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March 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ll*Af' fi 'ITV WENEDA, ARH,,156:EIHIN:ALY ... WW £rAr ErlrV w; Presidential Nominees' Announced by League "PRESIDENT;AL CANDIDATES" Finkleman are running for the Woman's League. By PAT NORTON Two energetic coeds, Sue Arnold and Gwynne Finkleman, will be- gin campaigning Sunday for posi- tions as League President. Nominated Monday by the Inter- viewing and Nominating com- mittee, the women wil...…

March 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

… Tit , MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1958 TW1~ MICHIGAN DAIlY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7.1956 Stich-Randall To Appear Here Friday "Her voice is one of the most beautiful and most promising of today" wrote one Viennese music critic recently about Teresa Stich- Randall who will sing at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium. One of the leading sopranos of the Vienna State Opera, Miss Stich-Randall was awarded the first prize in the "Concours Inter...…

January 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…+GREEKS 'LIMIT EDUCATION Latest Deadline in the State ~Iatjt WINDY, SNOW FLURRIES (See Page 2) VOL LXVI, No. 71 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1956 FOUR PAGE -Daily-Bill Van Osterhout WOLVERINE CAPTAIN Bill MacFarland takes a shot at Michiigan State goalie Ed Schiller in last night's action at Demonstration Hall in East Lansing. Michigan won, 5-2, in the first of the two- game series with the Spartans this weekend. In the ba...…

January 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…* ~1m$ idiigwu kigy Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "You Sure You Want To Do That, Lyndon:" * - - 3 -_ e When Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only...…

January 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…"1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.. a a. mmmvmmw HEADS PHILOSOPHY HONORS: Henle Compares French, U.S. Studies Boston Pops Orchestra To Perform Tomorrow F 4 IIEIS& By CAROL PRINS A slight, bespectacled man with a friendly smile describes Prof.1 Paul Henle of the philosophy de- partment. Prof. Henle, head of the depart- ment honors program and the re- cipient of a Fulbright Scholarship, spent last year studying and doing research in France. The ...…

January 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…THE MMT~1EAN UAl .I cers Win, Replay Tonight; Gophers Host Cagers 'M' Hoopsters Seek Initial Conference Victory Tonight PITT REVENGE-BOUND: Grapplers To Receive Stiff Test Today --Daily-Bill Van Osterhout GOALIE LORNE HOWES, who played a brilliant defensive game for Michigan last night in making 39 saves, gets set with Wol- verines Jay Goold (9) and Bob Schiller (3) to thwart another Spartan scoring attempt. Howes blocked the shot on go...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Lack of Ex=Officio Responisibility Hurts SCG See Page 4 :Yl r e sit a Latest Deadline in the State Dait &k "o PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER I VOL. LXVI, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 SIX PA 'Even I Buy Gargoyle' GARGOYLE is being sold today wherever students gather, or would like to gather. The current issue is teeming with Top t Secrets, unoriginal jokes, contests, a big TV section and a hot water bottle. Featur...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, _____ . .__ w_ III ional Trophy Rocketeers ng Program To Receive ied for second place among the Charter L53 competing schools. The awards were made on the James J. Hartford, executive basis of 'service in the following secretary of the American Rocket our areas: Society, will present a charter to 1. Service to member fraternities. the University's new student group This includes such activities as Thurs tythew...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAtZPI TIlE MiCHiGAN DAILY rVA 1iAU' Baseball's W The'Flying Dutchman' Rated Greatest Shortstop agner Dies; 'Frisco r. Don's Head For Tough Opponents Tops APCage Poll p f ilie... NEWT LOKEN By DONNA WILLS Baseball has lost the greatest shortstop of all time. John Peter (Honus) Wagner of the Pittsburgh Pirates is dead. "Old Jay," as he was lovingly called by his friends, passed away at...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…Y" "Ouch! Hey-It's Me" " Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. AT THE MICHIGAN Union Opera Amusing Farcical Revue ...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…7 19K THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAM ^ __r._ __ i Residences To Present Dances Formals will dominate the com- ing weekend activities with West, East and South Quadranglesand Alice Lloyd Hall planning their Christmas dances. 'Holly Hop'... "Holly Hop," to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m Saturday in the main dining room of West Quad, will feature Red Johnson and his orchestra. A medieval theme will be car- ried out'in the decorations of this dance whi...…

December 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…r. . THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 IC Gives rst Radio 'oadcast ' Student Relations Committee of the Development Council will broadcast the first in a series oft radio prokram's at 6:30 p.m. today aver WUOM. Aimed at acquainting students and faculty with the work and purpose of the Development Coun- cil and its student group, the ser- ies will include discussions of ac- complishments of the two organi- zations and plans ...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…SGC GIVEN CHANCE TO SHOW POTENTIAL See Page 4 C, r Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t I CLOUDY, SHOWERS A, ...... nw.-M. c*TP±um li A C t+l VOL. LXVI. No. 11 ANN ABOR(, MJIHIGAN, FIDLAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955' EIUT r T vY. i French Assembly Called By Faure Premier Asks Policy Approval, Government Existence Threatened PARIS ()-Premier Edgar Faure, striving to save his wobbly government, called on the National Assembly last night to ba...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MCMIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 ... . PM t ,+ Plus ME I' Coming Friday "COUNTRY GIRL" "SHOTGUN" Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker will attend tomorrow's football game. He will be accompanied by Gen- eral Maxwell D. Taylor, Army chief of staff; General Jacob L. Devers, retired chief of staff; and General B. M. Bryan, superintend- ent of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Also in attendance will be Major G...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 T -R-- MCMGAN nAirT.Y mm rW Orm 'mu! WTfiflE~A1V fl A 1Y.~T - -- -va-a ~aaars a. - MA a~..a .a. r£u TRE 9 , ONE HOUR A YEAR: Desire To Teach Unfulfilled by President Hatcher Reading Difficulties Sometimes Inherited WESTMINSTER By DICK SNYDER Once each year in Prof. Ben- nett Weaver's English Bible class, students hear a guest lecture - the only one which President Har- lan Hatcher finds time to give during hi...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1953 Sixty-Sixth YearF EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OP THE UMVLD*SANA OP MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATION: STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. - ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3 241 "Oh, Stop It!" JPt r Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. U...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1955THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 L1111/ SGC, ISA To Sponsor UN Week On the House Believing that an awareness of the nature of the United Nations is an important ingredient of student education, Student Gov- ernment Council agreed late Wed- nesday night to join the Interna- tional Students Association in sponsoring United Nations Week. Chairman of the SGC's Human and International Welf...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

…,' THE MCHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, QCTOBER 7, 1955 six THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19~5 Spirited Wolverines End Drills for Army Tilt GRID SELECTIONS r GAMES OF THE WEEK Consensus (11-4-.733) Selections Appear 1. Army at MICHIGAN 2. CORNELL at Harvard 3. Indiana at IOWA 4. GEORGIA TECH at Louisiana State 5. NOTRE DAME at Miami 6. Stanford at MICHIGAN STATE 7. Pitt at NAVY 8. MINNESOTA at Northwestern' 9. Illinois at OHIO STAT...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 T'HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SEVEN MEN AND A WOMAN: Planners of New Japan Proud of Expe By ROBERT EUNSON TOKYO (JP)-Ten years ago sev- en men and a woman drafted a dramatic experiment in democra- cy-a sweeping program to re- shape the government of Japan. Today, those eight Americans are still proud of their work. Searched out by Associated Press correspondents throughout th...…

October 07, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 11) • Page Image 8

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY -- - -_-- --- - -T--- ____ _....._..... r ---- ---- -- -- ----- - - - 1956 GRADUATE S FRIDAY, OCTOB~ER 7, 1955 S 1 4 to sign up for 'Ensian Graduation Picture The 1956 'Ensian proudly wishes to introduce Delma Studios of Newe York City, Off icial Photog- taking raphers, who are now A 4 j ,I R , , ,, i ' pictures. Sign up from 3:00 to 5:30 Monday Student through Friday at the r i Publication...…

July 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…i Wisconsin Plan To Unity College Boards Sittiau Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaait~ THUNDERSHOWERS See Page 2 !!-M VOL. LXV, No.13S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1955 FOUR PAGES 'U' Officials Comment O Single-Board Idea Gov. Kohler's Proposal Revives Controversy Of Separate vs. Centralized School Boards BY JIM DYGERT A recent attempt by Wisconsin's Gov. Walter J. Kohler to con- centrate the operation of the Universi...…

July 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

… TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 1. MAN TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIIA 'i'MhTRLULIlyJU IrT., 'Y IOK i Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 tug . Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Thi...…

July 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…&Y, JULY '7,1x55 litk hilcmiiiiALA "Alil"i JNDAY CONCERTS SLATED: DisCu$ss io Interlochen Music Camp Busy Place Set on Auto *iMELRIIIFEI e t+t1tl CP Nr "s ArCl Interlochen N a t i o n a l Music Camp is "heaven on earth for young artists," Prof. Joseph E. Meaddy, of the school of music, Director, quotes a visitor. Founded in 1928 as the summer home of the National High School orchestra, the camp has grown into a town of dormitories, studio ...…

July 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

… ' 7. 1955 J £7. THkE'MICHIGiAN IDAILY THURSDAY. JULY' i AiV~w.7LA u L '. oxj' Patterson KO's McBride n Heavyweight Struggle) NEW YORK (M-Floyd Patter- son, the 1952 Olympic middle- weight champ, proved last night he could handle a man-sized heavy- weight when he gave away 151/2 pounds to Archie McBride of Tren- ton, N. J., and knocked him out in 1:46 of the seventh round at Madi- son Square Garden. Cutting loose with those quick hands,...…

May 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… Development Council Plan See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State D3a iij 0 ' r #4111* SHOWERS VOL. LXV, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 FOUR PAGES Nationalists Sow Mines Near Reds Move To Thwart Possible Invasion TAIPEI, Formosa (R)-The Na- tionalists disclosed yesterday they have sown mines in waters close to Red China to thwart any inva- sion moves against offshore is- lands and to choke off shipping to the Red po...…

May 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO rrAF. MTrurr_ 3 N n AL VW W Mal I TVV4 ALMP UAPA wv m &M" PAE W.aWnG' UETEWWNWa l A 31T KbA WW SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 t .r Y I ,'_ Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. - ANN .ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3 241 "Mr. President, Meet Mr. Eisenhower" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by me...…

May 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

… cAwrTipn&,v %wav P i4K±c THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE R 6,amwUvdwAw r MAY? T. ffPAG Tn.E 1.LUl..fl~X i~tiL ~ JOJf M' Nine Edges Hawkeyes, 4-2; TbflRSUEIIU" To Play Minnesota Twice Today; Netmen Gain Win Over Wildcats <Q MacKay Hot N/ As Nten NASHUA wreath of roses? Rich Derby Run Draws Field of Ten LOUISVILLE, Ky. (MP)-Ten of the country's finest 3 - year - old colts have a fling at fame and fortune today in what will be the ...…

May 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…FAdZ FE1UR THE MICBIGAN DAILY qATTTR.nAV WAV ii 101M PA G FO R @ 'UTTD~A---A -__ ~ n as-l V. max, MAX 7, 193 b . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -Daily-Tom McLean GENERATION STAFFER PREPARES MAGAZINE LAY-OUT Generation Integrates Arts, Gives Magazine Experience, In the spring of 1950, a new Generation was born. Generation is a magazine ini- tiated by nembers of the Inter- Arts Union and, when first begun, was dedicated to integrating the arts...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 11

…J-HOP Monday, February 7, 1955 1 Ligt in &tdi ExR Prc:Mie rADla i GE 1 J.op - H Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, orchestra and singer, entertami 350 dancing couples at J-Hop "Bali-Hai" theme and Southi Sea Islands mnotif added to the gala aioo:he £the 1955 J-Hop …

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 12

…Page Two THF l'HIGAkI DAIl V I- y .- rL- F L- ,YI, %- I f, %0 ~1,4 Un, L- I Monday, February 7, 1955 I N EW AND USED B K S SLATER'S Your College Bookstore 336 S. State St. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR RENT ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox, ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share 4-room 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. furnished apt. on Arch near Packard Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B and State. NO 3-3472 after 5 P.M. )20C 1951 CHEVROLET four ...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Monday, February 7, 1955 List Year's Best Films (EDITOR'S NOTE: In accordance with its yearly custom, The Daily presenti its selection o the year's 9 best films.) By CYRIL CELLULOID 1. Hewig Zegan's masterful direc- tion and the clever camera work of Ching Ching Kong made Off the Docks the year's most memor- able film experience. Who can for- get Garlan Brunch beating Mae Hopticar with the celery stick, the fight between the longshoremen and t...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 14

…Page-Four THr- WMA K t S AI! I Pae oumTIEAAt i fA1t FvA a *3~I4 L Y M IJonday, February 7. 1955 Hawaiian Isles Theme Sparks Annual J-Hop Bali fH'ai Scene Starts Weekend of Celebration The University's most festive weekend of the year was climaxed Friday night with the 1955 J-Hop 4 "Bali Hai" when Tommy and Jim- my Dorsey and their orchestra played for 1300 dancing couples. Decorated in a Hawaiian Island motif, the Intramural Building wa...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Mandav. Februarv 7. 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Five rviui iuuy, I UvI u%-J , y NAMES. *.. (Contatioed from Pager d) Tom Boyle and Mary Ellen DeLal- la: Fank L,. BravY, Jr. and And- rey Ann Schaefer; Elliot B3radasi and Nellie Bradus:; Richard Brendl- er and Phyllis Brender:; Richard Brewer and Diane Dowvsett; Char- les Bristol and Lois Windver; Date oBroderick and Bever'ly Sihea: Cliarles Brooks and Ginger Reed; Alan E. Brown and Helen ...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 16

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY -P-ge S ix THEI Mr TICHN IIfNICAN DILY4 11-1 A Tom Gibson and JoAnne Yates; N A * * Dick Gilca and Mildre Zeder; Don Gilger and Flo Arnold: Bob Gil- (Csariaca fom ace5) low and Nancy Wright; Shcldon Ginns and Carolc Karp: Jin GIIANT L3ABEL AND DOSE- Glanvillc and MVary, Dwycr; Martin .MA1,V HICKS; Norman Galsel Goldman and Coots Glass; R'ich- and Gabcrs on and P og y Zuecci; Stuat NMJitceal Glass man and ionsa d...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 17

…moilfov. lohmoly 1, IQY T111 NMIC hIGAN PAIl 11111a1: tlulehue Field! lii i~it I sttllt t u luiii it 1 .r t , t ItiuM 1t iiviuiiiiitit I litttttl tiiv hhiiiifitiiiiiit Rlit lvi: iit '!!. , li t tf" R:i tIittl~ ttttt l ui f1t1 (i l ii .1:t\' Ii:11 li ll~v :ttii :lit 1' \' t vh t 'RI , I t,1i tt: iii~lR1,+li" iith~ tvlR {A;i i C: ' :ttti ti'.o Nll : i ,t it 1\ii viifi ft' Ri dt",t:ttiii t viiii+ i Rh iiiif lliR"t ..cli ttRi th iRi V'lli RR I...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 18

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 7, 1955 Microclean CtEAN UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Microclecn-the beautiful way to clean clothes! -Day Shirt Service PHONE NO 2-3231 -DflY or NIGHT …

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 19

…Monday, February ~/, 1955 T HE MI CH IGA N DA IL Y Page Nine Mod1 ebur ,195TEMCHGNDIY aeNn NAMES... (Continued from Page 7) William Leibengood and Ginny McWhirter; Marvin ~aeech and Janice Guyton; George Lempio and Nancy Park; Tom Leopold and Laurie Nath; Allan Levy and Don- na Westerlund; Tom Levy and Nora Lee Smokler; Dean Leith and Elizageth Elliott; Franklin Lemkey and Virginia O'Conner; James Le- ven and Arline Popper; James L. Lewis...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 20

…Page Ten T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday. February7. 15 _gTe.EMC IA AIYMsinsyr , FehreUrsr7 1(r , F I ® ,a"" Flowers- i iJ for your Valentiney UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP 523 East Liberty Street (} <" > ><==>tt"«>o< ===><-"">0 -y <--y o< . <==>o<---yo j I I .. I %Inay//ower )keitauran SPECIALIZING in WAFFLES 7:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M Everyday artd'iny, 4vitiontrt c~nd A- - - - - t i 1 f I Ii I' ', I _- i 7 1 s R 1 I i A r J 1 i z i Z 1 r ...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 21

…Monday, February 7, 1955 T HE MI CH IG AN D AI1LY ModaFerar",'95 H MCIGNDAL . e , F.. . Beaeon Set For Applied Botany Class By ANNY NONOMOUS "The need for applying the fun- damentals of botany has led me to approve the establishment of a beacon that will be placed in the middle of the arboretum," Uni- versity President Harlan Catcher announced last week. President Catcher explained, "This beacon will allow the stu- dents to go to the arbor...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 22

…Page Twelve T HE MIC H IGA N DA IL Y MVondav Februnrv 7 19S5 PagVTwly, TEMCHIyNDIY7 , 1 7 igns American Puckster By NANOOK OF THE NORTH Michigan hockey coach Vic Hoo- ligan rocked the sporting world late last night when he announced that the Wolverines had signed their first American icer of all time. x He is Amos Basoon, a 39 year old grad student who played on an industrial team for many years. The team represented a large manure plant...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 23

…Monday, February 7, 1955 Girls Rip T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY Page Thirteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen Varsity, 28-0 *1' By DILL POUGLISm andBEE SNOBERTSON In the mud and rain of historic. Palmer Field, an all-girl all star football team smashed Michigan's mighty varsity 28-0 yesterday in one of history's great upsets. The broads of Dr. Margie Bong, who last week challenged Binnie Boosterbum's varsity to the game, were so good that ...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 24

…Page Four teen T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 7, 1955 Page ourten TE MIHIGANDAIL Monay, ebrury ,15 Se, the sororiti'es andf fraternities of the University o Michigan, join together in support of the worthy campaign for the March o Dimes -XII an it ACACIA ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA DELTA PHI ALPHA DELTA PI ALPHA EPSILON IOTA ALPHA EPSILON PHI ALPHA EPSILON P1 ALPHA GAMMA DELTA ALPHA OMICRON PI ALPHA PHI ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALPHA XI DE...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 25

…Monday, February 7, 1955 Top Off Your Evenings aIt the MILK MAID DiIVENN RESTAURANT Open 11 A.M - 12:30 P.M 3730 Washtenaw Near Pittsfield Village ORDERS TO GO-NO 8-7146 ' will JDRUG CaSTORE Prescriptions Drug Sundries Student Supplies Magazines Stationery Fountain Service YOUR REXALL STORE ON THE CAMPUS 340 S. State Phone NO 2-0534 F 1 ' _I JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES - -, a ~texture,.. 195 . Take strides in the luxury leather of Winthrop C...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 26

…Page Site THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 7, 1955 Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 7, 1955 Paul Bunion Wrapped in Sock at DBS fy JOHN BUNYAN their tip off from the manageir of to the Stadium in a 1934 Mercedes Special investigators from the the Capitalist Market in Ann Ar- Benz on a dark night in Decembe: Michigan State Cop School yes- bor. He reporotedly overheard two while members of the Athletic de- terday rounded up...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 27

…Monday, February 7, 1955 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Seventeen Monday, February 7, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae Seventeen A NOTED ARCTIC BASSO: Eyezik Wail To Howl With Gong Today By IGLEHORN GORP ;..:.... >,,',,. Eyezik Wail, noted Arctic basso ill appear in the 13%!2 Coal Onion Series concert at 6:01 a.m. today in Slope Auditorium. He will be as isted by J. Arty Rank on the Chinese gong. Wail's early musical training took place in ...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 28

…Page Eighteen T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY M d.A^. Fnkr.- 7 1aZ mona y, reuruory I, 1955 Support the March of Dimes FINGERLE LUMBER COMPANY Support the March of Dimes THE LEWIS & FRISINGER CO. Hark ye v Clad in s armou Gazing ou Altruists, Turning r Toward tI assem Pointed sl Of the Big Narcissists: vision in the mirror, elf-wrought, self-hewn Marching Phalanx, each one sr, bearing z, Spear and mirror in his hand, it, not gazing down on, W...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 29

…Monday, February 7, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nineteen Monday, February 7. 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paqe Nineteen Queen of Women Discusses Role of Metaphors in Society It was just a routine conference. Just some of the campuscoeds witha particularly vicious swipe gathering in the office of the of the emery. "Indeed, so I did. Queen of Women for a regular This is like lighting the fire with periodical weekly chat on the Fate a different m...…

February 07, 1955 • Page Image 30

…Page Twenty__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday February 7, 1955 NEW SEMESTER SALE THRIFT-MINDED CYCL ISTS WILL APPROVE th is doule bivain i fGenuine Engqlihbicycles at his low, Thlif ty Pr ie GENUINE ENGLISH 3 9 Ki 1 ~ Campus Bike& Hobby 119,8 PlilIA l514-16 E Williarn Ann Arbor, Mih. ...a catr with '"go" Stt(entl ' I le Giveni Cars TR CrToA lldae Folste i tro w llisnoetpoesost o I t i i ~ 11csIeittfiti mrkii 1111iii'iexcerpts ri onttheif i 1'lio t d...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… HAMMARSKJOTY' IN CHINA See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State Datit~ I,- r - 0 PARTLY CLOUDY, COLDER mA ' £CTY UA W_ C V XV. N.V r 7 I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1955 b1 YA""N I JJ ------ ----- - RL. lf1l Yy lyl V. i0 - - 1 -Daily-Dean Morton NICHOLAS T. GONCHAROFF ..."a religion of sincerity" Goncharoff Calls Religion Answer to Communism By SHIRLEY CROOG and MARY ANN THOMAS "The positive answer to fighting Co...…

January 07, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1955 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 7,1955 variety of Positions Set I'or U' February Grads FINDERS KEEPERS? Clothes, Books, Yarn Fill Lost & Found h .., . . 4 . y ' '. '. . /.. P ,.. A A.) By BETTY SCHOMER Overseas teaching, in Europe nd the Far East with the Army's )ependent Schools is one of the iany job opportunitir; for the february graduate, according to hie Bureau of Appointments. Maint...…

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