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April 10, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-10

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 10, 1992

'U' custodians demand action onI

I' I

by Ben Deci
Daily Crime Reporter
The American Federation of
State, County, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) has filed a
grievance with the University's
custodial administration offices
saying staff supervisors violated
federal and state laws and
contractual provisions that mandate
safety precautions for custodial
The grievance arose after janitors'
complained their supervisors asked

working c
them to clean areas of East
Engineering littered with pigeon car-
casses and abandoned chemical
"The Federal Hazardous
Communications Act dictates that
employers must inform their em-
ployees of hazardous working con-
ditions," said Carl Struble, district
steward for AFSCME. Stuart said
the University hadn't met the
requirement in the act.
Struble added that the University
had violated previous agreements

between his union and the University
when it distributed dust masks to
custodians clearly marked "not for
custodial work."
But custodial supervisor Ida
Patterson said, "If they are affected,
we all are ... People have been
working in those conditions for a
number of years. The grievance is
still being considered."
Patterson said she had no idea
what hazardous chemicals the Union
was referring too.

Continued from page 1
think they let their presence be a
little too felt in the quad."
First-year student Bill Dahms
said he was disappointed with the
number of safety and security offi-
cers present throughout the night,
but that it was better than last year
when celebrations got out of hand
and a few people were assaulted.
"I would definitely prefer the
structure because I felt safe," he
Safety officers at the bonfire
were armed - as they ordinarily are
when on duty - but none had tear
gas, crowd dispersal munitions, or
night sticks. Nordan said officers
dealt with the crowd in a calm and
civilized manner.
"There was some time when I
was scared to get hit by flying glass,
but never from anarchy ... I think
we were able to keep our hand on
the pulse at all times. It was chaotic

here, but not so chaotic that we were
not able to keep some kind of
control," Nordan said.
After the second fire was put out,
the crowd moved in to the dormito-
ries and to parties at fraternity
houses near the quadrangle.
A private security agency was
hired for the evening to check stu-
dent IDs at the entrances to the
dorms because of expected problems
with fans not affiliated with the
"We had (difficulties) with
unauthorized people in the dorms
causing problems," Nordan said.
Although police made more than 10
arrests, only two - for delaying and
obstructing a police officer -
involved students.
Dahms said he caught up with
some of his fraternity brothers at the
bonfire, before going to a party at
the fraternity house. "We ran around
the circle a few times - you could-

n't get with in 20 yards of the fire,"
he said.
Dollar said the fire was "easily
five stories high when it was first
"People were just running around
it - some were wearing clothes,
some weren't. A lot of bras went
into the fire, I mean, 'Cross My
Heart' made a killing off us," he
Nordan said he was impressed
with his force for its exhaustive
coverage of the celebration. "From
11:15 to 4 a.m. we were on the go
constantly, responding to calls of
fights, vandalism, unauthorized per-
sons in dorms, and false fire alarms."
Nordan said he is satisfied with
the Blue Devils' back-to-back victo-
ries. "I hope you win next year, I
hope you win the whole thing be-
cause I don't want to have to go
through another NCAA victory,"
Nordan said.

Continued from page 1
bloody nose," he said.
During the last event, Looby had
to run through tires, maneuver over
balance beams with medicine balls
swinging across his path and climb
up a thick net.
The American Gladiators were
not wimps, Looby said. The level of
competition was serious and the
gladiators retained a sportsmanship
attitude, Looby added.
"They put on a good show and
did not want to lose," he said.
What surprised Looby most
about the whole competition was
the female Gladiators. "I was sur-
prised about how huge the women
were - they were humongous!"
After the events, Looby said, the
Gladiators were very friendly and
calm toward the competitors. He
said they did not reflect the fierce
behavior television audiences are
accustomed to seeing.
Looby said he has the possibility
of appearing on the television show
if his score is one of the top 10 in
the nation. The competition in
Texas was a leg of a nationwide
American Gladiator tour spanning
100 cities.
Television commentator Mike
Adderly told Looby after the events
that his score was exceptionally
high and he foresaw a possible
television appearance. Looby said
the promoter of the show liked his
football background and persona,
and thought they would help his
chances of appearing on television.
LSA senior Kevin Hedding, a
friend of Looby's, said his partici-
pation in the event was "great and
exciting because Terry has the kind
of personality everyone likes. He
has a lot of character and was
perfect for the event."
Michigan weight training coor-
dinator Mike Gittleson also spoke
affablly of Looby. He related


Kinesiology junior Terry Looby works out in the Center of Champions
yesterday. Looby competed in the American Gladiators tour Saturday.


Calvin and Hobbes



'fo GET (OUR

by Bill Watterson

Looby's experience to other
Michigan sports. "Big Ten gym-
nastics, Final Four in hockey,
NCAA basketball final two, and
we've got Looby in the Gladiators
- Michigan is represented well."

Looby said he plans to attend
dental school after getting his
degree in kinesiology.
"The crazy thing is, he's going
to be a dentist one day," Gittleson



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N EED LSA first-year student Stacy
Continued from page 1 Carns agreed, but to an extent.
"Minority students should be given
preference over white males. I don't some precedence but the University
necessarily agree with them, but they shouldn't overdo it so other people
are needed in some cases," Alley have a chance," she said.
COCTKBURN"The local fights, the partial
fights are so all-consuming that
Continued from page 1 people lack that larger ambition.
in the political field, with the occa- What the left has really failed to
sional exeception of presidential come up with is a sense of scale in
candidate Jerry Brown, has any idea the economy," he said.
how to handle the current economic "I think unless the left can re-
situation. cover a larger sense of social strat-
"Labor is still at a primitive egy we are looking to a dismal
stage of organization," he said. time," Cockburn said.
In response to the claims that the David Klaus, a law student and
leftist perspective is diminishing, organizing member of the National
Cockburn commented that this is Lawyer's guild, said its goal in
"an illusion created by the media," bringing Cockburn and other speak-
because of the country's growing ers to the University as part of its
trend toward conservatism. series was to "bring together a
"There is no question that there group of diverse perspectives on
are reservoirs of social activism vir- strategies for the left, and to bring
tually ignored by the mainstream," the left out of themarginal fringes
he said. Cockburn specifically of our political strata."
praised the great amount of work School of Education graduate
being done in the environmental student Karen Kennedy said she
field. liked Cockburn's ideas that "the left
"One of the central areas where needs to come up with bigger vi-
the left can seek important grounds sions-to inspire more people." She
in organization is in a coalition in also said that she liked the fact that
environmentalism and labor, not the he defended Jerry Brown's much
environmental of the Sierra Club, criticized flat tax proposal.
but environmentalism that addresses Cockburn has established
the poor such as toxics and living himself as a radical reporter and
conditions," Cockburn said. commentator over the years in other
In addressing strategies for the publications such as The Wall
left, Cockburn said "people need to Street Journal, Harpers, Esquire and
start thinking big again." The New Statesman and Society.
Sbe Airbigan iBuiIy
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by
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NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
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