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January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…THE CRARY PLAN See Page 4 Lw '43UU aiti Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXIV, No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954 SIX PAGES mmwmmmw 4 7 1 k T I U.S., Russia 'U' Rege May Discuss . Atom Pools Buildn Molotov Hints $5,700,000 Progr At Meeting Soon In May; Four S WASHINGTON-()-Secretary Plans for a $5,700,000 Univer of State John Foster Dulles and get under way by May have been Russian Foreig...…

January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, ,JANUARY" S, 1954 TWO TUESDAY, JANUARY S. 19~4 'OOR BLIND DATES: Nurses Practice on Artificial Patients I, .1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By NAN SWINEHART Human size dolls made of fab- rics, metals and plastics are a nursing students' first patients. All named Sally or Mary Chase, the six dolls are used in nursing arts classes to teach student nurs- es the basic techniques of nursing, including dressing, tre...…

January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…Tit TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE l TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954 PAGE THR El r. Michigan Icers Face Wingsin Exhibition Tonight R - BETZIG TEAM CAPTAIN TWICE: Leonard's Basket Gave Indiana Thrilling Win IWT4--,kl w mivermecs iipc By Nodaks Twice Defense Falters in Series Opener; 10-3 Defeat Worst in Nine Seasons Assistant Mat Coach Ex-'M' Star The overflow crowd.of 7500 fans that packed Yost Field House last Saturd...…

January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954 I £ 'The Crary Plan THE PROBLEM of the academic calendar is like the traditional Gordian knot: all attempts to unravel it appear to have failed and the proposal to cut the knot and institute an entirely different system has raised a storm of controversy. For some time the calendar has been criticized. Not enough time to study for finals, insufficient time in between se- mesters, senior...…

January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…0 TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE _t _________________________________ I rPAGE lIVrE R Mental Wiz To Perform At University Dr. Polgar To Show Mind Reading Abilities In Return Show at H ill Dr. Franz J. Polgar, world fam- ous telepathist and hypnotist, will perform for University students at 8:30 p.m., Friday, January 15 in Hill Auditorium. Polgar has given over 1100 pro- grams in the past three years be- fore outstandin...…

January 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

…PAGE ST~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JAMJA1~Y ~. 19~4 ON TO T HE NATIONAL: 'U' Student Wins State Beauty Contest By LEE MARKS Rosaline Sappington, '56, has been chosen to represent the state of Michigan in the first National - College Queen Contest, to be held at the Di Lido Convention hail in Miami Beach, on Jan. 8, 9 and 10. A board of judges headed by . * Bess Myerson, Miss America of 1945, chose the individual state contestants, basin...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… THE LEGISLATURE'S PROPOSALS See Page 4 Sir 6 ~~ait1 i Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 CLOUDY, WARMER SIX PAGES Arrest Made For Beating Of Foreman Link Union Aid In Nash Strife DETROIT-P)-A union official was arrested yesterday for "inves- tigation of felonious assault" in the beating of a foreman em- ployed at the strike-bound Nash- Kelvinator Corp. plant in Detroit. Police sai...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 I A a ROMANCE! ENCHANTMENT! Where? THE SLIDE BULE BALL MARCH 20 9-1 League Ballroom 2.50 a couple DAILY OFFICIAL Freshmen and Sophomores (1210 Angell Hall), or the Chairman of the Faculty Counselors for Juniors and Seniors (1213 Angell Hall). BULLETIN 11- . .... " "" The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assum...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 DON'T BE SLOWED UP! THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Sigma Chi Wins, 27-23, PRELIMINARIES TONIGHT: In IM '3' Cage Playoffs 'M' Determined to Halt IlliniReign in BigTenTrack 464 No waiting - or parking problem! ICE CUBES KEG BEER (Continued from Page 1) Delta Tau Delta Downs Chi Psi, 28-24; Fletcher Tops Newman in Independent Tilt i Open 10 to 10 Sunday 12 to 7 Phone NO 3-7191 114 E. Williams " BEER * WINE ! SOFT D...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…I PAGE FOUR rjflj MICUIGiAN liAILY fAl' A A Y, A.i A iWti 5, 1954 A SET-BACK? The Legislature's Proposals Pro... WHAT STUDENT Legislature in effect said to the Student Affairs Study Committee Wednesday night was "turn your attention from your charts a moment and consider us." If this can be seen as a set-back to the study group, then a set-back of sorts is what was needed. Considering the two proposals and tie corresponding fact that t...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ __. . Ticket Sales T o Continue For A-Ball I ndependent Wornen To Give Annual Dance; McDonough o Pay Tickets are still on sale for this year's Assembly Ball, "March Moods," to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.-Saturday in the League. Available in the League Under- graduate Office from 9 a.m. to 41 noon tomorrow, tickets are priced at $2.75 _ *w*«*w SUE BLAU, general chairman of Assembly Ball suggests ...…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

…'MX THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1954 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1~'RIDAY, MAR01 5, 1954 Extension Service Offers Course in Radar Systems For ham radio operators and which are only uncovered others who are interested in gain- rr ing a practical knowledge of radar practical experience. and electronic circuits, a special Such a course, he saidis University extension course is be- benefit to students directly ing taught this semester.' c...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…THE WAYNE FACULTY SUSPENSION See Page 4 C, r Sir & :43 a it ..-$--2 -I l J ' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 149 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 Campus o Vote on Calendar Referendun CLOUDY AND WARMIR SIX PAGES iToday L* .1 * imijuBallot Gives Six Choices In Early 1920's To Students (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of editorials and inter- Walter Urges Large pretive articles dealing with the question o...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 Mayors Exchange Positions To Celebrate Michigan Week Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., will journey to the village of Mid- dleville today while Middleville's president, L. A. Squier, will come here as part of Michigan Week ac- tivities. Officials of the small town, 10- cated near Grand Rapids, will meet Mayor Brown at the village limits and s...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…> W'EDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SAEl Stops A lpha Delts, 5-0, on Engel's No-Hitter SAM Rips Lambda Chi, 8-1, As Playoffs Get Under Way By ART EVEN Cold winds swept South Ferry Field yesterday, but Earl Engel was hot as he pitched a no-hit ball game to lead his Sigma Alpha Ep- silon teammates to a 5-0 victory over Alpha Delta Phi in a first y place playoff tilt...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE lhlCHIGAA _ DAILY It Li AL;SLA Y, MAX 5, 1954 PAGE FOUR TUE MIClii(~AN IPAIL~ ~EvNk~i~AY, MAY 5, 1954 The Wayne Faculty Suspensions TWo WAYNE UNSIVERSITY faculty mem- bers have been suspended "automatically and without pay" because they refused to testify Monday before the House Un-Ameri- can Activities subcommittee hearing in De- troit. Possibly the two men were at one time members of the Communist party; pos- sibly they a...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MAY S, 1954 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE IVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ~ VI a. a u u: 1R;.. T N rL 'U' Glee Club Accompanist' To Perform Piano Student To Play In Concert Saturday With Singing Group Accompanying the Men's Glee Club in its annual spring concert Saturday, Joseph Savarino, a grad- uate student in Music School, will r perform at the piano. Savarino has studied at Julliard School of Music in New Y...…

May 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…PME b'n[ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WrnNIESDAY, ?1TA4 S, 1954 VX~ 'ST~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 19~4 INTER-ARTS FESTIVAL: . One-Act Fantasies To Be Presented1 A gold and red bangled dress that was bought in the Paris flea market for $1.50 will be only one of the unusual items on display Saturday. Drama and ballet will be fea- tured as part of the four-day In- ter-Arts Union Festival. "A Cock- tail Quadrille," by Gayle Greene, '56, ...…

July 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

… i BOOKS See Page 2 L~y It6 41P :43 t t]g z + Sa~**. Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY VOL. LXIV, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1954 FOUR PAGES House OK's Ike's Farm Legislation Passes Flexible Price Supports WASHINGTON (R) - A compro- mise farm bill calling for flexible price supports for major crops and arming President Eisenhower with other powers to attack the problem of mountainous surpluses was pas passed b...…

July 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO - THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICflIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 3.1954 + BOOKS + THE GENERAL'S STORY by William F. Dean. MAJOR GENERAL William F. Dean, USA, has written a book that ought to be read by all sorts and conditions of men. I use the word "ought" fully aware of its implications, and then under- score it. As a piece of autobiography, General Dean's story belongs with a select body of writing by ...…

July 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…'" { SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TTMEZ SATIJUflAY, JULY 3,1954 TilE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Drobny Drubs Rosewall in Four Set Match 4) Indians Top Chisox Twice, Lengthen AL Pennant Lead Czech Takes Wimbledon Title in Eleventh A ttempt' By The Associated Press CLEVELAND -- Larry Doby's hitting and good pitching by vet- erans Bob Feller and Early Wynn won Cleveland's Indians two vic- tories over Chicago Friday nig...…

July 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1954 PAGE FOU1~ THE MTCHTGA1~ DAILY SATURDAY, JULY S, 1~54 THREE MILLION: West European Communists Pose Varying Threat By TOM WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign Staff Writer French Communist support of Premier Pierre Mendes-France marks the first time a non-Com- munist government has drawn anything but brickbats from the Reds., The new premier didn't want Communist support. He tried to disavow...…

August 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…THE ALL STAR. PROFESSIONAL GAM~'E -See Page 2 (ZI e Latest Deadline in the State :43aitt w ", CLOUDY; SHOWERS I .- VOL. LXIV, No. 33S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,1954 FOUR, PAGES FOUR PAGES Ike Extolls Marshall's Patriotism Replies to Charge Of Woodring WASHINGTON I( - Presiden Eisenhower ' Wednesday extolle Gen. George C. Marshall as a self less, brilliant and dedicated patri ot who shouldn't have to reap th "worry re...…

August 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. AUGUST 5. 1954 PAGE TW~ TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY TmrRgnAv AJTITT~T ~ .ai..AA.VAVI.7L*1'i i. 1V l.SV U . 1 1vJY THOSE ROARING LIONS: The All Star-Professional Game: Charity or What? NEXT WEEK the Detroit Lions, Champions of the National Football League, will clash with the College All-Stars in the annual charity game at Soldiers Field in Chicago. While nothing is ac- tually decided by the outcome of this y...…

August 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…TMMSDAY,' AUGUST 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY" PAGE THRER THURDAY AUGST ,195 T~E MIHIGN DALY AGE HRI Tribe Triumphs over ~Yankees CLASSIFIEDS All-American Golf Play Starts in Chicago Today Numerous Par Beating Rounds Expected On Well Manicured Tam O'Shanter Course Giants Edge Chicago, 4-3; Dodgers Trim Cards, 8-7 CHICAGO (A-Tam O'Shanter's manicured 6,900-yard course may, take one of its worst par beatings since 1945whenthe All-Ameri...…

August 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…'AGE PO TURF MICHIGAN DAILY { THURSDAY, AUGUST $, 1954, PAGE VOU1~ TilE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,1954 Polio's Upward Trend Continues N.. .. 55. t Y_ .4~ R 1.A. NE- -" d AS. MO AR , rum:- : L:."A TEXAS ~"."p POI/O RATES EA PEP I0,00O POPULI4liTON IN THE 16 WEEA'S THROUGH JULY24 L .4 T02.0 4 TOL L2.i TO 40 81N /2 C q7ES w/ry RA4rES OF JO AND OVERIZ soiipcg: MnoNM~o row~ AP Newsfeatures MAP SHOWS POLIO CASE DISTRIBUTION PolioOff to ...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

… SORORITY RUSHING FANCIED IN SPRING See Page 4 Y L Sir~i a Daii4t1 ® t . 6**4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1954 CLOUDY, COOLER SIX PAGES 'U' Proffers Lab Data to Industry New Industrial Program Enables Exchange of Research Information A free flow of valuable research data between the University's College of Engineering and outside industry has been opened by the ..introduction of...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…__ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1954 I a 1 u83 p.m. toaa at tne An- Dr. Anders Lundstrom, ortho- -Courtesy Jerry Davies School, 1608 S. University. dontics professor of Stockholm's PLEDGE DAY-Rushing to the houses they had chosen after bhough the program has been Royal Dental School, will be the bids were distributed Sunday, sorority pledges found that fra- ented in Jackson and Detroit, featured speaker at th...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

… TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1954 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TSRE1 7rTK~DAY.. fl4T~ThBER S. 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE BIG TEN SURPRISES: Illini, MSC Fall from Grid Title Picture Three Fans Beat Experts CRUCIAL PRO TILT: Rams, 49ers Battle to 24-24 Tie By DON LINDMAN The kings are dead! In an astounding wave oftupsets, Illinois and Michigan State, the co-champions of the big Ten at the end of the 1953 football season, have both lost the...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

… &AGAE 104Ollt I .Y.. Y1w.WJ' 1'PY W'dJ YW Y Mld tJi y {.cv r-WLu d - -J.'- lY- Y 11. Y 4. S 1' } < M . M.AY._.___.... , aiLi"'O'LAAl" 9 1 Sorority Rushing Fancied in Spring H APPILY for many University men and with a sigh of relief from many of the sorority girls, the finishing touches were applied Sunday to the two-week period of sorority rushing. As rushees-soon to become pledges, flocked out of their taxis and rushed into the arms o...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 5

… TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1954 ,-- THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Panhellenic Association Announces the Names of New Pledges 412 Women Receive Bids After Rushing ii ll Panhellenic Association announc- ed Sunday the names of the 412 women who make up this fall's sorority pledge list. This number which was chosen from a record total of 1160 regis- tered rushees is fewer than last year'...…

October 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…I V AGE 1MK THE MCMGAN TIATT v Tmaa a~aaya~ta1lT a~ta TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1954 -w -Buy the Best... Buy BALFOUU Do YOU NEED".. . FAVORS PROGRAMS STATIONERY CERAMIC MUGS PADDLES GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Home of the "OFFICIAL" MICHIGAN RINGS. L. G. Balfour 1321 South University Students Take Part in Meet Lewis A. Burnham, '55, and Rob- ert C. Schumann, Grad., were among 45 college and university students chosen to participate in a career survey...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

… Administration Worries- About Busy Signals- Too See Page 4 Lit igan Dati *1 S ;i Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1954 CLOUDY, WARMER SIX PAGES Final SGC Draft Goes to Regents 12-Man Study Committee OK's Plan; Basic Concept Remains Unchanged By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor Final draft of the Student Government Council plan was approv- ed yesterday by the 12-man student-faculty...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1954 Wed., Nov. 10- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S. in Elect., Ind., Mech., and Metal. E. for Sales, Applica- tion, Process Engineering, Design, De- vel., Manufacturing & Field Service. There will be a group meeting on Nov. 9, 4:00 p.m., 246 W.E. Thurs., Nov. 11- Penick & Ford, Ltd. Inc., Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa-B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. for ...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

… ' # WAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1954 Y'HE MICHIGAN DAILY I PANE: TIMES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TERRE USED FOR YEARS: Eliot Diagrams Illini 'Split T' Offense - T - mi wl Delta Sigma Del I-Al First Place 6 3: ;....................ttc { ? . :;; }*i.* r {;;,~.}. .. }}. i.k ti '. 4:, }::...::"f:+:.:r.} :',+'>}}:w" 4: TA.; ..;vV,.. . .* t . r:.. . . ..:{ :2 ;:".. . . . . . . . . ..;.. . . . . . . . . . r } ..;\.; : ?:r;:% <:i...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR IRE 11111l:UIGA i°!i DA" V FRIDAT- NOVEMR14,11L A-AMAAL X M-,..M X.p XV VV ZANVADAW VI, tAVD'% FRUSTRATED PHONERS: Administration Worries About Busy Signals Too O ANYONE trying to telephone the women's dorms, especially those on the Hill, the constant repetition of "Sorry, that line is busy," is a source of annoyance. The phone situation bothers the administra- tion too. According to Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of Resi...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

… FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIViE flUDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1954T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC4K PtVU~ -wAjf s;y=1 Panhel Ball To Offer 'Candyland' as Theme By SUE GARFIELD Everything from chocolate sold- iers to gun drops will be featured as decorations at the 9th annual Panhellenic Ball, to be held from Union Sponsors Weekend Dances, Photo Competition Dances ... A weekend full of dancing is scheduled for the Union with prep- ara...…

November 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICM AN DAILY FRIDAY. NOVEMBER S. 1954 ?AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY wv a.a...y asv " aiaraa.a+a vy avv;c Fraternity Council Seeking To Begin Buying Program (This is the first in a series of articles interpreting progress of the Interfraternity Council's proposed cooperative buying program.) By DAVE BAAD Interfraternity Council officials are taking steps again toward in- stituting a cooperative buying pro- gram among Universit...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

… EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 'Ji X Latest Deadline in the State Da ii4 . - kr . f CLOUDY, COLDER VOL. LXV, No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 TEN PAGES Hatcher Praises IHC Conference Residence Halls Group Discusses Student Government, Dorm Morale By DAVE BARD Discussing problems ranging from student government to dormi- tory morale, students and University officials met yesterday for Inter- House Council's second annua...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

… 0 SL SUPPLEMENT Y 41W Aer t Batt VOTE DEC. 8, 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 Crucial Election a y 0c-M SL Future SGC Plan Proposal aDiscussed Pro, Con Proponents Cite Regental Approval; Opponents Claim Body Too Small EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is intended to bring into focus some of the basic issues both pro and con raised by the proposed Student Gov- ernment Council to be presented for student opinion in the...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,1954 ; w . LANGUAGE REQUISITE: Little High School Effect Expected by New Ruling I I Ef Il~t t Wage Talks .,. Sigma Rho Tau, the engineer- ing speech society will present a debate on the. guaranteed annual wage at 1:30 today in Rm. 3A and 3B of the Union. Guest chapters participating will the University of Detroit, the De- troit Institute of Technology and the University of Toledo. Faculty Meetin...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,1954 SL n'didates ive Student Government iews Ron Boorstein SL Comptroller; Student Book Exchange Treasurer; SL Cine- ma Guild Treasurer; Junior IFC; Phi Eta Sigma; Alp'a Phi Ome- ga. ('57). * * * 1. No. When political districts are determined, an important factor is the cohesiveness of interest that will exist in that district in o...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

… SUNDAE', DECEMBER 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... CaFgers Set Fie d House, Team cor iRir S 41 MacFarland, Rendall Pace Pucksters (Continued from Page 1) side. At 17.42 MacFarland took a pass sequence from Rendall and Goold and again "soloed" by out- racing the defense. McGill Dominates Second The second period, due mainly to the brilliant offensive drive of Guy Bourgoin and defensive sp...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…'-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DfAILY in & r-4w ftvnrt&ww Ca mpagners DECEMBERlicie,1nBa-i am paigners State Policies on Basicu PAGEs HRE epstio s Shirley Lawson F r o s h Weekend, Financial Committee; Sophomore Cabar- et; Pan Hel Ball, Tickets and Decorations; Dorm and House Judiciary; Michigras showbooth; Orientation Leader. ('57, incum- bent). 1. Yes. I believe the district sys- tem would create more interest in elections. Th...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

… FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY : SUNDAY. DECEMBER. 5. 1954 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY AJ LA1LA1i) " JLU%,'AULfli77:11V 1)). d.ilii X R "Imagine Me Playing Cupid" EDITOR'S NOTE C-N f;zi By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor ONE EXCELLENT reason presents itself for supporting Student Government Council in the all-campus elections Wednesday and Thursday. That is that Regents and ad- ministration have clearly indicated that the continued existe...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

… 'PAGE FOUlt THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,1954 Tony Trittipo I-M Football, House Newspa- per, Pep Rally Maching Band. 1. Yes. It would assure more equal representation for the var- ious housing groups, however the separate s t u d e n t organizations must not be forgotten. They should be included in the districting. 2. Yes. Since SL is ideally a cam- pus leader, it should lead...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY S U N D Y , E C E M E R , 1 5 4 T E M C H I G N f ~tF * aakAJ rY £. 1955 J-Hop Will Feature Island Setting Thatched Huts, Palms To Form Background For 'Bali Hai' Dance Tropical fountains and thatched huts in a setting of sandy beaches and coconut palms will furnish the appropriate background for "Bali Hai," the 1955 J-Hop. Scheduled from 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 4, the traditional danc...…

December 05, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…. 1 - -3 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 4 , STUDENT WORK HONORED: Prizes Awarded in Union Art Exhibit Hopwood Play Royalties Aid 'U' Literary Writers. The second annual Union Stud-* ent Art Exhibit will open at 2:30 p.m. today in the Terrace Room of the Union. Scheduled to run through Dec. 15, the exhibit includes 86 stud- ent oils, prints, watercolors and drawings and eight pieces of sculp- ture, making it more than...…

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