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April 14, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-14

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Even after the issue has been at the forefront for
years, there are still too few women in the
University faculty. The administration needs to
take greater steps to solve the problem.

The MTV 120 Minutes Tour was supposed to
feature alternative, cutting-edge music, but
Annette Petruso tells you what really happened.

One hundred of the nation's top divers will visit
Canham Natatorium this weekend for the Phillips
66 National Diving Championships. This is their
last chance to qualify for the U.S. Olympic Trials.

Partly sunny;
High 56, Low 35
Partly sunny; High 59, Low 40



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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

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DETROIT (AP) - Butcher Pete
Butterworth joined scores of strikers
who picketed Kroger Co. grocery
stores yesterday, the first day of a
job action that could cripple sales
during one of the busiest weeks of
the year for groceries.
"If you're going to bring them
down, this is the week to do it," said
Pete Butterworth, one of 800 butch-
ers who struck Kroger, along with
7,000 clerks, cashiers and depart-
ment managers.
Butterworth said the store in
Livonia where he works would take
} in $500,000 during an Easter week.
There was some regret among the
first-day resolve of strikers who took
early picket duty at the chain's 65
southeastern Michigan stores.
"The issue is not about a guy like
me," said Harold Messer, a 36-year
veteran of Kroger and several prede-
cessor supermarkets. "This contract
for me would have been good be-
* See KROGER, Page 2

Club manager
calls Nectarine
crowd orderly

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
The Nectarine Ballroom manager
said yesterday he did not call the po-
lice to handle a large crowd which
attended a party for the Michigan
basketball team at the club Saturday
"(The police) just showed up,"
manager Jim Johnson said. "For the
most part, it was a well-behaved
The Ann Arbor Police
Department sent 17 of its 25 patrol
cars to the Nectarine, and blockaded
streets surrounding the club.
Ann Arbor Police Officer Joe
Campbell said it is possible that the
police would come to the club unso-
licited, but that was not the case
"If we saw a problem developing
outside, we would check it out, but
someone did call us this time," he
Johnson said the main problem

Saturday was that some people who
wanted to attend the party were not
allowed to go in because the club -
which has room for about 350
people - was filled to capacity.
"Probably about 200 people did
not get in," he said. "But that's the
fault of the promoters. It was sup-
posed to be a private function, but
they put up fliers, so people thought
the public was invited."
He said some students who were
not admitted became angry and tried
to push or sneak into the club. One
woman was arrested for larceny
from a person, resisting arrest, and
assault and battery.
"There were a few individuals
who could not take the fact that they
were kept out," he said. "But there
were no major incidents that I know
of - inside or outside. There were
no big problems."
Johnson said the party was spon-
sored by Family Productions, which
See PARTY, Page 2

Students from Edmunson Middle School observe a "Robocarrier," which is used to transport food between the
kitchen and patients' floors at the University Hospital. The students were touring the hospital yesterday as part of
the substance abuse awareness program sponsored by the American Medical Students Association.

City swears in new council members

i - -

by Erin Einhorn
Daily City Reporter
The Ann Arbor City Council
completed its first meeting of the
year last night with no conflicts and
concluded the session after only 20
Two new council members -
Peter Fink (R-2nd Ward), a member
of the two-person Republican mi-
nority, and Peter Nicolas (D-4th
Ward), a 21-year-old University
graduate student - repeated the
oath of office to begin their two-
year terms.
City Clerk Winifred Northcross
also swore in three incumbent
council members who retained their
seats in last week's election -
Democrats Larry Hunter, Bob
Grady and Thais Peterson, who will
resume their 1st, 3rd and 5th Ward

'We have so many people in one caucus. It
seems a little ridiculous to meet- in seperate
parties. We may want to all come together on
a regular basis.'
- Mayor Liz B rater

council seats.
Republicans have expressed ob-
vious skepticism about the
Democrat's 9-2 majority. They said
their voices will be forsaken by a
Democrat agenda.
But Fink said he was encour-
aged by Mayor Liz Brater's sugges-
tion last night to hold more frequent
joint caucus meetings.
"We have so many people in
one caucus," Brater said. "It seems

a little ridiculous to meet in
separate parties. We may want to
all come together on a regular
Fink called this idea "music to
my ears."
"At least you will hear the other
person's point of view," he said.
"The more information you have,
the easier it is to form an opinion."
The council also reappointed
Hunter to the position of mayor

pro-tem. Hunter has served as
mayor pro-tem - the councilmem-
ber who presides when the mayor is
absent - for the past year since
Brater's mayoral election.
No committee appointments
were made last night, but individual
council members will submit ap-
pointment requests to the mayor
within the next week.
Brater is responsible for appoint-
ing councilmembers to city
committees such as the Noisy Party
Task Force, the City Planning
Commission, the Housing
Commission, the Mayor's Blue
Ribbon Committee on Budget and
Finance and the Solid Waste
Brater said she will take experi-
ence, preference and incumbency
into consideration.

Peter Fink (R-2nd Ward) and Peter Nicolas (D-4th Ward), the two newly-
elected City Council members, are sworn in at yesterday's meeting.

Prof. critiques
. criticisms of
western culture
by Hote Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
Prof. George Reisman from Pepperdine University
sparked controversy with his analysis of multicultural-
ism and defense of western civilization in a speech to
about 150 people in Rackham Auditorium last night.
"The intellectual substance of Western civilization is
nothing else than the highest level of civilization any-
where on earth," Reisman said.
"Western civilization is based on the laws of logic
and the concept of causality. Consequently, the universe
is run on intelligible laws," Reisman said.
He included the concepts of individual rights of life,
liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, limited
government, and capitalism as the philosophical bases
of modem western civilization.
"Western civilization is open to everyone," Reisman
said. "Western civilization is not a product of geogra-
phy ... It is a product of ideas and values."
Reisman stated civilization rests on a written lan-
guage whereby knowledge can be transmitted. "On this
level, the Greco-Roman civilization is on a higher level
than any which preceded it," Reisman said.
Reisman said individual rights and capitalism are es-
sential components of an advanced civilization because
they guarantee of an individual's power to disseminate
knowledge and allow individuals to pursue knowledge
and the improvement of human life.
Reisman called multiculturalists "new racists."
"Today's critics of eurocentrism claim to hold that race

Service offers free help
~ for filling out tax forms

_. ..-

by Joseeh Smith

With the deadline here, many students are
dreading filing their income tax forms. But
for those who have put off filing until the
very end, there is still hope.
Students who are confused about what
goes where on which form can find relief
through the free tax service offered at the
Michigan Union.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
(VITA) service is a walk-in program based in
Room 3909 of the Michigan Union. The ser-
vice can help students fill out their forms or
will complete the forms for the students.
The free service is available today and to-
morrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
"Although we mostly help students with.
their taxes, about 35 to 45 percent of our
clients are members of the community" said
Vineet Saigal, the coordinating director of

VITA is a division of the IRS. "The pro-
gram was founded in 1986 because the IRS
realized that there was a great enough need.
There were too many people, mostly lower
income people, that didn't know how to fill
out their tax forms," said Saigal.
Hellen Apples, an LSA first-year student,
said, "It's a really good way to have someone
else take away the stress and confusion of do-
ing your own taxes."
There are about 260 students that
volunteer to work at least two hours a week at
VITA. These volunteers are trained to
complete tax forms during January and
"It gives them an opportunity to work in a
field they might be interested in down the
line," Saigal said. "This is a chance for them
to gain hands-on experience."
See TAXES, Page 2

LSA sophomore Aileen Supefla helps LSA senior Steve Ricci fill out his tax
forms durrina the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance service in the Union.

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city discuss student, cop clashes


i. _ " .

by Erin Einhorn
Daily City Reporter
University and student representa-
tives, concerned about repeated clashes
between police and students following
major athletic events, will meet with Ann
. _ _ . - . .: . :

The meeting will initiate a long series
of discussions, said Rob Van Houweling,
vice chair of the Michigan Student
Assembly's Student Rights Commission.
Van Houweling will represent the
,, . 1 l(_1 .

a problem year after year."
Executive Director of University
Relations Walter Harrison said he will
attend the discussion along with Royster
Harper, associate vice president for
Student Affairs, to represent the
T nirseiyatii:ai,

Celebration Task Force," which
will' address conflicts between
students and Ann Arbor police.
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