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April 05, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-05

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W/11 D
A look at
women's athletic


Chance of rain;
High: 63, Low: 46.
Mostly sunny;
High: 67, Low: 44.

Since 1890
cuv 9et uZ1991
Vol C, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 5, 1991 ,he ~M~cran Day
d~pj e t E E ,tB u s h ma y s p e a k
cermo thtyas el inthw eotatibrtytodisusxBuh'
by Henry Goldblatt~ tY P
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N004.0PresiAn n trborgeto sea satkte o wetoUnveriABCPesn ane ch rthe residnlstaetocm
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Wat h theSrt seviccmeto mencsemeste Potstrstarssd ushrearin
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Chanel 4Assgnmet EdtorPresdentforGovenmeThold oreturen totcampustbecause
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McHampuYIai hs aill beesc ond ea neh of hauldnotcofirmlwhtherrint atmtt rn uhbc ocm
Tunnel vision the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~University'clis. col n o-Bs ol pa tgadain u neBs arsdnsi
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holds stoppage; bargaining

GEO clash over
baraiin isu
br a nby Stefanie Vines the bargaining committee promised
and Henry Goldblatt to call off the work stoppage
Daily Staff Reporters planned for Thursday. GEO agreed

TA anin
rallies at
B a illding
by Ken Walker
and Gwen Shaffer
with Stefanie Vines
Daily Staff Reporters

Miscommunication was the main
issue yesterday as members of the
Graduate Employees Organization
(GEO) and the University bargain-
ing teams tried to interpret the
events of Wednesday's mediation
* Before mediation began, the
University gave the GEO bargaining
team a letter saying that any,
planned work stoppage would be il-
legal under the current agreement
between GEO and the University
which expires today.
1The letter stated that "the
University expects that you,(GEO)
will immediately disavow the pro-
*posed work stoppage and instruct
your membership that such miscon-
duct is in violation of the
Agreement and could subject them
to disciplinary action."
The University also refused to
begin the mediation session until

to make that statement.
As a result, both the University
and GEO issued a statement to the
press at 10 p.m. Wednesday night
stating there would not be a work
stoppage Thursday, despite the fact
that the GEO' steering committee
has final authority on the work
stoppage decision.
But after the statement was is-
sued, the GlEO steering committee
met later that night to authorize the
work stoppage, which took place
GEO bargainer and steering
committee member Corey Dolgon
said the steering committee autho-
rized the work stoppage because the
University did not notify the bar-
gaining team in time to cancel the
work stoppage.
"The b,-rgaining team was put
under the gun by the administration
See GEO, Page 2

Italian teaching assistant John Brownstein (left) and history teaching assistant Charles Lttleton
demonstrate their support at the GEO rally in Regent's Plaza yesterday.

Members and supporters of the
Graduate Employees Organization
(GEO) rallied for a full hour out-
side the Fleming Administration
Building yesterday to protest the
slow pace of TA contract negotia-
tions with the University.
"The administration is mad,"
said GEO negotiator Alan Zundel in
a speech to roughly 200 people who
attended the rally. "They didn't
want to see you out here, today."
In addition to other students,
GEO garnered support from faculty
Economics Prof. Tom
Weisskopf, who spoke at the rally
said, "I wanted to let you know that
there are faculty who are very sup-
portive of what you are doing."
Weisskopf stressed the impor-
tance of TAs to the quality of un-
dergraduate education.
"There's been major talk lately
about improving buildings for un-
dergraduate education, but it seems
the most important element, the
teacher, is being neglected," he said.
Yesterday's rally and one-day
work stoppage followed on the
heels of the first mediation session
between GEO and University nego-
tiators, held Wednesday night.
"I think the mediation is impor-
See RALLY, Page 2

by Ken Walker
Daily Staff Reporter

opinions conflict on cancelling classes

1--- 1-1

At last night's Graduate Em-
ployees Organization (GEO) mem-
bership meeting, several TAs ex-
pressed conflicting views on
whether classes should be held off
campus during a work stoppage.
Ken Miller, a Psychology 475
TA, believed that holding classes
off campus weakened CEO's

"If the purpose of a strike is to
stop classes to show our solidarity
and to bring attention to our de-
mands, then I think it makes the
most sense to not teach. And to
teach off campus is still teaching,"
Miller said.
He also said that cancelling
classes was not unfair to under-

graduate students. "I think part of
what needs to go on is that under-
grads need to be educated about
why we're doing this. They are go-
ing to be frustrated, but that frus-
tration is part of the effectiveness
of a strike," Miller said.
Miller said he would probably
not hold classes if a longer work
stoppage was ordered by GEO in

the future. His classes meet on Fri-
days, so he did not have to cancel
them for yesterday's ones-day
Amy Polk, an EECS 280 TA,
held her classes at Dominick's yes-
terday. "It's really hard for some
people who haven't been accli-
mated to the whole labor ideol-
ogy" to cancel classes, she said.

Tom Galloway, an EECS 484
TA, held his office hours on cam-
pus during the work stoppage yes-
terday. His students had a major as-
signment due, and "since it's a
computer-based assignment, I re-
ally couldn't see holding my office
hours out in a field somewhere," he

'Concerned Students break up,
create new citizen organization

by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter
The University won't be hearing
another word from Concerned Stu-
dents, but that doesn't mean the ad-
0ministration has heard the end of the
macing incident at South Quad.
In fact, after the official disband-
ing of Concerned Students in a meet-
ing at the Union last night, and the
creation of a new group called Con-
cerned Citizens, more letters con-
cerning the allegedly racist police
action will probably begin flowing
into Duderstadt's office.
In an effort to garner more sup-

voices to help us get things done."
About 25 people, including par-
ents, University faculty, and con-
cerned community members, at-
tended the meeting.
However, neither University
President James Duderstadt nor
Vice President for Student Affairs
Mary Ann Swain came to the meet-
ing, leaving the administration un-
"Someone said to me at the be-
ginning of this that it would take a
2-by-4 in order to make the admin-
stration react," first-year student
Richard Clay said. "Apparently she

Rackham graduate student Caur-
nel Morgan said the failure of the
administration to send a representa-
tive to the meeting reaffirms Dud-
erstadt's lack of commitment to the
Michigan Mandate, which was cre-
ated by Duderstadt in 1987 to con-
firm his dedication to diversity on
"Only one-third of the African
American students who matriculate
at this University will graduate
within four years. We find this
atrocious, and it has not improved
since the implementation of the
Mandan,," Morgan said.

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