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April 15, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-15

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Students should demand a community oversight
board for Ann Arbor, which hopefully will prevent
incidents similar to last Monday's post-national
championship game debacle.

Missed the U2 concert last month? Then, check
out Wig's multi-media attack, SUBVERSION
PERVERSION. Bono wishes his band could have
absurd displays of sadomasochism.

The brooms were out in the Michigan sports
world yesterday. While the baseball team was
busy sweeping Siena Heights, the softball team
was doing the same to Michigan State.

Cloudy to partly sunny;
High 56, Low 40
Mostly cloudy; High 64, Low 45




One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol. CI1, No. 115 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 15,1992 @1992 The Michigan Daily
Notre Dame eliminates smoking areas in campus buildings

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Higher Education Reporter

the University o

Mounting evidence condemning stat thinking at
second-hand smoke as a health haz- wide policy last y
ard is inspiring many college and A task force
university administrators across the dents, faculty, a
country to expand their smoking staff members -
policies to further protect non- non-smokers -
smokers. Notre Dame to o
Although the University still reg- smoking policy w
ulates smoking on a building-to- if so, what suc
building basis, in the past few years encompass.
many colleges have switched over to Assistant Di
blanket policies that ban smoking in Relations at No
all campus buildings and vehicles Brown said the t
with few exceptions. the smoking pc
Health issues, primarily the ef- schools - includi
fects of second-hand smoke on non- of Wisconsin and
smokers, motivated administrators at creating the one a
Bush visits
Mich. during
campaignu gye
cFRASER, Mich. (AP) - President Bush sought yes-
terday to hold the political allegiance of Reagan
Democrats in this economically battered state, portray-
ing himself as a champion of reform pitted against a
paralyzed Congress.
"I'm the first to admit that I can't always count on
Congress to act, no matter how great the urgency,"
Bush said, reciting problems with the economy,
schools, health care, the legal system and government
Bush spoke before business leaders and workers at
Giddings & Lewis Co. manufacturing plant, a leader in
'I'm the first to admit that I can't
always count on Congress to act,
no matter how great the urgency.'
- George Bush
automated machine systems. He also was building up
his campaign war chest with a $1,000-a-plate fund-rais-
ing dinner in nearby Dearborn.
In a state hammered by plant closings, auto layoffs
and 9.3 percent unemployment, Bush boasted that his
administration has landed trading victories over Japan,
the increasingly successful rival to the Big Three
"Since I took office, our exports to Japan have
grown 10 times faster than our imports from Japan, and
our manufactured products are leading this expansion,"
Bush said. "That boom has already created an addi-
tional 200,000 jobs here at home."
He recalled that his trip to Japan in January won
pledges from private companies to increase their pur-
chases of U.S. auto parts by $10 billion.
* Bush did not mention that Japan held a $43.4 billion
annual trade surplus with the United States last year,
which constituted 65 percent of America's trade
The plant where Bush spoke is located in suburban
Detroit's Macomb County, a mostly white, working-
class area that is considered a hub of Democratic
After casting the nation's highest margin of votes for
John Kennedy in 1960, Macomb's voters have moved
steadily toward the GOP tent, angered by higher taxes
and what they felt were liberal welfare policies that fa-
vored minorities. See BUSH, Page 2

f Notre Dame to
bout a university-
composed of stu-
.dministrators and
- both smokers and
was established at
ook into whether a
was necessary and,
h a policy would
rector of Public
tre Dame Dennis
ask force looked at
ilicies of several
ing the Universities
Missouri - while
t Notre Dame.

Based on the risks that result
from environmental tobacco smoke,
the University of Wisconsin-
Madison instituted a policy last

certain recreation rooms in the stu-
dent union - all of which will be
periodically monitored. However,
these exceptions will be reviewed

'The primary motivation for the policy was
health-related. ... It applies mostly to the
issue of second-hand smoke.' - Dennis Brown
public relations director
Notre Dame

and simply a health-related matter
on how it affects non-smokers. ...
The primary motivation for the pol-
icy was health-related. ... It applies
mostly to the issue of second-hand
smoke," Brown said.
Prior to the establishment of the
policy, each building on the Notre
Dame campus was identified as ei-
ther smoking or non-smoking.
Dr. Fred Glaser, director of the
University of Michigan Substance
Abuse Center, said the University
follows a similar building-specific
policy. Citing the difficulty of creat-
ing a policy for the entire University,
Glaser said he does not think there
are any plans to broaden the policy.

The policy put together by Notre
Dame's task force was recom-
mended to the university officers,
who approved it in February. The
new policy will be implemented
Aug. 1, 1992.
Brown said he does not think the
policy will create problems on cam-
pus. "Smoking policies are com-
monplace now.... They are becom-
ing part and parcel of the university
environment and the business world
as well.
"The policy has brought in a
wide variety of responses ... but by
and large, even the smoker on cam-
pus recognizes that there needs to be
some control."

April stating that all buildings and
vehicles owned or leased by the uni-
versity will be entirely smoke-free.
The policy designated a few
smoking areas - non-communal
living spaces, some hotel rooms and

and possibly revoked during the
199293 academic year.
"A guiding principle for the task
force is that it was designed not to
come down on smokers but purely

Strikers picket
A2 Kiogers for
new contract

by Christopher Scherer
Daily Staff Reporter
About 25 strikers picketed in
front of the Kroger grocery store on
Packard Road yesterday afternoon in
response to ongoing contractual dis-
putes between employees and
Kroger Co. management.
According to an open letter to
Kroger customers from the UFCW
Local 539 representing Meat and
Seafood Department employees, the
Kroger company "has been trying to
replace our full-time jobs with part-
time jobs at substandard wages and
The letter concluded, "We are not
asking for much, but we are not
willing to cave in to corporate greed
and bad faith bargaining."
Kroger Cashier Daryl Dungey
said the purpose of the strike is to
dissuade customers from shopping at
the store.
"It is costing more to run the

store with the lighting and wages of
new employees than the food they
are selling," Dungey said. "If they
don't make any money then they
have no choice but to talk to us."
"It is time for us to start making
money. We have not had a raise in
12 years. The economy is not the
same," Dungey added.
Picket captain Gordon Miller said
out of Kroger's 70 employees, 66
are striking. "If we had a fair pro-
posal we could all go back to work
happily," ,he said.'
According to a "Fact Sheet" on
the back of the picketers' letter to
Kroger customers, the company's
contract offers would reduce over-
time and vacation benefits to work-
ers. "The language of the contract
bothered the people, and Sundays
and holidays are the ... main prob
lems we have," Miller said.
Miller said he projected that
See KROGER, Page 2

Helen Walker, a striking baker at the Kroger on Packard, convinces a customer not to shop at
the store by telling him about the reasons for the workers' strike. She said, "We are not just
here for the money. They have done nothing but take away from us for 11 years." Walker
persuaded several shoppers to go elsewhere for their groceries.

Deputization protesters' charges reduced

by Ben Deci
Daily Crime Reporter

Three students arrested during the
University deputization hearings plea-
bargained to reduce their charges yester-
day at a pretrial hearing.
First-year engineering student James
Locke and LSA junior Stanley Slaughter
were both originally charged with dis-
turbing the peace and assault and battery.
A third defendant, LSA sophomore
Marlesia Neloms, pleaded no contest to
disturbing the peace and assault and bat-
tery with both of those charges taken un-
der advisement. The stipulation would
suspend any sentence for Neloms' crime
unless there is further criminal action on
Neloms' part. Neloms was also asked to

pay court costs.
The arrests occurred when 200
protesters clashed with University and
Ann Arbor police during the public
hearings for the deputization of

duce Locke's and Slaughter's charges to
"jostling in a crowd" and disturbing the
Jostling in a crowd, a misdemeanor,
carries a maximum sentence of 90 days

This is the second pretrial hearing for the student
protesters. The first was postponed so the court
could obtain and view videotapes taken during the
protests that they said could have been relevant to
the case.

the student protesters. The first was post-
poned so the court could obtain and view
videotapes taken during the protests that
they said could have been relevant to the
"The videos didn't clear or convict,"
Lewis said. The two tapes, one shot by a
DPS officer and the other shot by a
Fleming Administration Building secu-
rity camera, offered substantial evidence
against only one of his clients, Lewis
Lewis said his main concern in the
case was to help his clients.
"It's not important whether or not I'm
happy with it. The clients seem satisfied.
Seldom does somebody ever walk away
from a trial really happy," he said.

Department of Public Safety (DPS) offi-
cers Feb. 19 and 20.
District Attorney Konrad Siller and
Defense attorneys Doug Lewis of
Student Legal Services and Thomas
Corderman successfully bargained to re-

in jail and/or a $100 fine. "It's unusual,"
Lewis said, "but the assistant district at-
torney found it more appropriate."
The students will be sentenced on
May 5 at 10 a.m.
This is the second pretrial hearing for

sue Mich.
by Sarah Fette
Three members of the
Association of American Publishers
(AAP) recently filed a lawsuit
against Michigan Document
Services for the company's alleged
copying and distributing of excerpts
from texts without AAP permission.

Brian Evers, ~
Mall's Easter
Bunny, gives an
Easter present
to a shopper b
yesterd ay .
Evers was kept is
busy the entire
day with a 3
constant flow of
children, some
of whom had -

Yeltsin alowed
to continue
rule by decree
MOSCOW (AP) - Russia's Communist-dominated
parliament backed down yesterday from a week-long
clash with President Boris Yeltsin and passed a declara-
tion that will allow him to continue his free-market re-
The declaration preserves Yeltsin's power to rule by
decree and directs the government to continue the
painful reforms that the lawmakers oppose.
It apparently averted one of Russia's most serious
nolitical crises since the collanse of the Soviet Union

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