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July 05, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-05

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THE GENERAL'S STORY by William F. Dean.
MAJOR GENERAL William F. Dean, USA, has
written a book that ought to be read by all
sorts and conditions of men. I use the word "ought"
fully aware of its implications, and then under-
score it.
As a piece of autobiography, General Dean's
story belongs with a select body of writing by men
who have devoted their lives to keeping secure "the
blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
The only book to which it can be compared is Ger-
eral Grant's "Memoirs," one of the most neglected
and under-rated boks in our heritage, and it com-
pares favorably if one remembers that Grant wrote
as a clear-cut victor and never as a prisoner.
Neither general had a particularly brilliant
military career, prior to becoming famous in a
few eventful years, Grant's few years were spent
commanding the armies that preserved the Un-
ion. General Dean's few years were spent as a
prisoner of war of the only armies that United
States' troops ever engaged and did not decisive-
ly defeat.
Separated by extremes of position, similar quali-
ties inherent in the men who wrote them make
both books great. In neither war could a major
commander assume that all the people of his na-
tion or other nations were united in popular sup-
port of what he had to do: follow orders even
where it mean great loss of life:
"Any infantry officer must at times be ruth-
less. Part of the job is to send men into places
from which you know they are not likely to
come out again. This is never easy, but it's an
especially soul-searing business when the only
thing you can buy with other men's lives is a
little more time. Sometimes I wonder now,
when so many people are so friendly and kind
to me, whether they realize that they are being
kind to a man who has issued such orders in
two wars, and to many, many men."
Grant and Dean represent the professional sol-
dier at his best, and no one, to repeat a truism that
seems in danger of being forgotten, loves peace
more, or war less than the professional soldier.
General Sherman's definition of war has not lost
its meaning for the professional soldier. It never
will. But when battles must be fought, generals,
like privates, must follow orders by giving orders,
and accept manfully whatever consequences th7
public sees fit to bestow upon them, whether it be
such that makes their names anathema or the
office of hero.
General Dean is a hero. He deprecates his own
role as a general; in fact, he prefers to think of
himself as just another "infantry officer." Few
other infantry officers, dead or alive, would have

been capable of surviving all that General Dean
He was not tortured in the traditional sense,
meaning racks, burnings at stake, or Nazi sadistics.
The Oriental mind is incapable of these grosser
tortures and has perfected its own-mental torture
of proportions that far exceed anything anyone can
do to a man physically. Physically tortured, a man
can look forward to the blessing of death. But kept
barely alive physically and tortured mentally leaves
a man nothing, except perhaps hope. And hope can
wear thin.
This brings out the most important feature in
General Dean's personality. Reading his book, one
can think of no more apt description of him than
the embodiment of courage. Courage is quietly ex-
pressed in the words of every page: Courage to
want to avoid capture when that seemed inevitable.
Courage to resist for days at a time the attempts
of Red interrogators to break him. Courage to at-
tempt to escape and courage to attempt suicide.
Above all, courage to admit his mistakes and short-
comings, both as a general and as a man.
General Dean did more than maintain his in-
tegrity and exhibit his courage. He learned from
his captors as no other man capable of prevail-
ing on so many ears has done. He knows what
communism is, not academically only, but as it
is practiced by people who accept it:
"I read anything they'd let me read. I was
interested in finding out what modern com-
munism was all about. You can't fight some-
thing intelligently unless you know what it is.
In the United States we can't afford to be so
ignorant. Before I was a prisoner I didn't know
what the Reds were talking about, what they
meant when they said "Leninism." I had stud-
died Marxism when it was still taught at the
University of California as a political science
course, but their interpretation of Leninism
was all new to me. Not one officer in a thous-
and in our Army-and, if anything, an even
smaller percentage of civilians in the United
States-has any idea of what they mean. So I
read everything I could. I'm no authority now
on the history of the Communist party and
much of its doctrine."
General Dean's book has no art, save that of
plain speech, rare any time. He is not a literary
artist any more than Grant was. But sheer force
of personality in terms of courage, integrity, hon-
esty, knowledge and experience, cannot be denied.
Art could do little save embellish this story. The
qualities it has are too rare, too magnificent to
need adornment. Here is General Dean, a Man who
has much to tell.
--Russell C. Gregory

"Nonsense -We Never Felt Better in My Life"
f -N
v R



The Oppenheimer Decision
And Security,

WITH THE possible exception of those intent on
"punishing" Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, no
one can take any pleasure in the 4-1 decision of
the Atomic Energy Commission to deny security
clearance to the nuclear physicist.
Significantly, all five members chose to disregard
the charges about Dr. Oppenheimer's lack of en-
thusiasm for the hydrogen bomb project in 1949.
We think this was wise, for the reasoning of the
Gray Board on this score was not only specious, but
highly dangerous.
Unquestionably the majority dpinion does show
a long line of dubious incidents and associations.
By all odds the most disturbing is the Chevalier
affair - Dr. Oppenheimer's failure to report
promptly an approach made to him in 1943 to
obtain information for Soviet scientists, his lies to
protect Chevalier when he did report the attempted
espionage, and his indiscretion in seeing Chevalier
in Paris last December. A stern reprimand to Dr.
Oppenheimer for this was clearly in order and
would have provided a more sensible conclusion to
the case.
Apart from the specific charges, Commissioner
Murray, in his concurring opinion, makes the
strongest argument for denying clearance to Dr.
Oppenheimer. Mr. Murray contends that in a nar-
row sense Dr. Oppenheimer has been disloyal be-
cause he has flouted the standards of conduct for
atomic energy employes devised by society to pro-
tect itself against the Commnuist conspiracy.
This is a justifiable commentary. On balance,
however, we find ourselves persuaded by the
simpler gpproach of the dissenting commissioner,
Dr. Smyth. If one starts with the fundamental
assumption that Dr. Oppenheimer is disloyal, Dr.
Smyth acknowledges, the derogatory information
may arouse suspicion. But "if the entire record is
read objectively, Dr. Oppenheimer's loyalty and
trustworthiness emerge clearly." What is the pur-

pose of the security program? It is not an end in
itself, but a mean to an end-to prevent secret
information from falling into the hands of an
enemy. On this score Dr. Oppenheimer meets the
pragmatic test. No one has even alleged that he
has divulged secrets to any unauthorized person.
"If a man protects the secrets he has in his hands
and head," Dr. Smyth observes, "he has shown
essential regard for the security system."
Here is the basic dilemma. It is impossible to
effect a precise balance between freedom and
security; and the assessment of the security in-
terest by rigid rules can sometimes overlook the
larger national interest. The Atomic Energy Com-
mission would take a risk in continuing the use of
Dr. Oppenheimer; but it will take a risk in deny-
ing the Government access to this mind. Although
Dr. Oppenheimer may not be indispensable, as the
AEC general manager contends, it is by no means
clear that his services can be discarded without
loss to the Nation. He might, indeed, provide the
rare flash of genius that would unlock some future
discovery, just as Dr. Edward Teller provided the
inspiration that led to the hydrogen bomb.
For the security system must deal with human
beings who commit indiscretions; and absolute
conformity is by nature incompatible with the type
of mind that seeks new scientific knowledge. The
decision in the Oppenheimer case leaves in its
wake two haunting questions. In light of the ex-
haustive scrutiny of his personal life to which Dr.
Oppenheimer has been subjected, can anyone with
originality and ideas fully satisfy the standards of
character and associations which the AEC has
prescribed? And, most important and most pro-
found of all, will the security of the country really
be stronger because Dr. Oppenheimer has been
excluded from the program to which he has con-
tributed so much?
-The Washington Post

WASHINGTON-Juiciest nesting
place in the federal government is
generally considered the Interna-
tional Joint Commission which
handles waterway problems be-
tween Canada and the United
States; also the International
Boundary Commission between
Canada and the United States.
Duties are not arduous, the boun-
dary isn't bothered by wars, mem-
bers of the commissions draw
$10,000 a year, and get a cool
expense-paid summer trip to Can
ada every year.
However, the Republican Na-
tional Committee, eying these job
plums, got its political wires so
badly crossed that a Chicago law
yer was appointed to the wrong
commission, then the governor of
Idaho was named prematurely to
the job the lawyer was supposed
to get.
The resulting mixup violated: 1,
A 1909 treaty with Canada; 2, A
presidential order dating back to
It all began when Republican
mouths started watering for the
patronage plum held by octogen-
arian A.O. Stanley, ex - senator
from Kentucky, who was chair
man of the International Joint
Commission for the past 20 years.
Illinois' curly-haired Sen. Eve
rett Dirksen, a backstage power
at the GOP National Committee,
proposed Chicago lawyer Samuel
Golan for the post.
At this point, the committee got
its first wire crossed and sent Go-
lan's name to the White House to
be named, not to the International
Joint Commission, but the Interna-
tional Boundary Commission. This
is a different commission altoge
ther, having to do, not with Can-
adian-U.S. rivers and waterways,
but marking and maintaining the
Canadian-U.S. boundary.
Not only did the GOP commit-
tee pick the wrong commission,
but there was no vacancy. Fur-
thermore, a 1909 treaty with Can-
ada specified that the post must
go to a qualified engineer. A Chi-
cago lawyer wouldn't do.
Buffalo Backfires
The White House solved the first
problem by firing Chairman John
Ulinski and creating a vacancy.
Ulinski promptly went home to
Buffalo, N. Y., took over Democrat
Steven Pankow's campaign for
mayor and roundly defeated the
Republican candidate.
Meanwhile, the White House
simply ignored the 1909 treaty and
appointed lawyer Golan to fill the
engineering post-regardless of the
treaty. All this meanwhile upset
New York GOP politicos who had
their eye on Ulinski's job on the
boundary commission until Golan
of Chicago slid into it by mistake.
By this time, old Senator Stanley
was forewarned that the Republi-
cans were after his job on the
joint commission. Snorting defi-
ance, he drew up a legal brief,
claiming he couldn't be fired from
this quasi-judicial post.
Undismayed, a host of candi-
dates, includinfffaine and Ray Willi
of Indiana, were running hard for
the job. The one who came out on
top was Idaho's Gov. Len Jordan.
Under Idaho law, J o r d a n
couldn't succeed himself as gover-
nor and was casting about for a
new job. There was always the
risk that he might try for the Sen-
ate, challenging Sen. Henry Dwor-
shak in the GOP primary.
This spurred Dworshak into hus-
tling up another job for the gover-
nor, and the joint commission
chairmanship looked promising. To
make it even more attractive, the

original order, it was argued, there
was no reason why President Eis-
enhower couldn't revoke it.
It was pointed out, however, that
Ike's own Treasury Department
had cited this same 1873 order re-
cently to deny a customs collector
appointment to Herman Grannis-
on the grounds he was serving as
an unpaid member of the New
York State Harness Racing Com-
The White House finally got
around its embarrassment by re-
moving Governor Jordan from the
joint commission 24 hours after he
was installed and holding the post
open for him for another six
months until his term as governor
NOTE-Meanwhile, the 1909 treaty
with Canada continues to be vio-
lated by the continued appointment
corresponding with an uncle stuay-
ing medicine in Communist Po-
land. Examination of the letters in
dicated the uncle had been trying
to fill the boy's head with Com-
munist ideas. For these reasons,
naval security officers recommend
ed against commissioning Shimek.
However, Secretary of the Navy
Charles Thomas, making the final
decision, overruled them. He felt
that a baptism of publicity had
been unfairly aimed at the three
boys, called them to his office and
apologized. He told them he hoped.
they would rise above any embar-
rassment caused by the publicity.
At the same time the Republican
Policy Committee of the Senate,
headed by Senator Ferguson of
Michigan, threatened to investigate
the smearing of the three young
men on the ground that the Navy
had four years to find out all about
them, and there was no need of
subjecting them to unfavorable
publicity just before graduation.
When I queried Secretary of the
Navy Thomas as to whether he
knew all the facts about Shimek's
visit to the Russian Embassy, he
said he had all the facts, was will-
ing to stand on his decision, and
felt the decision had been correct.
(Copyright, 1954
By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
d 4r &tI

Associated Press News Analyst
Communist-led counter-rebellion
among the peasants outside Guate-
mala City, which new officials
have been unable to check so far,
raises a question which is con-
stantly behind the scenes of free
world policy.
The Reds have had several years
in which to plough the ground and
plant their seeds in Guatemala,
and it is obvious the anti-Commu-
nist coup has not wiped them out.
If it should develop that a major-
ity of the people in Guatemala
favor communism, what would be
the position of the United States?
Would it be sufficient to say that
these people have heen deluded by
evil foreign interventionists and
that they must be protected from
It would not. The American
people have been deluded at times,
too. But they would have flown at
the throats of any outsider who
tried to keep them from being de-
luded if they wanted to.
So far, communism has never
taken hold anywhere except by
military force or the threat of
overwhelming military force. That
is why the free world has devel-
oped a vast military establish-
ment, refusing to believe that cold
war is the only weapon Russia will
If the people of Guatemala were
to demonstrate that they are ac-
tually overwhelmingly Communist
indoctrinated it would challenge
American diplomatic ingenuity to
the extreme.
There is little doubt that the
United States would have to act
sharply to prevent the first crum-
bling away in the Western Hemi-
Her long-standing policy of self-
determination for peoples, the
basis of its present policy of not
recognizing Russian control of
Eastern Europe or even of the
Baltic states which are completely
incorporated in the Soviet Union,
would have to go by the boards.
For the first time it would be
necessary for her to act openly as
a matter of pure self-interest, a
position which she avoided even
in the Mexican War.
To avoid it, the new Guatemalan
government must be helped to put
down Communist activity now.
'Not Confined
To Any Party'
AT HIS press conference this
week President Eisenhower re-
fused to rebuke Vice President
Nixon for a recent speech in which
the Democrats were condemned
for "the lossof China," the war
in Korea and "the difficulty in
Indochina." The President seemed
to believe that the young Califor-
nian, like the rest of us, was en-
titled to free speech. He did, how-
ever, stress the fact, in the cus-
tomary indirect discourse, that
with respect to foreign policy we
must seek agreements that are not
confined to any party.
On the same day the bipartisan
aspect of foreign policy was being
emphasized by a vote in the House
of Representatives authorizing a
continuation of the Mutual Security
Program and the expenditure of
$3,368,608,000 for that program dur-
ing the next fiscal year. The vote
was 260 to 125. When the roll was
called 141 Democrats voted for the
measure and only 118 Republicans.
It wouldn't have gone through with-
out Democratic support. The Pres-

ident is not committed to biparti-
sanship in the foreign field merely
as an appealing principle. He has
got to have it for purely practical
reasons. This is something that
Mr. Nixon might bear in mind the
next time he feels like making a
This week's vote was purely an
authorization. It followed the par-
liamentary procedure of Congress
telling itself to appropriate money
and then by a subsequent measure
actually appropriating the money.
However, the way now s e e m s
clear. It is of interest to note that
the Far East will receive only a
few million dollars less for mili-
tary aid than goes to Europe. It
sent circumstances, shocking to
observe that out of this large sum
only $13 millions goes for military
aid to Latin America. The Guate-
malan episode has dramatized the
fact that communism is a real
danger in this hemisphere and that
its spread may conceivably have
to be prevented by the existence,
if not the use, of armed force in
democratic or p r o -democratic,
hands. Latin America also needs
far more economic aid than it is
now receiving.
The N. Y. Times

To the Editor:
I THINK Michigan residents
might be interested in seeing how
our two Republican Senators voted
on the tax bill.
Both Potterand Ferguson voted
against Senator George's tax bill
ammendment to increase personal
income tax exemptions by $100 a
year. The Senate defeated this
The Michigan Senators also vot-
ed in favor of the Republican sub-
situte for the income tax exemp-
tion amendment to the omnibus
tax bill sponsored by Sen. George.
The Senate rejected the substitute.
-George Jarecki
* * *
Threat or Promise? . ...
To The Editor:
I READ that Senator Knowland,
Republican majority Senate lead-
er says he will resign from the
Senate if the United Nations re-
cognize Red China.
This seems to me to be sufficient
cause in itself for recognition of
Red China. Senator Knowland, the
"Senator from Formosa" has
been living in a dream world for
some time now. His only concern
is the great past glory of his -hero,
Chiang Kai-Shek. He would like
to put Chiang back into power
at any cost. He cannot seem to
accept the fact that like it or not
the Communists now' run China
and this is the Uvernment with
which we have to deal.
Senator Knowland is also one of
those Senators who cry to the
galleries a b o u t "appeasement"
every time the United States
threatens to make a move towards
a peaceful settlement of our con-
flicts with Russia.
One gets the impression that he
would rather we all blow up to-
gether for the glory of our country
rather than make necessary con-

Russell Replies

. . .

To the Editor:
BEING raked over the public
coals as I was in two letters
in yesterday's Daily is for me a
novel experience. I must admit to
being a little singed, and being
called a "masculinist" has some-
what shaken me.
Very well. I admit (I never de-
nied) woman's right to full part-
nership in the human race. I mere-
ly specified some necessary condi-
tions attaching to woman's part-
nership, just as there are neces-
sary conditions to man's partner-
ship. If those conditions were in-
terpreted as derogatory to woman-
hood, I am sorry for the ambiguity
of my epistolary style.
If I have offended any women, I
Long live the duality of the
--Remington Russell


the Record

. .

cessions to the Reds in order to
I look at Senator Knowland's
proclamation as a promise rather
than a threat and I hope, though
I know it is futile, that the U.S.
takes him up on it and recognizes
Red China.
--Dave London
Thanks . .
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to relay to all
those who participated in the Dol-
lars for Sense Campaign during
the spring of 1953, the sincere ap-
preciation that Adlai Stevenson ex-
pressed to me during his recent
trip through the state. He ;greatly
appreciated the $1000 that wesent
to him at that time, as there were
many pressing expenditures still
unpaid from the 1952 campaign
plus current office expenditures.
I would like to remind all those
residents of Michigan and Ann Ar-
bor to register to vote very quickly
as the deadline for the August
Primary Elections is Tuesday July
6, 8 p.m. (Clerks Office in the City
Hall). The government is only as
good as we make it, so Join in and
--Blue Carstenson
Not Right .
To The Editor:
I DON'T THINK it at all right
for a student newspaper of a
state university to criticise a rep-
resentative of that state.
I refer to the editorial on Rep.
Kit Clardy by Mrs. Silver.
It seems very likely that Rep-
resentative Clardy is no intellec-
tual giant and leaves much to be
desired as a member of the United
States Congress. But it is not the
place of The Daily i say so.
What students forget so often is
that the taxpayers of Michigan sup-
port this University, and without
that support the University would
It is not proper than that the
students at the University of Mich-
igan should criticize anything the
people of Michigan do.
After all it was the people of
Michigan who elected Representa-
tive Clardy to Congress and if he
is a good enough Congressman for
them then that is all that is nee-
--Mayer Lodes
IN OUR time a clear line can be
drawn between the disciple of
Russian Communism and the dis-
ciple of Utopian Communism.
Anyone who admired the iron re-
gime of Stalin has bidden fare-
well to the dreams of Robert
Owen and William Morris, and to
the moderate Marxianism of
Kautsky and the Fabians. Rus-
sian Communism is at the oppo-
site pole from all true liberalism.
-Professor Allan Neins
of Columbia University



? I

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 10S
The General Library and all the Divi-
sional Libraries will be closed on Mon-
day, July 5, 1954, a University holiday.
University Holiday. The University will
be closed Monday, July 5, in observance
of Independence Day.
There will be no square dancing les-
sons held on Palmer Field Monday night
because of the legal holiday. Square
dancing lessons will continue Monday,
July 12.
The Art Print Loan Collection office
in Room 510 Admin. Bldg. will be open
Monday through Friday from 8-12 for
the duration of the Summer Session.
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all August candidates for
the teacher's certificate during the
week of July 6, in Room 1437 U.E.S. The
office is open from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to
5. The Teacher's Oath is a requirement
for the teacher's certificate.
Mathematics-Education Lecture. Ver-
yi Schuit, Director of Mathematics Edu-
cation, Washington, D.C., will speak on
Mathematics and the Needs of Youth
at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, July 6 in Au-
ditorium D of Angell Hall. She will also
show slides of mathematics exhibits in
recent science fairs and a filmstrip "For
Teachers Only."
Stanley Quartet Concert. The firstl
program in the summer series of con-

General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology.,EgpM-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Mpseums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Indian costumes of the North American
Events Today
Intercultural Outing at Saline Valley
Farms Youth Hostel. Discussion focus:
"Independence and How We Attained
It: American, Phillipine, Indian, and
others." Leave Saturday, 10:30, 'return
Monday 2 p.m. Swimming, folk dancing.
$4. Sponsored by Lane Hall. Reserva-
tion by Wednesday evening: NO 3-1511,
ext. 2851.
Coming Events
Single graduate students and young
people of post-college age are invited to
join with the Fireside Forum group of
the First Methodist Church for a picnic
to a local lake on Sunday afternoon.
Meet at the back of the church at 2:30
with swimming equipment. Transpor-
tation and food will be taken care of by
the committee.
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Sunday, July 4th
Regular meeting at Lane Hall, 4:00
p.m. Speaker: Dr. Lewis York, Professor
of Chemical Engineering will speak on
"The Christian Basis of our American
Government." Everyone is welcome.
Monday, July 5th
Picnic at Kensington Metropolitan
Park. Leave Lane Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Transportation and food provided. You
are invited to join us for a day of
fellowship and fun. For arrangements
and further information call B. J. Cole
at 3-1561 Ext. 3553.
Conference Series for English Teach-



Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under theI
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter...Co-Managing Editor
Alice B. Silver....Co-Managing Editor

At The State .. .
THE LONGEST and the widest picture of the
current season, Ernest K. Gann's adaptation
of his novel about a harrowing airplane ride, ar-
rives in town this week as Warner Brothers' big-
gest Cinemascope offering so far. Warners' wide-
screen process is, if I am not mistaken more rec-
tangular in its dimensions than Fox's, their color
is a little bit different, but their taste in screen
fare is about the same as ever: overwrought, sup-
erficial, and loud. At their best (and this is War-
ner Brothrs at its best), they can accomplish no
more than a technically proficient, slick suspense

one of them is somebody you have missed see-
ing before. His failure to cut the passenger list
has also left the film of inordinate length, all
very well when a plot is going some place be-
sides San Francisco with two feathered props.
The technical proficiency in the picture, the
real fil msense, belongs to William Wellmann, the
director who has done such masterpieces as "Bat-
tleground," "The Story of G. I. Joe," and the re-
cently re-released gangster film, "Public Enemy."
He is badly crippled by Mr. Gann's inept over-
novelized screenplay with its clumsy flashbacks.
He is almost crucified by Dimitri Tiomkin's musi-
cal score, a percussive, pseudo-religious blare that
is relived not at all by the glories of stereophonic

Becky Conrad.............Night
Rona Friedman...........Night
Wally Eberhard .....,.......Night
Russ AuWerter...........Night
Sue Garfield..........Women's
Hanley Gurwin...........Sports
Jack Horwits.....Assoc. Sports
E. J7 S ith _Acp. S nt5



:. J. Om ........ Assoc. por As aJr
Business Staff IF AMERICAN liberalism is not
s swilling to discriminate between
Dick Astrom.........Business Manager its achievements and its sins, it
Lois Pollak........Circulation Manager only disarms itself before Sen-
Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Manager ator McCarthy, who is eager to
Telephone NO 23-24-1 have it appear that its achieve-
ments are its sins.



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