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April 24, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-24

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s MSA should axe
*its recognition process

0 Albany

Softball team faces Western Michigan

e Midtganailt!
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 24, 1990 TheMchigan

Gaps exist among

by Mark Katz
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
The University is graduating cer-
tain minority groups at lower rates
than their white and Asian peers.
According to statistics compiled
by the Office of Affirmative Action,
Blacks graduated from the University
at a rate which was half that of white
and Asian students in 1988. Whites
and Asians graduated at a rate more
than 10 percent higher than Hispan-
The rates are derived from the
number of students who enrolled in
1984 and who graduated in four
Administrators say the disparity
is the result of an overall problem
the University. has with retaining

"The University has been focus-
ing on recruitment, but I think a lot
of effort has got to go into reten-
tion," said Dr. John Matlock, Direc-
tor of the Office of Minority Affairs.
"If you don't do that, you have a re-
volving door."
Many factors affect the Univer-
sity's ability to retain minorities,
said Vice Provost for Minority Af-
fairs Charles Moody. Problems stem
from a lack of financial aid, inade-
quate support services for minority
students, a proportionately low
number of minorities in staff and
faculty positions and the Eurocentric
nature of the University curriculum,
Moody said.
Affirmative Action statistics

indicate thatc
groups charted
rienced the m
in their grad
1980 and 1988
In 1988, B
five and six y
higher numbe
years earlier,a
Blacks gradua
slightly decrea
The Unive
commitment t
ity students ha
tions neededt
graduate, som
"There has to'
proach and co

minority graduation
of the three minority sociate Director for Administration nancial aid is a large part of the
, Hispanics have expe- for the Comprehensive Studies Pro- problem. t
ost significant increase gram (CSP), emphasized the need to "One of the primary reasons I
uation rates between contextualize the University's mi- (students leave the University with- li
R. nority retention rate among peer in- out graduating) is money," said LSA
3lacks graduated after stitutions. "Michigan is doing aver- junior Latrice Dixon, a steering g
ears in only marginally age or better than average relative to committee member of the United I
rs than they did seven any university comparable to Michi- Coalition Against Racism. i
and the percentages of gan based on the backgrounds of in- Students are often given enticing n
ating after four years coming students," he said. grant offers for their first year, but in
sed. Sixty-one percent of all whites subsequent years the amount of fi- C
rsity has not made a who enrolled in the University in the nancial aid is often decreased, Dixon C
o ensuring that minor- fall of 1984 graduated after four said. If students don't fit into a spe- i
ve all the accommoda- years, while only 28.7 percent of cific need-based category, they are on
to stay in school and Blacks who enrolled that semester their own to pay for school; by ju-
ne administrators say. graduated during the same time pe- nior and senior year, many Blacks
be an institutional ap- riod. students have to take more hours ofc

"(The University) has to look at
he reality of the financial situations
for students of color and their fami-
ies," Moody said.
Another reason for low minority
graduation rates is the hostile envi-
ronment on campus and inadequate
nstitutional resources to help mi-
norities deal with the climate, say
students and administrators. In many
cases, a negative perception of the
campus climate causes some minor-
ty students to say, "Is it really
worth it?" Matlock said.
The CSP functions as a minority
support service, providing intensive
courses, counseling, tutoring and en-
richment efforts to students in their
first two years.
See GAPS, Page 2

mmitment," said Mat-
Dr. Ralph Story, As-

While many factors contribute to
the low minority retention at the
University, some say insufficient fi-

work-study and often must find em-
ployment outside of the University,
she said.



by Diane Cook
Daily Women's Issues Reporter

m of se
lations chair. te
Fraternity member Sam Walker, th
an LSA sophomore, said the envi- m
ronment at fraternity parties centers sh
around sexual relations.
"It's a meat market in every sense ab
of the word. If you approach some- re
one, you're hitting on them," he be
said. w
"When you bring men and sl

nd to come out," he said. "They
ink that it's their role to have too
uch to drink, go to a party and
eep with someone."
Schafer and her friends had heard
bout awards at fraternities which
warded fraternity members' sexual
ehavior, such as the "brick of the
eek" award for the member who
ept with the "ugliest" woman, or

"It's like a date. The fraternity
calls the sorority (members) and asks
them to a party, then the sororities
pick and choose," said Sigma Kappa
member and LSA sophomore Mau-
reen Schafer, describing the Greek
system's social gatherings.
"It's getting women together
with men on a date. It's not saying,
let's get together and make friends,
it's saying let's get together for a
blind date. And what happens at the
end of the night on that date? You
used to get a good night kiss, and
(then you would) leave," Schafer
said. "It's not a person-to-person sit-
uation anymore."
Although fraternities and sorori-
ties still maintain date-like relations,
some members of the Greek system
say the dynamic of this relationship,
which many people call sexist, is
detrimental to both sexes.
"There is blatant sexism within
the Greek system, simply because
people are living in same-sex envi-
ronments," said Jonathan Fink, In-
terfraternity Council (IFC) public re-

'It's great to go to the parties and meet
people and make friends. But it's a tough
environment to do it in'
- Maureen Schafer
Sigma Kappa member and LSA sophomore

women together and put them around
a keg, you are only dealing with
them in terms of sexual relations,
Schafer said. "It's easy to get to-
gether with the guy you've been
talking to that night, rather than get-
ting together for lunch the next day."
Walker added that fraternities
breed sexist attitudes.
"When you get any group of
males together, those kind of atti-
tudes about women as sex objects

scoreboards which tally up sexual
Walker said he has heard about
scoreboards and awards at houses but
he did not know which houses gave
such awards.
Schafer said one example of this
sexism was when members of ier
sorority were invited to a party at
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Several of the
women noticed "S.A.P. applies
See GREEK, Page 2

Yearbooks are in
Senior Ron Lumaque picks up his yearbook from the Student Publications Building. The yearbook office is open
from 9a.m. to 5p.m. throughout the summer.

Bill threate
fundrig for
MX rl n




by Christine Kloostra
Daily Government Reporter
Funding for the MX rail garrison
(MXRG) - which will carry MX
missiles through Ann Arbor during
times of national emergency - will
be blocked if a bill introduced by
U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-
Michigan) passes Congress.
The bill, introduced last Friday,
proposes to eliminate all funding for
the project in fiscal year 1991 - an
estimated $1.62 billion.
"We wanted to stake out our po-
l* sition early in the budget process,"
said an aide to Senator Levin, adding
the bill has seen "good support in
the Senate."
The Michigan Coalition to Stop
the MX, a group created in Novem-
ber 1989 to oppose the deployment
of the MXRG, strongly supports
Levin's bill.
"Senator Levin's courage and vi-
sion show concern and responsibility
dfor both global and local security,"
said Jackie Victor. spokesperson for

poses the resolution, does not feel
the bill will effect the votes of coun-
cil members on the resolution.
"However the vote comes out, (it)
will be symbolic," he said.
Ann Marie Coleman (D-First
Ward) agreed it was unlikely any
council members would change their
votes as a result of the bill, but
strongly supported the legislation.
"It's clear that... with (Jernigan's)
attitude it won't pass here so hope-
fully Senator Levin's bill will make
all the difference," she said.
The council has not determined
when it will vote on the resolution.
Current U.S. Air Force plans for
the MXRG involve MX missiles
traveling over commercial railways
in seven states during times of na-
tional emergency. The National
Campaign to Stop the MX recently
revealed that a classified Defense
Science Board (DSB) report recom-
mends part of the MXRG should be
in motion on commercial rail lines

GM Sunrayce USA, 1990 Race Route
C lumb
nap 0--s
- Fra
om ry Talla ssee
Note: Race runs July 9-18 ST RT
and stops in the capital city Epcot Center,
of each state it traverses. riando
Solar car team to race
32 schools across U.S.

Germans take
giant stride to
EAST BERLIN (AP) - West Germany agreed yes-
terday to give East Germans a bigger share of Western
wealth as their struggling nation is merged with its rich
In a surprising concession, West Germany said it
would exchange each virtually worthless East German
mark paid to workers and pensioners for one strong
West German mark.
The 1-1 rate would apply to wages and pensions and
to savings accounts of up to 4,000 marks ($2,300), said
Dieter Vogel, spokesman for West German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl.
The East German government had demanded the 1-1
rate to protect workers from higher living costs in a
unified Germany and the loss of huge subsidies that ex-
isted in the former socialist system.
East German political factions applauded the wage
concession but criticized the limit on savings accounts.
Kohl made the proposal the day before he was to
meet with East German Prime Minister Lothar de
Maiziere in Bonn to discuss their differences over reuni-
It came amid reports that the number of East Ger-
mans fleeing their crumbling economy for West Ger-
many is continuing at a rate of more than 4,000 a week.
Under the West German economic proposal, an-
nounced after Kohl met with his Cabinet, personal sav-
ings of more than 4,000 marks would be traded at a 2-1

by Ian Hoffman
Daily Staff Writer
If everybody deserves one day in the sun,
then the University's Solar Car team is lucky.
They get nine.
More than a year of preparation will come
to a head for the University's Solar Car team
this July 9 when the GM Sunrayce departs
from Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida.

and LSA junior.
"But a project such as this one builds in a
lot of leeway to the timeline," she added. "I
think we'll be all right."
"It gives you an appreciation of how long it
takes to build a car in real life," said Justin
Beres, project systems coordinator and an engi-
neering junior. "We've actually had to hand-

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