Ie ws. botn in
ttlrl' and Saniger the negivei~ of there are tosoruny attractions Of this Nesv York tit years age. Het grid
lle r tt ie quesionl:Rtbsolved. Tiatifthe !le- sol thero toiay iell, the nillig is tunted 01tIte Nirmail in'58 a1111 :t1tie
All gr i stoi of the senate ini reetiiig te pro- thinik, and for this nias)-i Sagg will tUnivelsity i 'i. .Ie thn taught at
C hocoltes psised reilly o arnbitration ctV probably nettog oDetroit Strshall, Codwter,P diri ('hien,
C ~ r Great Britain anid tieUtied States algin, The dual meiet with Illinois Is fi., ad TolodiS. ll-lio. Oce le was
was15wise" he Itndges owere Iorfe se5 -hleil for f biea'. t o ilt. 11ch i-itov of thetColdwiatir Ieputblian.
Fresh every- week. sois Mecieimia1111Bogle, and .11".. F. for tis.,reason ('tplaiii talhliiiii ssais Inli170Ile Owas leted tolis tpreent
Only in packages- IKelley le laler filling Ille vacancy io take his teani a),ay for telii ihi. lpositin. Ii 1863 lii'gi lried MBiss
60c a pound. c-usdl by the absenocetf Mr. Sass yer u et t( nser- iie 'i1hmaBlackmiamn. of Iowa, wo dr-
Lowney's if you Tedcso to agrls:wt
prefer. The iteindsoouintr is nh i iticed to comie sitDor t ting if vies bim.(Of his fiiur hilrea, taul
10; Ilarrison secondu, it1toild(est r a trillI, itinprospect. bine or 1110 Chiii.gV,.the Olest, is111w5 511 is 'ay
PLMER'S PHARMACY. tirtd , ;Iwiali 8; Hurrey. S; 11111 cogichiigaim gamles will potioacitsst 155the Dlon trail to te Kin01
Itileillfrllk, 24. 'I.he Alph."l ii 0011 li'pliaedt in LDeroit at the so-uetie.ii dike. t'nest B. is speriitenden't of
tie detotte, lihe' decisinitaiiilg Al- the ay City Indsrial sorks, and
pha Nil 50, and Adihihi 52. Board Favors an Amendment. Wiltter andot Mabel are ill hisme. ill.
p w~~e Ater the debate all thurspeaker oil Perry ws oviuiei by eeryboy. Hle
TH S NOBBYJD S UIS thu University dteal'met anid ii-s l' he Boaril of Control htsi leciued to dail it lieiles 11n1115a15i.kid amd
for places for the final o'be hbeld.Jan-.laiopt all the rules as hripocd ty the thogthtfu ia111.
Ilf il TE TI'Ri8.Thilels swill take' thu tilinntive i-iifOielle heltI in Chicag the ay f-
M IAR HET iOR, atl 1b1 folioswtng order: W. tB. Itairi- ti-c the Thaksgivinlg gmieiex-op t For Charity's Sake.
STATE STREET. stn i. W.Sanger aid E. L. Iesnuraer. 6.110 ih ~e tsard thiniks that1 there
'The negatiye uillbhuehallploneih by is 0111' iefet in hhis rle wshiih silulli 'ho -Htostital irle of King.
1. u:. Witin, 'I' A. Berkeile, and teremeded. Tie ruile is that "nou Datghters is entering on Its o.'ond
I) F.Dillon.'The judges,,will belit- shileit 0111111e regar-deil as a 11(-n-ear f work. This organization
ATEN -THATE. lolni oil ater. hl:'of tny teamii of a uiisittuiill eo-h_ ives assistance toineey patients a
N IG H T!~I __ esulteut i ths nomfeere11s''iis bei'rhtheiverity losital. tiry hper-
T O EN G T T - Resolutions. I a,, playu' t. a lest one hal gaie sosCome there for areatalen wvh
( i;;iaht oe0110 thiifnlstitutions cril'-are either witotitany money to ay
-heeas.l i "P Ihro'iuhitie efforts uf the osenteul ' The boarudthimks tht bei- listrd, or who hae nItohsufcliiat
D U D . N O I tity amd Oratrical A - oth~itoi tie this' uods ore haltg-atitu' sitoii-i -fund. to remnain as lolii as is abso-
theustuhet mbtody f the tUniversiy leaduboIin sertedt-thii'wodi," a poritoll,:.f lutely nmus-ary Iosuieecsfulreo-s
The Prince of hlgcans end Ex- hhu' tpleasure of listemning to anadress 'l't1s i'hiamgeu' 5ilil itiawasiyoithh 1' 'm.Tlie tosiutal irle expemded
pounder of the Black Art. by !ir. Joseph Jefferson, tout , itu tis in1 0this- rmiii as it stads last year $t885 In ieiohg sichi Pesos,
Prices,-....25c SOc and 75c. Whemes, 'Phe memses of the '98 ratlrom mgt olls fur 00ll 'mgthi of andlut ttli hveutstd ot'S 11511.
jlawso ulass aiulroit e the tuesfts ue-I ime less thanims ahalf gooe nd111still lumds am-c'edd.mls'lo tnce his uary si
his-sdiifrommiheorimg sichi enliiu~.mi n. e coniduereu s ot a5memer11-1ouf i . this work.
I hiu mfomu he it 15110. IO .aniuy 801,1 98,I.Eugene
Just Receved a Large ansi Elegant RIslvseid,'limtIlitheI lawcltss x-Fildiu's dug-htr, SIiss ,lary field,
in.e of Ne'w Pipes TIoe hu -lei thanmks to -he Fety road-tm Rubs It Into Michigan. oill gieis- -rading fromt hr fatheir's
lit and Cold lunches at all hours AgentsliOratileto Issoiatismi tor the rae 01-soirks, litt tnisvrsity Hltll, fr tie
for Hunyler's and Williams and Werners Cu. eicm liiiit to near Mn. Jeftersoni, andt t itt itrecenrop('iy (f. Nithi estwi- niefoiit of tiihesHa itl f'i -e. Sole
Chacolate Son Sons. Ithtteclass-emtetaiti-the hops'eit ialWekly applerd t'tu'folowng tt ti 5 hiit ~ult5urc t ouii
R. B- . JO L ILY & CO. te sudents of the t'nive rsity musy lu: - will tlsis e song. Tit-kets on this
""8;south State Street. tive the privilegse Imanuy timies in the h~ th is mowv our titte to remtintd michi- uoiisIaiaiemt are 25 'lOt; fr sale
unttlre of, listening to such prolmimetgatiihiat it is the letter as wslias chefti'NIll Noco's -hall.
"e 'spirit of t ieleru s that shle flioud
ABA Y.ARD0W YSF..N.Obeuy in athltcs. Bgym i1two WllPtItewSas
Ft-l 111ED W. I'. ShA-Il - un llt- ea11110thaniksgisving ay itilPtinlwSas
.4A'RTTItLi .. hasi'Yviolariiimmof tte same rus thit uhm'it- Atittuholaysiuttiinnehl
3 amor. of '53hiss- Class. sedty steit literal i1111 r aon llwe iu tihe ltoweisr loll rof IUniv'sity
fromour thar.Puotherha tout n5a11l ,uioi1n21 sillhut' ablu't uenjy a little co-
SGraduate Club Election. Iuluuurh~utst a lism Oltfort sotile lis'timg to entu'tainmmi-s.
Bo s te R ter'-incosistenc-y. Yea. T .-ofuL I.Nuisoone~r had te audtiettOf the
o~ks fo the Iol I*After'Prof, Worcester's addru-gssbetie- oe110other fellows ox is ord .tuIf'ersomt mecuptiont i-lrins}0thie mll,
foda thyGaduteClub Wedoesrnd'y you, exhuressgrettsolictitisoi itsertie thin a force'Oifwin wsenturi to take
All the new holiday books. Floe indinnrsiightthe clots had a lusiness vmut-ren- csc swording of te rule, bisit nhi'ut out teits'leuttst 11s, hichm.ini'rIt e
and oos In sets are now on view Innor t've
stores Ing for tie pupose of filling three sa- 3-str ownO bestsn ltroacso3-sinri--eplai-u'byith13 eu~rs. ITi'floour sill e
toots weenever so cheapcseirie in the stff of slficers amdpinii-ile- is to strethmyour tuoiint usumtIou i isnrli ii ea oti a
seu spcial pr-e:twfetlwritteeathnths
()has Dana Glbsone Ln on - It a 75 loctling uelegates to tihe' aeetiog 011111it can ie seen hhrught frsom~-Iai ui' u istloh oluo
Chan. Dana Gihou's Pturaes of Peole a 7 en n i'ob t -t icie
Chas. Oanes GihsssDrawings - 37 01 theok-t"uderautisui uif Graduate ve'ry himlues.lh)lane 10 the fromtwithoututh suries
% us Ydl ulusrated- - - 7 'ls Wic-i-el i-U
Wplens0 an yoFar. . . tl' sshih s-ieItt il2C0.of 51115es at Ilee. ln.'! 4{b4
Itsglc'sPrs rr o te ea 11 O' ~durin he hlidays. SMiss Thu rugultr Snmtyulaitocing iia tund ouufott
Outer'Stres of Fos Opeoras-- - t5Ainute Hillwas elected vhee president, iWedtesda-y even-iing mieetings f thetu' I - . i~le oira chtairs will e
LIlIan Bl's A Gir's Point ot,ew-- uz a, I''. Sunderlan ud, secretary aud trewss- Sumslu'ts' 'htuisito Asecil t imut will like elhtngerute iirtheu'gallery be-
B5pelal discount us entire stot ofHoluiday uu r, autO.7Lewis Carson ine-uben of t" IlOntilliledt ttrugithtie vcltion. lr h a ~i~
~i~i~v a'u'~ m e etive -commoitee. The score-'Mr. J. 1. rl~ros, 01flPrincetonmtlvir-
,i MVBO K STOR iy,3Mr. Suderlatnd, wasehotsent cltywill spoit nexht udy utorutitg The receipts IfromutPennsylva-ui
00 Tows Down Town -h~ 'ate-atlarge to represent tie ou the subject, "Young iug en:'Th't- football gadones sn Franklin tield ;his
Ann Aror main 55. 51ruilign Ghadate Club at (bleogo. Fault~s, tFights, and tFailurs." year were oresth ian $t000tt.

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