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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL. LXIV, No. 33S
Ike Extolls
Replies to Charge
Of Woodring
WASHINGTON I( - Presiden
Eisenhower ' Wednesday extolle
Gen. George C. Marshall as a self
less, brilliant and dedicated patri
ot who shouldn't have to reap th
"worry reward" of, attacks on hi
loyalty and character.
Eisenhower, "almost emotional'
by his own description, was reply
ing to the charge originated b
former Secretary of War Harr
Woodring and circulated by Sen
McCarthy (R-Wis) that Marshal
,,,would "sell out his own grand
mother for personal advantage."
: "I would like to say," Eisen
hower told his news conference
"and I have been saying that ever
since I first knew him well, tha
"he to me has typified all that w
call-or that we look for-in wha
we "call an American patriot.
S "I saw many things he did tha
were proof, to me at least, of his
A Sorry Reward
"I think it is asorry reward,
eat the end of at least 50 years ob
service to this country, to say thai
uhe is not a loyal, fine American,
and that he served only in orde
to advance his own personal am
} btions.
"I Can't imagine anyone that I
have known in my career of whom
this is less so than it is in h
The White House authorized dir-
d ect quotation of Eisenhower's trib-
ute- during a news conference to
the retired Aymy chief of staff,
who served-also as secretary o
state and secretary of defense.
Woodring's charge, made in a
' letter last June 23, was put into
the Congressional Record last Mon-
day by McCarthyd as part of Mc-
Carthy's reply to moves of cen-
sure against him.
One of the things McCarthy's
critics want to er sure him for
i18 a Senate speech June 14, 1951
' when the senator accused Marshall
of being "steeped in falsehood"
and called him a "mysterious,
powerful" figure who sided with
Russia in decisions which "lost the
peace" for America.
Accuse of "Selling out"
Woodring's letter said that on
Marshall's 1945 mission to patch
up a peace in China, Marshall act-
ed under orders from the State
Department and President Truman
even though he was military strat-
egist enough "to know that he was
selling out to the Reds."
Woodringsecretary of warhin
193640, now lives in Topeka, Kan.
Marshall, in retirement at Lees-
burg, Va., has declined to say any-
thing about Woodring's statements-
At Wednesday's news conference,
the President refused to pass
Judgement on the moves by Sen.
Flanders (R-Vt.) and others to
censure McCarthy.
Eisenhower has contended all
along that the McCarthy con-
troversy, of which the Marshall
matter is only one of some 40 over-
lapping complaints, is for the Sen-
ate to settle.
He went further Wednesday, how-
Sever, saying it is a problem with
which he may have to deal in his
responsibility as head of the party
*in ower.
Preparing for Opening
Foreign Aid
Bill Given
More Funds
Restored To Bill
WASHINGTON (' - President
Eisenhower won a $319,040,000 re-
storation of foreign aid funds .in
Congress Wednesday shortly after
telling a news conference that Sen-
ate cuts were so deep they would
hurt this country badly.
The President termed the Senate
action very unfortunate and added
there seems to be a lack of com-
prehension about what the Kremlin
is doing in the world.
Before passing the authorization
bill Tuesday, the Senate cut the
figure to something under $2,700,-
000,000. This was morethan 700
millions below the President's
$3,448,000,000 request and more
than 600 millions under the figure
approved by the House.
Committees Compromise
Conference committees $f the;
two houses got down to work quicyt-
ly Wednesday composing differ-
ences. Sen.. Wiley (R-Wis), chair-
man of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, came out of the.
first meeting to report an agree-i
ment to restore the total to above
three billions.
The House voted a $3,368,608,000
authorization. But a Senate com-
mittee and the S e n ate itself
chopped this by $638,080,000, slash-
ng all items except 141 millions
fore technical cooperation.
Wiley said the Senate-House con-
ferees agreed to put back $319,040,-
000 or exactly half of the total
senatorial cuts. However, there re-
mained many unresolved differ-
ences between the Senate and
House bills.
Asked about the Senate cut of
fTuesday at his news conference,
the President replied emphatically'
he thought the slaw~ was very un-
fortunate. t;
He said the administration had y
cut the foreign aid program as fare
as it believed was safe and that u
the House 'already had trimmed It1
about another hundred million. He a
said he had . no objection to the n
House cut because their guess was
as good as his. 'i
U. .
Not Leader, But Partner
Cites Need
To Combat
Less Shoutin'
Of Role Asked
-Daily-Marj Crozier
Marriage of Figaro
Will Start Tonight
Mozart's opera, "The Marriage of Figaro," will open at 8 p.m.
today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, as the 20th opera to be
presented on the University summer playbill.
The musical production, which is the last in the series of speech
department presentations this summer, will be given in conjunction
with the School of Music tomorrow, Saturday and Monday evenings.
The stage production will be directed by Valentine Wihdt, who
also was in charge of the 1947 presentation of the same opera. The
orchestra will perform under the baton of Josef. Blatt, director of
< opera production, who will also
.N-{ play a spinet piano in the orches-
K insey Report tra pit as part of his conducting.
.lyOne of the great masterpieces of
sy comedy in music, "The Marriage
of Figaro" goes back to 17th cen-
, tury Spain and is a direct con-
erie Paneltinuationof "The Barber of Se-
ville," Rossini's opera.
Playing the leading roles in the
By WALLY EBERHARD performance are Paul Hickfang
The University special summer as Figaro; Delores Lowry, Susan-
session program, "Woman in the na; Robert Kerns, the Count (who
World of Man," closed last night appear in the picture): and Phyl-
with a panel discussion on the lis McFarland and Joann Rossi
Second Kinsey Report before a as the Countess.
capacity crowd in Aud: A, Angell Dance director for "The Mar-
he 5
how t
s tea
md c
r 'WASHINGTON(0P) -Pr'esident
Eisenhower called Wednesday for
*less "shouting" about American
leadership in the world because. he
said, this country is merely "try
ing to be a good partner"
Eisenhower told a news con-
ference, too, that America must
be "more imaginative" and "less
niggardly" sin finding ways to
m combat propaganda, subversion
and bribery on which he said Rus-
:::' <> >::: sia is spending billions,
Against Communist Chinad
Once again Eisenhower spoke
out strongly against admitting
'' ':a ":::: . tCommunist China to the United
Nations - under pr'esent cni
cod-tions. But by saying," we always
-Daily-Duane Poole are ready to see whether a sinner
he held the door open for eventual
,y GS O' n a ist . .The President said he would be
a little bit off his rocker to say
-- he knows what conditions will be
By DIANE AuWERTER five years from now.
Daily Managing Editor they talked to others interested in little attention is paid to poet Walt
communications, including such Whitman in America, they cited Eisenhower was obviously hot
journalists from Japan took people as director of University Hemingway and Faulkner as par- under the collar over Marshall's
:26 p.m. tram to Chicago Relations Arthur Brandon and ticularly popular authors in Japan. having been injected Monday into
day after spending two days Prof. Wesley Maurer, chairman of "Gone with the Wind," both in the Senate scrap over censuring
ning life at an American the journalism department. novel and in movie form, won McCarthy.
sity. h their unanimous approval, as did
two days were packed with Three Moth Tour the movie, "Shane."His conern was underscored by
.y. They visited the Japa- The University visit was part Pleased at finding their judg- permission for direct quotation,
s t u d i e s center and saw of a three month tour of the United which usually is forbidden at news
he University of Michigan States which began in June and ent orsonins hey whconferences.
ching students about Japan. will end in September. Their localtaofmodt ericans, theyUi o- He defended Marshall warmly.
ching studentsd y Ttsjnounced their visit to the Univer-
took a tour through The Aoyamas trvelled wthi sity "thoroughly enjoyable" and The Senate's controversy over
gan Daily and asked Aoyama, 54 who travelled with hurried away for a glimpse at the condemning McCarthy, he said
ons about freedom: academic them as interpreter. Chicago Tribune Tower. earlier, is its business and he isn't
m and freedom of the press. With journalistic backgrounds' _going to attempt to evaluate its
y looked over most of the varying from that of Hideo Sasaki, effect on the Republican party
is, saw the studios of WUOM who is president of the Kanagawa M oss Again; until the Senate decides what it
arefully scrutinized Health Press in Yokohama, to the chief wants to do.
e. At a luncheon yesterday, of the professional training section 1 Yet he said that anything that
of the Yomirui Shimbun, Michio uspendeci tends to divide the party is some
Karakubo, the newspapermen thing that must concern him and
boo Board weredinterested in all phases of he must take whatever measures
United States communications me- WASHINGTON (w - Mrs. Annie are available to try to avoid and
dia.jLee Moss, who swore before Sen. arelaaiae t
' ~~~~McCarthy's subcommittee that she aeirt t
verses Rule dThe other three members of the never had been a Communist, was Leading up to the bid for less
party were Sukeshizu Yamada, suspended for a second time chest beating about America's
3HINGTON (N" - The Na- assistant chief of the city desk on Wednesday from her job with the leadership in the world was a
Labor Relations Board, re- the Chubu Nippon Press; Kosuke Army Signal Corps. question on "where we go from
g a long-established rule, de- Sakaida, head of the board of here" with the Eisenhower plan
3-2 Wednesday that an em- directors and chief editor of the The Army reopened the case, it
may legally question his Gifu Times; and Toshic Kase, said, "on the basis of information for international poling of atom-
may ifu imes an Tosio Ksewhich was not previously available ic information and materials for
rs about union affiliation or editor-in-chief of Chiba Shimbun. and which has not been satisfac- peaceful purposes.
ies if no implication of re-s Literature and Moviess
or benefit is torily resolved by an investi- Again, the White House okayed
majority cpinion empha- Speaking through an interpreter, gation." What the information is, quotation of most of the reply,
however, that the decision the travellers had little but praise the Army didn't specify. Eisenhower said the Soviets
ot grant employers any blan- for the United .States, although The Negro woman was given 30 didn't receive the idea favorably
ense to interrogate their em- Yamada said educated Japanese days to present her side of the case but he doesn't propose to be de-
people did not have a high opinion to a security hearing board. feated by'that. He said he hopes
test is whether, under all of American movies, McCarthy told newsmen he had it will lead to conditions in which
rcumstances, the interroga- Sasaki cautioned that his coun- not heard of Mrs. Moss' new sus- we and our cold war enemies
easonably tends to restrain tryman spoke only for himself, pension until reporters told him "could begin to talk decently and
erfere with the employes in adding that for him, the high and about it. intelligently and constructively"
cercisetof rights guaranteed low spot of his U.S. visit had been , "This is a good healthy indica- instead of calling names and cre-
pe Taft-Hartley Act," it a Coney Island rollercoaster ride. tion they are tightening pP securi- ating "further division in the
Expressing amazement that so ty regulations," he said. !world."
World NewsI
Using Dr. Kinsey's report on
sexual behavior in American wom-
en as a starting point, the panel
touched briefly on the content of
the report, its strengths and weak-
nesses and its specific effects in
several areas including education
and legislation.
Dr. Sophia J. Kleegman, New'
York gynecologist, pointed out that
the study covered a larger number
of subjects than any other work
done in the field. Fifty percent
of the personal interviews were
done by Dr. Kinsey, she said, and
the rest by his carefully trained
riage of Figaro" has been Esther ;
Pease of the Women's Physical I
Education Department, while arty
director was Prof. Jack E. Ben- By the Associated Press
der and costumier. Phyllis Plet- WASHINGTON - T h e House!
cher, both of the speech depart- passed overwhelmingly Wednes-
ment. day a bill designed to force re-
Tickets may sill be purchased luctant witnesses to testify on na-
from Bruce Nary, Business man- tional security matters by grant-
ager for Play Production, at $1.75, ing them immunity from prosecu-1
$1.40 and $1 from 10 a.m. untilton.(
curtain time at the box office, But the House bill, approved1
293-55, differs sharply from a
measure on the same subject
Linguistics passed by the Senate last year,
and neither will become law unless
the two houses can agree in the
D isplay OW1 fewdays before adjournment.
he, rem
Anything that tends to divide the
party concerns him, he said, and
he must take steps with respect to
it. What. steps, he didn't say.
Russia Complains
LONDON (R)-Russia has com-
plained to the United States again
that American military planes are
systematically flying over Soviet
merchant ships in the Formosa
area in violation of the freedom
of the seas, Moscow radio report-
ed Wednesday night.
ern Ur
be ren
fact it
out fa
help it
but tha
in sexu
on sex
"Lies Impossible"1
. George P. Murdock of Yale An exhibition of recent publica-
'sity added that the ques- tions and of work in progress in
were carefully made up to linguistic geography and dialect-
on evasive answers and ology is featured this week in Rm
Its's impossible to lie suc- 3015 of the Rackham Bldg.
Ily to a good interviewer," Open from 2 to 5 p.m. daily ex-
narked. cept Saturday, when the hours are
Report is a monumental from 10 to 12 a.m.. the exhibit
of work in its area," Prof. includes linguistic atlases of vari-
as N. Morgan of Northwest- ous European countries, recent
niversity, said, "but it must monographs on linguistic geogra-e
membered that no isolated phy and dialectology and journals
mplies anything." Bringing devoted to research in this branch
cts on the range of sexual of linguistics.
y does not relieve us of any Also included . are samples of
responsibilities, he com- field records and of maps in manu-
d. script. The exhibits are furnished
panel agreed the report will by the University library, and by
n taking "another look" at linguistic scholars of many coun-
g laws on sexual behavior, tries.
at it will not cause a change The exhibit is sponsored by the
aal behavior, although views International Center of general
ual behavior tend to be lib- Dialectology, the Linguistics Soci-;
d as a result of Dr. Kinsey's ety of' America and the Univer-
sity Linguistics Institute.
giant security pact.
* *
WASHINGTON - Senate-House
conferees failed to reach expected
agreement Wednesday night on a
compromise for disputed patent
clauses in a bill opening atomic
power to private industry.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - The
official Belgrade radio reported
Wednesday night there may be a
settlement soon it the bitter dis-
pute between Yugoslavia and Italy
over Trieste.
I. * *
WASHINGTON - Progress was
reported Wednesday in the search
for six senators who will agree
to investigate censure charges
against Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis).
There was no definite announce-
ment, however, and it was in-
definite just when the committee
would be filled.
PARIS - French Parachute i
troops battled a band of 50 Nation-I
alists Wednesday in the Kasserine
district of Tunisia, breaking the
uneasy calm which had settled
over that North African protector-
ate since France offered the Tuni-
Spanish Society
tion n
or int
the ex
by th
* * *
WASHINGTON - Russia, in a sized,
surprise move Wednesday called does n
for a new Big Four foreign min- ket lic
isters meeting to consider Mos- ployes.
cow's plan for joining Eastern and "The
Western European nations in a the ci
Leopard Victory Indicates Strength
Concluding 'Woman in the World'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an inter-
pretive article on the State GOP Leonard, who ran second to
.gubernatorial candidate. It repre- Harry Alger for the nomination
sents only the views of the writer.) two years ago, conducted a long
By BAERT BRAND campaign which finished with a
sudden spurt.
Donald S. Leonard didn't knowI He made it known that-he sought
his own strength when he fought the gubernatorial nomination last
his victorious battle for the Re- April. Late in May, Leonard re-
publican gubernatorial nomination signed his position as Detroit Po-
against three political veterans. lice Commissioner to devote full
Leonard, although confident of time to his campaign,
victory throughout his campaign, From this point on, spontaneous
not only carried the metropolitan Leonard for Governor g r o u p s
areas around Wayne county but sprang up throughout the State
drew heavily from voting seg- 1which gained enthusiasm steadily
ments deep in the heart of terri- until the primary. These were an
tory expected to go to D. Hale outgrowth of campaign tactics
Brake and Owen J. Cleary. used by Leonard which took him
Consequently, he has racked up throughout the State consistently
a better than 50,000 vote margin working as much as fourteen hours
over secrnr nlaceB ke and I a day meeting voters.
minding them that Leonard was
seeking the GOP nomination. 1
The rewards of these and other
efforts netted Ann Arbor for Leon-1
ard and better than one-third oft
the county's votes.1
The keynote of Leonard's cam-'
paign was that he could pullt
enough more Republican votesf
from Wayne county this November3
to beat fourth-term-seeker G. Men-c
nen Williams.
Victory Key7
Leonard has made clear that'
he believes Democratic Wayne
County holds the key to a Re- 1
publican victory for governor. Al-1
-though two years ago Williams1
won by only 10,000, he wrapped
up the Detroit area by a high
with a year of graduate work at
Michigan's Law School.
Also, candidate Leonard has
held numerous positions in De-
troit which have included not only
Police Commissioner but also
member'sh ip on the Wayne
County Board of Supervisors, on
the Executive Committee for the
Detroit area of the Boy Scouts and
on the Mayor's Committee for
Neighborhood Conservation and
Improved HousinL.
State Level Positions
In addition to the job of State
Police Commissioner, Leonard has
held many other governmental
positions on the State level.
These include State Fire Mar-
shall from 1947-1952; State Fuel
Administrator, 1943-48; Admin-
. .. ..(
Leonard has concluded that for istrator-Michigan -Council of De-