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Rag du jour
Vote ACTION in MSA elections
World Cup committee visits Ann Arbor
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 4, 1990 ig, Di l
stalls on
*'right to
ie *11
LANSING (AP) - A long-
awaited agreement allowing people
to appoint a patient advocate to
make medical decisions for them
should they become incapacitated fell
apart yesterday in a House commit-
The bill had been redrafted to the
satisfaction of one of its main oppo-
nents, Right to Life backer Rep.
Nick Ciaramitaro (D-Roseville). But
to the surprise of both sides, one of
the most outspoken supporters of
"right to die" measures stalled the
bill because he was concerned that it
may be sabotaged, particularly by
senators who have backed more re-
strictive measures.
The bill is intended to allow peo-
ple to appoint a patient advocate to
carry out their medical wishes if they
become incapacitated, including the
rejection of artificial means of life
"I'm concerned that it doesn't end
up being a Right to Life take-
away," said Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) and chair of the House
Judiciary Committee. "I do not want
to allow this bill to be turned into a
restriction.., of no value whatsoever
to senior citizens."
Negotiations have come up dry
for nearly 16 years, when the bill
first was proposed by Rep. David
Hollister (D-Lansing).
Hollister cut off discussions a
year ago because he believed Right
to Life was trying to use it as a ve-
hicle to establish fetal rights for dy-
ing patients, which could have ad-
vanced the anti-abortion group's
fight against the pregnancy ending
A key component to the new
compromise between Hollister and
Ciaramitaro was that the advocates
wouldn't be able to order or elimi-
nate treatment that would result in
See BILL, Page 2
Poll Sie an Hus
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by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
A new chapter in Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly history opens today
with the 1990 spring elections.
The MSA elections have tradi-
tionally seen a small voter turnout,
but things may be different this year.
Many aspects of the elections, and
the campaigns, are unique.
In its 14-year history as the pri-
mary student government on this
campus, no president has attempted
to run for reelection. Until now.
Current MSA President Aaron
Williams is running again as the
Conservative Coalition (CC) presi-
dential candidate for the assembly
and, with a platform promising
lower tuition and meal credit reform,
is confident he will remain in office.
"People told me last term that I
couldn't win as an engineering stu-
dent and because I was Black and fol-
lowing a Black president (former
MSA president Mike Phillips) who
had aroused a lot of controversy,"
Williams said. "So I'm not listening
to anyone telling me I can't win
"It was a universal decision for
MSA elections '90
the whole CC party," explained Jim
Slavin, an LSA Sophomore and CC
Party Chairman. "We're all just tick-
led pink about Aaron running again,
and we're very confident."
In previous MSA spring elec-
tions, the outgoing president has as-
sisted the election directors in con-
ducting the elections and tabulating
the ballots. However, with the cur-
rent president running again, the
election directors are concerned about
possible tampering with ballots or
elections interference.
Yet Williams said he knows his
responsibilities as a president and as
a candidate and will do his best to
stay out of the election directors'
"The MSA president has to be to-
tally impartial," Williams stressed.
"I don't have any problem with my
involvement in the elections."
Williams said he has an understand-
ing with the election directors to not
interfere in the election proceedings.
Another unusual aspect of the
current elections is the makeup of
the Action party leadership.
LSA Sophomore and MSA
Womens' Issues Commission Chair
Jennifer Van Valey and LSA first-
year student Angela Burks are head-
ing up the Action Party, on a plat-
form highly concerned with campus
issues confronting women and mi-
nority students.
If their campaign is successful,
Van Valey would be the first MSA
woman president in eight years, and
she and Burks would be the first ever
female duo of assembly executive of-
"I think it's high time for a
woman president," Van Valey said.
"The assembly is a very intimidating
place for women right now. There's
a lot of qualified women on the
assembly, and a definite need for fe-
male leadership."
But Williams disagrees with Van
Valey's philosophy.
i ._-
Candidates compete for publications board
Ruth Littmann graduate position. Referring to "improper bookkeeping," Park this ramming of heads together has g
Daily Staff Writer "I was appointed last semester because the added, "There needs to be an investigation into stop," he said.
The Michigan Student Assembly will con- seat was open;" Mooney said. "I would have administrative corruption on the Board." LSA sophomore Mark Hiller, anothe
ot to
,r un-
duct elections for the Board of Student Publica-
tions, a governing body which presides over
finances, facilities, and equipment for the
Michigan Daily, Gargoyle magazine and
Michiganensian yearbook.
The elections will pit four undergraduate
candidates against each other for two available
positions on the Board, while two graduate
students vie for a single position.
The nine-person Board is composed of three
students, three faculty members, and three pro-
fessional journalists. Student terms last two
First-year law student Pete Mooney, an
MSA appointee to the Board after last term's
botched elections, is running again for the
preferred to be elected. I'm glad MSA is run-
ning elections for Board positions again," he
Emphasizing the importance of up-to-date
publishing equipment, Mooney said, "The
Daily is a learning place for thousands of stu-
dents. Students who work there should have
the opportunity to learn with the equipment
that best approximates the equipment they'll
be using in their careers."
Rackham graduate student Henry Park, who
is running against Mooney for the graduate po-
sition, said he wants students to have more in-
fluence on the Board. "One of my primary con-
cerns is that the Daily will be taken over by
the administration," Park said.
LSA sophomore Hunter Van Valkenburgh,
an Action Party candidate who is running for
an undergraduate position on the Board, be-
lieves past Boards have wasted money.
"The Board authorized $99,000 to do reno-
vations to the Student Publications Building
which were largely cosmetic," he said, adding
that money would be better spent on "expanded
wire service and travel funds for news re-
However, Undergraduate Conservative
Coalition candidate and LSA junior Dave Ma-
quera said he is concerned about previous con-
troversy between board members and newspa-
per editorial staff. "My main concern is that all
dergraduate Conservative Coalition candidate
said he "would like to see some of the publica-
tions become more frequent - like the Gar-
R.C. junior Martha Panschar, a write-in
candidate for an undergraduate position said,
"I'm running because I'd like to see more stu-
dent control over the Daily and less faculty
Professor Amnon Rosenthal, Board chair,
encouraged student participation, saying, "My
only hope is that the students on the Board of
Student Publications take their duties seriously
- that they prepare themselves for meetings
and make themselves aware of the issues."
Prime Minister
discusses world
by Frank Krajenke
Former British Prime Minister
Edward Heath discussed the European
Community's (EC) status within a
greater global system yesterday in
the Business Schoo!'s Hale Audito-
While Heath focused on structural
aspects of the EC, he also stressed
the importance of world communica-
tions as a link between distant popu-
lations. "We are one world where ev-
eryone knows what is going on at
the precise moment. One saw imme-
diately the riot squads in Bucharest."
Heath added that because of ad-
vanced communications, the events
which occur in one country will
inevitably have international impli-
"We are bound to be affected by
everything else that goes on in the
On the subject of a united Europe
Heath said, "there is nothing new
about 1992 ( the year that the EC
becomes effectual)." The modern
roots of a progressive united Europe
go back to 1940 when Winston
tion can overcome this factor.
"When you join it (the EC) you join
to give as much as possible."
Heath used the European Coal
and Steel Community as an example
of resolved inter-state dominion dif-
ficulties. "I want to point out that
the Coal and Steal Community had a
supra-national authority."
Heath said one important objec-
tive of the EC includes "trying to
make ourselves more competitive.
What we want to do is make our-
selves more effective - reorganize
Part of industrial reorganization
includes having one system of ac-
counting, he added.
In regards to the incorporation of
Eastern Europe into the EC, Heath
said in the short term inclusion is
not practical, but the EC can help
these nations with trade and invest-
On a united Germany, Health
said, "It is quite evident it is going
to happen, happen quickly, whether
people like it or not. We should ac-
George Bush speaking at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Dearborn yesterday.
by Christine Klo
Daily Government R
President George F
whirlwind fundraising
in Dearborn with a
support for candidates
campaigns foi
ostra and gain control of the State House
eporter of Representatives and whether we
Bush ended his have a Governor who will ensure fair
tour last night reapportionment," he said.
speech urging The $1,000-a-plate dinner was the
running on the kickoff fundraiser for the fall GOP
r state GOP
words from a prominent national
figure who can really fire up a crowd
and generate some excitement. Un-
fortunately, Bo Schembechler's still
you Spartan fans, let me say:
There's a song we'll soon be singing
about the entire Republican ticket,
'Hail to the Victors."'
Bush also addressed several policy
issues, including the drug war, child