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April 23, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-23

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Ninety- nine years of editorial freedorn

Vol. C, No. 137

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 23, 1990

Copyriglt© 1990
The Mich;ian Daily

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group frees
U.S. hostage
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Pro- three U.S. educators held by the pro-
Iranian kidnappers freed American Iranian Islamic Jihad for the Libera-
hostage Robert Polhill yesterday tion of Palestine since Jan. 24,
after holding him for nearly 39 1987.
months. He was the first American The educators include Alann
hostage to be freed in nearly 3-1/2 Steen, a native of Boston; Polhill of
years. New York; and Jesse Turner of
Witnesses said Polhill arrived in Boise, Idaho. They were kidnapped
Damascus about three hours after he from the Beirut University College
was released at 5:15 p.m. (11:15 campus by gunners disguised as po-
a.m. EDT) near the Summerland Ho- lice officers.
tel in Moslem west Beirut. He was In Libya, Col. Moammar Gadhafi
handed over to U.S. Ambassador called for the release of hostages in
Edward Djerejian at the Foreign an appeal to Moslems around the
Ministry, Syrian sources said. world, the official Libyan news
Terms of the release, which fol- agency JANA said in a dispatch
lowed a series of communiques from about an hour after the reported re-
the Shiite Moslem kidnappers, were lease.
not known. "I urge, once again, all those who
Brig. Gen. Ghazi Kenaan, head of are holding hostages to release them
Syrian military intelligence in Le- in fulfillment and application of the
banon, took delivery of the Ameri- tolerant Islamic principles," the
can after he was set free near, wit- agency quoted Gadhafi as saying.
nesses said on condition of The White House said a U.S.
anonymity. plane would take Polhill to West
There remain 17 Western Germany for debriefing and a medical
hostages in Lebanon, including exam before he returns to the United
seven Americans. States.
Polhill, a professor of business "I'm very happy and grateful to
studies and accounting, was one of See HOSTAGE, Page 2

Local group
contests pot
Proposal B should not have been
on ballot, says $5 Fine coalition

by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arborites caught in posses-
sion of marijuana might still face
only a $5 fine if a local citizen
group is successful in challenging
the legality of a referendum which
raised penalties for marijuana pos-
The Five Dollars is Fine Coali-
tion - a citizen group which lob-
bied against raising marijuana fines
and for creating a zone of reproduc-
tive freedom - claims a gubernato-
rial veto of the referendum renders it
null and void even though the city
believes it overrode the veto last
The group says because city over-
rode Governor James Blanchard's
veto of the referendum before it was
actually issued, the veto still stands.
Blanchard vetoed the referendum
on March 26 because it did not

change the city's charter to allow po-
lice officers to prosecute cases of
marijuana possession under state
Currently, all offenders must be
prosecuted under local laws which
are less severe than state and county
laws. In Ann Arbor, the penalty for
possession is a minimum $25 fine.
The city can override gubernato-
rial vetoes with a two-thirds vote.
But Five dollars is Fine members
said that the city had not received no-
tice of an official veto when it voted
on March 19. Instead, the council re-
acted to a memo written by state At-
torney General Frank Kelly advising
the governor to issue a veto.
Kelly stated his opinion in a
memo to Blanchard on March 12.
"The council was preemptive in
their override," said Rich Birkett, a
member of the National Organiza-
See VETO, page 2

Earth Day
Thousands in Washington take part in a world-wide celebration of Earth
Day yesterday. See page 5 for more Earth Day coverage.

More than 2,000 rally to take back the night

Women march to make city's streets safe

by Sarah Schweitzer;
"Out of the houses and into the streets!"
was one of the numerous chants heard in
Ann Arbor Saturday night, as more than
2,000 women took to the streets as part of
the 11th Annual "Take Back the Night"
march and rally.
The march, sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Coalition Against Rape (AACAR), is held
yearly to allow women to walk the streets
of Ann Arbor in a large group, free from
the fear of sexual assault.
Before the march, a rally was held for
both men and women on the steps of the
Federal Building.
The featured rally speaker was Dottie
Jones, chair of the Michigan Women's
Commission. Jones roused the crowd as
she said it is a "violation of our civil rights
not to be safe in our houses or our streets."
Another speaker to move the crowd was
a survivor of a sexual assault. Her name
was "Anne."

Anne told the crowd of the "confusion,
pain, shame, and isolation" which she ex-
perienced after her assault, and the
"hopelessly tangled knot" she felt in her
To loud boos and hisses from the
crowd, Denise Taylor of the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)
presented the "Sexism in Advertising
Awards." The local winner was the Delta
Upsilon fraternity which circulated a rush
flyer which SAPAC claims used women to
sell their fraternity
Following the rally, the women
marched through Ann Arbor for an hour and
a half, covering most of the major campus
and residential areas of Ann Arbor. Walking
hand in hand, the 2,000 women could be
heard loudly and clearly as they chanted
such phrases as, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, rape
and battery have got to go."
At one point during the march, hundreds
of women ran onto Sigma Phi Epsilon's

lawn as the fraternity held an outside party
in front of their house at the corner of State
and Hill streets. The women took over the
lawn and shouted, "No more rape, down
with frats."
LSA junior Laura Edelbaum said the
march made her feel "empowered." Edel-
baum said it is unfair that women can't
walk the streets at night and said that must
The march did not make LSA sopho-
more Hadass Tesher feel more safe, but it
did make "people aware that women feel
unsafe in Ann Arbor," she said.
Pat Krohn, an AACAR member and co-
ordinator of the Assault Crisis Center, said
this year's rally and march was larger than
last year's. She attributed the increased at-
tendance to growing awareness about rape
and sexual assault.
Krohn said, "In Ann Arbor we are privi-
leged to have so much.., the march is
needed because it helps to keep us from
forgetting that we too experience problems
like sexual assault and child sexual abuse."

Ann Arbor men attend separate rally to
examine their roles in rape prevention

by Sarah Schweitzer
While more than 2,000 women marched
around Ann Arbor, men held their own
Take Back the Night Rally on the steps of
the Federal Building.
Approximately 200 men gathered to "re-
examine" their role in society and to take
responsibility for the violence against
women which is committed every year by
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center (SAPAC) volunteer Phil
Elliott told the crowd that men must do
what they can to help stop rape.
Elliott told the crowd that "men rape for

only one reason and that is to obtain and
keep control over women."
Approximately 200 men
gathered to "re-examine"
their role in society and to
take responsibility for the
violence against women
which is committed every
year by men.

He suggested that men could help by
believing battered women when they try to
tell someone about an assault and by
supporting shelters for battered and sexually
abused women.
Ann Arbor resident Blane McLane said
he came out to the rally because he
"supports what women are doing and any
changes they get will help me." McLane
said he was a victim of harassment by Uni-
versity security in the Graduate Library.
Also part of the rally's agenda included a
discussion of homophobia and the
stereotypes of men.

Women cheer at the'
Federal Building.

"Take Back the Night" rally held Saturday night on the steps of the

'U' outreach group tries to 'cure' gay men and lesbians

4 by Gil Renberg
Daily Staff Writer

ing for," said Todd Fuqua, co-founder
of Hope Outreach. "The purpose of

out," she said.
Hope Outreach, which Fuqua de-

said. "A lot of them feel very re-
lieved to talk with someone." He

geting very vulnerable people,"
Peterson said. "Hope Outreach has to

Fuqua believes that homosexual-
ity is an identity crisis caused by a

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