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April 06, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-06

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Saturday night and what a riot! Both students
and police behaved themselves well after the
Wolverines beat Cincinnati, proving that there's
no place like Michigan to hold a party.

Diane Wakowski wasn't at the Hash Bash, but
her poetry fans show a healthy appreciation for
the art of toking. She'll read from her work this

And then there were two... Michigan faces Duke
for the second time this season, but now the
stakes are a little higher. The national
championship hangs in the balance.

Perfect for baseball;
High 60, Low 40;
Cloudy, showers; High 58, Low 36


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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol C1, o 18n Arbo, Mc ia onaAri ,92SD19 eMcigan Da G *' *. ily

A2 council
say 'Vote
by Travis McReynolds
Daily City Reporter
Today is the day to get out and
vote for Ann Arbor City Council
candidates in each of the five wards.
Virtually every candidate has ex-
pressed the importance of student
participation in local elections, but
there have been two candidates who
have a vested interest and depen-
dence on student participation.
This year's election offers two
University students as candidates -
LSA senior Jeff Muir, a Republican
vying for the 5th Ward seat, and 4th
Ward Democrat Peter Nicolas, a
Rackham graduate student.
Both Muir and Nicolas stressed
the importance of student participa-
tion in the Council elections.
"Students have a responsibility to
follow city government, and the
most direct way to do so is by vot-
ing," Nicolas said. "During a four-
year period, most students usually
spend eight months here, and three
or four months somewhere else, and
although four years may seem tem-
porary, here (students) pay rent and
city taxes."
Nicolas also mentioned other city
policies and ordinances which may
affect students directly or indirectly
such as, noise ordinances, and dif-
ferent aspects of tenant-landlord re-
lationships. With a student voice on
the City Council, Nicolas said these
issues would be looked at from a
Location Precinct
Alice Lloyd Hall 1-2
'C":::b."" it.:}. ;..;:.} } ?i ] t?
Fire Station #5 2-1
1946 Beal Ave.
East Quad 3-1
* Ann Arbor'Y' 5-1
350y S. Folifth ae4-
Muir encouraged students to take
a more active role in elections.
"A big goal of mine is to get a lot
of students involved in the election,"
Muir said. "Our city has 110,000
people. It is really too bad that one
third of the city's population is not
eresnte onconcil.
coe oanizedCity ouldbe setirey
posl tudnts t lo swing an
seto ineanypotfive wrs
"Sudrentrlycoud ede o hae
ofseletio ivothey became involved,"
hei said. "ity Ccil ats are00
usul.Iisrally nyo bd abt 3,00
vhrothe hats nolaltof vsots

There are about 1,000 students
See CITY, Page 3
Abortion i
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
WASHINGTON - Thousands
of abortion-rights demonstrators
traveled to the nation's capital yes-
terday to express their opposition to
federal legislation which could make






Students celebrate
on S. University.

by Erin Einhorn
and Karen Sabgir
Daily Staff Reporters
As many as 6,000 students chanted "We
want Duke!" and broke into choruses of
"The Victors," according to police estimates,
as they swarmed jubilantly onto South Uni-
versity after the Wolverines' 76-72 victory
over the University of Cincinnati in the Final
Four Saturday night.
Although some feared the quickly grow-
ing crowds would turn violent, police said
they were well-prepared this year and no one
reported any significant damage.
Hanging from light posts, dancing on
trash cans, and hugging total strangers, fans
overcome with excitement blocked streets
between East University and Washtenaw.
Cars were directed to alternative routes
by police barricades, which were set up late
in the afternoon to close off all automotive
access to South University.
"We've given the streets to the students
tonight," said Staff Sergeant Mark Hoornstra
from the Ann Arbor Police Department

Hoornstra said AAPD mobilized the en-
tire department - 80 officers - to help
control crowds in the event of a riot like the
one following the 1989 NCAA men's bas-
ketball championship game.
Several students said Saturday's celebra-
tion could not be compared to the melee in
1989 which resulted in $100,000 worth of
property damage, including an overturned
car and broken storefront windows.
"This isn't out of control, not as much as
three years ago," said Business School se-
nior Jennifer Weinreich. "There are a lot
more cops this time."
LSA senior Mary Ann Deleon said stu-
dents were more aware of consequences af-
ter police used tear gas to disperse a crowd
of excited students on the evening before
Michigan's football victory over Notre
Dame in September.
Hoornstra said, "We have tear gas avail-
able, but we don't anticipate having to use
it." Four officers were assigned to tear gas
detail, he said, but they were not permitted
to use it unless .given specific orders from
See SOUTH U, Page 8

Juwan Howard
gets position on
Cincinnati's Corie
Blount during
Saturday's game.
Left: First-year
LSA student
Justin Bond lights
up during the
Hash Bash
Right: Michigan
basketball fans
celebrate on a
concrete platform
above a
Saturday night.

21st annual Hash Bashralliers

-~ athr to p
by Hope Calati
and Karen Talaski
q, Daily Staff Reporters
li A crowd of about 4,000 people
rallied on the Dig Saturday at the
r21st annual Hash Bash, sponsored
e by the National Organization to
ch3Reform Marijuana Laws
(NORML). People from diverse
walks of life converged upon Ann
' Arbor "to get high," said Brighton
resident Jessica Neill.
Forty people were arrested on
charges of possession of marijuana,
carrying concealed weapons,
DOUG KNTERDaiy D alcohol violations, and selling on

romote 'ot
University property without a
permit, said Department of Public
Safety (DPS) Lt. Vernon Baisden.
People arrested for marijuana
possession were fined up to $100
under the state law. The number of
arrests was up from last year's
approximately 25.
While some students headed to
the Diag to participate in a
University tradition, others said
they were shocked by what they
"Hash Bash is an integral part of
U of M, it's like a legacy," LSA
first-year student Jeremy Mondejer

said. "I came to get a true taste of
culture. I want to tell my grandkids
I was here."
"I've never seen anything like it
before," said LSA first-year student
Chris Veber.
James Wilson, who = writes
under the pseudonym Chef Ra for
High Times magazine, spoke about
his campaign for U.S. president and
the benefits of marijuana. "We are
here together because we care about
each other and the one thing that
will save the planet- hemp. The
See HASH BASH, Page 2



demonstration in nation's-capital draws 750,000

these boys," said Valerie Ackerman,
who rode from Ann Arbor on a Na-
tional Organization for Women bus.
"People don't realize Roe vs. Wade
is already overturned. The Sullivan
decision gave the states the right to
do whatever they want," she said.

her expectations.
"I expected it to be touchy-feely,
peace and justice, and every other
social cause thrown in. Although a
lot of causes are related, this seemed
to stay pretty focused and sensible,"
she said.

ing for his 19-year-old daughter who
was unable to make it. "I'm afraid of
people losing their freedom because
they don't know they have it," he
Donna Hilton, a Pennsylvania
State faculty member, said she had

men as women,' said Sarah Kramer,
a Bard College student who drove
from New York to attend the march.
"I also like seeing older people here
- even though they don't have to
worry about anything, they are rep-
resenting women in the future."

A woman from Rome, Ga. who
wished to remain anonymous said
she felt personally threatened by the
possibility of illegalized abortion.
"Several years ago I found out
through testing my child was going
to have a disability and I had an

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