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January 07, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-07

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Latest Deadline in the State



(See Page 2)



-Daily-Bill Van Osterhout
WOLVERINE CAPTAIN Bill MacFarland takes a shot at Michiigan State goalie Ed Schiller in last
night's action at Demonstration Hall in East Lansing. Michigan won, 5-2, in the first of the two-
game series with the Spartans this weekend. In the background, moving in toward the action, is
wing Dick Dunnigan (6). MacFarland's shot can be seen going wide of the cage past Schiller.

Michigan Icers Win Over MSU,


'partans Seek Revenge Here Tonight


Special To The Daily

EAST LANSING-M i s h i g a n
moved into a second place tie in
the Western Intercollegiate Hock-
ey League last night' by downing
an erratic Michigan State team
here, 5-2.
Tonight the teams will square
off in the second game of the two
game series at the Coliseum in
Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. Tickets will
Paper Strike
DETROIT (AM)-A union spokes-
man said striking printers and
publishers of Detroit's three closed
dailies were so near agreement
last night that "one more meeting
ought to do it."
A settlement with the printers,
however, would not necessarily
mean an immediate resumption of.
publication. Mailers and stereo-
typers also are on strike and con-
tracts with three other unions re-
main unsettled.-
A walkout of stereotypers Dec.
1 closed the morning Free Press
and the afternoon Times and
Sessions Held
Printers and publishers held
r two long bargaining sessions yes-
terday, and Kennett Hull, presi-
dent of the striking printers, told
"We received an offer similar to
that made the stereotypers, but,
of course, that isn't enough.
"I think we have got the juris-
dictional question settled, but I'm
not sure."
Meet Today
The publishers meet at 10 a.m
today with the mailers, an affiliate
of the International Typographical
Union to which the printers be-
long. Woodruff Randolph, Inter-I
national President of the ITU, sat
in on today's negotiations and is
expected at tomorrow's sessions
with both the mailers and print-
Publishers have said repeatedly1
that a dispute over union juris-
diction involving the printers,
photo-engravers and the News-
paper Guild was proving a major
stumbling block in negotiations..
Printers have demanded that
contract language specifically give
them jurisdiction over any new
printing process that may be
adopted, including that using
photo typesetting. To meet their
demands completely would give
printers jurisdiction over artists
now represented by the guild
and photo-engravers, both separ-
ate unions with their own con-
Fadinan Talk.

be on sale today at the Athletic
Administration Building until five
o'clock and at the Coliseum after
Michigan completely dominated
last night's contest before 2,130
fans until the third period when
the Spartans were finally able
to tally twice. The Wolverines had
jumped off to a 4-0 lead in the
first two periods.
Dunnigan Leads Scoring
Dick Dunnigan led Michigan's
scoring with a pair of goals. Tom
Rendall, Wally Maxwell, and cap-
tain Bill MacFarland each con-
tributed single scores. Spartan
goals were garnered by defense-
man Bob Jasson axed center Gene
Although Michigan was not
overly impressive in victory, it
still managed to outskate and out-
hustle the Spartans throughout
the game. Wolverine coach Vic

Heyliger credited goalie Ed Sch-
iller of Michigan State with pre-
venting the sluggish Spartans
from being "entirely routed." Sch-
iller had 26 saves for the evening.
Michigan scored first after a
sloppy start at 11:36 of the open-
ing period. After Schiller had
turned away a 20-foot smash from
MacFarland's stick, D u n n i g a n
grabbed the rebound and drove it
into the net.
Rendall Scores
Less than two minutes later,
Rendall converted a 25-foot solo
shot from the left side of the net
for the Wolverines' second goal.
The Spartan defense was com-
pletely outmaneuvered with no
one, except Schiller, between Ren-
dall and the goal.
The Wolverines controlled the
puck for the rest of the period and
See DUNNIGAN, Page 4

U.S. Asks
Of Russians
Charges for Plane
Shot Down in June
WASHINGTON W)-A $724,947
damage bill was presented to the
Soviet ambassador by the State
Department yesterday for the
shooting down of a United States
Navy patrol plane by Russian
fighters last June over the Ber-
ing Sea.
Total damages, including in-
juries to the 11 American crew-
men, were assessed at $1,449,895,
but the United States had agreed
to accept Russia's offer of half
paymentbecause, of "special cir-
cumstances" involved.
The plane, a two-engine Nep-
tune, was downed in flames June
Crew Injured
All 11 crew members suffered
injuries ranging from bullet
wounds to burns and shock. Seven
required hospital treatment.
Russia and the United States
blamed each other for the inci-
dent. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles accepted Russia's
offer to pay half the damages
while "not condoning the illegality
of the Soviet conduct."
Preparations were under way at
the time for the July summit con-
ference of Big Four powers in
Geneva, and Sec. Dulles' accept-
ance of the Russian offer was
viewed as an effort to smooth the
Weather Blamed
In making the Russian offer last
June 26, Soviet Foreign Minister
Vyacheslav Molotov cited heavy
cloud conditions which made vis-
ibility poor. He said this did not
"exclude the possibility of a mis-
take from one side or the other."
Molotov insisted the United
States plane was inside Soviet
territory and opened fire when
approached by Russian jet fighters.
He expressed regret at the inci-
The State Department denied
the American plane had violated
the Rtssian frontier, maintaining
it at no time was any closer to
Russia than midway over the Ber-
ing Sea channel which separates
Alaska from Russia. It crash-
landed on St. Lawrence Island.
Attack Unprovoked
In yesterday's note containing
the bill, the United States re-
peated its contention that the at-!
tack was unprovoked.
The United States note was de-
livered to Soviet Ambassador
Georgi Zarubin and made public
by the StateDepartment. n
A breakdown of damages in
round figures made available by
the State Department included:
cost of the Neptune plane $294,-
700; value of plane equipment de-
stroyed $95,645; cost of search and
rescue $3,000; costs to U.S. govern-
ment resulting from crewmen's
injuries and disabilities $335,674;
personal injuries to crew members
$90,000; loss of personal property
aboard the plane $875.
Press Officer Comments
State Department press officer
Lincoln White said he understood
the $90,000 for personal injuries
would be distributed among the
injured crewmen, but he said he
had no details.
Dulles' note requested that the
$724,947 be made payable in
United States dollars.

Admi~ts Red Ties
WASHINGTON ('i-Benjamin Fine, education editor of The
New York Times, testified yesterday he was a Communist party
member for about a year while a graduate stu'dent at Columbia
University in the 1930s.
He acknowledged he had made "a tragic mistake" and cautioned
present day students against the same error.
Fine was the final witness as the Senate Internal Security sub-
committee closed out three days of public hearings into alleged Com-
munist infiltrations of the press and other news fields.
Fine Praised
Chairman James 0. Eastland (D-Miss.) and Sen. William Jenner
(R-Ind.) praised Fine as "a fine citizen" and a "credit to your
" " 1 i - 9 X 1 - + , 1..,.........


Man Cleared
Of Charges
WASHINGTON (A)--A special
loyalty board yesterday cleared
William Henry Taylor of disloyalty
charges which have hung over
him seven years.
Taylor, 48, was a Treasury ex-
pert in the Truman administration.
Hall Fairbanks, secretary of the
International Organizations Loy-
alty Board, announced that--on
the basis of new evidence-the
board has reversed a June 28 find-
ing that there was "reasonable
doubt" of Taylor's loyalty.
Taylor was among those accus-
ed by Elizabeth Bentley of being
members of a Communist espion-
age ring which operated inside the
government during World War II.
Miss Bentley, a professed ex-
Soviet agent, has told her story to
several, congressional committees
in appearances going back to 1948.
Taylor's attorney, Byron N.
Scott, told reporters the loyalty
board's new finding not only at-
tacks the reliability of Miss Bent-
ley but "throws strong suspicion"
on Atty.-Gen. Herbert Brown-
ell's testimony before the Senate
Internal Security sub-committee
in November 1953.
TU' Appoints
New Professor
Wilbur J. Cohen, director of re-
search and statistics for the So-
cial Security Administration, has
been named a professor in the
University's school of social work.
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare Marion B. Folsom yes-
terday announced Cohen's resig-
nation, saying that his leaving
would be a great loss.
Cohen, originally from Mil-
waukee, plans to move with his
family to Ann Arbor this month.
He had been associated with the
Social Security program for more
than 20 years.1

busiess. When the hearings end-
ed, Sen. Eastland and Sen. Jenner
issued a joint statement in which
they said the hearings "disclosed
many things. including a signifi-
cant effort on tW part of the
Communists to penetrate leading
American newspapers."
Testimony yesterday included:
1. There was a Red Cell on the
New York Herald Tribune in the
Invoke Fifth Amendment
2. Two witnesses who yesterday
invoked the Fifth Amendment
privilege against compulsory self-
incrimination were fired by The
New York Times after they mdi-
cated they would take this course.
Those who said they had lost
their jobs were Nathan Aleskovsky,
until recently assistant Book Re-
view editor of the Sunday Times,.
and Jack Shafer, a copyreader.
Sen. Eastland and Sen. Jenner,
said in their statement that the
subcommittee in its pursuit of the
trail of Communist activity "has
been fully cognizant in its study
to avoid any step which could
fairly be interpreted as an effort
to exercise congressional pressure
upon the American press."
Statement Adds
The statement added:
"At the same time we have been
seriously aware of our responsi-
bility not to flinch from uncov-
ering the activities of subversive
elements just because those ef-
forts involved attempted penetra-
tion of media for the dissemination
of information and the formation
of opinion.






Lots Policed
.Starting today University
parking lots will be policed
through Saturday noon instead
of Monday through Friday, ac-
cording to Manager of Service
Enterprises Francis Shiel.
Shiel said the move was
necessary because faculty mem-
bers with Saturday morning
classes are having difficulty
Chile's Head
Puts'Do wn
SANTIAGO. Chile {i'} - Presi-
'dent Carlots Ibanez, using his
extra powers under a state of
siege, cracked down swiftly yes-
terday on union leaders, opposi-
tion politicians and newspapermen'
in an effort to choke off a threat-
ened nationwide strike.
Flying squads of police arrested:
250 persons, many identified as
Communists or pro-Communist.
But last night Baudillo Casano-
va, secretary general of the pow-
erful Central Labor Union, de-
clared defiantly from a secret
hideout that the strike would be-
g'i as scheduled Monday and
would continue indefinitely.
Among those arrested was Clo-
tario Best, president of the union,
Communist and Popular Social
Party leaders, and other union of-
Four army regiments and 500
navy troops were broiught into the
capital from the provinces to swell
Santiago's military strength to
The strike was called to protest
the goverrnment's proposal to
freeze wages, prices and pensions
in an effort to curb Chile's soar-
ing inflation.
Labor union officials and gov-
ernment opposition groups con-
tended the proposal would cause
hunger throughout the nation.
The government replied that dras-
tic steps must be taken to save
the economy.
Under the state of siege, public

House Improvement Topic
Of Today's IHC Conference
More than 100 student delegates and members of the administra-
tion are expected to attend today's Inter-House Council Conference
in the Union.
This is the third annual session of the conference which Uni-
versity President Harlan H. Hatcher last year termed an excellent
opportunity for students to talk with the administration about mutual
Today's conference, however, is not just a rehash of the past
years' meetings, IHC President Tom Bleha, '56, emphasized.
Conference Differs
Bleha said the difference this year is that the 'conference is based
on the house. The theme of today's meetings, "Let's Improve the




W 0



Vain Attempt
Mao Still Holds
Thirteen in Jails
-LONDON (P)-Red China shunt-
ed aside yesterday United States
State Department efforts to speed
the release of 13 Americans still
in Chinese jails.
A government statement broad-
cast by Peiping radio said the Mao
Tze-tung regime would deal with
the Americans when and how it
saw fit and "no foreign interfer-
ence would be allowed."
Scorning Washington's charge
that Peiping has violated a Sept.
10 agreement to free all Americans
"expeditiously," the s t a t e m e n t
Offenders Apprehended
I "Americans who o f f en de d
against the law in China must be
dealt with in accordance with
Chinese legal procedures, and no
time limit can be set for their
The toughly worded declaration
dampened hopes in London that
the Chinese Reds would smooth
the way to a Far East settlement
through prompt release of the re-
maining Americans in prison.
United States Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles has made it
plain that release of the Ameri-
cans must come before the United
States will enter into any agree-
ment with Red China on other
issues dividing the two countries.
Conference Sought
The Communist broadcast re
newed Peiping's demand for an
early conference between Dulles
and Red China Premier-Foreign
Minister Chou En-lal "to discuss
'relaxation and elimination of ten-
sion" in the Formosa area.
It called for a speedy end to the
Western embargo on shipment of
strategic goods to Red China.
The statement warned the
United States to move quickly to-
ward agreement on these issues or
face breakdown of the Geneva
negotiations between Red China's
Wang Ping-nat and United States
Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson.
The Geneva talks have been going
'on sporadically for five months;
and it was there that the Sept.
10 agreement on release of pris-
oners was announced.
Chinese Will Work
"The Chinese side will continue
to work for an agreement," yes-
terday's statement said. "ow-
ever, the Chinese people will not':
consent to the endless dragging
out ofthe Sino-American talks."
Yesterday's broadcast said Red
China already has released 27 of
the 40 Americans "who had co-
mitted offenses against the law"
and claimed this was done as fast
as possible. The statement added
that "a clear distinction" must be
made between the American "law-
breakers" and 'release of ordinary
American residents who were de-
New Contract
By Air Force
Force announced yesterday an ad-
ditional contract for 248 million
dollars worth of B52 heavy bomb-
The planes will be produced at
both Seattle, Wash., and Wichita,

Ken., plants of the Boeing Air-
plane Co., the announcement said.
A spokesman said the announce-
ment did not mean an increase in
the eventual total number of the
long - range, high - speed, all - jet
bombers, but merely represented
one more order in the over-all B52
procurement program.
The Air Force has never offi-

4House," echoes the plan for the

conference. Actually, Bleha ex-
lorida Visit plained, the discussions are intend-
ed to provide new ideas and a
stimulus for improving the house
and raising its spirit.
A summary session of the day's
meetings will conclude the confer-
ence this afternoon. The final
KEW WEST, Fla. OP)-The word meeting will feature remarks by
from President Dwight D. Eisen- IHC officers and by Dean of Men
hower's doctor yesterday was that Walter B. Rea.
the President is getting "a world Leaders to Summarize
of good" out of a Florida visit in- Discussion leaders will summar-
tended to condition him for re- 1'ize the highlights of their indi-
sumption of a full work load. vidual meetings.
The report was relayed to news- Delegates, representing all houses
men by the White House physi- in the IHC system, will arrive at
cian, Maj. Gen. Howard M. Sny- the Union at 9:15 a.m. today for
der, who has been here with Presi- registration. The first meetings
dent Eisenhower since the party follow at 9:45 a.m.
arrived from Washington Dec. 28. After a 15-minute break, the
The present plan is for the second series of meetings begins
President to leave here by plane at 11 a.m. and lasts an hour. Dele-
for the capital tomorrow after- gates and guests will have lunch-
noon. eon at West Quadrangle and then'
The visit could be an important return to the Union for 1 p.m.
factor in President Eisenhower's discussions and a summary ses-;
decision on whether to seek a sion at 2 p.m.
second term. Four Sessions Held
President Eisenhower turned up During each discussion period,
at his office at 8:40 a.m. yester- four . sessions will be going onI
day and spent two hours with Sec- simultaneously, necessitating each:
retary of Agriculture Ezra T. Ben- house to send four delegates to;
son going over the special farm the conference.
message to be sent to Congress One of the morning discussion
Monday. topics is the Michigan House plan

"The committee proposes," the meetings are banned, newspapers
statement added, "to explore with and radio stations censored, and
thoroughness and conscience leads i warrants are not necessary for
which have been furnished in these search of homes and the making
hearings." of arrests in the country.
, h,
Michigan Republican Accuses
Williams of Political Blindness
LANSING (A)-A Republican spokesman replied today to charges
made by Gov. G. Mennen Williams that the Eisenhower Administration
had done nothing for minority groups.
John Feikens, Republican state chairman, hit back at statements
made by Williams in a speech at Los Angeles, Calif. He accused Wil-
liams of "political blindness."
"Minority groups know that never since the days of Abraham
Lincoln has more been done to rid our nation of racial discrimination
than has been accomplished in the few years of President Dwight
>D. Eisenhower's administration,"
Feikens said.
3 *"Segregation in the armed forces
r'I g O t has ended; discrimination in de-
fense plants has ended; minori-
ties have been given full recogni-
tion in high pube of fice, including
Michigan's own Charles Mahoney
who was named delegate to the
United Nations; more states have
adopted the Fair Employment
Practices legislation, including
f Michigan; racial segregation was
' ended in veterans' hospitals, and
f violations of civil rights have been
prosecuted vigorously."
! ij North Campus

Site Cleared for Pa

Site of Fire
A small fire broke out in the
new North Campus housing pro-
ject last night, destroying, a tem-
porary roof over newly laid: foun-

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