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April 10, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-10

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Many students complain about the University
Board of Regents, but what if a student served
on the board. Don't laugh. The possibility is more
realistic than you may think.

They Might Be Giants brings their upbeat and
often bizarre style to The Michigan Theater this
weekend. Find out if they really are.

Is everybody ready for tomorrow's football game?
Yeah, that's right. Football. The real question is
who to root for in Michigan's annual intrasquad
spring game.

Mostly cloudy;
High 56, Low 45
Chance of showers; High 62, Low 40


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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vo. S & N. 12AnnAbr ihgn-Fiay, Ap i 0 192 ©192 he ichiga al

at Duke
with fire.
by Karen Sabgir
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Optimistic safety officers at Duke
University planned far in advance
for the celebrations following its
NCAA basketball victory Monday
"We've been preparing for this
since December," said Lt. Charles
Nordan of the Duke University
Public Safety Department.
Prior to the championship game,
the Duke Chronicle and local news-
papers and television stations an-
nounced that a bonfire - to be con-
tained in an empty parking lot and
supervised by safety officers -
would be held for two hours
following the end of the game.
Although the bonfire was under
control at first, when officers an-
nounced that the two-hour time limit
was up, the atmosphere drastically
"It was pretty chaotic after the
two hours," Nordan said.
Students started their own tradi-
tional mini-bonfire - fueled by
three park benches - in a university
First-year student Luke Dollar
said, "We usually light a bench or
two after basketball games. We just
make a bonfire of our own in the
middle of the quad."
Officers in the area tried to con-
trol the unexpected second fire but
were not entirely successful. "A few
students went through it and got
first, second, and third degree burns
on their arms - two students
actually fell into the fire," Nordan
Dollar said when a bench gets
thrown into the fire, students run
across it before it catches fire and
just when it is beginning to catch.
Although Nordan said he thought
more than 5,000 students and
"townies" attended the planned bon-
fire, Dollar said the second bonfire
was much more enjoyable because it
was not structured.
"All roads to campus were
blocked off, not even pizza trucks
could get in," Dollar said. "Public
Safety did a wonderful job, but I
See DUKE, Page 2


Noriega convicted of

eight d
MIAMI (AP) - Manuel Nor-
iega, the dictator who defied a su-
perpower, was convicted of eight of
10 drug and racketeering charges
yesterday, two years after the long
arm of America plucked him from
Panama in a bloody invasion.
The ousted Panamanian leader's
conviction included the key counts
of racketeering and racketeering
conspiracy. The eight counts carry a
possible maximum sentence of 120
years. Sentencing was set for July
"We did one heck of a job. We're
proud of what we did," said Assis-
tant U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan.
U.S. Attorney James McAdams
said as soon as Noriega is sentenced,
he will be taken to Tampa for a trial
on marijuana smuggling charges. If
convicted in that case, he could be
sentenced to 35 years in prison.
The defense said it would appeal
the verdict.
President Bush called the convic-
tion "a major victory against the
drug lords."
"I hope it sends a lesson to drug
lords here and around the world they
will pay a price if they continue to
poison the lives of our kids in this
country or anywhere else," Bush
said at a Washington meeting with
Nicaraguan President Violetta
Defense attorney Frank Rubino
was bitter, and said the appeal would
be based on issues including Norie-
ga's prisoner-of-war status and the

rug charges

"The United States government
in its self-appointed role as world
policeman ... saw fit to invade a for-
eign country and seize its leader," he
"This, in our opinion, is the mod-
ern day version of the Crusades, that
'I hope it sends a
lesson to drug lords
here and around the
world they will pay a
price if they continue
to poison the lives of
our kids in this
country or anywhere
- George Bush
the United States will now trample
across the entire world, imposing its
will upon so-called independent,
sovereign nations. Unless the foreign
governments are willing to kneel
once a day and face Washington and
give grace to George Bush, they,
too, may be in the same posture as
General Noriega."
Noriega was acquitted of cocaine
distribution and conspiracy to import
There was no visible reaction
from Noriega or the jurors as the

verdicts were read. In the row be-
hind the defense, two of Noriega's
daughters wept while his wife, Feli-
cidad, stared forward without ex-
The U.S. District Court trial
lasted seven months, during which
the government painstakingly built
its case against a head of state it
called "a small man in a general's
uniform" who was "just another
crooked cop."
The verdict came in the jury's
fifth day of deliberations. On
Wednesday, they announced they
were deadlocked with one holdout;
Judge William Hoeveler urged them
to try again.
"The decision was difficult," the
foreman, Lester Spencer, told re-
porters after the verdict. "The deci-
sion was heavily debated back and
The defense maintained Noriega
was a victim of U.S. politics, saying
the case "smelled all the way to
Washington." The attorneys por-
trayed the government's witnesses
as unscrupulous thugs looking only
for a "get-out-of-jail-free card."
The trial marked the first time the
United States invaded a sovereign
country and brought back its leader
for a criminal trial. The government
dubbed the invasion Operation Just
Noriega was indicted on Feb. 4,
1988, along with 15 other people,
including the head of Colombia's
Medellin drug cartel, Pablo Escobar.

Say 'ahhh'
John Grant, a 4th-year dentristy student, works on Dawn Barbier yesterday
at the Dental school. Barbier traveled more than 100 miles for dental work.

Minority status does not play role in aid selection

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
Although a spokesperson at the
Office of Financial Aid says prefer-
ence is not given to people of color
who request aid, students said they
have mixed feelings about how aid is
granted for minority students.
"In the world of financial aid, we
try to use the resources so those
choices are not necessary. We look
at people and plan aid so they all can
be taken care of," said Judith Harper,
associate director of the Office of
Financial Aid.
She explained that the University
attempts to meet the needs of all stu-

dents requesting financial aid.
Minority status does not play a
role in the selection process of need-
based aid, Harper said.
After awarding merit scholar-
ships to those who deserve them, the
Office of Financial Aid reviews how
much need-based aid should be
given to accomodate a prospective
student, Harper said.
"Most minority scholarships are
to encourage underrepresented mi-
nority students to come to the cam-
pus and are based on academic
achievement, not need," Harper said.
She said the financial aid office
provides merit scholarships specifi-

cally for students of color as a way
of fulfilling the Michigan Mandate.
The Michigan Mandate is a doc-
umented commitment to a progres-
sion in diversity the University made
official in1988.
Harper said people don't gener-
ally question the financial aid
allocation process.
"We haven't had any particular
backlash from making minority
scholarship provisions. It's always
individuals who will raise questions
about that," Harper said.
Students said they are not sure
how financial aid is allocated, but
some said they assume the

University's commitment to
diversity does play a role.
"My opinion is the school would
give aid to a minority," LSA
sophomore Daljit Doogal said.
"I definitely think the University
includes one's minority status for fi-
nancial aid," said Jim Alley, a first-
year MBA student in the Business
Doogal and Alley speculated
about whether the same amount of
aid would be given to two studens
with the same socio-economic
standings, but of different
"If it was up to me, I'd split the

aid in half and give it to both of
them.," Doogal said.
"If it were a true toss-up, I would
probably flip a coin," Alley said.
Alley said he does not have prob-
lems with programs which give the
edge to people of color as long as
they claim that they do.
Alley added that he thinks the
University should maintain its
commitment since it makes it public.
"If you're a minority in this
country, there are more pressures
against movements you make.
Systems like this are set up so
Blacks, Asians, and even women get
See NEED, Page 2

Blood banks field calls from
worried transfusion patients

Associated Press
A day after Arthur Ashe an-
nounced he got AIDS from a blood
transfusion, blood banks fielded
calls from worried transfusion recip-
Officials say the blood supply
has become markedly safer against
AIDS since March 1985, when
screening for the virus began.
One woman worried by Ashe's
announcement had gotten a blood
transfusion after a hysterectomy
about a year ago.
Even though she had tested nega-

tive for the AIDS virus three months
and again six months after the
transfusion, she called the American
Red Cross Blood Services-Northeast
Region in Dedham, Mass., yesterday
"What I told her was, for her own
peace of mind, have another test,
and if that's negative, then just to
figure she is ... free of the AIDS
virus," said Blanche Lansky, the
blood center's director of commu-
nity services.
It was one of 10 calls to the cen-
ter by early yesterday afternoon. The

National AIDS Hotline also reported
an increase in calls Wednesday.
"Clearly it has renewed the fear
of getting AIDS from a transfusion,"
said Bill Teague, president of the
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
in Houston, which had received 15
to 20 calls by mid-morning.
Ashe, a tennis star of the '60s
and '70s, said he believed he was
infected by blood transfused after
heart-bypass surgery in 1983. That
was before blood banks began
screening blood for the AIDS virus
in March 1985.

'U' student clinches first place on
tour of 'American Gladiators'

Alexander Cockburn of The Nation speaks at Hutchins Hall last night.

by Christopher Scherer
Daily Staff Reporter

"It was a total riot!" said Looby,
who is also a strength coach for the
Michigan football team.
A lthrn1, nt firet hPunenoir&*_r

Looby called the power ball
event the most physically strenuous
because of the straightforward inter-
actionof both the Gla~diatrszand

Columnist Cockburn defends the
nnlitiend left in I iw SIehnnl frnuum

Kinesiology junior Terry Looby



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