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April 08, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-08

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Michigan tennis
See SPORTSmonday
Pages 4 and 5.

Since 1890

j 9 3W
Breezy, cloudy, rain;
High: 74, Low: 48.
Cloudy cooler;
High: 64, Low: 36.

Vol. Cl, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 8,1991 ; e





"Vc tim
by Jesse Snyder
Daily Staff Reporter
* Ann Arbor police have identified
the body of the jogger killed by a
hit-and-run driver last Thursday
near the intersection of State and
East Washington as LSA first-year
student Katherine Kruse.
Kruse,19, of Utica, was posi-
tively identified Friday night by her
parents, who drove to Ann Arbor
after being contacted by police, said
Sgt. Harry Jinkerson.
Her roommate called initially
on Friday and said 'I think I know
who your victim is,"' Jinkerson
said. "We went down to her dorm
room (in Couzens) to obtain identi-
"We were pretty certain at that
time who it was and we contacted
her parents," he said.
Kruse was struck and killed by
an automobile while jogging across
East Washington between the
Frieze Building and Olga's restau-
rant around 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Kruse was thrown about 50 feet by
the impact. The vehicle involved
See VICTIM, Page 2

u ified
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
The University - in an internal
announcement Friday - declared
that it will depart from last year's
separate college graduation cere-
monies in favor of a unified event
May 4.
Moreover, the University has
started construction on a platform
in the football stadium to accom-
modate the larger commencement
These events have taken place
amongst reports of a University
visit and commencement speech by
President George Bush.
University administrators and;
White House spokespeople still
will not confirm or deny a possible
commencement speech by Bush, but
the Ann Arbor News reported
Friday that a University source had
confirmed the visit.
I Shirley Clarkson, special assis-
tant to University President James
Duderstadt, said letters were sent
to University staff Friday an-
nouncing the University decision
to hold one ceremony. She added
the change in the commencement
exercises' format will be for this



year only.
Last year, the University
changed the graduation exercise
format. Each of the University's 17
colleges had its own ceremony to
make graduation a more personal
"A number of factors went into
the decision (to have a campus-wide
ceremony)," Clarkson said.
However, Clarkson refused to
elaborate on the factors.
Because of the change, seniors
will be able to get more tickets for'
graduation, although the exact
number has not been set yet.
I certainly would like
to be informed if
something has
- Carole Simpson
Confirmed LSA speaker
Administrators said they did
not have details regarding the plat-
form's construction and added the
University's Athletic Department
handled details of the platform's
However, the Athletic Depar-

tment pointed back to the
University's administration as the
source for information on the ath-
letic stadium's platform.
Interim Athletic Director Jack
Wiedenbach was out of town and
unavailable for comment on the
platform's construction.
Clarkson said the University
has had such a platform at past
campus-wide graduation cere-
The change in format leaves the
confirmed graduation speakers for
the individual schools and colleges
up in the air.
Clarkson said in light of the
central ceremony, the University's
schools and colleges will be han-
dling decisions regarding their own
commencement speakers.
ABC World News Saturday an-
chor Carole Simpson, the con-
firmed speaker for the LSA com-
mencement exercises, said the
University has not notified her
about any changes in the graduation
format or speaker's list.
"I certainly would like to be in-
formed if something has changed,"
Simpson said.

This platform is being built in Michigan Stadium, where the combined
commencement exercises will be held.

Hash Bash brings out


cops and state fines

7,500 pour onto Diag for high times and high
temperatures; higher fines anger city officials

by Tami Pollak
with Lynne Cohn
and David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporters
Mayor-elect Liz Brater and other
city officials just said no to helping
the new University police depart-
ment patrol Hash Bash Saturday.
City officials announced Friday
afternoon that city police would
not be attending the Bash after the
University insisted that city offi-
cers issue citations under state law,
as University officers are required
to under regental bylaws.
But while police departments
quarrelled, most of the roughly
7,500 Bashers had a peaceful and sun-
filled afternoon on the Diag, com-
plete with frisbees, hackey sacks,
bongos, and piles of literature pro-
claiming the many possible uses of
marijuana as justification for it's
"Hemp for fuel! Hemp for
clothing! Hemp for food! Hemp for
medicine! Hemp hemp hooray!"
proclaimed the Lone Reefer, the
first speaker at high noon on the
Diag, dressed in a Lone Ranger mask
and costume.
The city decision - arrived at by
Brater, Councilmember Larry
Hunter (D-First Ward), and Acting
City Administrator Don Mason -
was supported by other coun-
cilmembers. City officials said state
fines were too harsh for local resi-
dents, who last year voted to in-
crease Ann Arbor's then-$5 pot fine
to $25.
"The voters voted and said that
they wanted a $25 fine for that kind

of event," Hunter said.
Mason said yesterday he does not
feel the lack of city police officers
at the Bash is indicative of a future
rift between the city and the
"I think that this is a specific
case," Mason said. "I don't expect
this as a problem in the future. I
don't see it as a trend."
However, the absence of city of-
ficers didn't mean bashers could
toke without fear, as Leo Heatley,
University Director of Safety and
Security, quickly recruited the help
of four Washtenaw Sheriff's
deputies and four state officers to
supplement the University's crew
of 16 University police and security
officers following city council's
Police used a buddy system to
patrol the crowd, usually pairing ei-
ther a county or state trooper with a
University officer. According to re-
ports from the Department of
Safety and Security (DPSS), the
teams issued a between 21 and 25
tickets for marijuana possession and
use. The maximum fine for posses-
sion under state law is $1,000 or a
year in jail.
Though this year's crowd was
almost twice as large, officers is-
sued just over half the number of ci-
tations they did last year.
And yet almost all the speakers
at the rally, which kicked off at
noon, addressed the issue of police
harassment and brutality.
Loey Glover, one of many speak-
ers from the National Organization

for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
(NORML), pointed out that
NORML members throughout the
crowd were videotaping the Bash, to
"make sure nothing happens at these
rallies like it did in Los Angeles."
Throughout the afternoon, Steve
Hager, editor of High Times maga-
zine, used a megaphone to inform
the crowd what to do if they saw a
smoker getting arrested.
"Don't directly interfere, but a
group of people should gather
around and shout 'Let him go,' and
let the cops know what they're do-
ing is wrong," Hager said.
Paul Riddle, president of the
Minnesota Freedom Fighters, a pro-
legalization group sponsored by
'Hemp for fuel! Hemp
for clothing! Hemp
for food! Hemp for
medicine! Hemp hemp
- The Lone Reefer
High Times, followed a DPSS offi-
cer to the Church St. station after he
saw the officer escorting a high
school student from Petoskey,
Michigan who, according to Riddle,
was falsely accused of drug posses-
"There was a roach lying behind
See BASH, Page 2

Jeff Murphy of Detroit, pictured here smoking a joint, was one of the approximately 7,500 people who
attended Hash Bash on the Diag Saturday.

New balance of power ushers in a new city era

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
An eight-member majority on
the Ann Arbor City Council can do
a lot of things.
It can steer a major fiscal trans-
action through City Hall, it can
override a mayor's veto and it can

Democrats take 8-3 majority of

the upper hand in city issues that
split along partisan lines.
Now, things will be seen under a
different light.
"How I vote makes no differ-
ence." said Councilmember Mark

Mayor-elect Liz Brater said she
intends to work closely with every
"I think it's really important to
have improved relations among all
members of the council. I intend to

city council, face
dominantly Republican ward,
Zimmer said he tends to think inde-
"I'm by far the most conserva-
tive member of the Democratic cau-
cus," Zimmer said.

test of unity
The council's approval of a bal-
lot referendum to fund the struc-
ture passed roughly along partisan
lines earlier this year, with the
Republicans coming out on top.
Councilmember Nelson Meade

killed by the people," he said.
Another priority for many
Democrats is the passage of a natu-
ral features ordinance, which previ-
ously failed along partisan lines.
"The thing about preserving nat-
ural resources is once they're gone,
they're gone and cannot be replaced
for thousands and thousands of

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