Why DE..
Seagal takes out
the trash.
Page 5.
Mixed clouds and sun;
High: 60, Low: 39.
Partly sunny;
High: 84, Low: 42.
Since 1890
Vol. Cl, No.134 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, April 16, 1991 The Michna
offers GEO new pact,
threatens T
by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
In a surprise move at yesterday's
mediation session, University bar-
gainers presented a new package to
members of the Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO)
bargaining team.
As a possible GEO work stop-
page loomed, the University threat-
ened to dock pay for TAs who par-
ticipate in a walk-out.
The union membership has en-
dorsed a three-day work stoppage,
starting tomorrow, if an agreement
about TA
job action
by Andrew Levy
Daily Staff Reporter
As the Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) embarks on a
three-day work stoppage tomorrow,
the question of undergraduate sup-
port looms large in the minds of the
group's leadership.
Random students who were
asked to comment on the possibility
of a GEO work stoppage expressed a
variety of opinions on the planned
three-day strike. Whether support-
ive, indifferent, or otherwise, the
students worried about the poten-
tial effect such a job action would
have on classes - especially at the
end of the term.
LSA first-year student Kristi
Wink was very supportive of GEO's
action, blaming the inconvenience to
students on the University.
"Well, personally, I think that
they have a very vital reason to do
what they're doing because of how
low they're being paid. It bothers
me that the students are penalized
for it, because we don't get to go to
class," Wink said.
"I think we're being penalized
by the University, because they're
making the TAs do this," she added.
Alexander Tang, a first-year
Natural Resources student, also
supported the stoppage, but was
somewhat more concerned.
"I'm sort of disappointed that it
comes (this close to) the end of the
year and all of my classes are taught
by TAs and I need extra help, but I
do understand their point," Tang
LSA Junior Christopher Johnson
indicated his reluctant support for a
strike, but expressed hope that the
conflict could be resolved outside a
job action.
"Personally, I don't like the idea
that they're going to strike. I don't
like the disruption of classes. But I
do feel that they have some legiti-
mate gripes and I wish that they
could be arbitrated outside of a
(work) stoppage," he said.
"If it came down to a strike, I
would be supportive. I'm not
*wholeheartedly enthusiastic about
it... but all in all, I'd be in favor of a
See REACTION, Page 2
is not reached.
Walter Harrison, executive
director of University relations,
said the package calls for a 4.5 per-
cent salary increase over the next
two years, third-party arbitration of
TA grievances by a neutral outside
source, and automatic review for ex-
tra pay for TAs who teach sections
larger than indicated by the
In addition to the new package,
the University proposed a contract
extension. They may seek signatures
of all GEO members, especially
members of the GEO steering,
strike, and bargaining committees,
to officially sign an agreement
which would extend the current
contract until the end of the term.
Under the agreement, GEO and
University bargainers would con-
tinue to negotiate with state media-
tor Charles Jamerson.
If GEO committee members
refuse to sign the agreement then
the University threatens to dock
their pay and tuition waivers by 1.5
percent for each day TAs participate
in the proposed work stoppage
scheduled for tomorrow through
Friday, Harrison said.
Chief University Bargainer
Colleen Dolan-Greene said the
University will give GEO until 3
p.m. today to agree to the conditions
of the proposed contract extension.
Dolan-Greene said the 1.5 per-
cent dock in pay and tuition waivers
was not a punishment.
"We're not going to pay people
who don't work. It is not a
penalty," she said.
Steering Committee member
Michael O'Hearon questioned the
legality of the University's decision
to send letters to individual mem-
bers of the Union without going
through the collective bargaining
process first.
"It is a flagrant unfair labor
practice because they are trying to
get each individual member to sign
this agreement without going
through the bargaining team,"
O'Hearon said.
"What they are doing is saying
that individual members could ap-
proach the Regents and bargain for
us while we are bargaining with
A pay
Colleen and her friends," he said.
"They are not allowed to have di-
rect contact with the membership.
They can only ask us to pass on mes-
sages ourselves to the membership."
But Dolan-Greene said the letter
is legal.
"It is not our understanding that
we can't directly contact our own
employees. Individual TAs have
agreed to do particular services and
they should report to us," she said.
General University Counsel Elsa
Cole refused comment on the ques-
See GEO, Page 2
Ralliers protest
i Playboy arrival
by Jeannie Lurie
Daily Staff Reporter
Students and community mem-
bers rallied to protest Playboy's
campus interviews for its "Girls
of the Big Ten" issue yesterday at
noon on the Diag.
About 200 protesters listened
to speakers criticize Playboy for
the way it portrays women.
"We're seen as defenseless, pas-
sive, quiet ... accessibly sexual, just
like bunnies," LSA senior Linda
Rosenfeld shouted into a mega-
Many protesters cheered when
Rosenfeld said, "We're going to
show Playboy what we think of
their narrow definition of
Feminist Women's Union mem-
ber Cecelia Ober added, "They're
trying to eroticize women college-
students and thereby trivialize us."
LSA junior Mary Rubio agreed.
"Unfortunately, when a woman
poses nude in a magazine, you're go-
ing to assume she's not intelli-
gent," she said.
RC sophomore Trevor Hart
said, "I think this is an opportune
time to protest the objectification
of women when a magazine whose
primary purpose is to objectify
women comes to this school."
Hart does not believe men read
Playboy for its articles.
"They read it to see naked
women and to lust after them," he
LSA senior Greg Holowicki the
articles about the Playboy bunnies
include models' answers to ques-
tions based on their intelligence.
He acknowledged that he looks
at the pictures as well.
I think that women who think
See PROTEST. Pae 2
A group of women gather to protest Playboy magazine's arrival on campus. They chant as they march to the
Campus Inn yesterday.
Playboy interviews
attract prospective
models, avid critics
by Jeannie Lurie
Daily Staff Reporter
The telephone in Campus Inn room 907
rang about every five minutes as Playboy
contributing photographer David Mecey and
his assistant Ric Moore answered calls from
students making appointments to interview
for the "Girls of the Big Ten" issue.
They told women already on the schedule,
"Come right up!"
The University is the first stop on
Playboy's tour of Big Ten campuses
(including Penn State).
Around 4:30 p.m., several women were
waiting for interviews. Music School junior
Lisa Clinton said she was trying out for
Playboy "just for the hell of it. You only
live once," she said.
Clinton said her friends were not sur-
prised at her interviewing because she has al-
ready done topless dancing and a nude ice
skating video. "I don't look at it as pornog-
raphy," she said. "It's more an art form."
Clinton added she hopes to someday do a
nude skating layout entitled, "Icestasy."
Mecey and Moore will spend a week on
every campus selecting three to five women
from each school to photograph, Moore said.
"We won't do any photographs until the
interviewing process is done," he said.
The interviews last about 15 to 20 min-
utes, depending on how many questions the
student has for the photographer. "We don't
want to get to a location and have a girl say,
'I'm not sure,"' Moore said.
"After the interview, (Mecey) takes .a
couple of Polaroids to see how someone pho-
tographs," he said.
Women chosen for the issue have the op-
tion of doing nude, semi-nude, or clothed
photos. Clothed photos range from women
wearing bikinis to street clothes, Moore said.
Mecey said the first question he asks
women is what year they are in school. "I
like to get them talking about their back-
ground and their ambitions," he said.
He also asks about their feelings about
Playboy Contributing Photographer David Mecey is photographing a perspective model's
face in the Campus Inn as part of the interview process for Playboy's "Girls of the Big 10"
issue. Mecey is in charge of layout for the issue.
Turkey moves Iraqi
Kurds to new camps
U.N. peacekeeping mission to occupy
demilitarized zone as U.S. troops leave
ISIKVEREN, Turkey (AP) -
Yesterday Turkey began moving
thousands of ill and starving Iraqi
Kurds to camps farther inside
Turkey where they will be closer
to relief supplies.
Iraq, meanwhile, claimed that
thousands of the refugees had
begun to return home. But a
Turkish official said the Kurds
were still coming across the border
and that their number could soon
reach 700,000.
township of Silopi, 36 miles inside
Turkey. The new camp will have
water, electricity and medical sup-
plies. The tent settlement will
have a 400-bed hospital, 64 doctors
and 129 medical personnel, Health
Minister Halil Sivgin said.
The order to move the refugees
to new bases represented a major
policy shift for President Turgut
Ozal's government, which previ-
ously had kept the refugees in the
mountains, saying it could not deal
SAFWAN, Iraq (AP) - Several
serious problems remain unresolved
as U.S. troops pull out of southern
Iraq and a U.N. peacekeeping mis-
sion prepares to move into the
buffer zone straddling the Iraq-
Kuwait border.
Iraqi police will handle law and
order in part of the demilitarized
border zone with Kuwait. Refugees
said yesterday that is tantamount to
q ;nding them to nrisnn or worse
They are among 40,000 Iraqi
refugees in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia, and some say they will try
to prevent the Americans from leav-
ing Safwan.
ater, the U.S. Central Command
said, including the 17,000 troops of
the 1st Infantry Division of the VII
Corps, which this week began
rolling from the Euphrates River
south toward Saudi Arabia.
The DMZ stretches six miles
into Iraq, and three miles into
Kuwait along 120 miles of border.
The head of the mission,
Austrian Gen. Gunther Greindl, ar-
rived Saturday in Kuwait, where he
met with government officials be-
fore traveling to Baghdad, yesterday
for similar discussions.
But U.N. peacekeepers are not ex-
pected to arrive in Kuwait until
later this week, and it would appear
Some U.S. soldiers will remain temporarily
with the refugees in the demilitarized zone
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