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March 05, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-05

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fAl' A A Y, A.i A iWti 5, 1954

The Legislature's Proposals


WHAT STUDENT Legislature in effect said
to the Student Affairs Study Committee
Wednesday night was "turn your attention
from your charts a moment and consider us."
If this can be seen as a set-back to the
study group, then a set-back of sorts is
what was needed.
Considering the two proposals and tie
corresponding fact that the group which
made them is being reorganized out of its
occasionally-reached place in the sun, it
is difficult to see just why they should be
interpreted as a no-confidence vote in
the study committee's work. SL first asked
that any reorganization plan be okayed
by the students before it was set up to
govern them; second, that the study group
appoint more students to its ranks since
it now has the entire campus, not just the
SAC, under its reoragnizing eye. (Grant-
ed that the study group has only rec-
ommending powers - its recomienda-
tions can potentially be very well received.)
The first proposal, it seems, is unquestion-
ably valid, and the second, although not di-
rected to the President, the proper source, is
at least worthy of close consideration.
But more meaningful than the proposals
themselves is the fact that SL, acting as a
body, made them. Probably members of the
SL cabinet could have worked directly with
the committee in making their suggestions;
maybe the proposals, and in the long run the
SAC committee's final plan, would have
stood a better chance of being accepted with-
out what some regard as the SL taint.
Working behind the scenes, however, is
advantageous only up to a point, and both
SL and the study committee have reached
that point. Wednesday night's motions-
an expression of public awareness of the
reorganization work-did not hit the com-
mittee during the formative period when
outside interference only confuses the is-
sues. They came at a time when the com-
mittee, well past the preliminary stages,
was primarily interested in getting the
most in efficiency and coordination from
its basic and pretty well accepted plan.
Unfortunately, efficiency and coordina-
tion can easily become separate little
worlds, and public intervention - the
knowledge that someone is looking over
your shoulder as you chart away-is the
best means of counteracting this ten-
The fact that SL's motions were sponta-
neous and unrehearsed with study commit-
tee members is nothing to their discredit.
Spontaneity has occasionally brought very
nice things from SL, and if efficiency has
not been one of them, it is because the two
qualities have always had a hard time liv-
ing together. The study committee, which
seems t) take efficiency so much to heart,
might leave room in its admittedly difficult
work for SL's virtue as well.
-Virginia Voss

Con . ..
BUSY CONTEMPLATING its own demise,
Student Legislature Wednesday let go a
double-barrelled shot at the Student Affairs
Study Committee, now considering a com-
plete revamping of campus student govern-
Feeling that the committee had "ex-
panded its scope" from the original Stu-
dent Affairs Committee study, the Legis-
lators very justifiably thought students
should have some say-so in any plan for
future student government arising from'
the study group.
However, coming in the wake of President
Harlan H. Hatcher's encouragement to the
group's work, the two SL motions may place
a giant roadblock in the committee's pro-
gress report.
First of the Legislature actions calls for
a student vote on any reorganization plan
before it goes into effect and the second
asks for further student voting representa-
tion on the study committee.
Only one student currently sits on the
eight-member group although two ex-stu-
dent members of the SAC are represented.
The other five members were drawn from
the faculty.
Since the committee has suggested only
the very skeletal outline for a proposed
Student Executive Committee holding
powers now carried by SAC and SL, the
Legislature's recommendations can very
possibly act as a hindrance to the study
group's progress.
None of the details concerning jurisdiction
or composition of the SEC have as yet been
ironed out. Therefore study group chair-
man Prof. Lionel H. Laing feels strongly
that the SL actions constitute distrust in
the committee just when it is getting down
to the essentials of reorganization.
With reason, Prof. Laing expressed sur-
prise when he attehded Wednesday's SL
session and found the recommendations en-
dorsed before the study group had been
informed of the motions.
It seems probable that no plan of reor-
ganization would go into effect anyway
without some sort of favorabl estudent re-
action. Suggestion of a campus vote re-
garding any study committee recommenda-
tions to President Hatcher was already
scheduled to be brought before yesterday's
meeting of the group.
But, perhaps the biggest blunder ac-
complished at Wednesday's meeting con-
cerned the practicality of the motions.
Granted, students should participate in
drawing up their own form of government.
The campus should pass judgment on the
new governmental body. But it has been
proven time and again that recommenda-
tions from a committee, chosen by the
University President, will hold more water
with him and the Regents than any stu-
dent-sponsored suggestions. This politi-
cal necessity far outweighs Student Leg-
islature reasoning.
If, as the Legislators explained at their
meeting, they desire "real, effective" student
government, they must pause, take stock of
the repercussions of any move they make,
and then act.
,-Becky Conrad

WASHINGTON - Driving through the
streets of San Juan with Governor Luis
Munoz-Marin of Puerto Rico several years
ago, I wondered why he purposely cut off
all ventilation in his limousine. The weather
was sweltering. But the glass windows of
the car were closed.
Looking more closely', I noticed that the
car windows were of glass half an inch
I asked no questions and -waited until
the car passed outside the narrow, con-
gested streets of San Juan to the open
It was only a short time afterward, how-
ever, when two Puerto Rican fanatics tried
to shoot their way into the White House,
and I realized how necessary were the safety
precautions taken by the governor of Puerto
Rico. For on the same day the two Puerto
Rican assassins made an attempt on the
life of President Truman, a little band of
nationalists also stormed thefront entrance
of Forteleza, residence of Governor Munoz,
and tried to kill him.
Tragic fact about the attempts on Gov-
ernor Munoz and the gruesome shooting of
five Congressmen this week is that probably
no one has done more for Puerto Rico than
Governor Munoz or nmore than the last
session of Congress which passed the "Com-
monwealth of Puerto Rico" bill.
Munoz-Marin is the first governor ever
elected by the Puerto Rican people. Edu-
cated at Georgetown University, he spent
most of his youth in the nation's Capital
where his father was Puerto Rican dele-
gate to Congress.
A big, square-jawed man, Munoz-Marin
looks like he might have stepped out of a
Hollywood Western, but he has done more
for the Puerto Rican people in regard to
housing, schools, agricultural progress and
governmental reform than any man in his-
tory. Despite attacks on his life, he is loved
by the great mass of the people.
PRIOR TO Munoz-Marin's election, Puer-
to Rican governors had always been ap-
pointed by the President of the United
States, and the governorship was considered
a glorified political plum for the politically
faithful. For years Puerto Ricans had every
reason to complain. They were the political
stepchild of the U.S., with no vote, no
representation in Congress, and no govern-
mental administration except that handed
them by the Republican or Democratic na-
tional committee.
But Munoz-Marin, who had the ear of
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, gradually changed
all this. Had he not changed it, the
Puerto Rican nationalists might have
some excuse for complaint. As it is, their
only gripe can be on the ground that the
island has been given as much independ-
ence as the people wanted.
The balloting for the Puerto Rican com-
monwealth took place on March 3, 1953, in
one of the most unique elections ever seen
in the Western Hemisphere. Promptly at 1
o'clock on that day a great calm settled
over the island. Business stopped. Automo-
biles vanished from the streets. Cane cut-
ters left the sugar fields. All of Puerto Rico
settled down to vote on the question of
whether it should be a commonwealth under
the United States or not.
The vote for the new constitution was
overwhelming. The Nationalists, who want-
ed complete independence from the United
States, scarcely made a ripple. Apparently
they now seek to achieve by terrorism what
they could not achieve by the ballot.
Under this new commonwealth consti-
tution, Puerto Rico becomes somewhat
the same relationship to the United States
as the commonwealth of Australia to Eng-
land. Defense and foreign policy are ad-
ministered from Washington. Puerto Rico
does not have to pay taxes to support an

Army and Navy, and Puerto Ricans are
drafted into the U.S. armed services. But
the island collects its own taxes, and fixes
its own taxes, though subject to the same
tariff provisions as the United States.
However, this system of American guar-
antees and semi-American independence
does not, and probably will never, satisfy
the fanatical nationalists.
BACK IN FEBRUARY, 1952, when General
Eisenhower was chief of NATO in Paris,
he received a letter from 17 Republican
Congressmen urging him to run for Presi-
dent. The other day the same 17 Congress-
men-some of them now ex-'s-were invited
to lunch at the White House.
During the meal the President passed the
letter around to his guests and there was 4
lot of good-natured kidding.
When Congressman Thor Tollefson of
Washington read the two-year-old mis-
sive, he observed: "In this case, it's true
that history doesn't change much. We
liked Ike then and we are just as strong
for him today."
The "I Like Ike" campaign slogan worked
both ways, the President observed. He said
he would never forget the friends who have
stuck by him before and since the 1952
campaign and that he hoped his 17 callers
would have lunch with him again next year
on the anniversary of their letter.
He did not, however, suggest continuing
the festive occasion beyond that.
"You know, I received your letter while
still overseas at a time when some Demo-
crats also were trying to get me to run for
the presidency," Eisenhower recalled,
"Well, that just shows that at least

.CLetterJ to &editor .. .


Bargaining Power .. .
To the Editor:
Wednesday afternoon to hear
one of the SL's newly appointed
members say words to the effect of
"Why bother running in this elec-
tion? The SL will go out of exist-
ence in a few months anyway."
If this is the attitude held by the
campus in general, then I would
have to regretfully say that SL
ought to die. If the students of
this University don't care enough
about the SL to raise a murmur
when its existence is threatened,
there is no reason for the SL mem-
bers to labor under the delusion
that their work is worthwhile.
I only hope that it is realized
that when SL dies, potential stu-
dent government on campus dies
with it, because the students can
no longer be presumed to care
whether there is a student gov-
ernment or not. If we stand by
and do nothing to save and
strengthen SL, then we will most
certainly be handed down from
above a structure about which we
will have no right to complain, no
matter how unrepresentative or
impractical it may be. We will have
robbed ourselves of all our bar-i
gaining power because it will sim-
ply be too late to bargain.
Every single student whohwould
like to see SL changed, who has
policies or projects which he would
like to see implemented, and even
anyone who, in fact, has disagreed
with everything SL has ever done,
has almost an obligation to run
for SL this spring. The SAC Study
Committee's conclusions are by
no means definite yet, but they
will be if, when SL petitioning
closes on March 13, there aren't
at least 40 candidates for the 22
open posts-with less than 40 we
will have lost the right to disagree.
-Ruth Rossner
* * *
Wire Tapping;.
To the Editor:
R E: Diana Styler's letter.
How can one letter be so in-
consistent? Our Attorney General
may or may not be "seeking the le-
gal framework with which to nul-
lify our constitutional guarantees."'
But if we believe he is, the attack
should at least sound reasonable.
Therefore, addressing this letter
to the one appearing in Tuesday's
Daily I would like to mention
three items.
1. "Brownell is pressing for bills
in Congress to legalize wiretapping
to virtually wipe out the 5th
amendment protection against
self-incrimination." . . . Is it pos-
sible for an act of Congress to!
over-ride the Constitution?
2. Should we not concern our-
selves with the guarantees of the
4th amendment (unreasonable
search and seizure) rather than
the 5th amendment, when we refer
to the bill to legalize wire tapping?
But maybe the Supreme Court of
the U.S. was confused in 1928 when
they handed down the celebrated
Olmstead Case.
3. If we take yesterday's letter
too seriously, one would then come
out with the idea that wire tapping
is unconstitutional. Is it not rath-
er that section 605 of the Feder-
al Communications Act says it :s
illegal (thus not admissable as ev-
idence in Federal Courts), and not
the mandate of the Constitution?
If someone disagrees I suggest
they read Olmstead vs. U.S. 277US
438,485 Ct.564, which can be found
in the law library,
Again taking the letter of Miss
Styler at face value, don't we real-
ize that maybe someone is at-
tempting to change the law and
not "to wipe out the Fifth amend-
ment?" Maybe we agree or dis-
agree with the attorney general,
but please in the future confine
our comments to what he is in
fact doing or attempting to do. If

one does not like the idea of al-I
tering section 605 of FCA, that is
one thing, but to condemn it by
waving the Bill of Rights is some-
thing else.
-William Wisner
The Dean . .
To the Editor:t
I WISH to correct two direct quo-
tations made in my name in the!
Sunday, February 28th issue. At no

"And I'd Still Like To See You Become President"

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-04r rc~oer,

the country around them and
could be satisfied by listening to
nursery rhymes or fairy tales. His
lecture was entilted "Our Inter-
nal Security" but instead he
watched out for Herbert Brow-
nell's security by skirting present
day controversy. The slight bit of
applause he received was much
more than he deserved, and even
that should have been jeers.
-Herbert Gardner

YR Answer .. .
To the Editor:
I WAS sorry to read in yester-
day's Daily of the resignation
of George Zuckerman from the
,Executive Board of the Young Re-
publican Club of the University
of Michigan.
In giving his reasons for resign-
ing his post, he quoted Owen J.
(Pat) Cleary's address to the club
out of context. Mr. Cleary's re-



A rchitecture Auditorium
B ETTE DAVIS, who appears for about ten
minutes in this movie, has to work her
enigmatic smile and peculiar voice for all
they're worth. The movie simply has nothing
more substantial than these tired proper-
ties to offer. The producers have strung a
random selection of soap opera extracts on
a watered-down "Bridge of San Luis Rey"
Eisenhower Replies
o McCarthy
T HE CONSCIENCE of America will clearly
discern when we are exercising proper
vigilance without being unfair. That con-
science is being reflected in the body of the
United States Congress. We can be certain
that its members will respond to America's
convictions and beliefs in this regard.
Here I must repeat something that I have
stated before. The ultimate responsibility for
the conduct of all parts of the Executive
Branch of the Government rests with the
President of the United States. That respon-
sibility cannot be ' delegated to another
branch of government .. .
Obviously it is the responsibility of the
Congress to see to it that its procedures are
proper and fair. I, of course, expect the
Republican membership of the Congress to
assume the primary responsibility in this re-
spect, since they are of the majority party
and, therefore, control the committees.
I regard it as unfortunate when we are
diverted from these grave problems-of
which one is vigilance against any kind of
internal subversion-through disregard of
the standards of fair play recognized by the
American people. -New York Times
"UR MOVIES have survived the depreda-

(Continued from Page 2)
Tuesday, March 9:
Carnation co., Los Angeles, will have
a representative at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on March 9 to interview
June men, Bus. Ad. and LS&A, for
training programs in sales, account-
ing, production, and management. The
interviewer will also be interested in
talking with chemistry graduates re-
ceiving a BA in June for positions in
the company's research center at van
Nuys, California.
Canada Life Assurance Co. of Jack-
son, Mich., will visit the Bureau on
March 9 to talk with June and August
men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A
about positions in insurance sales.
Battelle Memorial Institute, in Col-
umbus, Ohio, will have an interviewer
on the campus on March 9 to see June
men graduates with math degrees for
research positions.
The B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio,
will be at the Bureau on March 9 to
interview June men graduates, Bus. Ad.
and LS&A, for the company's Produc-
tion Management Training Program.
Tues. and Wed., March 9 and 10:
National Security Agency in Wash-
ington, D.C., will have a representative
at the Bureau of Appointments on
March 9 and 10 to interview June men
and women graduates with either a
B.S. or M.S. in Slavic, Germanic, or
Asiatic languages, although graduates in
the Romance or Classicai languages will
be accepted by the interviewer if they
express a desire to learn other lan-
guages. The Agency repersentative will
also interview graduates in math (BS,
MS, or PhD) (should be discrete, as op-
posed to continuous, variables; more
need for probability than for statistics;
use combiniatorial topology, matrix al-
gebra and finite fields). In addition, the
Agency would like to see June graduates
in Library Science.
The interviewers are also interested
in talking with Liberal Arts Majors, par-
ticularly those who have an interest in
languages, math, statistics, logic, his-
tory, or the physical sciences, about
positions as Analytic Aides.
Wednesday, March 10:
Girl Scouts of Americaawill visit the
campus on March 10 to talk with June
women graduates interested in profes-
sional girl scout work in all phases.
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Co., Hartford, Conn., will have an in-
terviewer at the Bureau on March 10 to
talk with June men graduates in Bus.
Ad. and LS&A about the company's
management training programs in ad-
ministration and sales.
Montgomery Ward, Chicago, Ill., will
be on the campus on March 10 to in-
terview June men and women graduates,
Bus. Ad and LS&A, for positions in
merchandising, accounting, adversiting!
and operating departments.
Students wishing to schedule appoint-
ments to see any of the companies
listed above may contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.

Gary Merrill plays a man who is run-
ning away from home by airplane. We
don't find out until the end why he is
running away. By that time it has become
eminently clear that the characters and
incidents have been carefully selected from
the dullest, most threadbare specimens in
the annals of melodrama. So it is no sur-
prise to find that his wife had confessed,
with the proper amount of remorse, to
having an affair. On the plane Merrill gets
entangled in the fates (to use the picture's
own idiom) of three other people: Shelley
Winters, Keenan Wynn, and a doctor. The
unhappy situations of all three stem from
one of two causes: either someone doesn't
know all the facts, or they have the wrong
degree of heartedness. The solutions for
each kind of problem, though difficult to
attain, are the veiy soul of simplicity.
Either one finds out the facts (unequivo-
cal), or he changes his heartedness from
hard to soft, though occasionally it's the
other way around.
After the plane crashes, Merrill makes the
rounds of the families of his three dead
friends. Through a series of flashbacks, we
learn about their lives and hard times. We
could reasonably expect some relation be-
tween these stories, some little ironies or
parallels. But the only connection between
them is a sort of competitive one: each try-
ing to outdo the others in sentimentality
and mechanical complexity.
As I've already said, Bette Davis is the
outstanding attraction. Her virtuoso per-
formance is delivered from an invalid bed
just like Ethel Barrymore's. Other notable
features were the beautifully synchronized
violins, which swooped in at the crucial
emotional moments, and the camera work,
which had all the mobility of Burton
The rest of the picture is uniformly stale,
flat and unprofitable.
-Bob Holloway

All students concerned should report to1
108 Tappan Hall at the scheduled time.
Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Mar. 5,
at 4 p.m., 411 Mason Hall. Dr. Norman
Martin of WRRC will discuss the equiv-
alence between computability and re-
cursive definability.
Potential Theory Seminar will meet
on Fri., Mar. 5, at 4 p.m., 3010 Angell
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 10 a.m., on Sat.,
Mar. 6. The topic for discussion will be
"Some Aspects of the Protein-Nucleic
Acid Relationship," conducted by Dr.
M. Levine.
Composers' Forum, Fri., Mar. 5, 8:30,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Program
will open with Aaron Copland's Piano
variations, followed by compositionS by
School of Music students Elaine Fried-
man, Fred Fox, Gordon Sherwood, Jud-
ith Marcus, and Barbara Garvin. The
works will be performed by Anita Carl-
ton, Ellen Sherman, Bruce Wise, Wil-
liam Doppmann, and Ann Pletta, pian-
ists; Sophia Fedonis, mezzo-soprano,
and Marilyn Eliason, soprano; Barbara
Garvin, violin. A discussion period will
conclude the program. Open to the
general public.
Organ Recital. The first in a series
of three Sunday afternoon organpro-
grams will be played at 4:15, March 7,
in Hill Auditorium, by Robert Noeh-
ren, University Organist. The all-Bach
programs will feature the "Eighteen
Great Chorales." and will be open to
the general public without charge. The
program for the first Sunday is as fol-
lows: Prelude and Fugue in C major,
Three Chorale Preludes on "Allein Gott
in der Hoh' wei Ehr' " (All Glory Be
To God on High); Trio-Sonata No. 3 in
D minor; Three Chorale Preludes, dAn
,wasserflussen Babylon," "'Nun dan-
ket alle Gott," and "Komm, heiliger
Geist"; Toccata and Fugue in Dminor.
Collegium Musicum under the direc-
tion of Hans David, 8:30, Sunday even-
ing, Mar. 7, Auditorium A, AngelleHall.
The group will present The Six Con-
certi Grossi, Op. 3, by G. F. Handel,
played from the original parts of Han-
Idel's time. The general public will be
admitted without charge.
Student Recital. Walter Evich, violist,
will present a program at 8:30 Monday
evening, Mar. 8, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree ofI
Master of Music. It will include Bach's
Concerto in C minor, Mozart's Sonata
in C major, Scherzo by M. Vieux; Viola
Concerto by Bela Bartok. Mr. Evich is
a pupil of Robert Courte, and a mem-
ber of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
His recital will be open to the general
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Flaherty Photographs, through
March 7. Hours are from 9 to 5 on week
days, 2 to 5 on Sundays. The public
is invited.
Events Today
Forum on College and University
Teaching. Second session. March 5, 3:00-
4:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angeli Hall.
Topic: Ideas About Teaching and
Chairman: Howard R. Jones. Profes-
sor of Educational Administration

sponse to the question of what he
thought of McCarthy was to the
effects of; "Regardless of what you
think of McCarthy and his meth-
ods, one must admit his sincerity
and his efforts in awakening the
American people to the dangers
of Communism and in doing so,
pointing out the inherent danger
to civil liberties through the cur-
rent methods of routing out sub-
versives." Mr. Zuckerman has done
Pat Cleary a great disservice by
misquoting him.
Mr. Zuckerman implied that the
Young Republican Club was a tool
of McCarthy. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. There is
room in the Republican Party for
both ardent supporters of the Sen-
ator and violent opponents of "Mo-
Carthyism"; both sides are well
represented in the club as it now
The Young Republican Club of
the University of Michigan is a
firm supporter of free speech and
welcomes all Republicans, wheth-
er liberal or conservative, to join
the club and argue for their opin-
ions. The real issue, as set forth by
our great president, Dwight D. Ei-
senhower, is not "McCarthyism,"
but the magnificent record of the
current administration. We wel-
come people like George Zucker-
man in the club and urge them to
state their case; he has accom-
plished nothing by resigning.
-Malcom D. Schlusberg
President, U. of M. Young
Republican Club
* f *
QuestinOs .. .
To the Editor:
f')NE of the reasons that made
me hope for some action by the
Regents on the driving ban mess
was the very obvious fact that the
Administrationihasn't yet been
able to enforce their ruling effec-
tively and economincally. But No!
Probably it will be admitted by
most people that it makes no sense
to have a law that is both unpop-
ular and unenforceable. Certainly
it is undemocratic and distinctly
unfair to enforce a law and admin-
ister violation penalties at ran-
dom. The essence of law should
be the equality and unanimity of
all before it.
Therefore, I should like to pose
certain questions to the Regents
and to Dr. Hatcher.
1. If the ban is retained will it
be effectively enforced?
2. If it is effectively enforced
where is the money to support the
ban going to come from?
3. If this random haphazard and
distinctly unfair system of enforce-
ment is to continue, why have a
I, and the whole campus and es-
pecially the SL would appreciate
answers-if there are answers to
be given.
-Jeff Grossman
Turnabout .. .
To the Editor:
THAT was a very interesting ar-
ticle in the "Daily" about
men's gripes about women. How-
ever, it was just a waste of time
and print. It seems to me that
Michigan men are getting frus-
trated, otherwise there would be
no reason for their rather ridicu-
lous complaints. They themselves
must be lacking something if their
peeves are so juvenile, such as the
complaints about the coeds being
"too smart," "miserable" and
"having thick ankles." The men
who find so many faults with us
girls ought to give themselves the
once over-maybe they're not so
much to look at or be with!
-Sonya Maher

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn ........... Managing Editor
Eric Vetter................City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
IMike Wolff........ Associate City Editor
SAlice B. SilverAssoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye ........ . ..... . .Sports Editor
IPaul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin, ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........ Finance Manager
Don Chisholm ......Circulation Manager








time have I ever stated or even _________
thought of the SAC, on which I sit, PERSONNEL REQUESTS.
as "a punitive group." Also it The Treasury Department has a num-
would be highly unlikely for any ber of openings in Chicago for Assist-
DaofWmnothUnvriyIant National Bank Examiners. Men
Dean of Women of the University graduates interested in banking, as a
of Michigan to ask the SAC to de- career are invited to apply.
cide whether some organization A Professional Organization in Ann
were "within the regulations of the Arbor is looking for a young woman!
Dean of Women's Office." with typing and shorthand to do office
--assWo eOicework. The organization may consider
-(Miss) Deborah Bacon j'someone without shorthand if her typ-
Dean of Women ing is good.
The State of Montana Joint Merit
7o 3 - System has announced a number of,
I nternalSecuri. ? employment opportunities available in
J_. the Montana Department of Mental

ty+ «. .
To the Editor:
1 WOULD personally like to con-
gratulate Mr. Brownell on his
masterful speech. Mr. Brownell

Hygiene, Department of Puoic wei- Symposium: V"Obsolete Ideas AboutI Telephone NO 23-24-L
SSteBor of Hth an Learning"-William Clark Trow, Profes-
employment Compenlsationl Commis-! sor of Educational Psychology
sion. The system will welcome inquiries "fNew Ideas About Group Learning"- Member
from both Montana students and non- Ronald Lippitt, Program Director. of the ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS
resident students. Research Center for Group Dynamics
For additional information concern- "New Ideas About Teaching Learned

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