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November 05, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-05

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Administration Worries-
About Busy Signals- Too
See Page 4

Lit igan


S ;i

Latest Deadline in the State


Final SGC Draft
Goes to Regents
12-Man Study Committee OK's Plan;
Basic Concept Remains Unchanged
Daily Managing Editor
Final draft of the Student Government Council plan was approv-
ed yesterday by the 12-man student-faculty study committee and
sent to the Regents for consideration at their Nov. 12 meeting.
Changing none of the basic ideas embodied in the original SGC
plan completed by the Laing Committee last spring, the revised
proposal more explicitly spells out jurisdictions and powers.
In .completing its work, the study committee, appointed last
month to advise Student Affairs Vice-President James A. Lewis
on, solutions to questions raised by the Regents and Student Legis-

Gives De
eW O S D
New Totals Boost
Case's Slim Lead
Police Guard New Jersey Ballots;
Senate Committee Will Probe Vote
NEWARK, N.J. (R-Police stood guard yesterday over ballots in
New Jersey's U.S. Senate election as new vote totals revisions boost-
ed Republican Clifford P. Case's slim lead to 3,308 ballots.
With 18 of the state's 21 county clerks having doublechecked and
revised their final figures, Case appeared to be the probable winner
over Democrat Charles R. Howell on the basis of unofficial counts. A.
recount was possible.
Meantime, Sen. Frank Barrett (R-Wyo.) announced that the Sen-

Victory in





(Announee Plans


Rep. Clardy
To Continue
Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Lansing) who
v-as defeated in his bid for a sec-
ond term by MSC 'Professor Don-
ald Hayworth has announced that
the House Un-American Activities
Committee will hold investigations
on November 15 and 16 in Detroit
on Communist influence in the
Square D strike.
Clardy, who achieved prominence
during his first term last year
when he conducted investigations
in Michigan, claimed that his de-
feat was due to "attacks by left
Referring to Clardy as "a medi-
ocrity," Prof. Edwin E. Moise of
the mathematics department said
yesterday that "the electorate does
not support a man who has achiev-
ed the ultimate in notoriety."
Protests Dismissal
Prof. Moise who was active in
protesting the dismissal of H.
Chandler Davis from the Univer-
sity faculty after his (Davis') ap-
pearance before the Clardy com-
mittee in Detroit last spring added
that "Clardy won the election in
1952 m a i n 1 y on unwarranted
smears about his opponent."
Clardy has claimed that his op-
ponent had "the help of all the
left wingers in the country." He
said that "the Republicans from
the White House on down didn't
fight hard enough to bring the is-
sues before the people."
Smears Are Discouraging
"It's discouraging when you do
the best you can for your country
and then because of smears and
anonymous attacks the peole are
misled," he added.
State Democratic Chairman Neil
Staebler .commented that while
"bread and butter issues were im-
portant in this election there were
certain places such as the Sixth
Congressional District where they
were superceded by moral indigna-
Staebler commented that this
"moral indignation" among the
voters particularly concerned cam-
paign pamphlets in which Clardy
published a list of enemies that in-
cluded, according to Staebler "just
about everyone except the Girl
New Sorority
May Form
On Campus
A nineteenth sorority may add
its name to the campus Panhel-
helenic Association roster.
Jean Bromfield, '55, Panhel
president, announced yesterday
that a group of about 30 women,
headed by Carole Hackett, '56D,
have banded together this fall with
the hope of forming a sorority
As yet unnamed, the group is
holding weekly meetings under
Panhel's auspices at various sor-
ority houses. "Before anything
else," according to Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon, "it must build it-
self into an integrated, cohesive
Next pear the group hopes to
function as a local sorority, with
a national affiliation coming by
fall of 1956. Ann Arbor's City Pan-
hellenic Association, Miss Broom-
field said, would handle the
group's affiliation with a national
Need for such a group 'became

lature, expressed hope that the
mainbody of the plan and the
"Addendum" be considered to-
gether by the Regents.
Need For Financing
Point two of the "Addendum"
provides that, "intrinsic in the.re-
port is the implication of a need
for financing student government
as so carefully outlined by the
Laing Committee.
"A full examination of possible
methods of finance led that com-
mittee to the recommendation that
an assessment per student per
semester, levied on all students
and payable at registration, was
the most satisfactory method."
The idea of a student tax was
approved by a two to one votein
the all-campus elections last
Implicit in the revised SGC plan
is the power to assume financial
controls now exercised by SL and
the Student Affairs Committee.
The question of expanding SGC
membership beyond the original 18
is left open to action by the Coun-
cil at anytime with Regential ap-
Two-Year Trial Basis
If approved by the Regents next
week SGC would probably operate
on a two-year basis subject to
final Regential approval at the
end of that time.
In order to do this it would be
necessary to temporarily suspend
Sec. 8.13 of the By-Laws which
now delegates powers to SAC.
In revised form the SGC plan
takes on a more constitutional ap-
pearance while retaining the fom
of a statement of organization and
Regential approval of SGC
would probably be given subject to
an all-campus referendum.
Student Legislature has already
discussed the possibilities of con-
ducting such a referendum in con-
nection with their elections De-
cember 8 and 9 if asked to do so.
Referendum And Election
The elections according to SL
would include the SGC referendum
which would be counted first as
well as balloting for members of
either SL or SGC.
If SGC were approved in the
referendum, the 11 people re-
ceiving the highest number of
votes would be elected to the new
government council.
Students would be able to indi-
cate whether they were campaign-
ing for election to SGC, SL or
both and withdraw their names if
the referendum failed to ratify
the type of student government.
they wanted .
Should the referendum fail to
gain student approval, elections
would go ahead for the 23 seats
open on the Legislature and SL
would remain the student govern-
ment on campus.
Details of the suggested plan
for conducting the election are
. yet to be worked out.
Draft Test
Helen Gray of the Selective
Service Board No. 341 in Ypsilanti
has announced that applications
for the college qualification test
have arrived and are being dis-
Mrs. Gray said that applications
for the Dec. 9 test must be filled
out and mailed before midnight of
Nov. 23. The deadline for the
April test is March 7.
Relief Fund
In a Huber House door-to-
door drive late Wednesday,
night, $45 was collected for The
Daily Fire Relief' Fund, helping
swell total contributions to

ForOrgan ization
Leaders Promise Cooperation
With Eisenhower-If He's Right
WASHINGTON - (P) - Democrats prepared today to take the helm
in both houses of Congress, and spoke of cooperating with President
Eisenhower when they consider him right.
Although there had' been some talk they might pass up the
Senate command-theirs to take by the narrowest of margins-that
talk was swamped in statements of several top Democrats that they
owe it to the pepole to take the responsibility.
Such men as Sens. Walter George and Richard Russell of Georgia,
John Pastore of Rhode Island, Albert Gore of Tennessee and Michael
Mansfield of Montant all spoke

ate Privileges and Election subcon
urday "to get the lowdown" on the
Mack Sells
Share in A's
To Johnson
Arnold Johnson yesterday bought
the Philadelphia Athletics for Kan-
sas City.
Connie Mack, 91-year-old found-
er of the American League club,
signed the final paper from his
Johnson announced at a news
conference he had acquired the
franchise for approximately 3%
million dollars from Connie and
his two sons, Roy anld Earle. He
said the grand old man of baseball
would get $604,000, Roy and Earle
$450,000 each.
The price of 3% million is
reached by adding a $1,200,000
mortgage and other debts of ap-
proximately $800,000 to the price
of the Mack stock. Johnson said
one million more will be set aside
to help build the last place Ath-
letics into a first division team.
Harridge Notified
In Chicago, President Will Har-
ridge of the American League said
Johnson had notified him by tele-
phone. He said a meeting of club
owners to act on the sale and trans-
fer to Kansas City will be held
Monday in New York. Six of the
eight clubs must approve the
switch. ,
Johnson, who for months has
waged an unrelenting campaign to
bring major league baseball to
Kansas City, concluded his deal
while a shrunken Philadelphia
group seeking to buy the team and
keep it in this city cooled its heels
in the lobby of Mack's apartment
Connie, who will be 92 next
month, hasn't eaten a substantial
meal since last Thursday. That
was when American League club-
owners gathered in New York and
said no to an eight-man Philadel-
phia syndicate seeking to buy the
A's and keep them here-the old
master's fondest dream.
Wife Speaks For Connie
On the word of those who visited
the apartment where the deal was
sealed, Connie was shattered. His
See TRANSFER, Page 3

mmittee will come to Trenton Sat-
tight election.
He said the subcommittee would
interview candidates and leaders
of both parties-although there had
been no charges of misconduct-
at the request of Sen. Robert C.
Hendrickson (R-N.J.), who is retir-
During the day, Case gained a-
thousand votes as the revisions
continued. The state's 3,998 elec-
tion districts gave him 861,181
votes and Howell 857,873. The ab-
sentee and servicemen's ballots
were included.
Meantime, election ballots were
under guard on orders from Atty.
Gen. Grover C. Richman Jr., a
Democrat, who said:
"This is a protective procedure.
They are in custody so that
they cannot be tampered with."
Orders Police Guards
Richman ordered county prose-
cutors-most of them Republican
-to get police guards for ballot
boxes and voting machines where-
ever possible and other guards
where officers were not available.
"I have received complete co-
operation," he said.
Democratic leaders were re-
checking local elections returns
throughout the day in the hope of
turning up more returns for How-
ell, but they were making no
Howell, a congressman, heard
some Democratic reports come in
and then told newsmen:
"I will not concede defeat. I ex-
pect our people, to be through with
their reports by tomorrow morning
and, when I have looked at them,
I will make a. decision then."
Dr. Winifred Ingram, Clinical.
Psychologist, Children's Service, of
the Neuropsychiatric Institute ad-
dressed a meeting of the National
Association for The Advancement
of Colored People yesterday.
Dr. Ingram discussed the Ne-
gro's adjustment to prejudice with-
in his society. She particularly
considered the danger done by the
Negro who in trying to overcome
his racial status uses certain mech-
anisms which may intensify the
racial stereotype.
In other business the organiza-
tion considered a proposal to hold
a "Desegregation Week" with in-
terested groups participating.



IkegWants Dixon-Yates
Deal Despite Objections
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series on the Dixon-fate
contract controversy.)
Despite Democratic charges of "giveaway" and a slim majority
in the Atomic Energy Commission, the Administration seems deter-
mined to go ahead on the Dixon-Yates contract.
The controversy began last July 16 when President Eisenhower
ordered the AEC to negotiate a contract with the Dixon-Yates util-
ities companies for a $107 million generating program. This was done
ove rthe objections of a majority of both the AEC and Tennessee Val-
ley Authority.
The proposed plant would feed 600.000 kilowatts of electric
energy into the TVA system. This would replace power that the
Tennessee Valley Authority is fur-f
ing the Atomic Energy Com-
mission plant at Paducah,The idea of the program was to
enable TVA capacity to meet other Shown.[Doubt
regiona Ineeds without requiring
new appropriations. However, pro- BA n r
tests rose almost immediately. I V Al SO
Public power advocates argued
that the President had arbitrarily WASHINGTON )-- Senator
chosen the Dixon-Yates firm Clinton Anderson (D-NM) charg-
without ordering competitive bid- ed yesterday the Dixon-Yates pow-
ding. er group "will not venture one 50
In addition, the contract had cent piece" in a new 107 million
been drawn up after the Admin- dollar power plant it proposes
istration had refused to supply the building under a government con-
TVA with funds to build a new tract.
plant to meet growing power
needs. Top administration officials on
The issue became the main part the other hand, defended the pro-
of a Democratic filibuster in the posed contract as being in the
Senate over revision of the Atomic public interest, "entirely fair as
Energy Act. They charged that a business proposition for the gov-
the AEC had no authority to con- ernment" and a good example of
tract for power it would not di- how free enterprise works.
rectly use. Anderson, long an opponent of
Pass Atom Act the proposal, said the group in-
In answer to the charge, the tends to reclaim its contemplated
Administration passed the Atomic 5% million dollar investment by
Energy Act of 1954, which gave entering into a cost-plus contract
such authority to the commission. with a subsidiary for building the
Section 164, which gives AEC the plant at West Memphis, Ark., and
power to negotiate the Dixon- retiring the investment from the
Yates contract, also requires that profits.
all power contracts be submitted The charge was made in open
to the Joint Congressional Com- hearings and in an interview as
mittee on Atomic Energy. -A per- the Senate-House Atomic Energy
lod of 30 days must elapse while Committee began a dramatic post-
Congress is in session, but the campaign review of the controver-
Joint Committee may waive the sial contract. The Atomic Energy
30-day period by a written resolu- Commission has approved the con-
tion. tract but has not signed it,-


out positively in favor of organiz-
ing the Senate as well as the
House. The Democrats passed up
a similar opportunity last year
when the Republican-Democratic
division was almost as even.
Johnson to Lead
Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas
slated to be the Senate majority
leader, reserved his comment. He
said he would be in Washington
Friday and talk about the situa-
tion then.
At the same time, Sen. William
Knowland (R-Calif.) talked cheer-
fully of switching from majority
to minority leader next January,
if the Republicans want him to
continue to be their chieftain.
The Democrats nosed into a
position for Senate control early
today with announcement of the
election of Richard L. Neuberger,
a 41-year old author; to the Ore-
gon Senate seat held for a decade
by Republican Guy Gordon.
Tight Race
Neuberger's margin was thin as
a wafer, however, and conceivably
could be upset by rechecks. The
final, official report from Oregon
isn't expected until about Dec. 1.
With only five of the st'ate's
2,499 precincts unreported Neu-
berger was ahead by 2,190 votes.
The count was Neuberger 285,031,
Gordon 282,841. The five outstand-
ing are in sparsely settled Eastern
Oregon. They could not change
the outcome.
Neuberger, a prolific writer for
regional and national publications
and a persistent advocate of pub-
lic power for the Pacific North-
west, gave the Democrats a total
of 48 seats in the Senate. That's
just half the Senate membership
of 96 but Sen. Wayne Morse,
(Ind.-Ore.) reaffirmed that he
will vote with the Democrats when
it comes time to organize the Sen-
ate in January.
There was no question about the'
overturn in the House. The Demo-
crats gained solidly there--though
by not nearly as much as is cus-
tomary for the "outs" to win in
a mid-term election-and elected
232 Representatives to 203 for the
Practically speaking, it has been
a coalition of conservative Demo-
crats and Republicans who have
had thetmost say about legisla-
tion~ in the 83rd Congress and the
same situation should continue the
next two years in the 84th.
Cooperation Stressed
The president, Lyndon Johnson
and House Speaker-To-Be Sam
Rayburn all have now announced
attitudes of working together san
the basis of what is good for the
Eisenhower took his stand at his
Wednesday news conference, and
Rayburn and Johnson said Demo-
crats would stand back of the
President when they thought he
was right, oppose him when they
thought he wa swrong.
Sen: Michael Mansfield voiced
a similar feeling today, saying:
" 'We won't oppose him for the
Ipurpose of achieving political' gain.
We will not criticize him just for
the sake of criticism.. . The
Democrats will always place the
welfare of the country ahead of
the future of the party"

Debate Opens"
On Monday
WASHINGTON (li-Sen. William
Knowland (R-Calif) said yesterday.
the Senate will reconvene Monday
as scheduleld to act on a censure
resolution against Sen. Joseph Mo-
Carthy (R-Wis) and "the debate
is just going to have to run. .its
Knowland, the Republican floor
leader, said he expects the special
session will last at least two weeks.
The McCarthy camp has suggested.
it might last until nearly Christ-
Knowland, questioned at a news
conference about a suggestion by
Sea. Carl ayden (D-Ariz) that the
start of the session might be 'de-
layed as one result of Tuesday's
elections, said he had heard of no
request for a postponement.
McCarthy Demand
McCarthy, in a renewal of his
feud with Secretary of the Army
Stevens, said yesterday he will de-
mand that Stevens tell "why he is
hiding the secret master respon-
sible for coddling" former Maj.
Irving R. Peress.
In view of election results which
apparently mean he will be re-
placed by a Democrat as chairman
of the investigations subcommit-
tee, however, McCarthy said he
now doubts it will be possiblefor
him to subpoena witnesses for fur-
ther questioning about the Peress
The promotion and honorable
discharge of Peress, a New York
dentist whom McCarthy has called
a "Fifth Amendment Communist,"
was one of the chief causes of the
McCarthy-Army row investigated
by the Senate last spring.
Two Officers Reprimanded
Stevens, replying to a new in-
quiry by McCarthy, wrote the sen-
ator Wednesday night saying that
two Army officers have been offi-
cially reprimanded for delay in
handling the Peress case. He did
not name these officers.
Commenting on Stevens's report,
McCarthy said in a telephone in-
"This letter is completely phony.
It doesn't answer who was respon-
sible for this honorable discharge
and promotion, and it indicates
that the Peress case was handled
the same as others ."
Ferguson May Fill
Vacant Court Seat
DETROIT (T) - Friends of de-
feated Sen. Homer Ferguson began;
booming him today for a United
States Supreme Court vacancy.
Ferguson, swept out of office
along with other Michigan iRe-
publicans in Tuesday's election,
was being mentioned for the seat.
held by the late Justice Robert H.,
At his home in Detroit, Ferguson '
said he had no comment' on re-
ports he will remain in Washing-
ton aftei r narv.


. . _ R _ _ 9. . ..,..,

Laurel Calls For Economic Reform
Vehemently objecting to "nonsense"! and iinjustice°7 in the BellTad
4 r. " .}:: :;;:rTi....ade r' Act, Philippine Senator Jose P. Laurel' yesterday stressed his
nation's need for the elements necesayfropltpliclan
economic freedom.
Se.Lueitoue sone of the mot"st influential political
figures in the Republic of the. Philippines, will have completed fifty
years of public service at the end of his prsn eaoiltermi
Beginning hstl ihahsoofPipin government ant
..f :.:": :Y..r.s" :"::.:"::.:. r:..:::..:"...:".::.economy, Sen. Laurel expressed belief that when his country was
.::{;: :{,.;;..;:{.. .<..,.. . .:.,under Spanish domination the trade situation was much more ad-
f.... r.r ;.:.: .anta..geo s t a it is at present.
He i inthecountry7 to revise the Bel Trade Act of 1946 which
k~r"':.'i'. t:; {l~:{4r ..r.. 1.>21 oulnes trade relations betwee~n the TUnite.d Stantes and the.Piini

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