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August 05, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-08-05

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Polio's Upward Trend Continues
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PolioOff to Fast Start D~espite HopDes

Sees Need
For Review
Society's codes and mores now
"dead wood" are in for a review,
and perhaps modification, due to
Kinsey research and data, a Kih-
sey consultant said yesterday.
Dr. Sophia Kleegman, New York
gynecologist, was discussing the
"Influence of Kinsey Data on Sex
Education" during the last lecture
of the current Summer Session
program, ."Woman in the World
of Man."
"The Kinsey data, some of
which is shocking to many, will
provide the impetus for such a re-
view," she said. It also will be of
invaluable guidance by revealing
wherein realistic codes and mores
need to be reenforced or initiated
to strengthen our society, the doc-,
tor explained.
"The need for sex education is
great in all stages and ages," ac-
cor. Kleegman. Speak-
i ng of her experience with pa-
tients, many of them college gra-
duates, she pointed out that there
is still "incredible ignorance of
basic knowledge of sex habits,
practices and their results."
Even in the medical field, she
continued, "older physicians re-
ceived most of their sex knowledge
from their patients and many are
still inadequately taught."
She stated that the publication
of Kinsey data effected "a rapid
and dramatic change in attitudes
towards sex discussions." Dr.
Kleegman said, "Talk about sex
was brought up from the damp,
dark, even dirty cellar into the
fresh air and sunshine of open,1
above-board, respectable discus-t


Prof. Kunio Odaka Tells

Baird Readings Conclude 'I -


Summer Assemblies
Prof. Claribel Baird presented from Edna St. V
readings of modern poetry yester- Mine Is The Harv
day in Rackham Amphitheater. a fast and moving
Prof. Baird was the final speaker down from streng
in a series of speech assemblies Midnight by Jam
held this summer under the aus- done in a light key:
pices of the department of speech. the part of the littl
In his introduction, Prof. Edward the dark, with gaie
A. Stasheff of the speech depart- to keep from becom
ment commended Prof. Baird on coy.
three counts: as a sensitive ac- Alive Re
tress, as a skillful reader, and Prof. Baird's va
finally as a gracious woman. reading of the p
Prof. Baird included poems by Frost, Wild Grape
Marianne Moore, Edna St. Vincent Frothe beginning
Millay, James Stevens, Robert in then changed
Frost, Ogden Nash, Phyllis Mc- way,te chand
Ginley, and W. H. Auden in her timate voice, and
readings. a solemn little-girl
Moore Readings Wild Grapes is
Her first offering was two poems whoihas caught he
by Marianne Moore; The Frigate limbswingngwir
Pelican, and In Distrust of Mer- the e The cil
She , did only a fragment from get back to the grou
The Frigate Pelican. She read in that she must le
a somber, clear voice that fitted She grows up and1
the lonely thought of the poem. with her mind but
She underplayed the first part heart .
of In Distrust of Merits, almost Other selections
droning in a flat tone. As the poem poems in a light
grew more intense she built and Nash, and, Reflec
intensified her voice with soft em- by Phyllis McGin
phasis. On the last lines, "Beauty with great care
is everlasting, And dust is for a throw away and
time," her voice, though resor- emphasize. Ther
ant, was tender. was witty and rela
Prof. Baird next did a "Sonnet" Prof. Baird's last
Memory of W. B.1
Auden. She readi
Air Cadets as though she w'

Vincent Millay's
est. She read at,
pace, building
gth to softness.
nes Stevens was
y: She acted out
e boy, afraid in
ty and was able
ming sugary and
cried and alive
oem by Robert
s was presented
in a sing-song
to a chatty in-
concluded with
a poem con-
picking grapes
rself on a birch
fear far above
d is relieved to
und and realizes
arn to let go.
learns to let go
never with her
included two
vein: My Own
tions at Dawn
ley. She chose
which lines to
which lines to
resulting effect
offering was In
Yeats by W. H.
in a low pitch
ere reciting a
iend. She gave
s of blank verse
rhyming verse.
ents of speech
As. Hayden Car-
ng their AB de-'
ura Cummings,
William Werner.
Masters degrees,
Faries, Gerald
Hamilton, True-
Mary Mills, J,7
Sonaga, John
Thomas, and Ir-
roj ect

"I0xflp L)UUJIILt.04 kJUu(}5

The Japanese are truly modest
In a sociologist's study made in
six major cities in Japan, it was
found that people falling into up-
per-middle or middle classes as
a result of their education, in-
come and occupation, insist that
they are members of the lower
According to Prof. Kunio Odaka
of the University of Tokyo, who is
studying at the University Survey
Research Center this summer, it
is Japanese etiquette and modesty
influencing the people in their sub-
jective analysis of themselves,
which clearly contradicts object-
ive data found by sociologists
making the survey.
Object of the survey was to study
social stratification and social mo-

By the Associated Press
Despite hope inspired by vac-
cine trials, polio is starting out at
a near record rate this summer as
if continuing its long term up-
wards trend.
During 16 weeks since April 4,
the U.S.1 publichealth service re-
ports 6,136 cases in the United
States-a 24 per cent jump over
the 5-year average of 4,920 for
the same period, though less than
last year's 6,633. In 1952 when the
diseaseeventually reached its all
time peak of 57,879, the number at
this time was only 5,410.
Virulence of the disease, more-
over, has been somewhat higher
than last year, with paralytic cas-
es making up 56.4 per cent of
those reported against 49.3 per,
cent in 1953,
Special . Drive
The situation is so serious that
the National Polio Foundation
says it will' not be able with funds
at- hand to provide care for the
inflicted while paying for an ex-
pensive prevention program. It is
going to put on a special funds
There is no way of telling as yet
what the effect of the trial ino-
culations has been. Vaccine de-
yeloped by Dr. Jonas E. Salk was
administered to several hundred

thousand children in many parts
of the country this spring. Yet the
number was so small a fraction of
the general population, says Dr.
John Gorrell of the Foundation,
that even if the inoculations were
100 per cent successful they might
have little effect on state and gen-
eral averages. When all the fig-
ures are in, a research team at the
University of Michigan School of
Public Health will evaluate the
effects of the vaccine. Meantiie
the Foundation is hazarding. no
For reasons unknown, the polio
curve has been mounting through
the .-ears even as researchers have
developed new techniques and me-
It's an unpredictable disease,
however, and the trend indicated
by figures for the 16-week period
may not necessarily be borne out
during the rest of the year. For
instance, after the fast start last
year, the total case load reached
only 35,968, as against the five year
average of 39,513.
Peak Approaching
The time of worst infection is
just starting. A peak usually
reached in Aug'ust or September.
The Foundation's director. of
statistical services, Arnold Skinner,

I I.
figures that the case rate per
100,000 of population in the 16-
week period this year was 3.9,
against the five-year average of
3.2, last year's rate of 4.2 for the
same period, and the 1952 rate
of 3.5.
The rates of 16.1 cases per 100,-
000 population already reported
this year in Wyoming, 15.6 in Ne-
vada, 14 in Florida and 12.7 in
Texas are unusually high, but in
1952 Texas had a rate right now
of 18.9. It is normal, says Dr. Gor-
rell, for southwestern and moun-
tain regions to get an early start.
When a region's rate reaches
20, the Foundation considers the
situation troublesome. The rate
in Big Horn county, Wyoming,
where 37 cases had been reported
through the middle of July, was

tus predicts political and social
behavior, according to Prof. Odaka.
The first study was recorded in
English, and Mrs. Odaka trans-
lated it into Japanese for use by
sociologists there.
Odaka Travels
Before arrivingin, Ann Arbor.
Prof. Odaka and his wife traveled
to Paris and Germany where so-
ciological observations were made.
They attended the conference of
the International Sociologists As-
sociation in Belgium, and then at-
tended Harvard University where
Prof. Odaka was a research fel-
low in sociology. He also gave
some lectures on Japanese class
structure at Harvard.
Commenting on research meth-
ods and sampling techniques here,
Prof. Odaka said "The University
is the best place to study research
techniques in the world." He sald
he felt that faculty members at
the University are "congenial
and easy to get 'in touch with."
The Japanese sociologist and his
wife will return to their own coun-
try in October when they will sail
from the west coast.
National Blue
Cross Slates
Meeting Here
The second section of the Uni-
versity's Blue Cross National Ex-
ecutive Training Program will
open Monday when Blue Cross
executives from throughout the
nation arrive on thecampus.
Att e n de d by representatives
from every Blue Cross district,
the course is sponsored by the
Blue Cross-Blue Shield Commis-
sions and the School of Business
It is divided into two three-week'
sessions, one each year for two
years. The groups beginning Mon-
day will consist of first-year stu-
dents. On August 6, the "senior"
group completed its training.
Among outside lecturers who
will be conducting some of the
course classes will be James C.
Brown, actuary for the District XI
Blue Cross Plans, Los Angeles.
He will discuss "Major Health
Ray E. Brown and Bennett J.
McCarthy will conduct a course on
the "Relationship between Blue
Cross and Hospitals and Commer-
cial Insurance Companies and
The "Scope of Prepayment and
Its Effect upon the Practice of
Medicine" will be analyzed by
James E. Bryan, administrator,
New Jersey Blue Shield Plan,
Newark, N.J.




This widespread discussion has
led to 'an equally widespread de-
mand for an extension of sex edu-
cation throughout society," the
doctor concluded.j
Dr. Kleegman's lecture was the
last afternoon event on the sum-
mer program which included lec-!
tures, panel discussions, exhibits
and concerts.


Request More
'Flying Time


As seept in Madewroiselle



Alabama had three counties with
a rate of 20 or more, California
six, Florida nine, Louisiana three,
Mississippi four, Nebraska one,
Nevada one, Oklahoma one, Tex-
as eleven and Wisconsin one. All
were figured on the basis of state
health department reports to the
Foundation through July 15.
Nudists Give
Crusader Gate,
At Gateway I
About 20 bare-chested nudists. stop-
ped a crusading evangelist at the
gateway of Sunshine Gardens
Wednesday and wouldn't let him go
any farther unless he obeyed the
To do that he had to take off
his clothes. He refused. After con-
siderable scuffling he landed on
the ground.
Dr. Braxton B. Sayer, a radio
preacher from Fort Smith, Ark.,
said he wanted to take pictures to
expose "the national threat of nu-
Equipped with what he called an
invitation to attend the annual con-
vention of the American Sunbath-
ing Assn. at the gardens, Saw'yer
approached the gate.
But he was told by Elmer J.
Adams, proprietor, he still must
abide by the rules and 20 male
nudists reinforced him.
Sawyer began to take pictures
from the gateway. One nudist at-
tempted to block the camera. Saw-
yer lunged at him. The nudist
stepped aside and in the melee,
Sawyer landed ont he ground.
Later Sawyer still fully clothed,
forced his way in, took some pic-
tures of clothed nudists, and left.
He said he had to keep faith with
the people who wanted him to con-
tinue his crusade.
(Continued from Wage 1)

SPereira Slated
For TV Show
Irene Rice Pereira, widely ac-
claimed American artist, will be
the guest on the University tele-
vision show at 1 p.m. Saturday
over WWJ-TV, Detroit.
Miss Pereira is an abstraction-
ist painter who frequently lec-
tures on the relation of art forms
to the new concepts of modern
physics and mathematics. In the
kinescope she will present high-
lights of her recent talk at the
University on "Women and Di-
mensions in Art."

More than 12,000 Air Force
ROTC cadets, including 140 from
the University, are attending' the
57 summer camp sites across the
After a recent visit to these
camps, Brig. Gen. M. K. Deichel-
mann, commandant of the AF-
ROTC program, reported that the
healthiest complaint of the cadets
was, "We want more flying time."
Cadets at summer camps re-
ceive an average of five hours
of orientation flying in various air-
craft during their four-week train-
ing program. Nearly all expressed
a desire for more air time, how-
ever, and were particularly inter-
ested in jet rides.

memorial to a fIr
nobility to the lines
and feeling to the
Graduating stud
were cited by Pro:
ruth and GordonF
Students receivir
grees were: Lau
Paul Goeble and V
Those getting N
were: Geraldinet
ell Cocking, Clyde
Freeman, Robertf
man Metzel Jr.,3
Patterson, James
Rothgeb, Dwight T
vina van Dyke.
Phoenix P

TT4 ., TL. .. Tli,...: ., J- fi... I
na r n ,e.

The vnoenix Project is iea- methods so that, when another
tured in an article appearing in study of social stratification is
the July issue of the "Japanese 1 made in Japan soon, more accur-
Journal of Nursing," one of the ate figures can be obtained, and
leading professional publications better representation of the entire
country is the result. Funds for

bility in Japan, and the findings
of the survey were reported at
an international conference of so-
ciologists in Europe lastyear.
Grandfathers Rated Higher
Another tendency found by the
50 sociologists making the Japan-
ese survey was that members of
the present generation tended to
rate their grandfathers in a higher
social class than themselves, when
census figures revealed that pre-
vious generations were in most
cases of lower social status than
the present generation in the same
family. Prof. Odaka reports that
"respect of ancestors" must be
the reason for this discrepancy in
fact and evaluation.
Prof. Odaka's stay at the Uni-
versity this summer is to study
research techniques and sampling

Gen. Deichelmann said he was of Japan. the future study have been granted
happy to learn that this attitude Author of the article is Akira by the Rockefeller Foundation.
prevailed in view of the recent Sato, visiting research associate The pending study of Japanese
Air Force policy requiring, nearly of the University's Center for Jap-' society will give a basis for pre-
all AFROTC cadets to agree to anese Studies and a bureau chief diction of opinions and attitudes
take flight training if they are to of the National Public Opinion of different social classes in Japan,
receive a commission. Research Institute of Tokyo. I and also will show how social sta-








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