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April 09, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-09

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S Trwl DE
Heeding the
lessons of a
jogger's death
Page 4.


T-storms likely;
High 73, Low 45.
Rain showers;
High 60. Low 36.

Since 1890
V ol. CI, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 9, 1991 the Mihigan Daly

flee from
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Iraqi
helicopter gunships have been firing
on Kurdish refugees as they try to
flee, a Kurdish rebel group said yes-
terday, and one guerrilla leader said
a whole village had been wiped out
by Iraqi forces.
Foreign governments and aid
groups have mounted a huge relief
operation to save the hundreds of
*housands of refugees, many of
whom are sick, hungry and suffering
from exposure in the cold of the
mountainous border region.
In northern Iraq, Kurdish rebel
leader Masoud Barzani charged that
Iraqi troops had rampaged through
Kara Henjir, a village near the
northern oil center of Kirkuk,
killing the entire population of
0,000 to 3,000 people.
The report could not be con-
firmed independently.
In Rawandiz, Efty reported, ter-
rified residents fled in the middle of
the night toward the Iranian border,
spurred by reports that Iraqi forces
were pushing northward.
Official Iranian radio quoted a
refugee named Mohammed Saleh
vMarouf, an engineer from the north-
ern Iraqi city of Erbil, as saying that
in one case, Iraqi helicopters fired at
refugees along Iran's border as an
American aircraft flew nearby. The
U.S. plane did not react, he said.
Both Iran and Turkey say they
cannot handle the huge influx of
refugees, displaced by the conflict
between Kurdish minority rebels
and the Iraqi government. However,
th continued to allow the Kurds
to camp inside their borders.



verified by
state official

'Tis the season
University students rush tensely through the first day of the CRISP process yesterday in the basement of
Angell Hall.
Conservatives to assue,
control otonig
by Jay Garcia month's assembly elections and CC proposed change to the MSA com-
Daily MSA Reporter candidate James Green captured the piled code which would abolish the
Fans of the Michigan Student MSA presidency. After running the student group recognition process.
Assembly have reason to rejoice. first meeting of the night, current and proposals involving the aboli-
They have, not one, but two MSA MSA President Jennifer Van Valey tion of MSA commissions.

by Bethany Robertson
and Henry Goldblatt
Daily Staff Reporters
Although there has been no offi-
cial White House or Univeristy
confirmation, lawmakers in Lansing
said yesterday that all signs indicate
that President George Bush will
speak at the University's May 4
commencement ceremony.
. University administrators still
will not confirm or deny the report,
although a unified graduation cere-
mony is now being planned.
Bush's attendance would be a po-
litical catch for Republican Gov.
John Engler if he were able to reel
in Bush for a public visit.
Engler Press Secretary John
Truscott said the governor's office
has contacted the White House to
arrange a presidential visit.
"Our preliminary reports indi-
cate that he plans to attend,"
Truscott said. "We're glad that he
chose to come."
But a White House spokesperson
was unable to confirm the visit.
"The official commencement
list hasn't come out yet," the
spokesperson said, but she added
that the president's schedule is clear
so far for May 4.
Although a combined ceremony
is being planned, individual schools
may hold their own receptions.
Rackham Dean John D'Arms,
Special Events Committees chair,
said he is scheduling a Rackham cer-
emony to supplement the campus-
wide event.
"Some schools and colleges plan
reception events. At those there can
be special guests invited to speak

meetings they can attend tonight.
Tonight's MSA meetings, the
last of the term, mark the end of one
student government administration
and the beginning of a very different
Although this transition occurs
annually, tonight's meeting will
witness a takeover by conservative
leaders who have consistently op-
posed the actions of the outgoing
liberal MSA leadership.
Conservative Coalition (CC)
won 14 out of 24 seats in last

will say farewell to the assembly.
Green will conduct the second meet-
ing as the new president.
Green said he wants MSA to be
administratively sound before he
proceeds with reform. He plans to
nominate current MSA representa-
tives Tim Darr and Andrew Kanfer
to the posts of Student General
Counsel and Treasurer respectively.
However, certain representatives'
plan to make additions to tonight's
agenda which could lead to drastic
changes in MSA. These include a

During the election, Green re-
peatedly advocated the abolition of
the Peace and Justice Commission.
The proposal will supposedly call
for a referendum next fall which
would ask students to vote on
which of MSA's six commissions,
if any, should be abolished.
A student vote is required to
abolish MSA commissions since it
involves amending the MSA
If introduced, the ballot propos-
See MSA, Page 2

Brater and new A2


inaugurated at City Hall

and be honored," he said.
D'Arms said details regarding
the confirmed speakers at individual
ceremonies would be determined by
the end of the week. However,
Rackham has not scheduled a major
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said
LSA will not have an individual
ceremony in addition to the all-
campus exercises.
"We are not considering an LSA-
wide reception. There's not time to
have a separate ceremony in a lim-
ited number of hours," Goldenberg
ABC News Anchor Carole
Simpson, LSA confirmed speaker,
will not speak at the campus-wide
ceremony Goldenberg said.
Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann
Arbor) said a presidential and gu-
bernatorial visit would benefit the
"Having the attention of the
President and the Governor is obvi-
ously good for the University,"
Pollack said.
A presidential visit would also
help boost Engler's administration
- especially his goal to put educa-
tion at the top of Michigan's politi-
cal agenda.
"It helps focus attention on edu-
cation," Truscott said of Bush's
visit. "It's bound to have some kind
of positive effect for us."
Pollack said she had heard no of-
ficial reports of a Bush visit, but she
believes that Bush is coming.
"That's clearly because of the
president coming, or else they
wouldn't do it," Pollack said of the
See BUSH, Page 2
by Jill Parrott
The Res Gestae (RG) is back on
the streets.
After shutting down last
January due to personnel problems,
the Law school's weekly newspaper
resumed publishing last month un-
der the leadership of Editor in Chief
Mark Sanor.
The editor and most of the staff
are first year Law students. "The
paper just sort of fell into our hands
as a windfall... It's definitely a
first-year movement." Sanor said.
"We have some second-year staff,
and the past editor is still involved
in the transition, but the writing
began with a lot of first-year
Sanor attributed the personnel
problems to the recession. Students
felt a need to spend more time
studying due to a more limited job
field, Sanor said.
The new RG editorial staff said
they are confident the paper will
not encounter the difficulties it ex-
perienced previously. " I guess you
could say we have our own opinion
of what we're trying to do with the
paper - we want to be not just a
newspaper," Sanor said.
Instead of focusing only on the

news, the staff is hoping to make the
RG a forum for discussion and de-
bate for the entire Law school
community. RG Opinion Editor
Sadath Sayeed said, "We've picked
un a lot of resnonses which is basi-

by Lynne Cohn
Daily City Reporter
City Hall was packed with
people and filled with enthusiasm
last night as Ann Arbor ushered
in a new mayor and three new'
Liz Brater took her mayoral
seat along with newly-elected
Councilmembers Kirk Dodge (R-
Second Ward), Kurt Zimmer (D-
Fourth Ward), and Robert
Eckstein (D-Fifth Ward).
"It's an honor to be sitting in
this seat and serving this distin-
guished council," Brater said.
After the swearing-in, the
council unanimously appointed
Robert Grady to fill Brater's
Third Ward council seat.
"I'm humbled and pleased at
the confidence that Liz and
Nelson and a few others have de-
cided to place in me," said Grady,
a political science professor at
Eastern Michigan University. "I
am almost overcome at the
amount of work."

Councilmember Ann Marie
Coleman (D-First Ward) nomi-
nated Councilmember Larry
Hunter (D-First Ward) as mayor
pro tem, with unanimous support.
Coleman nominated Hunter
for mayor pro tem "because not
only is he the longest-serving
Democrat on council, but he is
committed as a person to justice
for all. He is an extraordinary
human being, and he will make an
excellent mayor pro tem," she
Acting City Administrator
Donald Mason said he expects a
positive experience with the new
mayor and councilmembers.
"People have spoken in terms
of what changes they want," he
said about the new Democratic
stronghold. "I know (Brater) has
new ideas and things to do differ-
ently, and I am looking forward
to working with her."
The Mayor strongly supported
Grady's council appointment.
"He's a very dedicated, hard-

working citizen of the third ward,
and I think he'll do a great job of
representing the third ward,"
Brater said.
Grady has worked on,
Democratic campaigns since the
1970s and has lobbied the council
on development issues.
"I don't come to council with
an agenda," Grady said. "I am con-
cerned that the city does not have
a reasonable supply of affordable
Grady said he is very cautious
about the council's new 8-3
Democratic majority.
"I am also very thankful about
it. It says something about what
the people in this city are con-
cerned with," he added.
Despite his academic position,
Grady does not think he has exper-
tise in city-University relations.
"There is a big difference be-
tween academic theory and prac-
tice," Grady said. "I move from
being observer to actor - it's a
" See COUNCIL, Page 2

Democratic Mayor Liz Brater being sworn in at City Hall.

'U' negotiators threaten legal action against GEO

by Stefanie Vines
WDaily Faculty Reporter

The University has threatened to.
take legal against the Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO) for
its work stoppage last week.
A letter sent Friday to GEO
president Chris Roberson asserted
the University's right to prosecute
the TA union, but made no
commitment to actually initiating
any legal action.

The letter also reminded the TA
union of the University's warning
against the strike prior to last
University spokesperson and
Director of News and Information
ServicesJoseph Owsley said the let-

Dolan-Greene echoed Owsley's
"We addressed the letter to GEO
officials because we felt they
shouldn't have done what they did
when they told us they wouldn't,"
she said. "The University has the

the major effect in question is a
question of their good faith in nego-
tiating. It makes negotiating very
GEO Counsel Mark Cousens re-
fused comment on any legal action.
Roberson was not surprised by
the letter.
"They are telling us stuff we
know already," he said.
Dolan-Greene and Owsley would
no nnn :.mu-- fhis,.-r nr ot th

GEG bargainer David Jaeger
agreed with Kock.
"I think it is a bargaining tactic.
I really don't know whether the
University will take action, but my
guess is if we settle this week they
would be less likely to," he said.
Jaeger added that the letter will
not keep the membership from pass-
ing a resolution calling for a three-
day work stoppage April 17-19.
"If nvthiny it seems that it

'This letter is simply serving notice that we
have the option to take legal action. We're not
anina to unveil any legal DIans'

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