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December 05, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-05

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Hatcher Praises
IHC Conference
Residence Halls Group Discusses
Student Government, Dorm Morale
Discussing problems ranging from student government to dormi-
tory morale, students and University officials met yesterday for Inter-
House Council's second annual Residence Halls Conference.
University President Harlan H. Hatcher expressed the general
sentiment by terming the conference an excellent opportunity for
students to talk with the administration about mutual problems.
More than 120 people attended the five hour conference, including
excellent representation from the Residence Halls. Only nine of the
invited 92 were not at the conference.
Both President Hatcher and Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis attended discussions on the topic of student govern-
ment and its relationship to the dormitory system.
Administration Represented
In addition to President Hatcher and Vice-President Lewis, Uni-
versity VicePresident Wilbur K.

Tuesday's aft-campus forum
on Student Government Coun-
cil will be held at 8 p m. in
Natural Science Auditorium.
The meeting is planned as a
pro and con evaluation debate
of the basic issues involved in
the SGC plan to be voted on
in the Wednesday and Thurs-
day all-campus elections.
Taking the side favoring SGC
will be Prof. Earl W. Britton of
te engineering college and
League President Lucy Landers
Lining up on the con side of
the discussion will be Prof.
Roger Heyns, of the psychology
department and Student Leg-
islature President Steve Jeli,
'55. A question and answer per-
iod will follow.
Piek Butler
As Chairman
NEW ORLEANS, La. (/P)-Paul
M. Butler, Indiana committeeman
yesterday was elected chairman
of the Democratic National Com-
mittee succeeding Stephen A.
Butler's election climaxed a
controversy among party leaders.
Rep. Sam Rayburn of Texas, in-
coming speaker of the House,
wanted to postpone action until
early next year.
Adlai E. Stevenson. 1952 presi-
dential nominee opposed delay and
the committee decided to go
Mitchell resigned effective Jan.
1 to re-enter private law prac-

Uanimous UN Vote Supports

Ike' s

A toms For





Henry Takes
Illinois U
NEW YORK (M -- A noted
American educator, who has play-
ed a pioneer role in educational
television, will become president
of the University of Illinois next
Sept. 1.
An offer of th epost was accept-
ed today by Dr. David Dodds
Henry, 49-year-old vice chancellor
of New York University.
A group of officials connected
with the Illinois institution had
come here yesterday in an effort
to persuade him to take the pre-
sidency, and stood by him as he
announced acceptance today.
Dr. Henry read to newsmen a
statement saying in part:
"The unanimity of the board
of trustees and the support of its
advisory committees in inviting
me to the presidency augur well
for the effectiveness of the new
"The University of Illinois is
one of America's greatest, and the
opportunities for its future are
Succeeds Morey
Dr. Henry will succees Lloyd
Morey, 68-year-old administrator,
who has held the presidency tem-
porarily since July, 1953. At that,
time trustees ousted Dr. George;
G. Stoddard for lack of confidence1
in him.
Dr. Henry will be the 12th pre-
sident at Illinois, which now hash
nearly 25,000 students, mostly on
the main campus at Champaign-
Morey has been receiving a
salary of $25,000 annually, but
the new president's pay was not
disclosed. Neither was his presentI
salary at NYU.<

Pierpont, Assistant to the Dean of
Men Ivan Parker, Assistant to the
Dean of Men John Bingley, Busi-
ness Manager of Residence Halls
Leonard A. Schaadt and Manager
of Service Enterprises Francis C.
Shiel represented the administra-
During a summary session fol-
lowing the twelve regular discus-
sions, President Hatcher told dele-
gates he enjoyed the conference
and called such events as the IHC
Conference a remarkable develop-
ment in the record of student par-
ticipation and conduct.
"Thirty years ago an IHC Con-
ference would have been unthink-
able," he said. "A situation where
students sit with the president and
his colleagues and discuss mutual
problems wouldn't have occurred."
Hatcher Praises IHC

-Daily-Dean Morton
1XICIlIGAN HOOPS'TERS, ICERS ROMP-At left Wolverine Goalie Lorne
Michigan handed the Redmen their second consecutive loss, 7 to 2. At
Wolverine cagers coast 101 to 71.

-Daily-Dean Morton
Howes makes a stop on an oncoming McGill player, as
right, 'M' center Harvey Williams lays one up, as the

Wolverines Sweep IcCage Tilts

j: ...

TT l rip

President Hatcher also
IHC because it wasn't an
zation that tried to force
ministration to do things.

the ad-I

IHC instead believes the student-
administration relationship is one
of two people meeting to find a
mutually satisfactory answer to a
problem, he said.j
He asked for patience and coop-i
eration all along the line and
pleaded for human decency and
respect for motives in the attemptsE
to promote the welfare of Univer-
sity institutions. ejn ;
"The administration wants to
help the student get the most edu- 1

Win for Stevenson Wing oc el y earn
The choice of Butler, represent- 'e
ed a victory for the Stevenson- Takes Second
Mitchell wing of the party, al-
though Stevenson had said two From McGill
other leading candidates-Michael
V. DiSalle, former Toledo, Ohio,
mayor and price administrator. By DAVE GREY
and President James Finnegan of The Michigan hockey team ex-
the Philadelphia City Council- ploded with two goals in the open-
were equally acceptable to him. ing two and a quarter minutes of
Butler was the first member of play last night to set the pace for
the committee to be promoted a rough and exciting 7-2 win over
from the ranks to the chairman- McGill University, thus sweeping
ship in a decade, and the first the weekend series at the Coliseum.
to be chosen in a contested election Before either team even had time
inj nhn.4n vAA r

Hoopsters Set
New Scoring
Mark, 101-71
The University of Michigan bas-
ketball team started off its 1954-
55 season in excellent style as it
trounced a beleagured Pittsburgh

in auuuL %u years.

cation out of his four years at te The election came on the first
University as possible, he contin- roll call. Unofficially, Butler had
ued. He expressed amusement over 70 votes of the 105 cast Only 53
attributions that the administra- were required for election.

tion had other motives.
Report To Be Issued
A full report of the Residence'
Halls' Conference discussions will
be issued this week.
All delegates will receive sum-+
maries for reports to their ownj
residence halls.I
IHC President Stan Levy, '55,
asked representatives to furtherl
discuss the topics during house
meetings. He emphasized that the
success of the meeting depended
on the dissemination of the ideas
discussed yesterday throughout
the three Quadrangles.

DiSalle was second with 18.
Finnegan received 16 and Jos-
eph F. Donahue of the District
of Columbia one.
Election by Acclamation
After the vote, George Rock,
Colorado committeeman who
nominated DiSalle, moved the
election be made unanimous.
Mayor David Lawrence of Pitts-
burgh who had nominated Fin-
negan, seconded the motion and
Butler was elected by acclamation.
The official vote was not an-
Butler entered politics in 1927
and has held nearly every organ-.

World News
Pope Improving ...
VATICAN CITY - A new course
of treatment brought fresh im-
provement to ailing Pope Pius XII
today. Tonight he was resting more
easily than since his collapse
Doctors said the rally, begun
after 48 hours of desperate illness,
would continue if food can be given
the 78-year-old Pontiff.
Watkins Praised
WASHINGTON - Sen. Arthur
Watkins (R-Utah) received Presi-
dent Eisenhower's accolade Satur-
day for a "splendid job" as chair-
man of the special committee
which recommended censure of
Sen. McCarthy.
Stevenson Speaks . . .
E. Stevenson yesterday cast the
Democratic party in the role of
the "loyal opposition" to the Ei-
senhower administration and called
for "elimination of domestic poli-
tics" from foreign affairs.
McCarthy Ill? .,.
McCarthy (R-Wis.) failed to keep

to "scrape up the ice" Michigan's
sophomore center Tom Rendall had
the first of his two goals at 0.51
via a pass from right wing Jay
Goold. Rendall took the fast-break
pass at the goal mouth, reaching
out with his stick to push the puck
past helpless McGill goalie Bernie
Michigan Captain Bill MacFar-
land was quick to follow up at 2:25,
when, after sharing a Dick Dun-
nigan pass at mid-ice, he skated
down the left board, faked Wong
out of position, and slammed the
disc into the right hand corner of
the nets.
The first period was "all Michi-
gan." Tihe spirited Wolverines
showed the same explosive offense
that helped win Friday's contest,
4-2. Backed by fine defensive work
of not only the defensemen but also
the fast backskating of forward
line, Michigan goalie Lorne Howes
was able to squelch any Redmen
scoring threats.
The white-jerseyed victors, mean-,
while, added two more quick tal-
lies at the end of the first period.
Sophomore wing Jerry Karpinka
capitalized on the inability of ther
McGill defense to clear the puck
when they were one man down by
scoring on a 15-footer from the leftz
See MacFARLAND, Page 3 4

During the "What Should Our ! ization post in the party-precinct
Durng he Wha ShuldOurcommitteeman, county chairman,
New Residence Halls be Like?" , and district chairman, but never
discussion, students favored hoi- served asstate chairman.
zontal type Quadrangles with a se _d ___t ___amn
house capacity of between 75 and T al
100. cwartz TTa lk
They also favored private phones At Hill Tuesday
and movable furniture.
In other discussions a wish was Harry Schwartz, author and
expressed for student assistance in New York Times' expert on Rus-
selection of staff members and the sia, will speak on "The Men Who
need for house distinction to help Rule Communism," at 8 p. m.
build morale. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.

If -Daily-Lynn Wallas
WORKED WITH BIIAVE-Former 'U' Student Pat McMahon
reads article about Indian leader Vinoba Bhave.
Fortmer Student Tells
Of Land-Gift Movement
Pat McMahon is like her description of Vinoba Bhave, the man
with whom she toiled for a year and a half in India.
She was with him in spirit more than in person. She rarely
saw or spoke to the man whom she describes as quiet, and sincere
to the point that no one dares be insincere to his face,
But Miss McMahon, now 26 years old, helped carry on his work
in the villages of India, probably in the same quiet and sincere
manner in which she talks about her experiences with the Bhoodan
movement in India.
Having gone to India to study the Hindi language, she learned
of Bhave's land-gift movement, which is now in its third year.
"It seemed too immense," she comments now, "I couldn't under-

five, 101-71, before a crowd of
3,100 at Yost Field House last
By going over the century mark,
the Wolverines established a new
Michigan and field house scoring'
record. The old mak of 100 points
was set against Valpariso in last
year's home opener.
A flurry of baskets in the last
two minutes of play enabled the-
Maize and Blue to reach and pass
the centu~ry mark. Don Eaddy re-
ceived two perfect passes from his
teammates, went in for easy lay-
ups, and with 1:52 remaining in
the contest, Michigan had 95
points. Two fouls by Tom Jorgen-
son and a field goal by the Wol-
verine captain, Paul Groffsky put'
Michigan only one point away
from tying a record.
Maentz Connects
With the seconds quickly tick-
ing away the roar of the crowd in-
creased in volume. When there
were only 28 seconds left in the
tilt Michigan fulfilled the desires
of its fans. Tom Maentz, a star
for the Maize and Blue on the
gridiron, flipped in a push shot
from' 15 feet out, his only basket
of the night.
Six Wolverine cagers scored in
double figures. Eaddy, a fleet 5-10
guard, was the high scorer of the
game as he whipped in nine field
goals out of 17 attempts and two
fouls, good for 20 points.
Sophomore Jim Shearon lived
up to his advance notices as he
notched 17 points on five field
goals and seven foul throws.
Shearon, who clicked on 62 per
cent of his tries from the field,
was deadly with a one-handed
jump shot.
Jim Barron and Tom Jorgen-
son notched 16 tallies, Harvey Wil-
liams picked up 14 and Groffsky
12 points.
Question: Since SGC will u
election now used for SL, and
duction of election seats, is i
groups could elect representat
elections provide for minority t


To Hear U.S
' Flier Claim
Red Loss Brings
Rare Agreement
By The Associated Press
The United Nations yesterday
endorsed President Eisenhower's
atoms-for-peace program by a
rare unanimous vote and agreed
to hear the United States com-
plaint on American prisoners in
Red China.
For the second time in the ninth
General Assembly, the United
States and Russia voted together
-but only after Russia had lost
a fight to link President Eisen-
hower's program with the Security
Council and the big' power veto.
Only the five Soviet bloc coun-
tries favored this link; the West
firmly opposed it.
Vote Hailed
Eelco N. Van Kleffens, Assembly
president, hailed the unanimous
vote and said the entire world will
rejoice that the Assembly has pav-
ed the way for achievemens on a'
question that claims the inter
est in all countries "of citizens
who hold the general welfare at
One month ago the United
States and Russia joined the 58
other UN members in a vote giv-
ing the UN Disarmament Com
mission a fresh start on work on
a project for regulation and limi-
tation of conventional armaments
and prohibition of atomic wea-
pons with adequate controls4
One year ago on Dec. 8, Pre-
siTent Eisenhowei electrified the
Assembly with a dramatic plan for
peace. By its action yesterday
the Assembly pushed the plan
The resolution gave final UN
approval, noted that negotiations
are in progress for the establish-
ment of an international atomic
energy agency "to facilitate the
use by the entire world of atomic
energy for peaceful purposes" and
expressed the hope the agency
"will be established without de-
Knowland Asks Action
In Washington, the GOP ma-
jority leader, Sen. William Know-
land of California, said that the
UN Assembly should remain in
session to press efforts to free the
prisoners if they are not released
by Christmas,
After receiving an official mem-
orandum from the United States
attacking Chinese Communist ac-
tion in holding 11 American fliers
and other UN prisoners, UN exe-
cutives scheduled a steering coml-
mittee meeting for Monday after-
noon to consider the demands.,
The memorandum called the re-
tention of the prisoners "a clear-
cut violation of the Korean arm-
istice agreement."
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., chief
U. S. delegate, presented the re-
quest for quick action to Secre-
tary Generale Dag Hammarskjold
and Assembly President Dr. Eelco
N. Van Kleffens, of the Nether-
The United States and its 15 al-
lies in Korea carefully discussed
the step before Lodge came in with
his letter approved by the other
countries, asking the Assembly t
make a special agenda item of the
"complaint of detention and im-
prisonment of United Nations mil-
itary personnel in violation of the
Korean armistice agreement."

m____"stand how any one man could go
about collecting land."
Gets World Attention

Curiosity Starts Harpsichord Career

Curiosity and fascination started the career of Detroit harpsi-
chordist Alice Lungerhausen, '26SM.
Appearing in this weekend's performances of Handel's "Messiah,"
Mrs. Lungerhausen was graduated from Michigan as a piano major,
receiving a master's degree in music in 1931.
After a year's work in Vienna, studying piano, she went to
Chicago to study harpsichord with Philip Manuel. "I tried the harp-
sichord out of curiosity and was so fascinated by the instrument
that I pursued it."-
She has performed in solo recitals and concerts in Detroit, Ann
Arbor and Toledo. Previous to her last appearance at the 1950 May
Festival, Mrs. Lungerhausen accompanied a School of Music pres-
entation of Haydn's "Creation."

Bhave's movement received in-
ternational attention soon after it
began; and he was featured on
the cover of Time in May, 1953.
His idea of how to reform India's
economic plight was getting at-
tention in the world, and getting
results in India.
A devoted follower of Mahatma
Gandhi, Bhave walked, and to
this day walks, from village to
village persuading landowners to
give up their land for distribution
to the landless.
There is enough land to sup-
port all of India," Miss McMahon
believes. But it goes to waste in
the hands of a few. Bhave is dem-
onstrating that there is enough
land to go around.
Opposition At First

use the same method of campus
there will be a 75 per cent re-
t likely that minority opinion
ives to SGC? Do present SL
opinion groups' representation?
A student population, if every

Answer: Given the curren
student on campus voted, it wo

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