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May 05, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-05

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PME b'n[


WrnNIESDAY, ?1TA4 S, 1954




One-Act Fantasies To Be Presented1

A gold and red bangled dress
that was bought in the Paris flea
market for $1.50 will be only one
of the unusual items on display
Drama and ballet will be fea-
tured as part of the four-day In-
ter-Arts Union Festival. "A Cock-
tail Quadrille," by Gayle Greene,
'56, and "Higher and Higher
Down," by Renee Kluger, Grad.,
will be the two one-act plays
to be presented in addition to the
ballet "The Legend of John Hen-
ry," with music by Don Harris,
Grad., and choreography by Robin
Squier, '54.
THF FLEA market dress will be
the costume of the Lady Poet,
Cocktail Quadrille." The Lady
played by Lou Stinson, '54, in "A
Poet also strums a psaltery, an
ancient stringed instrument of the
zither type. Playwright Greene
had originally a scheduled a dul-
cimer for the part, but a psaltery
was the closest thing available.
With a hint of "Alice in Won-
derland," "A Cocktail Quadrille
explores Alice's progression from
another world to the real world.
Masks and a turn-about dress
will accompany this change.
Alice, played by Diane Halbrook,
'54, and David, played by Ross
Finney, '54, are the central figures
of the play. The rest of the cast,
includes a Dilettante, played by
Andrew Duncan, an unbearded ar-
cheologist, in the person of Nor-
man Hartweg, '56, and various
mistresses, played by Sue Gold-
berg, '57, and Ellyne Cosden, '57.
Carl, the host, played by Larry
Hulack, Grad., opens the play, and
introduces a cast of characters
that range from an Attractive
Young Man, played by John Kaz-
mierowski, to a Wild-eyed Wom-
an, played by Marian Mercer,

SL Agenda
Student Legislature will dis-
cuss, the following motions and
reports when it meets at 7:30
p.m. today in the Strauss-An-
derson dining room of East
NSA report
Lecture Committee Report
Academic Freedom Report
League House Discrimination
A motion that: a short time
after the Lansing Hearings of
the Clardy Committee are held,
the Academic Freedom Sub-
committee hold a public meet-
ing at which any students or
faculty member who has testi-
fied before the Committee may
state and explain the position
that he took before it.

To Perform
At Festival

Seaway Debate Starts Today


QUADRILLE-The Lady Poet gazes into
her psaltery, while another personality of
sits by.
THE rAALE CHORUS, in grey fantasyk
flannels, of Jim Tucker, '55, Lar- concerns
ry Schwartz, '56, and Earl Sayer, love with
'57 alternate between a "tragic statue, p
Greek chorus and an even more '57A&D
tragic contemporary chorus," in will be
the words of its author. Julia, pla
Sequined props have been '56, falls
made for the play by Mary Jane then iec'
Forsythe, vice-president of the erage co
Potter's Guild. One of her special by Josep
items is the sequined pen and be-
jewelled notebook of the Gossip
Columnist, played by Louis Tal- Co
ayco. V
"Higher and Higher Down," a

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
space, idly strumming
"A Cocktail Quadrille"
by Renee Kuger, Grad,
a young girl who falls in
a statue of Romeo. The
played by Tom Welton,
will be tan, and his hair
curled with brilliantine.
ayed by Ann Albert Young,
sin love with him, and.
,nsiders in favor of "av-
llege-boy "Peter," played
h Silver, '57.
Mbine a

Communism, Socialism Two
Sides of Same Coin -Clardy

(Continued from Page 1)
opinion. He thinks anti-McCarthy-
only groups in the country that ism will blow over; but it is part
are able to do anything effective of his job to. convince the public
about Communism. that his committee and others
like it are necessary, by continuing


The Lansing Republican neverI
did get around to admitting that
there might be some loyal Amer-
icans among those who attack
his committee. "We all make
mistakes," he concedes, "Joe
and I are as willing as the next
guy to admit we may make a
mistake once in a while." But, he
addes, "not as many as the
'muddleheads' claim."
Despite the attacks, public opin-
ion is still behind the investigat-
ing committees in Rep. Clardy's
Fourth Play
Bill To Open
Three one-act plays will be in-
cluded in the fourth laboratory
bill presented by the speech de-
partment at 8 p.m. tomorrow and
Friday in the Women's Athletic
Anatole France's "The Man Who
Married a Dumb Wife" directed by
Conrad Stolzenbach, Grad., will be
the first of the one-act presenta-
Directed by Arnold Stein, '54,
"The Dragon" is a Chinese play
adapted from an Asiatic opera.
The speech department presenta-
.tion will be based not on the au-
thentic but on an Americanized
version of the Oriental theater
Robert Armstrong, Grad., is
directing Eva LeGallienne's dram-
atization of Louis Carroll's "Alice
in Wonderland."
There is a
For young Americans care-
fully trained for successful
careers in
Foreign Trade
Foreign Service
Leading American business
firms have come to depend
on the American Institute for
Foreign Trade as a major
source of trained personnel
for their international opera-
A hard-hitting, intensive one-
year course at the graduate
level will give you the back-
ground you need in languag-
es, area studies and business

to expose Communists and the
danger they represent.
And "the Communists are ev-
erywhere," he claims. "There is no
group that doesn't have some. The
percentage may differ, but both big
and small schools have been in-
filtrated," The University, which
he calls "his" school, has no ex-
ceptional number of Communists,
he says assuringly, but is a typi-
cal case.

with work toward your
BA or MA degree at
CSl'aq4 Coll~ege
June 21 to August 13, 1954
* A marvelous place to
spend your vacation
* Undergraduate study
* Small classes
* A complete schedule
of academic subjects
For further information, write

Events oday
"Characteristics of an Industrial
Relations System for Atomic Ener-
gy Development" will be discussed
by OscAr Smith, Director of Or-
ganizafion and Personnel, Atomic
Energy Commission, at 4 p.m. in
R. 130, business administration
Two chemistry lectures will be}
delivered by J. L. Franklin, TexasN
chemist, under the sponsorship of t
the chemistry department.
"Ionization Energies by Electronr
Impact" will be the title of the ad- P
dress before a chemical-physic se- I
minar at 4:10 p.m. Rm. 2308,
Chemistry Building. At 8 p.m.,
Franklin will speak on "Electrons
Impact Measurements of Ehergiess
of Ions" in Rm. 1300, Chemistrye
How the
F sta rs
t ,a
got started.
Red Barber says: "I was a
student working my way
through the University of
Florida when I was asked to
be substitute announcer on a
farm program. That got me
a job. In two years, I be-
came chief announcer. My
break in sports came in '34
when I broadcast Cincinnati
Reds games. Been doing
Major League play-by-play
ever since!"

Over 3.000 school children from
the first through the eighth grades
will participate in the fifth annual'
Festival of Song at 2 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The Festival, under the auspices
of WUOM. will bring together pu-
pils from 104 Washtenaw County
schools, two Ann Arbor schools
and classes from Genesee and oth-
er surrounding counties.
Today's program of 20 songs
is part of the year-long Festi-
val of Song broadcast over
WUOM for children throughout
rural areas. The children come
together from a 20 to 25 mile
radius without any rehearsal
other than in their own class-
rooms, to sing the songs that
they have heard on WUOM's
Festival. The Festival Youth
Chorus, under the direction of
Marguerite Hood, will also per-
The event will be carried over
WUOM and WUOM-Flint directly
from Hill Auditorium.
Orien Dalley, music director of!
WUOM, and Janice Cobb, who
teaches the singing classes on
WUOM, will be in charge of the
program. They will be assisted by1
Nancy Bartholomew '55SM, and
Ida Nyberg '55SM.
This is one of 13 such communi-
ty gatherings to be held in the
state with the help of county
school superintendents for pupils
enrolled in the Festival of Song
Radio Classroom.

(continued from page 1) mer opposition in favor of the SEAWAY proponents also think
project. the waterway is vital to main-
Seaway Co. Sen. Wiley got his Foreign Re-. taMining the Midwest's present pros-
lations Committee to approveha perity. The Lake Superior ore de-
Supporters of the Brownsen $3,000,000 survey for long the
amendment maintain that the, dormant Passamaquoddy Tidal posits at their present rate of con-
$105,000,000 seaway expenditure!ojtnthPasne-NewBruns sumption are not expected to last
wick border. Shortly afterward 20 more years.
will be an unnecessary burden on Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R- Without low cost transportation
our national debt. They claim that Me.) and Sen. Frederick Payne (R- of the high grade Labrador and
mid-west steel operators and other Me.) changed their sentiments South American deposits, the pros-
groups favored by the bill could and voted in favor of the Seaway. perity of the Mid-West may de-
buy the bonds. And according to Secretary McKay came out in cline.
the courts the Seaway would still favor of the Colorado River Stor-
be owned and operated by the gov- g rjc al nJaySn- Economically the Seaway will
be onedandopeatedby he ov-age Project early in January. Sen. aid the Midwest in several ways.
ernment. Eugene Millikin (R-Colo.) and five anstaionexpesesrom
Rep. Louis Rabaut,( D-Mich.) other Colorado Basin senators soon the Midwest to the East Coast
summarized the views of the became Seaway backers. will be sliced extensively.
amendment opposition yesterday * * * 1 * *
when he said, "Such a move is un- THE SEAWAY'S Republican op-
precedented, unwise, and unwork- position also received some direct THE LOWER transportation
able. It would place the project on pressure from the administration. costs will also result in a cost of
an unrealistic, unsound business Admiral Arthur M. Radford, Chair- living decrease in the Middle-
basis. It would embarrass us in the man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Western area, and a rise in pro-
eyes of our neighbors and fellow warned senators that the Russians duction because it will be more
nations." have six times as many submar- convenient to 'import greater
* * * ines as the Germans did during quantities of raw materials.
IN 1952 the Senate disappoint- World War II. The railroad and coal inter-
ed Seaway supporters by defeat- This means that much added ests, the main opponents of the
ing the measure 43-40. The Atlan- danger to United States shipping Seaway, both fear mass unem-

tic and Gulf Coast states, sensi-
tive to railroad and coal interests
united to delay opening up St.
Lawrence navigation through to
the Great Lakes.
However early this year pres-
sure was applied and by some
astute political maneuvering the
Upper House gave the Seaway its
blessing. Sen. .Alexander Wiley
(R-Wis.) and Secretary of In-
terior Douglas McKay worked
behind the scenes to swing for-

in the Atlantic in case of an-
other world conflict. If the St.
Lawrence was navigable all the
way to the Great Lakes, United
States ships could leave ports in
the Great Lakes region, sail up
the St. Lawrence and across the
Atlantic to Europe.
The distance in the open ocean
from the mouth of the St. Law-
rence to England is much shorter
than that from the United States
Eastern seaboard to English ports

ployment in their industries.
The railroads think that the
ships will monopolize the trade
thus putting their men out of
The coal leaders, including
United Mine Workers President
John L. Lewis, are violently op-
posed to the Seaway because of
their-fear that Midwest industries
will start importing the majority
of their coal from the cheaper
European markets.



lead in histo
*Published In I




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