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December 07, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-07

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Lack of Ex=Officio
Responisibility Hurts SCG
See Page 4

:Yl r e

sit a
Latest Deadline in the State

Dait &k



VOL. LXVI, No. 59



'Even I Buy Gargoyle'

GARGOYLE is being sold today wherever students gather, or
would like to gather. The current issue is teeming with Top
t Secrets, unoriginal jokes, contests, a big TV section and a hot
water bottle. Featured is one complete issue of THE MICHIGAN
DOILY, a satire on a certain student publication. The paper is
printed with genuine newsprint and full of mistakes. Price is 25
AEisenhowver Sets
Deense Spendin'g

Top Actor,
HOLLYWOOD (Af') -- James
Dean, who died in an auto crash
two months ago, was named the
best actor of the year in the
first audience awards poll yes-
He won the posthumous hon-
or for his first starring film,
;East of Eden."
Jennifer Jones, the Eurasian
doctor of "Love is a Many-
Splendored Thing," won the
award for best perfo nance by
an actress.
"Mr. Roberts," a salty saga
of boredom in the Navy, was
named the top movie of the
GM Extends
WASHINGTON (R') - General
Motors, acting to meet charges
'that it has been highhanded with
its retail auto dealers, yesterday-
engthened its franchise agree-
ments with them.
The agreements will now run for
five years instead of one.
A Senate subcommittee had
heard testimony that the short
term agreement wa-s a threat
hanging over the dealers. Several
dealers testified their contracts
had been canceled abruptly on GM
complaints they hadn't sold enough
cars or had not handled their
business the way the higher-ups
Retailers Under Pressure !
Some retailers also said they
were put under pressure to accept
models and accessories they 'did
not want.
Harlow H. Curtice, president of
the huge manufacturing corpora-
tion, announced the new move at
the resumption of Senate hearings
which he said had produced mis-
leading" testimony and left the
public "grossly misinformed."
He said all 17,000 GM car and
truck dealers are being notified
that, barring any objection on
their part, current sales agree-
ments will be extended to 1960.
The dealers, he added, may pull
out at any time on 30 days' notice.
Curtice 'Impelled' to Act
Curtice said as a result of pub-
licity given statements made to
the Senate's Antitrust and Mon-
opoly subcommittee he felt "im-
pelled to do what I have not:
considered necessary heretofore-
namely, to formalize a long-term
reiatinnship with our dealers.








Russia, U Nu
'Support Red
China Claim
Countries Back
Title to Formosa
RANGOON, Burma (R)-Burma
and Russia reaffirmed in a jointI
communique yesterday their sup-
port of Red China's claim to Na-i
tionalist China's Formosa island1
This development was accom-
panied by a fresh oral barrage
against the West by Soviet Com-
munist party boss Nikita S. Khru-
shchev. This time, Khrushchev
included Sir Winstpn Churchill
among his targets.
The communique signed by Pre-
miers Nikolai Bulganin and U Nu
was issued as the Soviet visitors
prepared to wind up their official
visit to Burma. In addition to its
stnd on Formosa, the statement
called for an unconditional ban on
mass destruction weapons and uni-
fication of Indochina and Korea.
Continued Attacks


'Says Soviets

Goa Crisis
'Reds Using Trip
To Spread Hate'
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretar:
of State John Foster Dulles yes
terday accused Russian leaders o
trying to provoke India into usini
force in its quarrel with Portuga
over the Portuguese colony of Goa
Secretary Dulles told a news con
ference that Soviet Premier Nikola
Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev
the Communist party boss, appea
to be using their tour of India
Burma and Afghanistan for th
purpose of spreading hatred ant
He said it was to clear such a
threatening, atmosphere that he
joined Portugal's Foreign Ministe:
Paulo Cunha last Friday in decry-
ing what Khrushchev and Bulgan-
in have been saying.
Dulles Upholds Statement
Dulles said he still stands behind
that statement, which has causea
vehement Indian protests. But he
emphasized the statement in ni
way takes sides between India am
Portugal over Goa, the little terri
tory on India's west coast.
Bulganin and Khrushchev as-
isailed Portugal for retaining Goa
and declared India has the "right
to oust" the Portuguese.
Secretary Dulles and Cunha, Ir
Friday's statement, deplored the
Russian remarks as an effort t
d"fomenthatred between the eas
and West and to divide people whc
need to feel .a sense of unity and
fellowship for peace and mutua



Wilson Expects No Major Change
In New Budget of Next Fiscal Year
GET'I'YSBURG, Pa (A') --- A near-final decision to set the new
defense budget at about 34% billion dollars was reported reached
yesterday by' President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his military and
budget experts.
That i sroughtly the rate of defense spending for this fiscal year.
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson said he expects "no major
change" in the total of the new budget - for the new fiscal year
beginning next July 1.
Since defense takes about two out of every three dollars the
government spends, there appeared to be dim prospects that the
administration would be able to recommend any sizeable tax cut to
Congress. The lawmakers, of

Khrushchev continued his run- j
ning attacks on the West in two , -Daily-John Hirtzel
speeches. Addressing a crowd of "MAKE THIS A DUEL" - Gov. G. Mennen Williams instructs Tex Mix (Robert Berner, '57) be-
Rangoon University students, he tween acts at last night's opening of the Union Opera. Valentine Rudolpho (Al Killeen, '57 BAd, left)
said: Eand Theda Vampa (Bruce McClelland, '56E, right) look on.
"Some Europeans are aiccus-,
tomed to living off Asia. They are
trembling because the population U/r A t esUi O/D e
feel joy that they are trembling." e
Prophesying that the days of By PETE ECKSTEIN
capitalism are approaching their: trunks, checking to see that all the orchestra struck up a tune. As

Soviet Union, Bian il
~Berli Caa

course, could take it on themselves
to put through a substantial re-
duction in an election year. It's
been done before.
President Eisenhower went over
the defense budget for an hour
and a half at a conference in his
headquarters in the 'Gettysburg
Post Office.
Wilson tnld re orters "no final


BEL.IN (P) - Britain and tht Vyibu wu" ivUi i lic1Lltulbl A1 VlLGLc
BoetUinha)veBriaiedcnthofigure" was arrived at. But Mc- which for all practical purposes
Soviet Unon have waived control Neil indicated it was all but final has been in effect in General
on canal traffic to Berlin but the
British announced they still hold and said there are no plans for Motors for many years."
the Russians fully responsible for further meetings with President His announcement was receivedj
keeping open the waterway lifeline Eisenhower on the subject. with mild approval-and reserva-
to the isolated city. The secretary said he still stands tions-by Sen. Joseph C. O'Ma-
In Berlin, Bonn and Londan, on what he said at Denver a month honey (D-Wyo), who has been
British Foreign Office spokesmen and a half ago - that there would 3onducting the hearings, and Fred-
disclosed the Russians have bowed be no major change in the mill- erick J. Bell, executive vice pregi-
out'of the administration of the tary budget for the next fiscal dent of the National Automobile
canal which feeds West Berlin 24 year. Dealers Assn.
per cent of its' total supplies.
They said the British agreed " I
with theRussians to eliminate SGC ill Consider Driving
their signatures from permits is--
sued to about 1,800 barges, which
ply from the Ruhr and HamburgR
to Berlin and back on two water-S
ways. masteSuyCm itesRpr
East To Handle Permits .Student Government Council will receive a progress report on
This meanstenEast German i'the driving ban study at its regular meeting, 7:30 p.m. today in the
Communist government will han-
dIe canal permits and other inland Union.
waterway problems throuigh the Since the driving study committee is meeting earlier this after-
canal bureau in Magdeburg. The noon, the Council will discuss the report submitted as a final report.
West Germans deal with some In event that a final report is accepted the Regents could con-
paper problems on the subject in ceivably consider the recently announced plan at their monthly meet-
Hamburg. ing next Tuesday.
The British, responsible for the In general, the study committee, headed by Assistant Dean of
canals in the West sinve 1945 be- Men Karl D. Streiff, has recon-"
cause they lead to what cnc3 was
the British occupation zone, emn- mended that all students over FOURTEEN YEARS A(
phasized that their step is only 21 and not in academic difficul-
administrative and does not imply ties be permitted to operate cars
any recognition of the East Gei'- while in attendance at the Univer- U .S.- Janai


end, Khrushchev said the Com-
munist system will win "because
it is the only progressive system
in,the world.
'Ideas Not Stopped by Rifles'
"Like the human organism, dead
cells are being thrown off and
new cells are growing," he contin-
ued. "We are approaching com-
munism without war. Wars can
only harm us. Ideas cannot be
stopped by rifles."
In an earlier speech at a politi-
cal rally h'ere, Khrushchev attack-
ed "colonialism" and Western eco-
nomic and military defense under-
takings in Southeast Asia and the
China area._
U-SU Movie
To Be Shown
Want" to know what actually
happened during the last three
minutes of the Ohio State-Michi-
gan game?
Would you like to again see the
snowball classic that rooted Michi-
gan out of the conference cham-
pionship? The Departmen of Uni-
versity Relations is sponsoring the
showing of the entire game film
this Sunday evening in the Union
The three showings of the 40-
minute black and white film at
7, 8, and 9 p.m. on December 11
will be narrated by Bob Morgan,
Club Secretary of the Alumni As-

A gawky dancing chorus baller-
ina practiced a few last pirouettes
alone on' the center of the stage.
Technicians scurried from elec-
trical signs to false-bottomed
Union Bid
DETROIT W) - Detroit news-
paper publishers yesterday reject-
ed as "highly unrealistic" a new
proposal by AFL-CIO stereotypers
to settle a six-day-old strike which
has shut down the motor city's
three metropolitan dailies.
Robert C. Butz, executive secre-
tary of the Detroit Newspaper Pub-
lishers' Assn., said the new offer
was "A highly unrealistic approach
to the settlement of the dispute."
He said it failed to offer any solu-

gimmicks were in working condi-!
Makeup girls carefully powdered
over hair that just didn't look
right on a bathing beauty's plung-
ing neckline.
Members. of the singing chorus
sat around humming a few barsR
from one of the numbers in the;
show, impatient for Union OperaI
to open.
In the lobby members of the
Opera committee stood around
chatting, impatient for Governor
G. Mennen Williams to arrive.
When he arrived, the Govenlor.
posed for, pictures outside the'
theatre. "You'll get a glare offl
the glass," the photographer was
warned by "Soapy." who notices
those things.
"We're holding the show," whis-
pered a Union official, and .the
Governor entered the theatre,
smiling his familiar smile at the
The lights dimmed, and the1

tion other than a minor revision
in the original proposal." i e llu Terni
George Robinson, president of
Stereotypers Local 9, declined to a
reveal details of the new offer erious Can p
other than to say the union was
"changing parts of our original
proposal in a way we hope will "Our age is limited in vision;
lead to a settlement." end Bernard E. Meland, Universityt
The publishers and union have in a speech yesterday..
met almost daily since the strike Reverend Meland's lecture is
began at 4:30 a.m. Thursday. At '"This I Believe" series sponsored by
a. short break in talks yeste-day
James H. Sampson, inirn'national and the Campus Religion Council.
representative of the stereotypers, Competitiveness in campus lift
said negotiations "are going well." " Reverend Meland said. The result o

the curtain parted a surprising but
appropriate movie screen appeared
on the stage and on it the words:
"We take you now to Hollywood,
where everything is 'Film Flam.' "

No Specific References
$TThe statement contained no ref-
A A ' '10 join erence to any specific remarks of
the Russians.
'County Pact Many Western observers in India
believe Secretary Dulles may have
given the Russians fresh ammuni-
City Councils of Ann Arbor tion for the propaganda war with
Ythe statement. Goa is a very sore
Ypsilanti and East Ann ArborI
have approved joining the Wash- point with most Indians and one
tenaw County Refuse Authority. Influential American businessman
commented in Calcutta yesterday:
Final decision was made after "Dulles couldn't have done any-
the representatives from Ypsilanti thing more effective if he wanted
objected to the no release clause to 'ush the Indians further away
in the contract and the voting from the West."
power held by Ann Arbor. Goa was the scene of bloody
* The organization will eventually clashes between Indian demonstra-
handle garbage and rubbish dis- tors and Portuguese troops last
posal for a large segment of the August.
county's population.' . India Demands Goa
India demands that Portugal
give up Goa, but Portugal thus
s Competition far has refused.
Cunha said in Washington last
week that his country has little
t Pr blmilitary strength in Goa but would
resist to the end if attacked.
IKhrushchev and Bulganin, in
and frustrated in action," Rever- .speeches in India last week, said
of Chicago theology professor, said Portugal's retention of Goa was a
"shame toward civilized people."
the second in this year's annual They said India has a "right to
'the Student Religious Association oust" the Portuguese.
India's Prime Minister Nehru,
e is the basis of many problems, while obviously concerned about
f this exti'eme competition creates other anti - Western statements
anxiety and eventually causes de- made by his recent Russian visi-
tors, is understood to be gravely
spair, he added. 'upset about, Secretary Dulles join-
Meaningless, a disease of the ing in the statement with Cunha.
spirit often follows after competi-
tiveness has subsided. For example'
many of the ardent cynics in the ionsiders
world today are disappointed ideal-
ists, he commented. Tax Rate Hike
Many individuals find the
answer to life's problems by de- A special committee appointed
voting themselves to a cause. He by Mayor William E. Brown to
ointhedsAlv weto arcas.Hestudy the city's tax problem has
cited "; Albert Schweitzer as a asked the city council for infor-
notable example of a modern man mation on the possibilities of a
who has followed this course of hike in water and sewage rates.
action. Martin Luther is another The committee has also asked
person who found an answer to the city controller to obtain in-
life by living for a belief, formation as to the cost of a elassi-
Cfication analysis on all city jobs
Crucial personal experiences, in-from the Michigan Municipal
eluding broken relationships and League.
family deaths, cause a feeling ofL Both repots which will be used
loneliness and despair, Reverend
in determining the extent of local
Meland commented. Religion pro- taxation, were requested for the
vides an answer to these problems nex mptis ,f.teni ri



± ,. l

SAttitudes Chan ge Since Pearl Harbor

man government.
Secretary of State John Foster'
Dulles told a news conference in
Washington that the United Statas
also will hold he Soviets respon-
sible for maintaining all rail and
barge traffic to Berlin.

The present exempt categories
of health, business, commuter and
the like would be retained underI
the tentative plans.



B d ed Also scheduled for Council con-
By a 1949 four-power agreement sideration is a motion by Daily!
the Soviet blockade of Berlin was Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56, 1
lifted and the four powers pledged to shift all senior class elections to
to restore traffic conditions to 'a day other than the all-campus1
normal. SGC balloting.{
The shift of the canal adminis- According to Baad, this would1
tration from the Russians to the
East Germans was made in Octo-make for a more meaningful elec- C
ber without any public announce- tion and would -focus more signifi-!
ment. The British agreed to it, cance on class level participation..
they said, as a papersaving device. Other subjects onthe d
Barge traffic has continued witib- elude a report on the West Pointt
out interruption except for a foreign policy conference by Tom

v- . -.r -----'WVW V
By MARY ANN THOMAS "The Japanese like Americans and American ways," Prof. Beards-v
Fourteen years ago today at Pearl Harbor Japanese aircraft struck ley commented. "Nothing has raised such a storm in that country as
Foutee yers go oda atPeal arbr Jpanse ircaftstrckMarilyn Monroe and Glenn Miller recordings."
the most devastating blow the United States Navy has ever received. y
Although Japanese-American tension had been growing for weeks Ronald S. Anderson, instructor' in the School of Education, basess
prior to the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, the bombing shocked another ground for friendship in the similar educational systems of
the 'nation. War was declared and the United States entered the America and Japan.
longest and most costly war in its history. With an American system of education, Anderson said, "we findc
Many things have happened since that Sunday morning: the ourselves facing the same problems in milder form that face Japan in r
Allies broke the back of, Hitler in Europe, new atomic bombs on the field of education." They have a realistic understanding of our
Nagaski and Hiroshima brought Japan trembling to her knees, the problems, so we "speak'the same language," he continued.2
United Nations was formed in San Francisco to keep the peace, the When Perry opened Japan in 1868 we adopted the role of *elder1
cold war began, United Nations forces fought in Korea. brother' to that country, Anderson explained. Now in the educational
Many changes have also occurred in Japanese-American relations field especially, we find ourselves in the same position.
during the past 14 years. Japan's unconditional surrender in 1945 Recent American proposals for rearming Japan, however, present
ended the war and began seven years of American occupation. Many a "remarkable and dramatic change" in United States policy,.
American, seeing Japanese for the first time, came to realize that according to Prof. Robert E. Ward of the political science department.'
they were people, too. In Japan's surrender and its new constitution, the United Statesv
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