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April 11, 1990 - Image 1

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Exxon shirks duties


N The devil inside




Hockey team elects next
season's captains

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 11, 1990 ThM h




pass MSA
Code, deputization


by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter


All five ballot referenda passed by significant mar-
gins in the Michigan Student Assembly spring elec-
tions as students voted strongly against deputizing Uni-
versity security guards or implementing a non-academic
code of conduct without obtaining student approval.
The final tallies were revealed Monday. Ninety per-
cent of voters called for mass student approval of a code
before the assembly accepts any administration-proposed
code (Proposal A), and 70 percent opposed University
deputization of campus security (Proposal B).
"We can now say in real terms that this is what the
students want, and not just what some members of the
assembly think," said newly-elected MSA President
Jennifer Van Valey. She said MSA will use the stu-
dents' large vote on Proposal B to pressure the adminis-
tration against deputizing campus security officers.
Currently the Washtenaw County Sheriff deputizes
campus security guards, but a state law before the legis-
lature would allow universities' governing bodies to
create their own armed security forces, and make the
guards accountable to the regents instead of the Sheriff.
MSA General Counsel Mike Donovan said he hopes
the high student turnout in the elections will translate
into future student action against administrative control.
"The fact that both questions (proposal A&B) were
passed strongly reflects the students' willingness to
fight the Code," he said, "because MSA can't do it all
by ourselves.".
The passage of Proposal C changed the words
"sexual preference" to "sexual orientation" in a chapter
of MSA's constitution dealing with discrimination.
While only a minor change, Proposal C has significant
symbolic importance, said the LSA sophomore and
proposal's sponsor Ori Lev who is also an LSA repre-
Lev's proposal stated, "sexual orientation" was
preferable to "sexual preference" because while the latter
implies a personal choice, "orientation" implies a per-
manent lifestyle.
"The referendum was an effort to be sensitive to stu-
dents' concerns and how we refer to people," Van Valey
With the passing of Proposal D, MSA's constitu-
tion will now allow the Minority Affairs Commission
and the International Student Affairs Commission to se-
lect their own chairs. However, the assembly has veto
power over the choices.
MAC and ISAC leaders agreed to the compromise
proposal before it went on the ballot, but MAC Chair
See MSA, Page 2

MOSCOW (AP) - One day after
issuing a harsh new warning to
Lithuanian separatists, Soviet Presi-
dent Mikhail Gorbachev backed off
the tough line yesterday by declaring
he does not yet see a need to impose
presidential rule.
Lithuanian President Vytautas
Landsbergis, responding to the se-
vere tone of Monday's declaration by
the Kremlin, sent a telegram to Gor-
bachev saying he feared that "ultra-
rightist imperial forces are com-
pelling you to take a wrong step to
continue the wrongs of the 1940s in
the Baltics,"
"In the name of peace, justice and
concord on earth, do not do this," he
He was referring to the Soviet
occupation and forced annexation of
the three Baltic republics - Lithua-
nia, Estonia, and Latvia - in 1940.
Since March 11, when Lithuania
declared its independence restored, the
Kremlin has repeatedly alternated be-
tween threatening and conciliatory
tones. On several occasions, threat-
ening military movements were fol-
lowed by kinder words.

Speaking at a Young Communist
League congress in Moscow, Gor-
bachev said yesterday that presiden-
tial rule would be used only as an
extreme measure during a civil con-
flict, according to the official Tass
news agency. He said Soviet leaders
are still trying to persuade Lithuani-
ans to rescind their declaration of in-
Presidential rule could include
martial law and dissolving Lithua-
nia's parliament. It was elected in
March and is Lithuania's first freely
elected parliament in 50 years.
In the latest Soviet show of
strength, several tanks rolled through
Gediminas Square in the center of
Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital,
overnight Monday, according to Ed-
uardas Potasinskas of Lithuanian
At his own news conference yes-
terday, Gorbachev spokesperson
Arkady Maslennikov said the Soviet
Union plans no economic blockade
among the unspecified "economic
and political measures" threatened
Monday by Gorbachev's presidential
See Lithuania, Page 2

The day began with dismal showers and fifty degree temperatures, but by late evening,
snowflakes were drifting to the ground.


director orders posters removed

by Christine Kloostra
Daily Government Reporter
A memo ordering custodians to remove all posters
and announcements not posted on official University
bulletin boards circulated through offices in the Museum
of Zoology last month.
William Dawson, director of the museum, issued the
memo after University President James Duderstadt
brought attention to the problem of extraneous materials
on the walls, the memo stated.
According to the memo, Duderstadt "complained to
Russell Reister, Director of Plant Operations, con-
cerning materials posted on walls and doors in the
hallways of University buildings."
University spokespeople denied knowledge of the
memo or of any conversation between Duderstadt and
According to the memo, zoology museum custodians
were instructed to remove items such as "cartoons, grade
lists, professional society and biological station

announcements, photographs, announcement of op-
portunities to become a ballroom dancer, (and) seminar
notices" from walls and doors.
Shirley Clarkson, special assistant to the president,
and Walter Harrison, director of University Relations,
said Duderstadt never made any requests to the plant
"The president certainly never issued an order that
someone remove posters about ballroom dancing,"
Harrison said.
Reister said cleaning walls is not a new policy. Plant
operations has always cleaned the walls and doors of the
University and has a $400,000 budget to do so, he said.
But the department has not cleaned the walls
consistently because other priorities often need to be
addressed, he said.
The orders direct the plant to put their efforts towards
cleaning the walls, Reister explained.
Dawson said he never received any written
communication regarding the order. The purpose of his

memo was to inform museum staff that custodians had
been directed to remove posters by their supervisors.
John Gleason, custodial area supervisor for the
museum, informed Dawson of Reister's directive. Glea-
son said the clean-up project has been put on hold
because a committee is being formed to develop a policy
addressing the use of campus space.
At last month's Board of Regents' meeting,
Duderstadt announced the formation of a committee to
establish the policy.
The six-member committee will be comprised of
faculty and students, and is still in the planning stages,
Harrison said. Posters and fliers could possibly fall under
any policy that is developed, he said, but he emphasized
that the policy be fair and reasonable. He said there is a
difference between "a shanty about apartheid and a poster
about ballroom dancing."
The announcement of the policy followed concerns
raised by University regents that the shanties on the
Diag were "unsightly" and should be removed.

Male population grows in

'80s duel
are catching up, at least in numbers.
The Census Bureau said yesterday
that the number of men grew faster
than the number of women in the
'80s, something that hasn't
happened since the first decade of
this century.
Death rates for men declined more
rapidly than for women, extending
male lifespans and allowing their
population to increase more rapidly
than women, the new study
Cancer deaths increased among
women while dropping for men,
pointing to increased smoking by
women beginning in the 1960s as a
likely factor in the change, a Census
expert said.
"The male population outgrew
the female population in every age
group under age 35," Frederick

o longer
Hollmann of the Census Bureau
Even so, women continue to
outnumber men in America, 127
million tol21 million, the report
The last decade in which the
number of men increased faster than
women was 1900-1910, the Census
bureau noted.
The balance of population is
determined not only by the number
of people born but by the number of
years they remain alive, explained
Hollmann in a telephone interview.
More male babies are born than
females, he pointed out, but
"generally a sort of equilibrium is
reached since males don't live as
long as females."
The higher death rate for men
means that although they outnumber
women at birth, women surpass men

in total numbers later on.
One consequence of males
increasing faster than females in the
1980s was that in 1989 there were
more men than women at each age
group below 34. In 1980 men had
been more numerous only through
age 25, Hollmann reported.
Hollmann said a major
contributor to the males outpacing
females in the 1980s was the change
in death rates.
"Male life expectancy had
continued to improve gradually
during the decade.
Life expectancy for men increases
from 70.9 in 1982 to 71.5 years in
1987, an improvement of six-tenths
of a year, he noted. During the same
time period life expectancy for
women went up only one tenth of a
year, from 78.2 to 78.3.

Faster than a speeding bullet
By the time this "call" was answered, the authors were gone. The graffiti was found on a wall near Liberty St/

Incumbents hold seats in Rackham government elections
by Geri Alumit presidential position has been a con- playing an important role in the and to move the University's admin- Div. I/Health and Biological Arts. Mark Buchan tied Nancy Gold-
Daily Staff Writer test in the last four years. The 400 MSA elections... Since there was istration in directions benefiting Sciences. Patrick Francis won with farb with 35 votes.
Rackham Student Government voter turn out was amazingly higher only a 200 vote margin for the'MSA graduate students. 23 votes. Ali-Ahmad, a doctoral student in


(RSG) incumbents. President Tracv

than last year's 160. We did little

nresidenev. I believe that the

Div. II/Phvsical Sciences and

electrical enizineering said he wanted

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