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April 02, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

… SPOI[I 'M' baseball opens conference season Planes, rains and automobiles with 'M' Coach Mike Boyd Women netters open season * Vote in today's city elections 4 ARTS Animation makes a deal with the devil 9 irrnlai Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 2, 1990 CopyrightO 1990 The Michigan Daily Tokers crowd Diag for 19th Bash by Sarah Schweitzer Due to a last-minute court rulin...…

April 03, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 ARTS 5 SP .h..,...... .~ 'ORTS 8 Readers take over Only love can break your heart 0 'M' hosts EMU doubleheader itiu u tixil Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 3, 1990 The MichigaDa ________________________Michigan___Daily Dems. *Council by Josh Mitnick Daily City Reporter gain seat Democratic challenger Thais Peterson scored an upset victory in yesterday's city counc...…

April 04, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

….v. .. .. :. .; ..... ,,,x .... .. . .. .. N.... OPINION 4 ARTS Rag du jour 5 SPORTS 8 Vote ACTION in MSA elections World Cup committee visits Ann Arbor Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 4, 1990 ig, Di l heMihianDaO House stalls on *'right to ie *11 LANSING (AP) - A long- awaited agreement allowing people to appoint a patient advocate to make medical decisions for them sh...…

April 05, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 ARTS * , e 8 SPORTS 10 Join in HAC rally Jazz piano maestro does his thing Baseball team tops EMU eirigaulail Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom !. Vol. C, No. 124 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 5, 1990 CopyrightO 1990 The Mic hioan flail. MSA voting7run . a hitc 5 f / 5. by Daniel Poux Daily MSA Reporter Students have only one day left to vote in the Spring elections for the Michigan Student Assembly. The...…

April 06, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

….flS.A iM~flyd M E~.4.-......iS2W ...*,.....,..i...~m } fI .. ti .._ ..... C.:.. ....... .:. .. ..:. '. i .4. ~... WeekendMaga We Drugs on campus: a special report ARTS 8 SPORTS 10 Men's gymnastics to compete in NCAA East Regionals Twelve filthy musicians '",:' ,t" ,.?>:: o-;:n :: rs. - .;: :';-o:o ;;;r.;:;:+"::c: >: :vsxv:::r::..,.y,""._:".:;":":::::">::<"::^ x'r..ys;r f"::.:::;;>:o-a :v:kh "">'?a;>:rrxst:>'o:;;>::<?: >kw:::o :: ...…

April 09, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…M illi ........... ig gg SPOILII Gymnasts fail to qualify for NCAA championships . Profile of 'M' catcher Julie Cooper Baseball and softball supplements OPINION Don't infringe upon a professor's rights 4 ARTS Keanu Reeves with a beard 8 4irnla Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 126 Ann Arbor, ihgan -Monday, April9,1990 The *aiy 6,500 turn out #for MSA elections by Daniel Poux Daily MSA Reporter Over 6,500 students tu...…

April 10, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…OPINION .v $ w .. , s ,+ { :: : 4 ARTS 5 SPORTS Softball team attempts sweep of EMU 9 MSA elections: A job well done Seattle as center of the universe kiuulaitt Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom i wI Vol. C, No. l/7 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 10, 1990 CopyghtO 1*99 rn vrce r0 an uany r Students halt toxic spray in Dana Bldg. Passover begins In celebration of the first night of Passover, first-year student...…

April 11, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…is m - .:":::::., ... '.iiiii.: .\iii iii: ,:i~i: w::. :::.: ::::l :r.,. .. .....:,. ....u.". .\\+.. k ". ":. .......................................................................................,,.'... OPINION Exxon shirks duties 4 ARTS N The devil inside 5 SPORTS 9 Hockey team elects next season's captains ?4Xti '' Si a x§8Ri c2.*2 ' . .ti". "' . ;? :: .a r~ .,,, G;<: . ':x:;t+>,"w.},f;.+ %Yr.? .'w: ' +, :, , s k a >. 1 e 41v 41W...…

April 12, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…..................... ' ......:ii yy .. \ OPINION 4 ARTS Alice's restaurant 5 SPORTS Baseball team clobbers Titans 9 A big mess Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 12, 1990 D w w _ .- Michigan_ Higgins leaves for NBA, skips Group human attacks rights senior season violations by Mike Gill Daily Basketball Writer Michigan basketball coach Steve Fisher has lost the final imp...…

April 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…zjpeciai report AimvAn tne AtflCuepa Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 13, 1990 The Mhigan Day G.D.R. Bush rejects moves *towards reform EAST BERLIN (AP) - East Germany's Parliament chose Lothar de Maiziere as prime minister yester- day and embraced his sweeping Sagenda for quickly uniting the foundering nation with West Ger- many. The nation's first freely elected legislature also ...…

April 16, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 131 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 16, 1990 CopyrghtQi1990 The MichiganDaily From slurs to threats, harassment takes many forms at 'U' __ ME_ _u_ a/_- -- by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter UJan. 5,1989 - A Black woman returns from break to find "Blacks are great; I think everyone should own one," written on her residence hall door. *Aug. 29, 1989 - A man ap- proaches a...…

April 17, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 ARTS ...... .... ,.. . ., 5 SPORTS 9 U Baseball team plays two vs. Minnesota Fresh hopes for MSA Today's weather . k . ..,.....<:."" ....:;'...... .:......:>..".;::: >.....:Y::Y:>*.;>:..,.'...<.::..<:,:...........:..::::.:.:...::.n:<.::,.: Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 132 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 17, 1990 TheMhigan Subtle by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter harassment: how often i...…

April 18, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4.ARTS 5 SPORTS * City should house homeless, no..harass them * Lingering ol Blue Eyes * Notre Dame bumps off men's tennis Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 133 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 18, 1990 Tehtg ' 0 Undefined procedures hamper 'U' departments by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter The lack of standardized proce- dures for handling harassment com- plaints prevents the University from...…

April 19, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPINION 4 ARTS 5 SPORTS Sluggers take on Spartans 9 Rally for Soviet Jewry Poetry demands unemployment : ...t," .v..;.+c Wi iw '£YS .f~ .'.}\\ ...u+... k '*. +,?'+.;'5" ','".'"'+,' ,'i+,,..' t' Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Copyright-1990 Vol. C, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 19, ...…

April 20, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~rv; .. a . . x....F. a:.....*.,** . . ....,.n:..,.,..1,..,.. ,'1S~i3f x n 1 :8 n'nKo.a.. 4 .. ... OPINION Support Mapplethorpe 4 ARTS A Ray of hope 9 SPORTS 12 'M' football ready for Spring Game ,... : t.:: { . .... :::. ....gti.' w '+.. :..sue- : i .. + +.-:., ., , ?ys ok, ... . .. ... : _.. ;. :; .. _..... :;.3... .k..,.....:.c t .. ' 3h' 'if;.3\ ' ': ': t.'.e''.' .'+ ...…

April 23, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

… . , ., .x ter, gym. , .-e : ap i *:-". ' i> .. ..' r wwu. «.. . .. Ord .., ... * E'ght is enough for 'M' p footbal! future Spring football gamL: A whit :,h * Women's softball takes out uroomns against NW °H i i ARTS * n t be afrid of the G, kinety-isrianai Ninety- nine years of editorial freedorn Vol. C, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 23, 1990 Copyriglt© 1990 The Mich;ian Daily . . .. .... . ................................…

April 24, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…a . 'm*"~~~". . . . ..C'.le :.Y.:. .....................,...... M.,.f.'.".'...""".& OPINION 4 ARTS 5 SPORTS 10 s MSA should axe *its recognition process 0 Albany Softball team faces Western Michigan e Midtganailt! Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 24, 1990 TheMchigan Gaps exist among by Mark Katz Daily Minority Issues Reporter The University is graduating cer- tain minority group...…

April 25, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…. . .. . .............,,.....!...f....... ,...................A....t...r...G...tC................................................................................................................ OPINION Opinions 4 ARTS 10 SPORTS 15 Brrrrr! Women's softball played yesterday Nly-ieo anyesfetil Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom r 40 Vol. C, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 25, 1990 Copyrigh© 1990 Tr Mcinn-aI 'U' G...…

April 01, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Why E... Bo leaves Tigers, will coach OSU football. See SPORTSmonday Page 1. . .e , t . tt ti TODAY Look out the window TOMORROW Don't you get it? We're as. clueless as you are. One year of non-editorial freedom Vol. Cl, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 1, 1991 ht 419a1 thcihgnld Mayoral, be decided council posts to at by Lynn Cohn Daily City Reporter The day is finally here. The cam- paign struggles, debates, and speeches a...…

April 02, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…M/ly / Some tips for the new MSA administration. See OPINION Page 4. 1£.xrruu4r E Tj~~fAjj TODAY Sunshine, chilly; High: 48, Low: 29. TOMORROW Sunshine, then clouds; High: 56, Low: 38. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 124 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 2, 1991 Copyright VZ991 The Michigan Daily Annw:,, Arbor ::. Cii~ii i.-i~ii ......* . .*iiiii i ity Elec in Results i0 ' :::. :atle" .::: .:::i:.: :.:.: :: : .% . I. :::::.::"::: .:... y ....…

April 03, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Samples don't sample. See ARTS Page 8. 1£. tE4 -l NNE TODAY Sunny, warmer; High: 58, Low: 30. TOMORROW Chance of rain; High: 63, Low: 43. Since 1890 Chalker *receives $450 for legal fees by Julie Foster Daily MSAFReporter_ With Michigan Student Assembly President Jennifer Van Valey casting the tie-breaking vote, MSA approved a funding request for $450 to partially compensate LSA junior Todd Ochoa's legal fees. Ochoa was charged with "...…

April 04, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…Hash Bash may be fun, but it isn't political activism. See OPINION Page 4. c ,tItt i TODAY Chance of rain; High: 62, Low: 44. TOMORROW Becoming cloudy; High: 64, Low: 43. Since 1890 Vol. CI, No. 126 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday April 4, 1991 CheyrightnC1991 I GEO, 'U' bar gai with state mediator by Stefanie Vines Daily Faculty Reporter After two months of unsuccess- ful negotiation sessions, members of the Graduate Employees Organizati...…

April 05, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…W/11 D A look at Michigan's women's athletic department. See WEEKEND. tCvuu41a TODAY Chance of rain; High: 63, Low: 46. TOMORROW Mostly sunny; High: 67, Low: 44. Since 1890 cuv 9et uZ1991 Vol C, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 5, 1991 ,he ~M~cran Day d~pj e t E E ,tB u s h ma y s p e a k cermo thtyas el inthw eotatibrtytodisusxBuh' by Henry Goldblatt~ tY P Prsiet eog Bshmy pektat'oUnvrstyPesdetJaesscutyrasn A Deroi teevison tato...…

April 05, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…0 0 0 Why I Joined the Biker Mob With the weather turning warm, it's time for me to haul out my bike. Since I get runny noses a lot, if I tried to ride through the frigid winter wind I would run a serious risk of Death by Mucous. But now, with the weather getting warm again, biking is the fastest and most convenient way to travel. Of course, biking also has its NATHA X minuses, such as certain death. T But if you want to-get somewhere qu...…

April 08, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…Michigan tennis supplements. See SPORTSmonday Pages 4 and 5. Since 1890 j 9 3W TODAY Breezy, cloudy, rain; High: 74, Low: 48. TOMORROW Cloudy cooler; High: 64, Low: 36. Vol. Cl, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 8,1991 ; e Police Bush visit prompts identify accident "Vc tim by Jesse Snyder Daily Staff Reporter * Ann Arbor police have identified the body of the jogger killed by a hit-and-run driver last Thursday near the int...…

April 09, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… S Trwl DE Heeding the lessons of a jogger's death See OPINION Page 4. ail EAT TODAY T-storms likely; High 73, Low 45. TOMORROW Rain showers; High 60. Low 36. Since 1890 Copyghts1991 V ol. CI, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 9, 1991 the Mihigan Daly Kurdish refugees flee from Iraq NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Iraqi helicopter gunships have been firing on Kurdish refugees as they try to flee, a Kurdish rebel group said yes- terday, a...…

April 10, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…=hyIN 1DE. The devil made Shaw do it. See ARTS Page 5. e t Y ttX 'EAT1soER TODAY Partly cloudy; High: 58, Low: 48. TOMORROW Partly sunny; High: 52, Low: 38. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 10, 1991 Toyight 1991 Wednesday, April Teihgn iy Gorbachev MSA moves *proposes halt in nationwide strikes, rallies MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, saying he was trying to avert a national "catast...…

April 11, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…Michigan baseball beats Central, 11-4. . See SPORTS Page 10. 41v 144& t Ian 7471 Apmowr"- TODAY Sunshine, but cool; High: 53, Low: 32. TOMORROW Cloudy, rain; High: 50, Low: 40. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 131 Ann Arbor, MichigAan - Thursday, April 11, 1991 The Michigan daily T T /"V - U.s. tells * Iraq to. stop aid blockage Associated Press Officials said yesterday that growing numbers of Kurdish refugees are dying despite interna- tional ef...…

April 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Will Michigan's Greeks undergo a U-Va .-style drug bust? See WEEKEND. 1£.l~tu~ubr TODAY Cloudy, lae rain; High: 48, Low: 40. TOMORROW Rain; High: 57, Low: 42. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 132 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 12,1991ohitg01991y 'U' confirms Bush will address by Henry Goldblatt Daily Administration Reporter The wait is finally over. The University announced yesterday that President George Bush will speak at the University'...…

April 12, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…S 0 0 :f Could it happer: A look at why drug busts a to plague Michigan's Gree] 4 You Cranked. You Conquered. With Your Zenith Data Systems PC. You aced the test. And beat the deadline on that report by two days. A great week all the way around. And tonight, you deserve to enjoy yourself. But it won't last long. Another paper's due next week. Good thing you have your PC. From Zenith Data Systems, of course. - Find out about our special s...…

April 15, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…Why E... Michigan baseball sweeps Illinois. 'ee SPORTSmonday Page 1. 1£. t WETE TODAY Chance of t-storms; High: 64, Low: 50. TOMORROW More showers; High: 54, Low: 42. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 133 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Monday, April 15, 1991 GEO endorses tentativ ( for this by Stefanie Vines Daily Faculty Reporter Members of the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) have endorsed a three- day work stoppage from Wednesday through Friday if ...…

April 16, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…Why DE.. Seagal takes out the trash. See ARTS Page 5. IEIUU1UI TODAY Mixed clouds and sun; High: 60, Low: 39. TOMORROW Partly sunny; High: 84, Low: 42. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No.134 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 16, 1991 The Michna 'U, offers GEO new pact, threatens T by Stefanie Vines Daily Faculty Reporter In a surprise move at yesterday's mediation session, University bar- gainers presented a new package to members of the Graduat...…

April 17, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…miNSD.. New proposals for the environment are promising.. See OPINION Page 4. 1 4v 4v t!gan:4 vrtili WE AT H ER TODAY Sun, some clouds; High: 59, Low: 38. TOMORROW Sun, then clouds; High: 64, Low: 42. Since 1890 Vol. CI, No. 135 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 17, 1991 , c l99l p The Michian Daily GEO approves threeday strike 'U'will TAs conside call roll extension of for TA strikers Strike to all by Henry Goldblatt by Stefanie Vines...…

April 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Railroad Jerk doesn't suck. See ARTS Page 8. Jr4iriaulu TODAY Mostly sunny; High: 62, Low: 40. TOMORROW Cloudy, rain likely; High: 59, Low: 44. Since 1890 Vol. Cl. No. 136 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 18, 1991 and EO clash f' bq I ~over strike turnout by Stefanie Vines press statement. "As of late yes- TAs who did not return the Daily Faculty Reporter terday afternoon, our survey shows form, or who admitted to partici- 4 The Univer...…

April 19, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…INSID ...N The Best of Ann Arbor, 1990-91. See WEEKEND. 41v t p TODAY Cloudy, drizzle; High: 55, Low: 44. TOMORROW Cold, drizzle; High: 50, Low: 38. t.._.. ' Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 19, 1991Crgan 4i TAs may extend strike to fall term Negotiations will continue Tuesday by Stefanie Vines the table (at Monday's mediation session) "If they do that then it will look bad Daily Faculty Reporter because we f...…

April 19, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…9 0 9 0 0 I ,, You Cranked. You Conquered. With Your Zenith Data Systems PC. You aced the test. And beat the deadline on that report by two days. A great week all the way around. And tonight, you deserve to enjoy yourself. But it won't last long. Another paper's due next week. Good thing you have your PC. From Zenith Data Systems, of course. Find out about our special student pricing today: Computer Resource Center (CRC) 3113 School of...…

April 22, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…S MiNSID... Giants take Jarrod Bunch with final first-round pick. See SPO TSmonday Page 1. c .etrruu c rni TODAY Cloudy, cool; High: 55, Low: 34. TOMORROW Chance of drizzle; High: 56, Low: 35. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 138. Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 22, 1991 Mic ily Bitter former 'U employee opens fire on, by Tami Poll Daily Crime Rep Former Univ Roger Guiles did when the Univers disability pensio get even. At about 2: Guiles dr...…

April 23, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…More businesses should adopt Entree Plus. See OPINION Page 4. . , t . Y . ti TODAY Early sun, then rain; High: 60, Low: 41. TOMORROW Partly sunny; High: 57, Low: 38. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No.139 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 23,1991 1s,, Quake estrikes in Central America SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) - A powerful earthquake rolled !through Costa Rica and Panama yes- terday, killing at least four people and toppling buildings in the Atlant...…

April 24, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…ilwlpD Muses disclose The Real Ramona. See ARTS Page 11. c E Yi TODAY Becoming sunny; High: 59, Low: 38. TOMORROW Mostly sunny, pleasant; High: 64, Low: 44. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No. 140 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 24,1991 Thhaly Criticism of MSA fuels debate over mandatory fee a by Julie Foster Daily MSA Reporter Summer. The season of convertibles, beach parties, long sunny days, and of course, the determination of student all...…

April 01, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…Is there any way to really solve the problem of segregation at the University? Mandatory busing between fraternity parties may help more than ,MLK day. Oscar-mania continues with Rodney Dangerfield's tour de force role in the latest heartwrencher Ladybugs. Check out this male Meryl Streep's moves. Good Knight, Bobby! Indiana University officials, apparently fed up with the antics of their controversial basketball coach, gave him his walking ...…

April 02, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The Interfraternity Council has mobilized itself politically by encouraging Greek members to vote in city elections. The move should serve as a model for other campus organizations. WEEKEND etc. Spike Lee and Karen Finley are both talented entertainers, but that's not all they are - their work is often the cause of controversy. Both will be in town this weekend. The Michigan baseball team notched its fifth straight victory by beating Toledo,...…

April 03, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…OPINION 4 If you had any question about who to vote for in next Tuesday's City Council elections, this is your lucky day. We are particularly enthusiastic about 4th Ward candidate Peter Nicolas. Tonight's the big night for the Friars. It's their 36th Annual Best Concert Ever, and it's at the Michigan Theater at 8 p.m. Tomorrow night's part one of the Big Dance. Can't you just feel the anticipation mounting along 1-94 all the way from State S...…

April 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Saturday night and what a riot! Both students and police behaved themselves well after the Wolverines beat Cincinnati, proving that there's no place like Michigan to hold a party. Diane Wakowski wasn't at the Hash Bash, but her poetry fans show a healthy appreciation for the art of toking. She'll read from her work this afternoon. And then there were two... Michigan faces Duke for the second time this season, but now the stakes are a little ...…

April 07, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The Ann Arbor Council erred in voting to privatize city parking structures. This decision puts jobs in jeopardy and could result in skyrocketing parking costs. Toad the Wet Sprocket. Before you say, 'Hey, what a dumb name for a band,' remember where they came from. California. Need we say more? Yes, and Nima Hodeai does. Junior Wendy Bigler led the Michigan women's golf team with a 252 this weekend, but the Wolverines struggled to a second c...…

April 08, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…Here's mud - er, I mean tear gas in your eye. The Ann Arbor police paid no regard to gas etiquette in clearing South U. Monday night, and the students' attitude was not much better. Tommy Stinson's no longer just a 'Mat - he's doing his own thing with a new band, Bash 'n' Pop, which plays the Pig tomorrow night. Hail to the Victors! Even though the men's basketball team lost to Duke, they're still #1 in our hearts. Fans flooded Crisler Arena...…

April 09, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…Michael Warren resigns as chair of the Student Rights Commission. The University refuses his speech code proposal, and everybody's to blame. Artist Dubi Arie has spent much of his life pursuing what he calls his mission - a painting called Under the Wing of God and the Shadow of Amalek. Read about Arie's 23-year-long struggle. The Michigan baseball team beat Detroit-Mercy yesterday behind the heroics of co-captain Steve Buerkel, who went 4-f...…

April 10, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… Many students complain about the University Board of Regents, but what if a student served on the board. Don't laugh. The possibility is more realistic than you may think. They Might Be Giants brings their upbeat and often bizarre style to The Michigan Theater this weekend. Find out if they really are. Is everybody ready for tomorrow's football game? Yeah, that's right. Football. The real question is who to root for in Michigan's annual int...…

April 13, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…- Ift LI f -V______4__,________1.7_____a__________________ 1aAEU . w I LJ1L I f Most students' only real experience with MSA is the annual election. With the way elections have been handled recently, it's no wonder nobody cares about the Assembly. Director Jacques Rivette's film La Belle Noiseuse isn't everything it claims to be, but several fine performances make it an interesting production. Michigan is 1-1 to open the 1992 football seaso...…

April 14, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Even after the issue has been at the forefront for years, there are still too few women in the University faculty. The administration needs to take greater steps to solve the problem. The MTV 120 Minutes Tour was supposed to feature alternative, cutting-edge music, but Annette Petruso tells you what really happened. One hundred of the nation's top divers will visit Canham Natatorium this weekend for the Phillips 66 National Diving Championsh...…

April 15, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Students should demand a community oversight board for Ann Arbor, which hopefully will prevent incidents similar to last Monday's post-national championship game debacle. Missed the U2 concert last month? Then, check out Wig's multi-media attack, SUBVERSION PERVERSION. Bono wishes his band could have absurd displays of sadomasochism. The brooms were out in the Michigan sports world yesterday. While the baseball team was busy sweeping Siena H...…

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