The Ann Arbor Council erred in voting to privatize
city parking structures. This decision puts jobs in
jeopardy and could result in skyrocketing parking
Toad the Wet Sprocket. Before you say, 'Hey,
what a dumb name for a band,' remember where
they came from. California. Need we say more?
Yes, and Nima Hodeai does.
Junior Wendy Bigler led the Michigan women's
golf team with a 252 this weekend, but the
Wolverines struggled to a second consecutive
14th-place finish.
Mostly cloudy;
High 58, Low 36
Mostly sunny; High 56, Low 34
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol C11, 1 AnnArbogMchgn*i. Aprl 92 (D199 ThS.iciga
Hills, Laettner
spark Duke
by John Niyo
Daily Basketball Writer
MINNEAPOLIS - Michigan's mission
to shock the world a second time came up
short last night as Duke held off the
Wolverines, 71-51, in front of 50,379 at the
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in
Christian Laettner and Grant Hill teamed
up to halt Michigan's fabulous run in the.
tournament, and to give the Blue Devils their
second consecutive championship banner.
They are the first team to repeat since;
UCLA did it in 1973.
Laettner shook off a horrid first half to
help close out his stellar career with a 19-
point performance. Grant Hill chipped in 18
points and grabbed 10 rebounds, while;
Thomas Hill scored 16.
Chris Webber led the Wolverines with 14
points and a game-high 11 boards.
"Coach (Mike Krzyzweski) just chal-
lenged us at halftime to play better," Grant
Hill said of the second-half turnaround. "We
just tried to come and play hard. I'm just so
happy we came through in the stretch."
Laettner headed to the lockerroom at half-
time with just five points on two-for-8 shoot-
ing and seven turnovers.
See DUKE, Page 10
Polie usetearigas
to diperse crowd
on S. University
by Karen Sabgir
and Karen Talaski
Daily Staff Reporters
Police used chemical weapons to break
up a crowd of 2,000 students that flooded
onto South University Avenue after
Michigan's 71-51 loss to Duke in the NCAA
basketball championship last night.
At about 12:15 a.m., Ann Arbor police
and Washtenaw County deputies released
tear gas, sweeping down South University
from Church Street almost to Washtenaw
Students, covering their eyes with
scarves, scattered down side streets and ran
away from the police, then turned around,
causing police to release tear gas again.
Several people in the crowd threw bottles
at the police, lit firecrackers and screamed in
Police were not available for comment at
press time.
See RIOT, Page 2
Left Duke coach
Mike Krzyzewski
and his national
champion Blue
Devils show off
their second
trophy. Right:
Michigan fans
celebrate in the
first half at
Crisler Arena.
e y _ _ _ _..... ....I-I
Democrats win four elections,
raising council majority to 9-2
" Graduate student Nicolas wins close 4th Ward race
City Council
These are the winners of yesterday's
Ann Arbor City Council elections.
by Erin Einhorn
and Travis McReynolds
Daily City Reporters
Four Democrats - including one
student - swept city elections yes-
terday, increasing the Ann Arbor
City Council's Democratic majority
to 9-2.
Only one Republican earned a
* majority of votes.
Democrats said the victories were
- said his goal, as a member of a
weak minority, is to "try and get a
forum to get our point across to the
Democrat caucus," he said.
"Basically, they can do anything
they want now."
He said he and Councilmember
Kirk Dodge (R-2nd Ward), who was
elected last year, will accomplish
most by "paying attention to them
and getting them to listen to us ...
my age is as young as it is," Nicolas
said. "It wasn't an easy campaign to
win, but I just had to work hard and
not take the voters for granted."
The victory was even more sur-
prising because the 4th Ward has
consistently elected Republicans in
April elections. Many considered re-
cent redistricting to have made the
ward even more Republican, but
Nicolas said this did not matter.
Larry Hunter, Democrat
Howard King, Republican
2 d 6
Peter Fink, Republican
Ralph Michener, Democrat
Tim Schrodel, Libertarian
Bob Grady, Democrat
Two men arrested
after shots fired
near Law Quad
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily News Editor
Two Detroit men were arrested outside the State St.
entrance to the Law Quad last night after one allegedly
fired gunshots in the air.
According to Ann Arbor police, the two men, ages
24 and 27, tried to gain entrance into a Beta Theta Pi
fraternity party, but were not allowed in.
A fraternity member outside the house noticed one
of the men was carriying a gun and fraternity members
called the police, said Fraternity President Doug