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December 07, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-07

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_____ . .__ w_


ional Trophy Rocketeers
ng Program To Receive
ied for second place among the Charter
L53 competing schools.
The awards were made on the James J. Hartford, executive
basis of 'service in the following secretary of the American Rocket
our areas: Society, will present a charter to
1. Service to member fraternities. the University's new student group
This includes such activities as Thurs tythewosgdntgon's
Fraternity Buying Association and annual meeting.
organized rushing regulations. annua meetingwl aepaea
2 Seviceto ommuity Wor in The meeting will take place at
2. Service to community. Work in 8 p.m. in Kellogg Auditorium with
community charity drives and the Professor George Granger Brown,
annual children's Christmas party consulting engineer and educator,
are included here. cnutn nieradeuao,
ar. Gnlue dent bdyfeatured as the main speaker. He_
3. General student body service. wl ako Eeg ore-
[FC's work in this field included will talk on "Energy Sources-
assisting at student functions such Past, Present, and Future."
aa noThe new student group consists
ls Student Government Council of 45 members and is headed by
4. Upholding fraternity ideals. Ac- president Richard Signor, '56E.1
cording to Bob Wienbaum, '56, The Detroit section will act as a
IFC president, this was the most parent organization for the group.
Michigan's Princeton and Purdue are among
important factor in Mihgnsthe few other student groups spon-
winning the trophy for the secondt
time in three years. sored by ARS.
______n__hreeyear_. Founded in 1930, the ARS is
primarily interested in the inter-
Olson Wfill Go change of ideas in rocket and jet
propulsion and dissemination of
To Conference information through meetings and
publications. It consists of engi-
Dean Willard C. Olson of the neers and scientists devoted to the
University School of Education development and application of
will participate in a conference on the principle of jet propulsion.
the concept of development to be Students who wish to become
held at the University of Minnes- members of the organization must
ota on December 8, 9 and 10. be at least 17 years of age and
The conference commemorates either studying at a redbgnized
30 years of research on child de- educational institution, serving
velopment at the University of as enlisted personnel in the Armed
Minnesota. Forces, or interested in the appli-
Investigators from many spec- cation and development of rocket
ialties in biology, social sciences and jet propulsion.
and medicine will discuss the im- ARS receives most of its funds.
plications of the theme in their from the Chrysler Motor Co. and
particular fields. the University.
Organization Notices
Alpha Phi Omega: Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., Assembly meeting, today, 7:00 p.m.
Room 164, ,Bus. Ad. Bldg. Beginning and intermediate classes in
* * * Hebrew instruction, today, 8:00 p.m.
American Society of Civil Engineers, Executive Committee meeting, Dec.
Student Chapter: Film and speaker 8, 4:00 p.m.
on "Welding in Railroad Maintenance," Friday afternoon coffee hour and
also "Why Attend Camp David?" Today, Chanukah candle lighting ritual, Dec.
7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering. 9, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
* * * Friday evening Sabbath services, fol-
Co-Recreational Badminton Club: lowed by symposium on Chanukah, Dec.
Today, 8:00 p.m., Barbour Gym. 9, 7:15 p.m.
* * * Religious Committee Meeting, today,
Engineering Honor Council: Petitions 4:15 p.m.
may be picked up in Dean Emmons *
office, 249 W.E. and are due Jan. 4; History Department Student-Faculty
interviews Jan. 6. Coffee Hour: Today, 4:30-5:30 p.m., 2nd
* *"* floor Terrace Room, Michigan Union.
Hillel Foundation: Administrative * * *
Council Meeting, Dec. 8, 7:15 p.m. Michigras: Ticket Committee mass
meeting Dec. 8, 7:00 p.m., Room 3-M -N,
s s
Old Time Jazz Society: Today, 7:30
p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Union. Pro-
gram: "Recent Interpretations of Tra-
DIAL NO 2-3136 ditional Jazz."
Phi Sigma: Initiation banquet, Dec.
8, 8:30 p.m., Golden Apples Restaurant
L st Spof the Tower Hotel. Dr. C. Levinthal
of the Department of Physics will
-, RNItG ACROSS speak on his work with viruses.



2 . 6 1.47 2.15
3 .77 1.95 3.23
4 .99 2.46 4.30
Figure 5 overage words to a line.
Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily.
11:00 A.M. Saturday
Phone NO 2-3241
LOST-Nov.a13, Red Norman bicycle,
double baskets, tool bag. Reward.
Phone NO 2-4591, 33 Hayden E.Q.
LOST-Silver tie pin between E. Eng.
and Hill Aud. Sunday afternoon. No-
tify Wm. Hutton-Toledo Museum of
Art, Toledo 2, Ohio. )96Aa
LEATHER JACKET in Union Sunday
evening. Call NO 3-0521 Ext. 395. )98A
LOST-Girl's gold Bulova watch Fri-
day night between Alice Lloyd and
State theater. Please call Ruth. No
3-1561. Room 2549 Alice Lloyd. )97A
LOST-Neighborhood Psi U House, Nov.
16th. Dark blue, English type bicycle,
double rear baskets, tool bag, new
front tire . Reward. Call NO 3-0521,
Ext. 810-Jack. )95A
LOST - %-length light gray overcoat.
Herring bone weave, knap. Phone NO
8-7585. ) 94A
MICH. REPORTS, 342 Vol. to date, 18
Sec. Book Cases, legs, tops. 303 Ham-
mond Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. )91B
OVERCOAT about $30 and boiled shirts
about $5. NO 3-5441. )90B
712 FOOT SKIS with steel edges and
cable bindings. For sale or trade for
6 foot pair. NO 8-6571. )89B
SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, Siamese
cat stud service. NO 2-9020. )87B
FIRE PLACE LOGS. Seasoned Hard-
woods. $12 per cord delivered, N. J.
Coury, Saline, Mich. Call 581R.
MEISSNER FMAM Hi-Fl tuner and am-
plifier; Webster Chicago 3-speed
changer, G.E. V. R. Cartage; G.E.
Speaker $175. Phone NO 3-2249. )B-54
ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88; Sox,
39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplies.
Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )4B
9x12 cottons, all colors, priced
on sale now at $29.95
207 E. Washington NO 3-5536
COOKED and cleaned select cocktail
shrimp for the party, get-togethers at
Washington Fish Market. 208 E. Wash-
ington, NO 2-2589. Free delivery. )3B
'41 FORD $40. University Oldsmobile,
907 N. Main, NO 3-0507. )92N
1950 PLYMOUTH. 4 door, radio, heater.
New tires. In good condition, $195.
Jim White Chevrolet, 222 W. Wash-
ington, NO 2-4588. )91N

1950 FORD V-8 2-door in excellent
shape. $395. University Oldsmobile. 907I
N. Main, NO 3-0507 or 2-9626. )72N
1952 CHEVROLET 2-Door-27,000 Miles.
Radio, heater, white-walls. Call NO
2-6429 after 6. )60N
'49 OLDS, Super 88, cream convertible.
Red leather seats, hydramatic, ra-
dio, heater, new top, white walls.
$350. Call after 6:30, NO 3-1279. )19N

16 TONS of magazine subscriptions to
choose from. Phone Student periodi-
cal, NO 2-3061 days, eves. )62F
SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY the different
way. Send friendly greetings to
friends by advertising in the MICH-
TYPING, Fast accurate work done on
electric typewriter. Past experience-
with printers firm. Experienced in
dissertations, term papers, etc. Call
NO 2-7605. )F57
OPPORTUNITY to live near campus
with young family for girl who will
help evenings. Private room. Phone
NO 2-7040. )19H



TYPING - Manuscripts, Thesis, Disser-
tations, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone NO 2-5336. . )18J
TYPING - Thesis, Term papers, etc.
Reasonable rates, prompt service. 830
South Main, NO 8-7590. 1155
RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes
rewoven. Let us save your clothes.
Weave-Bac Shop, 224 W1kels Arcade.






Is available to you for
making your Personal-
ized Photographic
Christmas cards.
You may use your own
camera, or ours, and
we will furnish the
lighting a n d helpful
Purchase from
1116 S. University
Phone NO 8-6972
Open every Monday and
. Friday evenings 'til
WASHINGS-Aluo ironings privately.
Specializing in cotton dresses. Free
pick up and delivery. Phone NO 2-
9020. )9J
Fine, old certified instruments &
bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )2J
SERVICE SHOP, 1217 S.A. Studio. 1317
S. Univ. )1J
HI-FI Components and Service Audio-
phile, net prices. Telefunken Hi-F1,
AM-FM shortwave radios. Service on
all makes of radios and phonographs.
Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 S.
University. Phone NO 8-7942. 1%
blocks east of East Eng. )iJ

WANTED-Garage near Lawyer's Club
to rent until June. Call Mr. Sosich,
NO 3-4145. Leave message. )6L
WANTED TO RENT - Four bedroom
house for at least one year from July.
Phone NO 2-0779. )7
MATURE WOMAN, Grad student about
to begin teaching urgently needs small
apt, with cooking facilities. Please
call NO 2-1154 between 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
or write 309 N. Ingalls. )$L
SENIOR GIRL desires to share modern
furnished apartment in S.E. section
second semester. NO 8-7860. )240
HELP WANTED: Cook's help - 14
hours week, free meals, snacks. NO 3-
8506. Phone 12 to 2 P.M. )54H
WANTED-Male student to work alter-'
nate nights doing maintenance work.
25-30 years old. Call NO 2-5151 after
9:30 P.M. )49H
WANTED - Carriers for the Michigan
Daily. Excellent salary. Morning de-
livery, no collecting. Call NO 2-3241.
WANTED--cab drivers. Full or part
time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor.
Yellow and Checker Cab Company,
phone NO 8-9382. )6H
RESTAURANT near Ann Arbor. Excel-
lent location and business.
HOTEL centrally located - very good



NO 2-7736

Drive a new car to
Seattle, Denver, Sheveport, La.
Gas paid. No waiting.
2465 Grand River
Detroit, Mich. (downtown)
CallWoodward 1 -3990
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