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October 05, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-10-05

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Names of



412 Women Receive
Bids After Rushing



Panhellenic Association announc-
ed Sunday the names of the 412
women who make up this fall's
sorority pledge list.
This number which was chosen
from a record total of 1160 regis-
tered rushees is fewer than last
year's total of 520 pledges chosen
from 1080 rushees.
According to Marg Spindler, Pan-
hellenic rushing chairman, the
number of pledges has no connec-
tion with the number of registered
rushees since each house's quota
varies from year to year.
These sororities pledged the fol-
lowing rushees:
* * *.
Alpha Chi Omega
Mary Ann Baker, Jane Belbin,
Janet Burwell, Patricia Carroll,
Nancy Colwell, Dianne Duncan, Ju-
dith Frankenfield, Jan Garrett,
Mary Jane Gillespie, Mary Guern-
sey, Barbara Harris, Justine Hoff-
man, Eleanor Marie Hooper, Anita
Hovie, Helen Jones, Sylvia Malec-
ki, Margaret Morang, Cynthia
Nicholas, Dorothy Ojala, Alice
Rawls, Patricia Ruggles, Nancy
Somers, Kay Strangways, A. Lin-
nea Swansen, Ann Todd, Claudia
Walter, and Rosemary Warne-
* * *.
Alpha Delta Pi
Jean Antrobius, Marie Bennett,
Patricia Brophy, Catherine Carre-
ro, Marjorie Clifford, Rebecca Col-
lie, Nadyne Cook, Marlene Craw-
ford, Ann Crossman, Marlene Da-
vis, Jane Fenner, Mary Ellen
Klawson, Marcia Morris, Nancy
Murphy, Ann Patterson, Elynor
Popovich, Janet Seider, Ann Ster-
ling, Carol Stickels, and Marilynn
* . *
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Ruth Bassichis, Judith Beallo,
Gloria Benovitz, Carol Goldshine,
Edith Graller, Barbara Hexter,
Joan Hyams, Ellen Jones, Judith
Levy, Joanne Marsh, Judith Meyer,
Sue Novitsky, Lynn Oxenhandler,
Jackie Pattiz, Marjorie Rapkin,

Roberta, Rifkin, Nancy Rosenberg,
Merla Samuels, Miriam Shapiro,
Nancy Smith, Marilyn Toboeman,
Donna Wolcoff and Dianne Yukon.
* *-*
Alpha Gamma Delta ,
Julie Arkin, Jackie Balas, Norma
Brandt, Joan Campbell, Dianne
Dowsett, Alice Dutcher, Joann Ear-
ly, Dora' Edwards, Barbara Gil-
more, Susan Hetherington, Donna
Hewitt, Susan Holbrook, Barbara
Hollar, Joan Holmberg, Clare Ja-
lon, Carole James, Beate Kaulfuss,
Joyce Kemp, Carol Kirshner, Peg-
gy Lamb, Virginia Maddox, Mar-
garet Morxow, Dorothy O'Brien,
Sally Scheu, Susan Scovill, Judie
Shagrin, Sally Staples, Marilyn Wil-
bur, Winnie Wohllebe and Nancy
* * *
Alpha Omicron Pi
Gregg Argus, Sharon Baker, Joan
Bowler, Kathryn Brooks, Marga-
ret Davis, Maryanne Domenic,
Joan Freier, Janice Goldman,
Mary Hanchett, Mary Hawkins,
Nancy Jach, Joan Jackson, Carol
Jones, Janet Mabarak, Patt Mc-
Farland, Carole Miller, Jeanne Na-
gel, Elizabeth Palmer, Diane Par-
adis, Anne Shotwell, Louise Sprowl,
Elizabeth Stone, Ann Sumner,
Gayle Turner, Norma Van Tuyl and
Carey Wall.
* * *
Sally Arnold, Barbara Bachre,
Jean Bahr, Nancy Bell, Susan
Bergdahl, Janice Fillinger, Kim
Henry, Mary Jane Hoover, Patri-
cia Hussey, Huberta John, Kath-
ryn Lucas, Patricia Morton, Sher-
rie Page, Sally Simon, Helen South-
gate, Linda Sutton, Virginia Swag-
gerty, Joyce Tobeler, Joan Well-
man, Susan Whinery, Judy Wol-
gast and Mildred Zeder.
* * *
Alpha Xi Delta
Kathryn Adams, Karen Angers,
Helen Barrone, Barbara Beach,
Jean Boch, Marilyn Carnegie, Min-
erva Chizek, Dorothy Cullers,
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Christine Dittmer, Charlene Ed-
wards, Judith Franklin, Carolyn]
Griesing, Sally Hacker, Marilyn.
Houck, Ann Jetter, Janet Koster,7
Margaret McCord, Susanne Meach,
Carol Moudry, Joyce Murray, Jan-
et Myers, Sally Myers, Ann Neely,
Patricia Parkinson, Sandra Rich-
ards, Sandra Rose, Margaret Ross,
Mary Ryan, Mary Searles, Shirley
Shelton, Betty Shuptrine, Gale
Steckert, Jeanne Sykes, Frances,
Truman and Jeanette Wozniak.
* * *
Chi Omega
Barbara Bendlin, Janet Berkey,
Leda Cosmenco, Peggy Day, Kath-
erine Fodell, Gwen Huttenga, Mar-
ilyn Jackson, Margaret Lane, Jac-
queline Lefler, Marilyn Maile, Mar-
cia McIntyre, Joanne Pauschert,
Virginia Royal, Diane Shaver,.
Mary Jean Smith, Kay Wheeler and
Cynthia Wilkins.
* * *
Collegiate Sorosis
Carol Adams, Sara Aldrich, Rob-
bie Arnold, Marian Blakeslee, Ter-
ry Carney, Helen Chesbrough,
R o s e m a r y Chesbrough, Mary
Crocker, Ann Dinius, Catherine
Eckerman, Susan Fox, Anita
Hatch, M. Faith Higgins, Mary
Jones, Carol Klein, Genevieve Le-
land, K a t y Micou, Sarahanne
Reeves, Rosemary Roth, Sandra
Ruedemann, Susan Shakespeare
and Nancy Willard.
* * *
Delta Delta Delta
Elizabeth B o y n t o n, Jeanette
Cameron, Jane Campbell, Ann Car-
is, Catherine C 1 a r k, Patricia
Fletcher, Ann Grettenberger, Jane
Holben, Lois Louthan, Sarah Lyon,
Laila Sadi, Beverly Scales, Eliza-
beth Shantz, Joan Sluggett, Georgia
Strain and Margaret Wilkins.
* * *
Delta Gamma
Mimi Buckingham, Sue Christy,
Joan Conroy, Donna Darling, Mary
Eliot, Salli Fagan, Barbara Frey,
Cherry Harris, Anne James, Nancy
Lane, Judy Maxwell, Ann McDon-
ald, Anne Mustard, Pat Patterson,
Vera Ptak, Harriet Sayles, Susan
Smith, Anne Stuart, Jeanne Tam-
mi, Barbara Thorne and Janice
* * *
Delta Phi Epsilon
Renee Badner, Marjorie Beal,
Judie Cantor, Ann Elderman, Joan
Feldman, Carolyn Fisher, Jakie
Gold, Naomi Goldman, Joan Kap-
linsky, Sharon Kass, Elaine Klein,
Ronnie Kopelson, Rosalie Levine,
Norma Madalia, Lois Malzman,

Sue Mogel, Valerie Perin, Edith
Rubin, Sue Sabel, Sylvia Schwartz,
Judith Shapiro, Dolores Sloan and
Lynn Towle.
Gamma Phi Beta
Nancy Amberson, Ellie. Benson,
Julie Crandell, Chloe Dandison,
Elizabeth Dykstra, Judy Engelke,
Mary Ellen Fay, Dorothy Handley,
Julia Harris, Julie Harris, Nancy
Herkenhoff, Marcia Keep, Jose-


,lcrn'44 Camnpo


VOLLEYBALL - The following
teams will compete in the volley-
ball tournament: Tuesday at 4:10
p.m.-Alpha Delta Pi vs. Kappa
Kappa Gamma; At 5:10 p.m. -
Collegiate Sorosis I vs. Delta Delta
Delta I; Delta Gamma vs. Chi
Omega I; At 7:15 p.m.-Victor
Vaughan I vs. Betsy Barbour; Jor-
dan V vs. Geddes.
Wednesday at 4:10 p.m.-Jor-
dan I vs. Martha Cook; Jordan IV
vs. Stockwell I; At 5:10 p.m. -
Kleinstueck II vs. Gamma Phi
Beta; Kleinstueck I vs. Alpha Chi
Omega II; At 7:15 p.m.-Palmer I
vs. Couzens I: Pi Beta Phi II vs.
Stockwell III.
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Alpha
Epsilon Phi vs. Pi Beta Phi I; Al-
pha Omicron Pi vs. Alpha Xi Del-
ta. At 7:15 p.m.-Newberry I vs.
Kappa Gamma II; Mosher I vs.
Yost House.
* * *
be a meeting of the League Council
at 4 p.m. today in the League. Rm'l.
will be posted. ,
* * *
BALLET - The co-recreational
Ballet Club will have an organiza-
tional meeting and tryouts at 7:30
p.m. today in the dance studio in
Barbour Gymnasium.
* * *
RIFLE CLUB-The Rifle Club
will hold its organizational meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the WAB.
* * *
RECEPTION-A reception for
newly appointed Vice-President of
Student Affairs, James A. Lewis,
will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the League.
* * *
COFFEE HOUR-The first in a
series of Union sponsored student-
faculty coffee hours will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union terrace located next to the
ballroom. Members of the English
department will talk informally
with anyone wishing to attend to-
morrow's gathering.

phine Osmun, Judith Owen, Judith
Reynolds, Nancy Walser, Elizabeth,
Ware and Susan Wesley.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Carolyn Blaul, Sharon Callahan,
Marjorie Chew, Janet Dietrich, Su-
san Doherty, Georgina Dunn, Lou-'
isa Hart, Barbara Hiss, Judy Hunt-
ington, Mary Lancaster, Mary
Lease, Barbara Leonard, Lynn
Markus, Ann Naylor, Joan Pfeiffer,
Ruth Plaut, Joanne Robinson, Su-
san Rutledge, Shelley Scarney,
Carla Schram, Jeanne Seaborn,
Katherine Smith, Martha Stockard
Betty Sykes, Nancy Thompson,
Cynthia Todd and Nancy Yeakey.'
* * *
Kappa Delta
Karen Adams, Susan Bader, Judy
Bartlett, Mary Carless, Barbara
Dunn, Nancy Farrell, Judy Gam-
ble, Marianne Goes, Patricia John-
stone, Julie Jones, Martha Krueg-
er, Carole Lageson, Lynn Lavio-
lette, Linda Lerner, Carol Lieber-
man, Ruth Metzger, Nancy O'Tool,
Dian Paris, Caroline Sillick, Nancy
Snyder, Nancy Stout, Bonnie Wat-
son and Alice Waugh.
* * *
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Susan Arnold, Patricia Booze,
Nancy Crawford, Jacqueline Cre-
men, Mary Ann Ewan, Shelley
England, Jane Joachim, Carol Guy,
Mary Hague, Emily Harding, Mary
Johnston, Mary Ann Klauer, Mary
Knecht, Sallie Laube, Mary Lou
Monger, Jane Prindeville, Pamela
Scolard, Patricia Skelly, Sally
Thayer and Rachel Tiedke.
* * *
Pi Beta Phi
Dee Baker, Linda Bolling, Nancy
Bruneau, Catherine Campbell, Son-
ya Douglas, Caryl Dumond, Cor-
rine Groscop, Freddy Haines, Vera
Khoury, Claire Lenz, Gloria Light-
stone, Alice Louie, Clare Malcolm,
Nancy McComb, Bois Murphy,
Janet Neary, Jane Nolen, Suzanne
Reid, Mary Jane Roehl and Polly
Van Schoick.
# * #
Sigma Delta Tau
Beve Arnovitz, Sandra Beer,
Sheila Bleichfeld, Marilyn Deitch,
Nat Grodnik, Barbara Hecht, Ann
Landwirth, Maxine Levensohn, Bea
Minkus, Joy Pasternack, Marilyn
Perlman, Sandra Rauthbord, Es-
ther Richter, Marjorie Saslow, Jean
Schlusberg, Eleanor Shur, Susan
Sture, Shirley Towbin, Suzanne
Verb and Barbara Weiss.

"A Thousand and One Nights,"
the first all-campus dance this fall,
will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Saturday in the newly redecorated
League Ballroom.
Sponsored by Assembly Associa-
tion and Inter-House Council, the
dance will feature two bands: Tom-
my Aquino in the Ballroom and
the Ann Arbor Alley Cats in the
Hussey Room on the second floor.
Aquino and his orchestra have
played for numerous campus danc-
es at Michigan State College and
have recently returned from a
cross-country tour.
The main ballroom will feature

a sultan's court with an Arabian
city and skyline in the background,
while the Hussey Room will pre-
sent the Ann Arbor Alley Cats un-
der a pavilion.
Arabian Setting
The Vandenberg Room will be
used as a lounge in the atmosphere
of a sultan's palace, and the Mich-
igan Room will feature refresh-
ments and a Bagdad bazaar booth.
The court of the siamese catmand
Bathsheba will reign in the main
concourse, done in white, black and
Intermission will feature danc-

I-Hop To Feature Arabian Theme

Painting Collection Offered
By Art Print Loan Office

ers from the International Center,
and coeds attending the dance will
receive favors.
Tickets for "A Thousand and One
Nights" may be purchased for $2.50
at the League, Union, on the Di-
agonal and from the social chair-
men of the houses on campus.
General chairman for the first
all-campus dance are Lois Shein
and David Hubly. Proceeds from
the event will go to various proj-
ects of the University or to Assem-
bly and IHC themselves.
First All Campus Dance
The I-Hop is traditionally the
first all-campus dance in the fall
s e m e s t e r. Originally Assembly
alone gave the dance on a much
smaller basis, calling it A-Hop.
During the war A-Hop was dis-
continued entirely but started again
in 1947, with the Association of In-
dependent Men and Assembly com-
bining their efforts.
Last year, the theme was "Night
of Knights."
Try FOLLETT'S, First

Thirty paintings which will not
be covered with glass will be avail-
able soon to students as part of
the program carried out by the
Art Print Loan office.
These prints are sprayed by a
lacquer which protects them from
the sun, dust and other elements.
They are among the 1,000 paint-
ings offered in the collection.
Students may still rent the
paintings which are part of the
group exhibited during orientation
week at Rackham.
The Art Print Loan office which
is a special department of the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, is located
in the downstairs lobby of the Ad-
ministration Building.
Office Hours
The office is open from 1 to 5
p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday and 8 a.m. to noon
on Saturdays.
Rental fees for one semester
range from 25 cents to $1.25. The
prints must be returned the week
before final exams.
While the Picasso collection of
34 prints is the largest representa-
tion by any artist, prints by Van
Gogh are in the greatest demand.
Other popular artists are Utrillo
and Maurice. The collection made
available to students earlier in

the year contained six copies of
Maurice's "Restaurant au Mont
Cenis," the best-liked by students
of his work.
Favorite Prints
In the modern school of paint-
ings, favorite prints are "Brown
Composition." "Dutch Interior"
and "Composition," by Miro; "The
Green Still Life" by Braque and
"The Traveling Circus" and "Pack-
age Mysterious" by Klee.
The Art Print Loan office was
first created in 1947 when J. L.
Hudson donated 400 framed prints
to be loaned to students. Egon
Gross is in charge of operating the
office this year.

215 East Liberty
NO 3-1319
(Mailing and FREE Gift Wrapping)


Controlled Fullness in Rich Pile
Most wearable design of the sea-
son , x. softly straight, with full-
ness controlled backward by a
smart cross-over belt. Impeccably
tailored by Paul Nissen in a
100°% wool luxury pile. Milium
- ~ lining. Sizes 6 to 18 and 7 to 17
in seven top shades: Gunpowder,
Rose Pottery, Tokay, Crimson,
Beaver, Faun, Black.
Other new
coats for
$39.95 to
F :

II *~1



Generous pockets above,
- 'even more gigantic
pockets below! ... a coat
in the grand manner to
- go everywhere from campus
to career. Charcoal
wool flannel with a red
Milium lining for weightless
warmth, and white buttons.

A short evening dress attracts long looks.
Bare shoulders, a tiny waist, a flaring skirt.
It's Carlye's belle of the ball.
tPeau de Soir' with bands of embroidered velvet


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