000 aaa aaaa~YaaYI'~~1iy G R EA T H A T SA LE I H L E '
Uses glass plates and ta 0 x nhs $500 Youmans Hat, now - - - - $3.8
good pictures, 3/O/5m $4.00 Roelofs Hat, now - - - - - -$358 STORE
0VIVE $5.0 & $7 50. $30 oeofs Fats, nowv - - - - - - $250 46 5S ain Street.
A newscheme for crry5ing :! 200 Stiff Hats,nfow------- -------- ------ -------$150
1.0s0lae ihmtpae- $0 edr t,13W - -- - - - PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY
rf r ~~ as $301)Fedora Hatr,no - - - - - - $19
CRESCENT, $200 150 Fedora Hats, now----------- ---------- ------$100 and get the bet service.
Makes pctases 3 in.s cooe 0,A TINKER S NDffcean0Sabe,32Foes
S Anew cheaparera htwlll Tblehne106Foe.
takeootral and rou ca hange / No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Av.Tlhoe0.
s for a etter oar i you wish. ____________________________________ Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
10 That tell tll aort them foe 0 a9 naddss. P'-:l i Capital Stock, 6.00.S rlts, $155,
the aslking. ipond /.84S~rqn r. iesos ce. S,ii,li.-
-ux_-l ~aaP~ ateSuder the General Pankng Laws
/ i.ecageRG, Is lisisaon; of tis State. Recetves deposits, has and
aererNos ok. :l als xcane nthe principalitief s of the
IAIIFJI' PHARMACY / - r-----I- United States. Drafts cashed uopn proper
o e7IUU%~lY Idetiication. Safety depsit oes to rent.
j r Q Id n o zpt errooss: Christian Mak Pres. W.13
.massaaaaaaasaasaaaaaaarraamas, .Vice-Pes.: Chas E. iiscock
p saa .aomaca.oo-soo saor ICashier: .M.S. Frit Assitnt Cashier.
Organied 163
Y UD ress Suit Canvas, Leteo ,toecapital, $ti0,00. Surplus-and Preofts, $40,00
Leater, ew Sylesand Transacts a general iankineibssines.
LeaterINO ~t~esandForeign exchange boght andau tld. Furnish
Trimmings, Largest Stockle..ttesNof Pre. itiiIO tLE
S.ity9, .,CLARISON. Cashier.ePrs
Perhaps CYOU _________LrgstSt___.__._____ Tes nRRBG s
HAEYUSEEN THOSE SILK HAT BOXES------------ hanirtf5~Itnk
H av ,-mmo. Iliais n ndluron: Streets.
G OOD P(ED S:Cpial 035,118. Srplus 510,50. Trasat
QOODS EED'Sgeneral anking husines.
fiiii tt'riiei 1 o t anSret tRsieF rPer., CF. Or anE, Vice r
al partictlfiedortonln Sot anSre.FE.I. Bis, Cshiser
branee. What cldible equalStdnsCueTohe 1:i:ii:lr:: i IoVTe' Cocae.
to basing that box filletd with LMod'sihoolals
IVI ~.)I EA~jLL LI oslor ('t Ino wlii:'thi lean, theIi:'Ieli 1i::'lis 51 TUTTISE'S, 48 . Sate St.
Chocolates and Bon Bons. i'itsais 1: :i:111i'l.I' listllil eti nh 'nes b ily"llopellT KEItsE -Z
O n44oc n4r -h tlt ub reetypoo dbyElegant Ioxee and afew elabo- 'hiii' u'se tl oi it:'ail l ies ii l:I:li Il:.tolr llOliFe :1 ii'URle
rate ones, packed neatly, 1 i7 re beinig d:l'iverd:I ly iD. Vlgli:ii igs.I tOFM l
all sizos, to Ito eent by iltil i l't ire 1 ottifplrin:itl'd lby plyi'i:'idis :r The . 31, 1'M . . 'ht'l~:sLt, ei .. ''iiilSPOONS R PINS.
anti guaranteed to 1p1eas0 the ui':i:':i l s'ten 1ts. 3 lienat ils' 11:.- risern eit::'la wsAi liiid Iby A i)
mostd~isIininattniat::vl. ii::- Subjetl will Ii:' ''hu's '""OLD, 1t LEADING EWELER.
E. v. HAN GSIERFER, ihigreti':s'si iflieu: ;tud soli- pryer ein s illbe::'ld:a, Is i1
Confectionery of every :descipiton. ]aiN vly Pce ilec~.o
COB. 4TH &WASH. 2650., STATE. riei: 'i butll ,iiiiiii e~, e- ,eiii':itoi'slil'sloThree lisibt' 5 1 R . 1J
tX5'l't' l i i anr l toys:5(r1' :tsin oiii'iI:'hoil. lt 't tt eri 1.' "ilsly ltht', FsIrest:'Sttigart Conservtory, Germa:ny.
Weioo i'ltIle''iit. itlls Itn 111"It' ' *,22 S. DIVISION ST.
Attl ei'tiiri'1141 e k Iit1 00 1::I Ho~ts oifun. 1ii . tliut iifori'2 'i'l . lst Rece ied aLarge antiEleant
MiAN ES TO OlODE:1t iltig,1D:. \'lttg;iaiit tllli4llit:'i't 11 hIttltil Nveliy 1Co.. 3l i't n eaborn si :1..fine of NOW PiPGS 1
ly tere 'rei n i eI ssti istin l:liis'' iI .I lHt andt tldi L tnchtes ii all ossAents
WOM N ndMENS "'lt ir eiissitlO' .'i'lttofi 11 1)11:iiig f nsilayler sand wilit ims atS leusc.s
ii s's ii 1111(5 Cocolate Bon tBons
Easy Fitting Shoes in all te t hestiiii es 11:1 1 hait itti" t w ili l l 11'1ii 1 15:5 'l o
Latest Styles I cililsIIs good > r1 ightto i : 1t ion! o'It 5itiisttiii. 'isl~il i: R.E.'..J'OLLY & CO.
sti is seliti'.II 1:' 'ttle is og l 'I' il ''1 li ti dNiss \:'1'ti i lso 20S. State St. Sager Bock.
Bet Place f.g r "t it 'Stdeits lt'itili'li ' .1 iter hi''1: ll
htil :i t 'ttd. Admilssinltic;tGroceries, Provisions
foAl lt:stti i' :1 it. totd' c10 oule 'ai i all kinds of Sanitarium
Repairing I hi t ottlie to11'Isshow Xthe sill) ti' ii tF~it lit 1111': oods for sale St
ear '50 i ctel'tsy. Dri'. t tluI 4ltnli1111' (ii't:Sis ltr' iNXti Stlnsori. & Co.,
1 ly iiii~ii Sttilklyt'5ttlli5 hu i 310's Shoilitr tilt . 111(' atit'l ,I30 5 S A E T
and iliJu nito si' 't. Altth lt'e ror Iliii( ('11iI'.AClo 8110 SP))111. ANOALL THE PHOTORAPHER M
\ ]astuitie to be it iti . no t r yets i Ii Alain t. si R W ashington Block,
siget, tor dda lt i)'embeir ofit5'he iAnn Arbor.
.-41 l St. - Up Stairs itu)stso 1fa lis1in 0s ow, put ini lilt rthI t. otatbi'le :t ird . ,111)y3'it LTTO M). SIiAVINO PARLORSand Bath-
. Sa/e al~'drn hell . li ,o v. Main -ma All appointments ftrst clas.
ii rie 15 ~ ii illr 5/ ots 1t.Imported and domestic clgars. Lades' artis-
A ~ t n ( u e , Dr. h'uigh~:llude ,t "this lc 'c tie,$ n ', tracBa, tic haus' dressing4 and attig parlors, up
HEADQUARTERS yOu of Coutesy'"' oiltill paitIof Ill) senilolsI light a'd :1 liti 21) SIigals st.
TfH~kI Valses, ress uit Cses U ' a eta isicCasket peandy.ineGradet
TukYlssDrsSutCssDOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? Cofins. ~ aSelst.N.1
'Trunks and Valises Rtepairedl Neatly andYRE STROL NO M KFU ER&HX N
'' UrTailr! .No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys-
Yo rT io !AWhite Light-Borne freely to the last drop of oil in the lamp A Slash In rie s. rashort
Have you seen those nobsby -Clear as spring water-10c per gallon-Delivered in our cans, PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
Suite Milward i turning out. promptly-Sold only by
XILWARD 40 State St. 44 South Main Street. 22S. State at, Over Roseys Billiard oon.