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April 12, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-12

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Alice's restaurant


Baseball team clobbers Titans


A big mess

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 12, 1990 D
w w _ .- Michigan_

Higgins leaves
for NBA, skips



senior season


by Mike Gill
Daily Basketball Writer
Michigan basketball coach Steve
Fisher has lost the final important
link to the Wolverines' ride to the
1989 NCAA Championship.
Yesterday, at a news conference at
the Detroit Omni Hotel, Higgins
announced that he would forego his
senior year at Michigan and would
enter the NBA draft. The decision
leaves Fisher without all five players

who began the 1989-90 campaign in
the starting lineup.
"After three years at the
University of Michigan, I believe
my personal and athletic skills have
reached the point where I'm ready to
compete in the NBA," Higgins said
in a prepared statement. "It's a career
decision. It's mine alone and it was
not influenced by anyone else.
Coach Fisher is supportive, as he
has been throughout my career."
Fisher released a statement yester-
day through the Michigan Athletic
Department which wished Higgins
luck, but disagreed with the decision.
"The decision is regrettable
because I feel it would be in Sean's
best interest to stay his senior year
and continue to grow and develop as
a basketball player and finalize
getting his degree," Fisher said.
"However, we wish him nothing
but the best; we feel he has the
potential to play in the NBA. He has
brought many an exciting and
victorious moment to our Michigan
basketball program - we wish him
the very best."
The six-foot-nine junior forward
will withdraw from school and return
to his mother on the West Coast

by Frank Krajenke
As part of a mock Peruvian in-
carceration, student members of
Amnesty International constructed a
"jail" to hold "prisoners" - students
comandeered from class by men with
dark sun glasses and dark suits - on
the Diag yesterday.
Coordinator of the University's
Amnesty International chapter Anna
Stubblefield, an LSA sophomore,
said her imprisonment served as a
paradigm for "human rights abuses
in Peru largely ignored by the United
States government and public. We
wanted to do something to make the
campus more aware."
Another detainee, Jim Hoppe, an
Amnesty International member and
LSA first-year student, said his par-
ticipation served to "increase aware-
ness of human rights violations all
over the world and especially in
Along with informing the Uni-
versity population about human
rights violations in Peru, Amnesty
International members asked those
who passed by the "jail" to sign pe-
titions. The petitions ask that Peru-
vian officials release information
concerning specific prisoners of con-

science in Peru, or free the prisoners
Amnesty International considers
prisoners of conscience as people
who do not advocate violence nor
participate in it but nevertheless, are
While the organization's goal
was to acquire 1000 signatures yes-
terday, by the end of the evening
1700 signatures were counted, Stub-
blefield said.
Along with the guerilla theater,
Amnesty International invited Father
Ernesto Cavassa, a Jesuit priest and
member of the human rights organi-
zation, "Peru: Life and Peace", to
discuss human rights violations in
Peru in the Union's Kuenzel room
last night.
Cavassa presented a slide-show
focusing on socio-cultural facets of
Peru, including the affects of increas-
ing inflation, decreasing incomes,
over-population and civil war on.
Peru's peasant population.
The slides demonstrated that both
the Peruvian military and Maoist
rebels (Sendero Luminoso) kill in-
nocent civilians for political pur-
See AMNESTY, Page2

Jim Hoppe, LSA first-year student, is placed in a mock jail cell erected
by Amnesty International members yesterday on the Diag.


See HIGGINS, Page 2


- -1

by Noelle Vance
& Daily Administration Reporter

The University of Wisconsin's
policy against discriminatory speech
is being challenged by the American
Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU
claims the policy is too broad,
threatens to infringe on free speech
rights and obstructs due process.
Similar reasons were given by
the ACLU in its case against the
* University of Michigan's anti-dis-
criminatory harassment policy,
of charges
by Matt Rennie
Daily Sports Writer
Judge George Alexander of the
15th District Court dismissed
yesterday the embezzlement charges
brought against former Michigan
baseball coach Bud Middaugh
February 27.
The accusations against Mid-
daugh stated that he diverted athletic
department funds during his nine-
year tenure as baseball coach. This
money was generated from the sell-
ing of football "game programs, an
activity which Middaugh oversaw.
Middaugh was cleared after
Alexander determined that prosecut-
ing attorney Lynwood Noah failed to
establish that the money Middaugh
used to pay the program sellers
belonged to the University.
Noah established, through the
testimony of Fred Crissey, that
Middaugh made payments from his
own bank account as compensation
for program sales. Crissey is the
baseball coach at Plymouth Canton
High School, and members of his
team regularly sold Michigan
football programs to raise money for
their own program.

which resulted in the Federal District
Court of Detroit striking down the
policy as unconstitutional on Au-
gust 25, 1989.
Implemented by Wisconsin's
Board or Regents last June, the pol-
icy bans "any racist or discrimina-
tory comments or other expressive
behaviors directed at an individual
that intentionally demean... on the
basis of race, sex, religion, color,
creed, disability, sexual orientation,
national origin, ancestry or age."
"The terms of the policy are so

vague that it has a chilling effect on
the University climate," said
Gretchen Miller, Wisconsin's ACLU
legal director.
The ACLU is asking for an in-
junction which will prevent Wiscon-
sin from enforcing the policy.
Under the policy students are
punished for their comments, not
their actions, Miller said. She added
the procedures outlining what hap-
pens to a student accused of discrim-
inatory speech were vague and ob-
structed due process.

Wisconsin intends to defend the
policy but has not given its formal
answer to the suit, said Patricia Ho-
dulik, Wisconsin's senior counsel.
Unlike the former Michigan pol-
icy, the Wisconsin policy explicitly
states that a person can only be pun-
ished if the speech was intended to
be discriminatory.
Because of the intent clause,
Wisconsin officials said their policy
is more likely to be upheld in court
than Michigan's.

"It's not only because of the in-
tent requirement but it's narrower
than the Michigan policy (in every
area)," Hodulik said.
The ACLU filed the suit on be-
half of the UW-Milwaukee student
newspaper; a UW-Green Bay profes-
sor, and nine students from the UW-
Madison and Milwaukee campuses.
"We feel as a newspaper that this
rule has affected a lot of the dialogue
within our community," said Ron
Novy, editor-in-chief of the Post, the

U-Wis. on


a policy
UW-Milwaukee student newspaper.
Novy said the paper is not in
contention with the objective of the
policy. But since its implementa-
tion, reporters at the paper have no-
ticed their sources "won't say what
they want to" on controversial issues
such as racism, sexism or homo-
Though Novy agreed that stop-
ping such speech is the objective of
the policy, he said that in some in-
stances it stifles debate.

Gorbachev opposes
border recarving

MOSCOW (AP) - President
Mikhail Gorbachev warned in re-
marks broadcast yesterday that re-
carving internal Soviet borders
would lead to civil war and "such
bloody carnage that we won't be able
to crawl out of it."
He told members of the Commu-
nist Youth League he had spent
more time thinking about whether
he should allow changes in the coun-
try's political map than any other is-
sue, and decided against it.
More than 100 ethnic groups in-
habit the Soviet Union. Under Gor-
bachev's democratizing reforms,
many have begun to clamor for lands
that were historically theirs and for
more freedom from Moscow.
Lithuania based its March 11 declara-
tion of independence on claims it
was illegally annexed 50 years ago.
Gorbachev said redrawing Soviet
boundaries "would pit all peoples
and all nations against each other and
bring about a situation in this soci-
ety the likes of which has never been
witnessed by our country or by the

And if other republics follow
Lithuania's example and try to se-
cede, he said, "We'll end up in such
a bloody civil war, in such a bloody
carnage that we won't be able to
crawl out of it."
Gorbachev issued dire predictions
about ethnic conflict before, but his
statements Tuesday at a question-
and-answer session with a congress
of young Communists, broadcast by
Soviet TV yesterday, appeared
pointed at Lithuania.
The Kremlin has been locked in a
confrontation wih Lithuanian lead-
ers since they declared the Baltic re-
public's independence. Gorbachev is-
sued the latest in a series of harsh
warnings to the Lithuanians Mon-
day, but Tuesday he backed off, say-
ing he did not see a need to impose
presidential rule there yet.
In the broadcast remarks, Gor-
bachev said he was sure residents of
Lithuania would vote against the re-
public's independence once they un-
derstood the frightening array of
problems it created.
See BORDER, Page 2

Glen Martin, second-year law student, takes a break between classes by playing video games in the Union
Arcade yesterday.

WMU students end sit-in over teacher assault case

About 200 students left a sit-in yes-
terday under promises of amnesty

Rachel Inselberg. The university said
it will follow disciplinary procedures
outlined in a contract with the fac-

The Inselbergs allegedly wrestled
first year student Toyoda Newsome
to the ground April 3 in front of

The Inselbergs
allegedlv wrestled

education instructor who was help-
ing her husband supervise the test,
allegedly bit Newsome on the hand.

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