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March 05, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-05

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See Page 4

Sir 6



Latest Deadline in the State


Arrest Made
For Beating
Of Foreman
Link Union Aid
In Nash Strife
DETROIT-P)-A union official
was arrested yesterday for "inves-
tigation of felonious assault" in
the beating of a foreman em-
ployed at the strike-bound Nash-
Kelvinator Corp. plant in Detroit.
Police said Orville Plake, a
national repesentative of the
Mechanics Educational Society
(MESA), was identified by the
foreman as one of three men who
intercepted him on his way to
work yesterday.
* * *
THE FOREMAN, Leonard King,
54, said the men pulled their car
in front of his several blocks from
the plant.
King told police that two of
the men struck him on the face
and head after Plake had iden-
tified him as a foreman.
King was treated at a hospital
for gashes apparently inflicted by
brass knuckles, police said.
Three incidents-of property dam-
age have been reported against
other supervisory employes in the
8-day-old strike of 2,300 employes
of the plant. MESA, an indepen-
dent union, called the strike in a
dispute over work standards.
* * *
THE STRIKE has forced the
layoff of 1,300 employes at the
company's Grand Rapids plant
which receives refrigerator mo-
tors from the Detroit plant.
E. M. Sconyers, of the Federal
Mediation Service and George
E. Boyles, chairman of the State
Labor Mediation board, yester-
day announced plans for a
meeting today with company
representatives and officers of
the striking Independent Me-
chanics Educational Society of
The meeting will be the first
mediation attempt since the strike
Nash-Kelvinator officials pro-
posed the mediation effort Wed-
nesday in a letter to Matthew W.
Smith, national secretary of the
THE HOMES of two company
foreman were reported to have
been damaged Wednesday.
In Grand Rapids, Mayor Paul
G. Goebel announced yesterday
he would seek action by the
state Legislature to aid the 1,300
Grand Rapids Kelvinator em-
ployes idled by the Detroit strike.
The Grand Rapids employes are
ineligible to draw unemployment
benefits under a technicality of
the state unemployment compen-
sation laws.
LSA Steering
Group Plans
New Projects
An extensive re-evaluation meet-
ing Wednesday led the Literary
College Steering Committee to one
conclusion: its purposes and policy
will be broadened.
Organized five years ago, the
entirely student-composed group
has met bi-monthly, primarily to

set up plans for the Literary Col-
lege conferences, which have been
held about twice a semester. Com-
mittee chairman Albert Caim, '54,
said yesterday that the group will
now meet every week, adding to its
function the extended duty of
"promoting a good College educa-
tional policy."
** *
plained, has been "lostbetween
two extremes," that of fulfilling its
basic purpose of planning the con-
ferences and the broader one of
strongly advocating improvements
in Literary College affairs.
One somewhat forgotten right
of the group, Caim said, has been
that of sitting in on meetings of.
the Literary College Curriculum
Committee. This organization,
elected from and by faculty
members, meets to establish Col-
lege requirements and new
Through the Curriculum Com-
mittee the semester time schedules
can also be improved, Caim added.


Kouno Wins

1500 Meter Swim
Fantastic Ford Konno of Ohio State gave his team an early
lead in the Big Ten Swimming meet, as he swept to an impressive
victory in the 1500 meter freestyle marathon last night at- the Sports
Building pool.,
Konno, whose winning time of 18:20 fell short of his own Big
Ten record of 18:11.5, got an early lead over Michigan's Jack Wardrop
and pulled away as the race progressed to win with ease. Wardrop,
one half of the famous Michigan brother act, finished second to the
Hawaiian star, as he completed the grueling course in the time of 18:41.
___________________________________* *

Hl' Matmen
Defend Title
At Lansing
As they enter the preliminaries
of the Big Ten Wrestling Cham-
pionships in Jenison.Fieldhouse at
East Lansing this afternoon, Coach
Cliff Keen's wrestlers leave behind
them a record of six dual meet
victories in seven Conference
Besides these seven Conference
starts, the matmen have downed
Hofstra, Syracuse, and Pittsburgh
in non-conference contests.
* * *
was at the hands of the Boiler-
makers of Purdue by a score of
15-9 when the Michigan squad
was severely riddled by injuries.
Coach Keen's squad is the de-
fending team champion and it
will be shooting for its sixth Big
Ten Championship in the twen-
ty-nine years that he has tu-
tored Michigan Teams.
The Michigan grapplers along
with host Michigan State, which
was runner-up last year, and Pur-
due and Iowa are rated as top con-
tenders for the crown, but almost
any of the others could be real
threats if things brea properly
for them.
THE MEET will open with the
preliminaries at 2 p.m. and then
the semi-finals tonight at 7:30
p.m., with the finals and consola-
tion bouts for third and fourth
places set for Saturday afternoon
at 2 p.m.
See NALAN, Page 3
Reds Warned
On Infiltration
Of Americas
CARACAS, Venezuela - (A) -
Secretary of State Dulles yester-
day called on the nations of the
Americas to unite in a "hands off"
warning to Moscow against Com-
munist infiltration of this hemi-
Dulles made the plea before the
Tenth Inter-American Conference
in which 20 Western Hemisphere
nations are taking part.
IN HIS 3,000-word major policy
speech, the American diplomat
also spelled out Washington's eco-
nomic policy toward Latin Amer-
Dulles called on his colleagues
to consider Communist interven-
tion as dangerous as an enemy
battleship and indicated that
strong Red infiltration in any
Western Hemisphere country
should prompt emergency meas-
ures by its neighbors.
Dulles told the delegates: "We
here in the Americas are not im-
mune from that threat of Soviet
Communism. There is not a sin-
gle country in this hemisphere
which has not been penetrated by
the apparatus of international
Communism acting under orders
from Moscow.''

Buckeye stalwart grabbed third
place, and four valuable points for
his team to give Coach Mike

World News
By The Associated Press
Bentley ..
WASHINGTON-Casualty Hos-
pital said yesterday the condition
of Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-
Mich.), a victim of Monday's
shooting in the House of Repre-
sentatives; remains unchanged-
serious but no longer critical.
* * *
Budget .. .
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-Presi-
dent-Marshal Tito's Communist
government will present to Par-
liament today a $866,670,000 fed-
eral 'budget.
More than two-thirds of it is
earmarked for defense.
Wetbacks . .
WASHINGTON - Congress has
completed action on a bill to al-
liw the recruitment of Mexican
laborers for American farms with-
out the approval of the Mexican
* * *
FEPC Bill*...
LANSING-A Fair Employment
Practices FEPC bill survived its
first test in the Senate yesterday
and was ready for a vote.
The bill forbids discrimination
in job hiring because of race,
creed, color or ancestry.

SAC Group
Sets Student
SEC Posts
Seven Ex-Officio
Members Requested
Turning to more detailed
studies, the Student Affairs Study
Committee yesterday tentatively
favored seven ex-officio members
to sit on the proposed Student
Executive Committee.
The suggested members would
be drawn from the League, Union,
Inter-House Council, Inter-Frater-
nity Council, Panhellenic Associ-
ation, Assembly and The Daily.
* * *
MANY STUDY group members
felt the ratio of elected to ex-of-
ficio members of the SEC should
stand at 11 to four, but time cut
short a definite decision on the
Next week's session is expected
to cover this question along with
the problem of SEC functions.
Study committee chairman Prof.
Lionel H. Laing of the political sci-
ence department suggested that
each elected representative have
charge of a particular area of in-
terest to the SEC.
* * *

Alteration in

Ct -u Alternatives
_ _ =For Women

IHC Motion Opposes



of Problem

* * * EARLIER in the meeting, Prof
YsLaxing reported he had held con-
FORDYougFilesSt ferences with various student or-
unbeatableO NEW YORK - The battle for ganizations including the Student
unetalcontrol of the New York Central Legislature and for the most part
Peppe's charges an 11-5 lead over Railroad entered the courts yes- had received favorable interest in
Michigan as the meet goes into its terday with a suit filed by Robert the committee's plans.
second day. R. Young against all 15 of the
Cental'sdirctor. ' Most committee members felt
Buddy Lucas of Iowa, Bill Central's directors. dtomieee es
Kudd Lucdaso, Ind aris ll- The suit asked an injunction to Student Legislature actions tak-
Kerr of In'diana, and Cris Men-prevent the directors from spend- en Wednesday di, not consti-
gel of Purdue completed the ing the railroad's money in the tute a vote of "no-confidence"
lengthy race fourth, fifth, and proxy fight to maintain them- !ithe study group.
s sKerr selves in office against Young's S k '4, o nut that

took firstplace in his heat in
the most exciting contest of the.
evening from a competitive
standpoint, as he nosed out two
men at the finish line.

campaign to unseat them.
* * *
Snowed Under ...
Southern Michigan dug its way

The team standings and points out of a three day snowfall *yes-
as the meet moves into its second terday opening main highways and
day are in order Ohio State 11, relieving distressed rural commun-
Michigan 5, Iowa 3, Indiana 2, ities.
and Purdue 1. * * *
FESTIVITIES resume today at Pope Improves .
two o'clock at the varsity pool VATICAN CITY-Vatican sourc-
with a group of preliminaries. es reportedvyesterday continued
Another set of Big Ten. titles will slow improvement in the condi-
be fought for tonight at 8 o'clock. tion of Pope Pius XII.
The highlight of Friday's events * *
will be the 50 yard freestyle, pit- Violent Opposition . . .
ting Michigan's NCAA champion
Don Hill, against Ohio State's MEXICO CITY-A Mexican la-
world recird holder Dick Cleve- bor leader and a member of the
land. opposition Federated People's par-
ty were shot to death yesterday in
Konno will be on tap ,again for a new outburst of political vio-
the 220 freestyle this evening. lence.

the moves could have. been con-1
strued this way since no mem-
bers of the committee were in--j
formed on the Legislature recom-
She called the SL moves "just
an oversight and a non-politic
thing to do."
Legislature actions called for a

-Daily-Don Campbelt
"FLOWERING JUDAS" -- Katherine Anne Porter reads her well
known story, "Flowering Judas," in the first of a series of readings
by members of the English department.
aig Ten Track Meet
special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN--Coach Don Canham and a determined band of
Wolverine thinclads arrived here last night with one thought in mind.

"favorable" student vote on any -to wrest from Illinois the indoor track crown it has monopolized
student government reorganization 'for three straight years.
plans and "further" student repre- The 23-man Wolverine squad will pit its depth against the
sentation on the study committee. individual brilliance of Coach Leo Johnson's favored Illini as the
The study group presently num- preliminaries of the 44th annual indoor championships open in the
bers one student, two ex-student -- - *Illinois Armory tonight.
SAC members and five faculty I

Inter-House Council last night
went on record as opposing "any
changes in the existing men's Res-
idence Halls system" that would
involve conversion of more men's
housing for women or returning
any women's houses in the quads
to men.
Passed unanimously with one
women's member abstaining, the
resolution also offered three pos-
sible solutions to the problem of
increased housing for women:
1) that more women be permit-
ted to live outside residence halls.
2) that provision be made to
house more women in.-existing dor-
mitory space.
3) that more residence halls be
* * *
President Stan Levy, '55, the res-
olution "strongly 'urges that the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls carefully consider the
broad ramifications and conse-
quences of any further conversion
of men's houses to women's."
The action followed 45 min-
utes discussion during which
IHC President Roger Kidston,
'56L, left the chair to speak in
favor of the motion.
Pointing out the importance of
the problem to the entire men's
residence halls system, Kidston
said there was an equal possibility
that any one of the houses in the
quads might be converted for use
by women, not just in East Quad.
"If I had thought that when Ty-
ler and Prescott Houses in East
Quad were converted for women it
would mean real coed living, I
would have been the first to help
them move in," Kidston declared.
"The real reason for all three con-
versions (including C h i c a g o
House) was economic."
"WE CAN fill men's residence
halls witlh men," Kidston said,
"The question is should women put
men out of the halls simply be-
cause more women keep coming to
the University."
The motion as originally stat-
ed by Levy did not include the
three suggestions later approved
as an amendment following ar-
gument that the solutions would
give the Board a positive indica-
tion of how to at.tack the prob-
The IHC stand follows a state-
ment made Feb. 22 by East Quad's
Ilayden House urging "men's resi-
dence halls to form a united front
and formulated plans to success-
fully defend the Michigan House
Student opinion on the question
has taken form in the Hayden
House stand and a letter to Act-
ing Dean of Students Walter B.

Prof. Laing explained that sinceI
the committee was selected by
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher to make its studies, only
the President could add members 1
to the group.I

Petitions for 22 Student Leg-
islature seats to be filled in all-
campus elections, March 30 and
31, may be picked up from 1
to 5 p.m. today and from 9
a.m. to noon tomorrow at the
SL Bldg.
Twenty candidates elected to
the Legislature will serve two
semseters and two for one se-
mester terms.
Petitions for nine J-Hop
posts, seven Union vice-presi-
dential positions, three mem-
bers of the Board in Control of
Student Publications and one
Board in Control of Inter-Col-
legiate Athletics member are
also available.
In addition, candidates for
four senior class posts in the
literary and engineering col-
leges may pick up petitions in
the SL Bldg.
SL has extended the deadline
for returning all completed
petitions to the SL Bldg. until
Saturday, March 13.

Coeds Retaliate: Give Own
Opinions of Griping Males
Generally agreeing that Michigan men "aren't such gods!" cam-
pus coeds hit back at the griping males in retaliation for the men's
compaints about women earlier this week.
The girls were a bit more discrete in their gripes, many refusing;
to give their names, but inferring that the men would hear the com-
plaints "personally."
"IF THEY WERE a bit 'more friendly, maybe the girls would warm
up," Nancy Boland, '58, said. "They just never think of talking to you.
How can they expect the girls to smile first? The fellows are all ice-M
bergs living in their own little shells."
Miss Boland added that although men couldn't approach any
girl and talk to her in a large city, it was perfectly all right on a
Anne Terrill, '55, offered a solution to the complaints: "If the men
would take off their khakis and sweatshirts, maybe the girls would
shape up."
Befuddled, Jeanne Hager, '56, said "They're inconsidstent. You
just don't know what to expect."
* * * *

Local Doctors
Discuss Drugs
Answering questions submitted
and screened beforehand, a forumj
of doctors outlined the history,'
present status, and future of anti-
biotics, hormones and vitamins
yesterday in Rackham lecture hall.$
Most, of the questions which
were considered concerned the
side-effects of the use and mis-use
of cortisone and ACTH, both hor-
mones, and antibiotics such as
penicilin and streptomycin. Dr.'
Wicht pointed out that ,if there is.
a prolonged use of antibiotics, the
organisms which are to be killed
by the drug develop a resistance;
to it.
Along this line, the panel cau-
tioned against the use of anti-
biotics for-minor ills, lest a resist-
ance be built up s

ALTHOUGH close to 200 track-
men from every Conference school
are on hand for the two day affair,
Illinois, with its small but tremen-
dously powerful 16-man squad, is
expected to be seriously challenged!
only by the Wolverines.
If the Illini should walk off
with the laurels for the fourth
straight time they will tie Mich-
igan's all-time record of 15 in-
door titles.
The revised program, which in-
cludes for the first time the 300,
600, and 1000 yard runs, should
see quite an assault on the record
books as many of the nation'sI
greatest cinder stars will see ac-
tion, the bulk of them competing
from the Wolverine and Illini
John Ross, the Big Ten rec-
orq-holder in the mile, will be
favored to cop that event again,
while Captain Fritz Nilsson is
still the man to beat in the shot
See 'M', Page 3

Air Force, Army, Give
Fewer Commissions

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the lastv
of a series of articles aimed at in-
forming non-ROTC students, primar-
ily . June graduates about the var-
ious branches of the Armed Forces.)

Rea, a Student Legislature reso-
lution, letters from six of the
may be married but without child- houses in East Quad, the IHC mo-

cts To Vie For Gulan

THE GIRLS at Alpha Epsilon Phi offered a joint opinion.*-"Our
">gripe is the fickleness of men,"
they said. "They're only inter-
ested in superficial beauty. They
don't care what the girls really
SPeiare. Also the men here are not
icSs ~quite as mature as on other cam-

ren. Their basic training in both
consists of 16 weeks during which
pay received is $78 per month.

Six variety acts will compete for
one of the three grand prizes in
the, sixth annual Gulantics pro-:
duction at 8 p.m. today in Hill <
Audience response, as indicatedK
by an electronic applause meter,.
will determine the winners of "
prizes totaling $175.:
* * * -"
IN ADDITION to the six com-

Alley Cats with their rendition of'
dixieland jazz.
Performances in the non-com-1
peting section will feature Ed Rav-'
enscroft, '57A&D, last year's Gul-
antics winner; Miss America of
1954, Miss Evelyn Ay; selections by
the Men's Glee Club; Howard
Nemerovski, '54E, and Lee Miller
in a comic skit and Jim Ellis and
Billy Wells, Michigan State Col-
lege star football nlavers, with a

One of the most common com-
plaints was advanced by Joyce
Kemp, '57, "The majority think
they're God's gift to women; in
other words, they're conceited."
"They have thick ankles," Lynne
Laviolette, '58, grumbled. "And
they have the heads to go with
One Chicago House girl who pre-
ferred to remain anonymous la-
mented: "The guys talk too much.

ByersincACoLg sdastcOnlycollege graduate possess-
Ever since Congress drastically' ing extremely high capabilities
cut down the appropriations for in some. technical field will be
the Air Force and Army, these two accepted in either of these
services have offered very few com- branches' officer candidate
missions to' anyone except those schools.
engaged in flight duty.
At the present time it seems un- Aside from that, a college stu-
likely that even some of these two dent's only chance for a commis-
branches' ROTC men will receive sion is through the Aviation Ca-
the commissions they had been det Program which is wide open
promised when first applying. and prepares men to become pi-
x lots and air observers. It is open
THEREFORE membership in to non-married citizens who are
these two branches in general high school graduates between the
can be obtained only by entering ages of 19 and 26% years old, and

tion and close to 100 individual
letters from East Quad residents
all urging that the Board of Gov-
ernors carefully consider the ram-
ifications of converting additional
housing over to women.
BOTH DEAN REA who is chair-
man of the Board of Governors
and Manager of Service Enter-
prises Francis C. Shiel have said
that student opinion will be con-
sidered in making any decision.
The Board of Governors is
scheduled to reach some decision
on the issue at its meetings
March 16.
Some fear has been expressed


as an enlisted man.
Of course the easiest way to
become an Army man is to wait

- ,,,1.,. npahlp tira 'Plfill t'l"a n -pc

mental and physical quali- that the decision to convert fur-
fications. the men's housing for use by-

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