N1 i I
0Pen IEvenings
S asCa uts, Overcoats, Hatsp, and all the
newest Men's FurnishingIj
@ yG C o . mitliiNw i li I i ]).i4t 11 in f~l
it. it' n tt~ t f... I ii ii 1 t
121-123 Main streetWADHAMS RYAN & RE VIE.
ni' of joy ' great at j
Lk ike t,.:the cremation ofat
; a M'Y *. igartt. But 1'h ti ii t l t o ii -i' ltoi t " iii'i i iii ii t
the :nd _i i3y in inking th't I it i ii rat! t n th hie i Ii rkitet i A
iake ._> want toincinerae Iti t iei IiTtiE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS +
tanotter Peace, t he ashs ill thie i g it. i ii ll vii hii'i'ihittti i-t i'iiii ++
of .1both. Mnrp n - orn it i a Owi i 1) iit. e lit ltt titi liltnnr +
/ ,Ten PEr 15-. i lt1
lPlain and Cork Tip. 4 S. W. BURCI-FIELD t
C 4-6-44-+1i1ii1ihini-i I.i i'is *Ii* - ++ Ii o .i 5EE '"If . .. .
A( .of M Students Wanted Change of Oui es j ~Clo
B ro s , ast. uitttur Ih nta tiLCl01 II' I ' h Iiriiii shi { :1ti,1i N. IiS E E
e ctiilA he e u ti . i~t iuljett u c t i r n ih iitile-t l f IIIi i 13 t i,, i' hn 1 1, 11:
TRJ°E o w lt'th t fr he outng,'u lulr h s old (,Il iiri 1 ,i i
a ball, Fjic Iri ckey, Official intiiii.ebut prtty mini ii's a . i ni nIii nd ie l ,tv it
thetic Implement, Lawn att. andtaaritesort iii ii ~in mi silhi et - ii
'___i__e Itnto fte n n ~ in i ll !ita l ili t'li l 1 t
e tianalo iueof ait Attic Sicet'. to itieuieti- tikc ii i'"ni'ainiii' 'ii Ih itsi'd i i Io iii ' iii I i fo i Ca pus Drug Store.
41 ilsitt're io any Addres.c ii t it iin i- i ' i
" Ai DING & BROS. den. ielp. (tin'iii'' it in . Clhi" iithl a-r" t'l ,il_______________________h_____
3< 111Ci-,iiot e atiner Bufao it the il id t a-h it' ittl' ,'r, V110' fo tarlri0 I tiu
__ __ _ __tltli'liiii'imllorA ITe ~
he s C a m T e , W urlr t iit .ligt'.ll'tft l tied lit tpioi l tie Il t i i ' I_'\..'..II.I
Ilra.vte ei er ih hmud'tit ihfoi r iw' a fi un ds li it'li. s o. h n tl t' itiiis t t.itnFOR
ite vtilt re GameutpDreccedr I ____ up____________ I'd--f-
Fi nd at ervedpting hickn atall-s. daetavtheiotiii, ,,ll etit ti frti lic .1111 l iihgliii
rdetuiti hugreom in the city t t tn otv X i~i t Sit.t t i- ulr l ankitt mati "ihe Itt' l atvii neral oittAt i
be strecord is our guarante: iiatX15 n0 n ' aostile L ( v llLibrar'y. (N C N ,I1
eii;TS 'ITH'E (VATF.IERS V''sttui 2Mtlwitta ir ri.i ___________________
INir l~t . i. tisiligt iliatc -A' it. iti-tt ta ftii -l-ti tnt u 'th<i'at lt n td tl" f i i nest is nAP j H os t l neu tt cied i i t et ad1
NEW TERl.M idaa t 1ale'.l i fit ltin .ctS"4TiALLEN'." TURKISH CIARETTES and PIPES
13 1 Ia 1 9StANISHlt ' .rbogt ttthe-cit.
an 0 B Selitzet i iLti.Practielt_i uer 1ASOVEIL II. FINE tLUNCHIES in coeietinua
(iRANGER'S of the languag aaquired itt six T' 1 il1tilAN ,tIAI ILl Evrythigneit adilletan
School For Dancing mnths. THtAD E. LIA\NI. I nlitrtitr5ttn jeSoSuth State St. R. E. JOLLY.
Gts 731 TotpnptS. YELIOh ND '1111
' td ?lor, 312 Maynard Street,II,(i-ttifuftivtle-pae forLi tI oh} CANYOU ANCEI
Gtota n ttee gtt' Xvit Iilt i- hi n v-Armiigv-ftr iultttl andtt u1 'a C AI'eJ IA N ~
TUit TA'. (r3S- ' .ANN AII-tI 11tS1( 0111 t N T
UIL ---'091 11 Fatst a- hlietioiiiiwt. You can learn to dance for $3.00
Fresh Ailiegrettit Cho ite at Cush at the UnvrsitySho ofDnig
rOWFy'S (O(LA nShgs Pharmacy. iit ace liii : Snier State Street, Monday and Wednes-
338 s. State St. AT ALLEN'S. ROSEY'S
HI1 OO.G RA PHIS! Suit Cases for Men Suit Cases for Women ' Billiard Parlors
ON A Good Case for $3; A Better Case for $4 Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.
SEYMOUR STUDIO All Leather Cases for $5 ________________iSt
16S.Man t.VARSITY B tRBER SHOP, We are the Suit Case Center IT BARBER~ SHOP
r is tctCEsa. N. F. ALLEN, Men's Outfitter, Main Street. AND BATlitOOmS Cgac Tibacs
1 iAS L. PETRZIE, Prop. __________________ 11 1. lf no.4T
ThI e W.CKern Co,! Randall
~iyjfy~7j47~.~j411 E. 57th St., Chicago.TH
ord tner tand1ritited.h
*ry ,lfl"n -' ir thi'mithi'- z relm it i
ne1, 'p-Astock.
- S s _ 3.,..' 51- i 2.SE)DFOR CATrALO GU E
121 E. Washington Street