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April 03, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-04-03

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The Samples
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Page 8.


tE4 -l NNE
Sunny, warmer;
High: 58, Low: 30.
Chance of rain;
High: 63, Low: 43.

Since 1890

$450 for
legal fees
by Julie Foster
Daily MSAFReporter_
With Michigan Student
Assembly President Jennifer Van
Valey casting the tie-breaking vote,
MSA approved a funding request
for $450 to partially compensate
LSA junior Todd Ochoa's legal fees.
Ochoa was charged with
"malicious destruction" of
University property after chalking
anti-deputization slogans during the
protests last November.
The resolution requesting the
money from the assembly stated
that the charges were later dropped
by the city prosecutor due to a "lack
of substance." The resolution said
Ochoa incurred legal fees of over
However, the charges have re-
cently been re-filed under different
0 statutes. Tomorrow, Ochoa will
visit City Hall to present himself
for re-arrest and arraignment on
two counts of criminal malicious
Rackham Rep. Jeff Hinte spon-
sored the resolution, stressing the
importance of protecting students'
freedom of expression.
Several members of the assembly
were opposed to the allocation.
"I think the resolution sets a bad
precedent. Since he was a member of
SRC (Students' Rights
Commission), they should have
paid," said Business School Rep.
Steven Kahl. He said since SRC is
allocated money from the assembly
See CHALKER, Page 2

Report states

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter



Rubber ducky, you're the one U f
First-year engineering students John Rose and Brent Schwan, first-year LSA student Jenn Cherba and their
rubber ducky take a dip in a hot tub on the Diag yesterday to promote the University Students Against Cancer
Students split on likely
GEO strike tomorrow

While the number of students at
the University has remained virtu-
ally constant, the number of admin-
istrators and faculty has soared dur-
ing the past 10 years, according to a
University report released Monday.
The report traces the growth in
numbers of administrative and fac-
ulty positions between 1980 and
The number of professional and
administrative positions increased
47.7 percent, while the number of
instructional faculty rose 17.3 per-
cent. The percentage of University
students edged up only 1.8 percent.
Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs Robert Holbrook
said to properly analyze the report,
each department should be examined
individually rather than looking at
the numbers as a whole.
Holbrook explained that if the
University Medical Center and
other departments such as research
- which do not fall under the gen-
eral fund - are subtracted from the
calculations, the numbers appear
differently. The general fund is
formed by tuition revenues, state
funding, federal grants and con-
tracts, indirect cost recoveries, and
unrestricted private grants.
The report attributes much of
the increase in administrative posi-
tions to the expansion of the
University Medical Center, and in-
creases in research which have oc-
curred during the past decade.
"The state put hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars in a new facility.

by Jami Blaauw
Daily Staff Reporter
As tomorrow's likely Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO)
strike grows closer and undergrads
are faced with cancelled classes,
student reaction is mixed. Despite
scattered comments from those who
look forward to missing class, most
students support the GEO.
GEO leaders are expected to
ratify the strike proposal tonight.
"The TAs are justified to strike

The hospital operates at a 99 percent
capacity," Holbrook said.
The report also cites an increase
in University-conducted research as
a cause for the growing number of
faculty positions.
"There has been growth in re-
search. The University moved the
Engineering college to North
Campus, and gave it new buildings

and I think they deserve more than
they're getting because they do most
of the work that runs the
University," said LSA senior David
Makled. "Perhaps if some of the
administration costs were cut, there
would be enough money for the
Many undergrads, however, were
not fully aware of the GEO strike
and had to have the issues explained
to them. Some declined to comment
because they felt they did not know

enough about the TA strike.
In response to the student apa-
thy, GEO president Chris Roberson
said, "It is very important for us to
have undergraduate support and we
are concerned, but we have our prior-
ities and we need to get in touch
with our own people. Students
should be reading the Daily for this
information and I'm sure they'll all
find out about it (tomorrow)."
Engineering junior Dale Jung ex-
See STRIKE, Page 2

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and new labs. There's been enormous
grants in funds and research. They've
hired research scientists, graduate
employees and technicians,"
Holbrook added.
Including only general fund ex-
penditures, University faculty in-
creased 7.1 percent while the num-
ber of administrators rose 28 per-
See REPORT, Page 2
will hold
forums in
res. halls
by Andrew Levy
Daily Staff Reporter
The scramble to save the
ResComp program is on this week,
as students and staff meet to plot
out a viable plan of action for the-
program's future.
ResComp will hold a series of
forums tonight and tomorrow to
gather student input before making
a decision on what budget cuts to
The program, jointly funded by
the Information Technology
Division (ITD) and the Housing
Division, provides computing clus-
ters and related services in

'Sex, Lies, and AIDS' forum
promotes safer sex practices
Panelists stress AIDS virus will soon impact on everyone

by Stacey Gray
"What is the largest sexual or-
gan we have?"
This was only one of the many
questions answered at a forum enti-
tled "Sex, Lies, and AIDS" at the
Residential College last night.
The forum was divided into three
parts - a panel presentation, a ques-
tion-answer period, and a workshop
section called "Safer Sex/
Eroticizing Safer Sex."
Jenifer Levin, an RC faculty
member and program organizer,
told the crowd of approximately
120 people that "AIDS will have a
profound effect on every single per-
son in this room."
"There are approximately 1.5
million people infected with the
AIDS virus in the United States,"
said panelist Cynthia Wrentmore, a
public health nurse.
Wrentmore discussed the preva-
lence of AIDS across sex, age, race,
and demographic barriers. She
pointed out that Washtenaw
County has the second highest rate
of HIV positive cases in the state,
after the city of Detroit.
Wrentmore stressed that society
pressures people to have sex at
young ages, increasing their chances
by Becca Donnenfeld
Daily Staff Reporter
Are you one of the many
University students having trouble
with your landlord? Were you
caught drinking underage and have
no idea who to turn to? Are people
trying to take advantage of you be-
cause you're a student and you can't
afford a lawyer?

of contracting AIDS. "An orgasm
isn't going to make you feel good
about yourself," stressed Wrent-
more. "That has to come from inside
of you."
The other two panelists,
University professors Dr. Carol
Kauffman and Dr. David Ostrow,
spoke on the medical aspects of the
Ostrow told the story of a pro-
fessor friend who died of AIDS
without telling anyone he was sick.
"Even educated and knowledge-
able people have difficulty reaching
out to get the kind of help and sup-
port they need," he said.
Wrentmore urged the audience to
"have the courage to act on your be-
liefs and make a difference."
Questions ranged from "Can you
contract AIDS from oral sex?" to
"Can someone who has the HIV
virus but doesn't have symptoms
transmit the disease?" According to
the panelists, the answer to both of
these questions is "Yes."
One man said he found some of
Wrentmore's comments "cultur-
ally insensitive and degrading" and
objected to the lack of rep-

resentation of either people of color
or people with AIDS on the panel.
In response, another man who
identified himself as a person with
AIDS, said he had been asked to par-
ticipate on the panel but did not be-
cause of a personal mix-up.
During intermission, LSA senior
Alyssa Kendal said, "I think a lot of
people learned things they didn't
know before. Instead of just saying
'practice safe sex,' the panel ex-
plained what kinds of sex are safe
and what kinds are unsafe."
The workshop was run by Craig
Covey, president of the Midwest
AIDS Prevention Project, with the
help of seven Safer Sex Peer
Educators from University Health
"I can only eroticize sex for my-
self and my partner," Covey joked.
"But I can help you along."
The workshop also included "a
feelings exercise," role-plays, con-
dom demonstrations, and a list of
safe sex activities.
(The body's largest sexual organ,
by the way, is the skin - the brain is
the second largest.)

Learning by osmosisJ
LSA sophomore Beth Stevenson catches up on a little reading under a
tree on the Diag yesterday.

'The purpose of these
forums is to allow
students an
opportunity to provide
- Mary Simoni
ResComp director
University residence halls.
However, the program's fate was
put in jeopardy last month when
ITD threatened to pull out its half
of the funding.
Since the conflict erupted, the
parties involved have been meeting
in an attempt to resolve the diffi-
"Negotiations between the
Housing Division and ITD com-
menced in mid-March with a careful
review of all components of
ResComp by those Housing
Division and ITD staff responsible
for the delivery of services and fis-
cal management of ResComp," said
Mary Simoni, Director of ResComp.
The review process included



get ,andlpa
tise," said Roumel, who is one of
the three attorneys who counsels
students. "But we help about 3,000
to 4,000 students a year, everything
from an 18-year-old caught with al-
cohol to a 35-year-old mother filing
for divorce."
SLS, located on the third floor of
the Union, helps all registered
University students with any kind

y for, the legal aid
such as refuse to return security de- payments voluntary.
posits," he said. "One of the most "SLS would die. You can't run a
extreme cases was when a landlady law firm on voluntary fees."
charged $700 a month for a cleaning One of SLS's projects for the fu-
fee, something required to be free by ture is to establish a "Landlord
law." Information Project," which would

they need
volved with SLS can volunteer as
interns in the office. LSA first-year
student Katie Taylor works as a re-
ceptionist, but said she also takes
checks to the courthouse and orga-
nizes files.
Reactions to SLS are generally
positive. LSA junior Andrew
Krumerman said he didn't know
about SLS until he paid $2,50for a
..iy nU'n tat n merhamc 're-.

'We help about 3,000 to 4,000 students a
year, everything from an 18-year-old caught
with alcohol to a 35-year-old mother filing

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