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May 07, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-07

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Sixty-Fifth Year

"Mr. President, Meet Mr. Eisenhower"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Fellowship Program Can Help
Offset Business Attraction
IT'S NOT NEWS that within fifteen years Ann terms in all University areas, and the program
Arbor may quite probably be unrecognizable. has the wholehearted support of its onlookers.
Everybody's heard that the University's en- For the foresightedness of its urgently-needed
rollment will exceed 40,000, and that the cam- program, the Development Council fellowship
pus' face will be alsomt completely changed by plan deserves the continued generous backing of
a long-rahge construction program. everyone connected with the University.
Few people, however, are aware of steps be- -Jane Howard
ing made to counteract what may be the most
pressing difficulty increased enrollment willN
bring on: the stagnating size of the faculty. No Joy In Flatbush-
Obviously the University can't maintain its O.Malley Whiffs Fans
present standard with a faculty of its present
size, no matter how high enrollments (and tui- S
tion checks) rise, nor how sprawling the physi- A STACK OF halfdollars and automatic um-
cal layout may become. The real measure of pire-baiters may someday become regula-
any university's quality is tested by the calibre, has anyb ball equip ent if Walter O'Malley
and the size, of its staff. haantigosyabui.
O'Malley, the ingenious president of the
STEPS TO offset this danger have originated Brooklyn National League Baseball Club, (oth-
from the Development Council -office, where erwise known as the Dodgers, Bums, Flock,
a program to raise funds for graduate fellow- and Flatbushers) has a new scheme up his
ships in all University branches is already un- sleeve.
derway. If the Federal Communications Commission
Goal of the program is $250,000 to be set will allow it, O'Malley will inaugurate a pay-
aside for the fellowships. as-you-go television plan, putting his lads on
Development Council rationale hits sharply the viedeoscopes for a mere 50c per viewer.
on the complex relationship between education Think of it ... you can sit in your own home
and industry. The two fields have achieved re- and watch the Dodgers play for 50c and see
markable cooperation within the past few the same thing you now watch for free.
mnths, with generous grants from industrial
concerns enabling universities to carry on O'MALLEY EXPLAINS that this price is
much-needed research programs. even cheaper than the lowest priced seat
This is well and good. But the split between in the ball park-and think of all the room
industry and education arises when the indi- you have right there in your own living room.
vidual college graduate must make his first O'Malley is even more pleased to announce
career decision-between the immediate finan- that his organization will clear $50,000 a game
cial rewards a business career can offer him on this system., a tidy sum in any league.
and the more long-range advantages of con- All this is fine and danly ... but what of the
tinued education. poor fan. Gone are the old days of the easy
chair and bottle of beer and a TV ball game.
N TOO MANY CASES the graduate con- The beer and chair have departed, because
cludes, with some justification, that he needs he has had to steal them to raise money to
money, and that he should forego the advanced keep O'Malley's coffers filled
education he might originally have preferred, kep 'ay'sofes .i.
It's safe to predict that such a situation will .One ray of hopeseems to lighten this other-
stock business offices with more than their quo- wise dark situation. Maybe O'Malley will con-
ta of ability-and will leave professorial chairs, chine, so our fans, for an additional quarter
in too many cases, vacant, dropped in the TV set, can take lethal aim at
If the Development Council realizes its goal of the umpire's thick head. A push on a button,
$250,000 the oncoming threat will be at least and by remote control, your bottle is released
partially offset. At least a few graduates can andeballn yrkbsveal issreay ased
then continue their educations, eventually at the ball park several miles away-and sped
adopting teaching careers, and filling the fac- ay.
ulty rosters when the enrollments begin to mul- I[ COAXED ENOUGH, O'Malley may even
consent to install a private loudspeaker sys-
ONE IMPORTANT SPECIFICATION: fellow- tem for each subscriber to shout abuse at the
ships this program will make possible won't umps. Of course, there would undoubtedly be
be limited to technical fields. They'll allow for a fee for this also.
many prospective liberal arts professors as di- But sports fans, don't lose faith. If you don't
rectors of nuclear research projects. go for all these conveniences you can always
Response to the recently-launched program switch channels and watch the Yanks or Gi-
has been encouraging: business concerns, ants for free-that is if O'Malleyism doesn't
foundations, alumni and friends of the Uni- spread. If it does, there will be no joy in Mud-
versity have begun to contribute. The need for ville-for Big League baseball will have struck
fellowships has been emphasized in strong out. -Phil Douglis
Murry Frymer -
'Can't Imagine' Paul Leaving


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'K idnappers' Presents
Portrait of Young Life
'THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS" is a delightful and highly entertain-
ing bit of movie making about two little boys who grow up in
Nova Scotia. Its chief appeal is a refined kind of sentimentality which
never becomes saccarine, and a pleasantly engaging romantic outlook
on childhood.
Eight-year-old Harry (Jon Whiteley) and five-dear-old Davy
(Vincent Winter) come to their Grandaddy's (Duncan Macrae) farm
because they are orphans.
Grandaddy sends them to school, teaches them to pray, and at-
tempts to bring them up as disciplined Christian youth. The boys,:

GOP Governors 'Nix' Nixon:

OP REPUBLICAN Governors in
Washington this week rebell-
ed privately but vigorously against
the idea of accepting Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon as the GOP candidate
if Ike doesn't run.
Informed that the President had
been trying to sell "his boy Dick,"
GOP governors threw up their
hands. They remembered the all
too recent Gallup poll showing Ke-
fauver running far ahead of Nix-
on in a test Presidential heat. And
no matter how much Ike likes
Dick, GOP politicos are making it
clear they don't like Dick them-
It was to sell Nixon that Ike
bowed out of the proposed trip to
San Francisco for the 10th anni-
versary of the United Nations. The
excuse Eisenhower gave was that
his schedule was too crowded.
When San Franciscans checked his
schedule, however, they found it
was not crowded, but that Ike was
just pushing Nixon to the fore in-
* * *
IT'S A SAFE prediction that An-
thony Eden will win the British
elections. He should gain around
90 seats.
Able Solicitor General Simon
Sobeloff, who refused to sign one
of Attorney General Brownell's
"witch hunting" briefs before the
Supreme Court, can have a judge-
ship anytime he wants it ... Thur-
man Arnold, when Assistant Attor-
ney General, got a U.S. circuit
judgeship when he started to pro-
secute Pan American Airways dur-
ing the Roosevelt Administration.
Harlan F. Stone, Attorney General
under Coolidge, got a Supreme
Court judgeship when he started
to prosecute the Aluminum Cor-
poration of America. Justice De-
partment officials who are con-
scientious but don't conform po-
litically get judgeships handed
them on a silver platter no matter
what political party is in power
* * *
IT LOOKS AS IF the chief bene-

ficiaries from the oyster digging
by Navy men at government ex-
pense near Newport News, Va.,
were the admirals. An investiga-
tion by the Navy at Cheatham
Annex, Va., recently reported by
this column, shows that for years
civilian workers have been em-
ployed by the Navy Department at
the taxpayers' expense to dig oys-
ters and send them to the high
brass in Washington and Norfolk.
Although junior officers were
officially cited in the investigation
report, it now develops that among
the admirals who got the oysters
were Vice Adm. "Oyster Forks
Charley" Fox, Rear Adm. John
Ends Wood, former Commander
of the Norfolk Supply Center, and
Adm. T. Earle Hipp, also stationed
in Norfolk.
Admiral Wood, now retired and
living at Elkins Park, Pa., was
quite frank in admitting that he
relished oysters.
"Did you know, Admiral," he
was asked by this column, "that
oyster digging was going on at
Cheatham Annex 2"
* *i *
"YES," SAID the Admiral, "as
a matter of fact I received a quart
personally every once in a while.
But as far as I knew, they were

being gathered during off-duty
"Did you assume, Admiral, that
the employees at Cheatham were
volunteering their free time to sup-
ply oysters for Navy officers?"
"Well," parried the Admiral,
"there are all kinds of good things
down in that part of the country
-fish, oysters, lobster. I just as-
sumed some of the officers went
out on week ends and picked up
these oysters."
Actually, oyster digging for the
benefit of admirals by Navy per-
sonnel cost the taxpayer about
$2,000 a year.
* * *
IT ISN'T OFTEN that a high-up
fficial who loses his job goes
back home to run for humble of-
However, Tom Buchanan, hard-
hitting former Chairman of the
Federal Power Commission, has
gone back to his home town of
Beaver, Pa., to run for judge of
the Court of Common Pleas.
Buchanan is the FPC chairman
who did almost more than any
other one man to protect consum-
ers of natural gas and electricity
from the big gas companies and
an oil-gas millionaire himself,
helped knock him off the FPC.
(Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)

however, tire of their lonely exis-
tence and begin to plead for a dog.
dogs; he will not feed animals that
cannot be eaten. One day, Harry
and Davy come upon a baby that
has been temporarily abandoned
by its sister. They decide it will
do in lieu of a dog, and proceed to
set it up in a homemade shelter.
The kidnapping is finally dis-
covered by Grandaddy; Davy,
afraid the child will suffer the fate
of domesticated animals, screams,
"Don't eat it, Grandaddy. Don't
eat it." Wrathful neighbors bring
the boys to court and the fury of
righteous society is turned upon
the innocents; but the matter is
happily solved.
It is rather obvious that every-
one concerned with the film (from
screenplay writer to director)
knows and understands children.
Never are the boys allowed to be-
come overly "cute." Their scenes
have a fresh and appealing nat-
uralness, as if the camera were
catching them at an unsuspecting
moment of play.
* * *
WHITELEY AND Winter, the
youngsters, have natural acting
ability and they read their lines
with the abandon and unrestraint
that is a mark of the very young.
Fortunately, Writer Neil Paterson
has supplied them with believable
Woven into the main story are
several sub-plots, the chief of
which is a poignant and rather
moving romance between Adrienne
Corri and Theodore Bikel. The ma-
jor difficulty is that beside the
boys, it seems rather superfluous;
but it is played with admirable
There is also the tender plight
of Grandaddy who learns how to
express his inner kindness and love
through the aid of his young
In 'Prince'
best be described as a series
of Shakespearean cameos.
It is the semi-historical account
of the Booth family; Junius, Ed-
win and John Wilkes, two gener-
ations of American Shakespear-
ean actors of the middle 19th cen-
Junius Brutus Booth (Raymond
Massey) was an actor with a touch
of genius, a touch of madness and
an insatiable craving for alcohol.
His greating acting hopes were for
his son John (John Derek), yet
Ned (Richard Burton) was the son
on which he leaned.
UNABLE TO continue a tour of
the West Coast, the king abdi-
cated in favor of Ned, and on his
return home died in a drunken
stupor. Ned, at first received poor-
ly by the miners for which he
played, soon carried the Booth
septer to heights it had never be-
fore known.
Then began the. conflict of the
two brothers. Ned was obviously
the better actor, so to compensate
for his deficiency, John began a
career of spying for the South, a
career which culminated in the
assassination of Lincoln.
But the story mainly concerns
Ned's theatrical advance, his fear
that some of his father's madness
has tainted him, also, and his

great love for his wife, Mary Dev-
ln (Maggie McNamara).
* * *
MASSEY IS properly tragic,
Derek is adequate in a compara-
tively small part and Miss Mc-
Namara is quite good as Mary
Devlin. But from the moment Bur-
ton steps on stage as Richard, the
movie is his.
The best things about this movie
are the Shakespearean scenes, and
in them, Burton is superb. Since
they are the best known of the
Bard's endeavors ("My kingdom
for a horse," the balcony scene,
"To be or not to be" and the mo-
ther-son scene from "Hamlet"),
they are also the most difficult,
and Burton carries off a difficult
job in a manner that would please
John Guilgud.
His Richard is distracted and
Amhif'P ~ti he. n - - fril .

DUNCANdMACRAE as the stern
master and Jean Anderson as
Grandma contribute a living por-
trait of unbending, nineteenth-
century parents, whose deep love
of children can only be ineffec-
tively expressed.
The Little Kidnappers is a fine
example of off-beat filming. Its
British producers (Sergei Nolban-
dov and Leslie Parkyn) have wov-
en a fresh portrait of young life
that should prove worthwhile for
many more than the art audiences.
to whom the film is now being
shown in the United States.
-Ernest Theodossin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of th University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to al members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
foree10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 151
"Frosh Weekend" pictures will be on
display in the lobby of the Women's
League till Wed., May 12. Sign up for
copies early.
A U.S. Air Force Reserve Recruiting
Team will be at the Michigan Union
Room 3g on Tues., May 10, from 9 A.M.
to 5 p.m., for the purpose ofinterview-
ing all veterans and non-prior Service-
men interested in joinfhg the 439th
Fighter Bomber Wing (Reserve), which
trains one weekend each month at Sel-
fridge Air Force Base, Mt. Clemens,
Late permission for women students
who attended the French Play Wed.,
May 4, will be not later" than 11:05 p.m.
Late permission for women students
who attended the Rudolf Serkin and
the Philadelphia Orchestra Concert
Thurs., May 5 will be no later than 11:20
Beginning Tues., May 10, the follow-
ing School Representatives will be at
the Bureau of Appointments for in-
Tues., May 10
Fowlerville, Michigan--Teacher Needs:
H.S. English; Girl's Physical Education;
Jr. High English-Social Studies; 7th
Grade Mathematics-Socil Studies; Ele-
mentary Music-Art combination; Fourth
Wed., May 11
Allen Park, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Speech Correction; Fourth; Third
St. Joseph, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
H.S. Girl's Physical Education; H.S. Li-
brarin; Kindergarten; First Grade; Sec-
ond Grade; Third Grade; Fifth Grade;
Sixth Grade; Seventh Grade.
Thurs., May 12
Wailed Lake, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: Early and Later Elementary.
Charlevoix, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
First Grade; English-Speech.
For appointments or additional infor-
mation contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO

A FRIPHTENED, scrawny looking freshman,
a little of the "hick" showing through,
tiptoed into an East Quad lounge seven years
ago and looked around.
Those that noticed him felt a little sorry
for him. Then the freshman sat down to
play the piano, and no one ever felt sorry
for Paul McDonough again.
Last night, at a graduate mixer, Paul Mc-
Donough assembled his orchestra for a fare-
well appearance in Ann Arbor. The Escanaba
honky-tonk pianist will graduate from the
University Law School next month for a
career that will attempt to mix law with
music, a .rather uncommon combination.
It's been a cheer-packed seven years for
Paul. Thousands of couples have danced to his
orchestra in" that time. Many thousands of
others have whistled his songs, in an area
extending, generally, from Buffalo to Chicago
--the Union Opera's usual road itinerary.
The Dail Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers......................... ....City Editor
Jon Sobeloff................ .. Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs... . .. . ........ ..Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad . .............'..Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston..........................S ports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.............Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer..........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........................Women's Editor
Janet Smith.......... .Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtze:....................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........................Business Manager
Phlunkl....... As-msoteRi n,,- A- .E

PAUL JOINED the Opera four years ago for
a show called "Never Too Late." He wrote
comparatively little, but one song he did write,
"Can't Imagine" became, and still is, a cam-
pus favorite.
Speaking with a little of the reminiscence
in his eye, Paul attributes the song to a
"crush" for his orchestra's vocalist Betty Mag-
yar. Betty's getting married (to another) this
fall, so there's usually a teary violin in the
arrangement when he plays the song now.
Paul feels that where his piano-playing is
concerned, he may have come on the scene
25 years too late. His nimble fingers are hap.
pier banging out a ragtime beat than "this
Dave Brubeck stuff."
BUT THAT he can still make honky-tonk
style appealing is witnessed by the fact
that an Escanaba nightclub offered $200 a week
for his talents this summer.
A law professor heard the figures and like
everyone else wondered, "Why study law?"
Paul isn't too sure himself. He'll admit that
his first love is music, but is proud that de-
spite a four-year time-consuming hitch with
the Opera, he's getting out of law school at a
relatively green age of 23.
(And he'll deny the rumor that the reason
he went to law school was to continue his
career with the all-male musical.)
At the piano, old time song favorites are
his forte and he can rattle off music, lyrics
and even date of publication to most any tune
back to 1895.
THE MEN of Strauss house, his home for
the six years, were soon happy to find
that he likes nothing more than to play, and
have a group around the piano sing along.
He's been known to go on for hours this way,
until the last hoarse voice softly whispers it*

'Missa Solemnis' Pleasing
At May Festival

THE Philadelphia Orchestra with
the University Choral Union
gave a pleasing performance of
Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis" at
last night's May Festival Con-
Although the work has many
beautiful portions it is not the
type that is overly impressive. The
composition does not give soloists.

chorus, or orchestra a
nant part.


Little Man On Campus By Bibler
- /

THE CHORUS did a good job
most of the evening. However,
its weakest point was diction. As
is usual for works of this type
clarity is sacrificed for the beau-
ty of the music.
The chorus did sing with good
intonation and balance through-
out the evening. However the
voices seemed to strain a great
deal in many of their louder pas-
Lois Marshall gave her usual
fine performance. Miss Marshall
sang with ease and flexibility and,
the power necessary to fill Hill
Auditorium. ,
LESLIE CHABAY'S performance
was marked by wide fluctua-
tions in quality. In the softer parts
Mr. Chabay's voice captured exact-
ly the style and emotions neces-
sary, but he seemed to strain in
order to be heard when the or-
chestra's accompaniment got loud-
Nell Rankin and Morley Mere-
dith both gave acceptable rendi-
tions of their parts. But neither
seemed secure enough to become
absorbed in the music. Both gave
their best performances in the
Agnus Dei section of the work.

The following representatives will not
be at the Bureau of Appointments for
interviews but have the following va-
Alpena, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
Art-upper grades and supervises art
program in the lower grades (Elemen-
tary); Girl's Physical Education-up-
per elementary grades and supervises
the program in the lower grades. H.S.
Clothing; Commercial-Shorthand, type-
writing, etc., Industrial Arts; English--
combination of dramatics or speech
would be helpful; History-mainly Unit-
ed States History (H.S.), but position
will include combination of H.S. his-
tory and community college political
science or some other community col-
lege social study; College-Science (Bi-
ology, Introduction to Physical Science,
Physiology-Hygiene; School Nurse.
Benzonia, Michigan (Benzonia Rural
Agricultural School) - Teacher Needs:
County Speech Correction; Early Ele-
mentary; Senior High English-Lan-
guages; Football-Baseball Copich (teach-
ing combination can be worked out in
Jr. or Sr. High); H.S. Mathematics-Sci-
ence; H.S. Band-vocal.
Cement City, Mlichigan'Cement city
Rural Agricultural Schools) - Teacher
Needs: Early and Later Elementary;
H.S. (any two of the following areas:-
English, Science, Mathematics, Ass't
Coaching); H.S. Shop-Agriculture.
Detroit, Michigan (Redford Township
School District)-Teacher Needs: Early
and Later Elementary; Elementary Li-
brarian; Elementary Music; Jr. High
English-Social Studies; H.S. English.
Social Studies; Jr. High Mathematics;
Jr. High Home Economics; Secondary
Vocal Music (Male); Girl's Physical Ed-
ucation (including swimming); French-
Latin; Auto Mechanics-Machine Chop;
Dexter, Michigan (Dexter Agricultur-

.t I

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