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April 01, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-01

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Why E...
Bo leaves Tigers,
will coach OSU
See SPORTSmonday
Page 1.

. .e , t . tt ti

Look out the window
Don't you get it?
We're as. clueless as
you are.

One year of non-editorial freedom
Vol. Cl, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 1, 1991 ht 419a1

be decided

council posts



by Lynn Cohn
Daily City Reporter
The day is finally here. The cam-
paign struggles, debates, and
speeches are over. The only thing
left for those competing to be Ann
Arbor's mayor for the next two
years is the voting.
Incumbent Republican Mayor
Gerald Jernigan faces off against
Councilmember Liz Brater (D-
Third Ward) and Libertarian David
Raaflaub in today's city elections.
In addition, voters will select
candidates to fill city council posi-
tions in all five wards.
Brater and Jernigan both count
on winning and are pulling out all
the stops. Brater held a fundraiser
where U.S. Sen. Carl Levin and State
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor)
roused a supportive crowd to the
feverish pitch of a high school pep
rally. Jernigan rides on experience,
which even Michigan's Gov. John
Engler came out to support.
But the question remains: who
will win?
"The main objective of any can-
didate is to get as many voters to the

polls as possible," Brater said. "It's
difficult to motivate everyone in
April when they're used to
November elections."
Brater has enlisted the help of
many volunteers to call voters and
to knock on doors. She wants to win.
Jernigan's campaign has con-
tacted voters through the mail, on
the phone, and by going door to
door. He wants to win.
Raaflaub entered the race to raise
issues, not really to become mayor.
"Recently, I've gotten a lot of
positive comments because we are
speaking plainly and open," he said.
"Nobody expects it to happen, so it
would have to be an upset."
Now he says he just might win.
Each candidate has tried to run a
campaign involving diverse strate-
"I have focused on certain target
groups," Jernigan said, but he re-
fused to name those groups. The
mayor's platform highlights his
four years of experience.
He does not seem to be affected
by some of Brater's strategies.

Brater's campaign mailed fliers
proclaiming: "Your taxes have been
skyrocketing," and ending with,
"We need new leadership... We need
a new Mayor."
Another flier, aimed at students,
listed many things Jernigan has not
done for students. On the back, it
showed a copy of a letter the mayor
wrote last June to University
President James Duderstadt sup-
porting a deputized University po-
lice force.
"I think that's pretty much the
style of both Liz and her campaign
- negative," Jernigan said.
"Because she really hasn't done any-
thing, and that's pretty apparent."
Brater sees her campaign differ-
ently, having met with students at
three separate pizza parties in West
Quad, East Quad, and Mosher Jordan
residence halls.
"Students didn't always have the
right to vote in Ann Arbor," she
said. "There are issues that affect
their lives, for example, tenants' is-
sues. I have an interest in First
Amendment rights issues, and I am

concerned with how the whole issue
of a campus police force was han-
dled - it's not appropriate for the
mayor to send a letter without con-
sulting with council."
Brater's campaign staff still
does not know how many will show
See MAYOR, Page 3
Ann Arbor polling places
Location Ward Prec.
Union 1 1
Alice Lloyd 1 2
Bursley 1 7
Stockwell 2 1
Markley 2 2
Fire Station #5 2 10
East Quad (2) 3 1
3: 2
South Quad 4 1
Mary Street 4 2
Coliseum (2) 4 3
(5th &Hill) 4 4.

Good Friday sing-along
A guitarist leads students in a sing-along and rally on the Diag Friday.

Regent Deane Baker secedes,
declares independent state

Incumbent Borda
faces Eckstein in

from staff reports
In an unanticipated move yester-
day, University Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor) resigned his post,
seceded from the United States, and
declared the independent state of
Baker declared himself
"President for Life" of the new na-
tion, which is just over 3,000 square
feet in size, or approximately the
size of Baker's home on Scio Church
No sooner had Baker declared the
independent state than the U.S.
Department of State gave Pe nation
recognition, and placed it on the list
of terrorism-sponsoring states.
Baker denied the terrorism alle-
gation in an afternoon press confer-
ence, but did make a number of re-
"I'm seeking a kinder, gentler
Bakerland, under the direction of
Deane Baker. We guarantee equal
rights for all Bakers, and the rest of
the riff-raff can be my servants,"
said the former Regent. "Any of
you who want to come over to my
side, feel welcome. I've got coun-

selors just for that purpose."
The Bakerland Declaration of
Independence, released at the press
conference, supports that remark: "I
hold this truth to be self-evident,
that all Bakers are created equal, but
none of them is quite as equal as I
am. The rest of the world isn't even
as good as the lesser Bakers. They
have the right to life, liberty, and
property, but when those rights
conflict with mine: you lose,
President-for-life Baker made a
number of appointments to his cabi-
net. Included were former U.S.
Secretary of the Interior James "a
Black, a woman, two Jews and a
Cripple" Watt, Jerry Falwell, and a
man identified only as "Pfeffer,"
who claims that his father
"invented" World War II.
Bakerland formally opened a
number of embassies this morning,
including branches in Washington,
Moscow, Paris, London,
Johannesburg, the Shoal Creek
Country Club, and the Fleming
Administration Building.
Bakerland also issued its own

currency which, in Baker's own
words, is "worth more than any
other currency in the world, damn
Each bill and coin bears Baker's
likeness, and bills come in the tradi-
tional $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100
denominations. "No $3 bills here.
We're not that queer," noted Baker.
Baker's neighbors were upset at
the new border patrols on the street.
"I knew this guy was off-center,
but having to go through customs
every time I do a k-turn in his
damned driveway is a little ridicu-
lous," said a neighbor who declined
to identify himself for fear of retal-
iation by Bakerland's new crack mil-
itary unit, the elite Republican
Reactions on campus were
University President James
Duderstadt couldn't speak, but his
voicebox, Shirley Clarkson, spoke
for him. "Well, I can tell you one
thing - regents' meetings are going
to be that much less exciting."
Outgoing Michigan Student
Assembly (MS A) President


Ward election

Jennifer Van Valey said that she
plans to move to Bakerland. "We're
both from the same white, Aryan
mold. I think we should get along
fine," she said.
Van Valey also applied to be the
Chief of Mission at the Shoal Creek
"Between meetings with digni-
taries, I can get in a round of golf.
I'm down to a five handicap,"
quipped Van Valey.
MSA President-elect and
Neanderthal-person James Green
got choked up when interviewed on
the subject.
"I'll miss the guy, to be honest,"
said Green. "It was nice to have one
guy on campus who was so reac-
tionary he made me look like (U.S.
Senator) Ted Kennedy."

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
It could all come down to this.
Today's 5th Ward election could
determine the partisan stance of
Ann Arbor's city council. Often
called the "swing ward," it has
supported both Democratic and
Republican candidates in past elec-
tions - a sharp contrast to the
city's predominantly Democratic
1st Ward and Republican 4th Ward.
Republican Joe Borda and
Democrat Thais Peterson currently
represent the ward, which fans out
from campus from the Michigan
Union, between E. Madison and E.
Borda, a one-term incumbent
who also bookkeeps for his own
business, is seeking reelection this
year against Democrat Robert
Eckstein is a senior research asso-
ciate at the Office of Academic
Planning and Analysis, where he
forecasts future enrollment for the

*AIDS experts note
trends, problems

Eckstein said one of his concerns
is the upcoming redistricting of
Ann Arbor, which will redetermine
ward. boundaries based on popula-
"It's not good where you have a
4th Ward (with) Republicans who
can take extreme stances on things,
or with Democrats in the 1st
Ward," Eckstein said.
Ann Arbor
City Electio s '91
5th Ballot Box
In today's 5th Ward, Borda said
one of his main priorities has been
providing constituent services to his
ward residents.
"I think it's very important,"
Borda said. "I consider it the heart
of my work on council."
Last summer Borda helped a
See 5TH WARD, Page 2
votes in
first. open
TIRANA, Albania (AP) -
Excited Albanians crowded polling
stations yesterday for historic mul-
tiparty elections called after
protests and desperate refugees
helped force an end to 46 years of
hard-line Stalinism and isolation.
The parliamentary vote, held
less than four months after opposi-
tion parties were legalized, was
described by Western observers as
free but tainted by continued
Communist domination over the
media and government.
Some opposition leaders, how-
ever, charged President Ramiz
Alia's ruling Communists with
fraud and threatened to reject the
outcome if the problems are

by Chris Afendulis
Daily Staff Reporter
Speakers and analysts delivered
new perspectives on the AIDS epi-
demic at a conference on the policy
implications of the disease last
The event, organized by the
Undergraduate Political Science-
Association (UPSA), addressed top-
ics such as health care, international
trends, and the epidemic's effects on
the family.
Keynote speaker Dr. Ronald St.
John of the Department of Health
and Human Services' National
AIDS Program Office, spoke on the
global patterns of the disease.
Focusing on the Third World, St.
John said the limited economic re-
sources of countries in the
Caribbean and Africa do not even al-

low for a sufficient number of con-
doms to be distributed to the popu-
"Some areas have been more
severely infected than others," said
St. John, adding that in many less
developed countries, "the patient is
often sent home to die."
He also stressed the weaknesses
of statistical estimates on the AIDS
"These numbers tell us nothing
about (the disease's) active dynam-
ics," he said, explaining that report-
ing methods and difficulties in de-
tecting the virus created a "time-
distorted picture" of its true mag-
Charts of the disease's spread re-
inforced St. John's conviction about
the need for more resources for re-

Keeping the pressure onw
GEO supporters participate in an informational picket Friday. Negotiations between the TA union and the
University have temporarily halted until the two sides can agree on third-party mediation.


See UPSA, Page 2

Easy credit quickly mires many card-carrying students in debt

A by Gwen Shaffer

"student accounts," which lure

year LSA student Eva Drosses.

recently found themselves in credit

Student Education Fund (MSEF),

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