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July 07, 1955 - Image 1

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Wisconsin Plan To Unity

College Boards

Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 2


VOL. LXV, No.13S



'U' Officials Comment
O Single-Board Idea
Gov. Kohler's Proposal Revives Controversy
Of Separate vs. Centralized School Boards
A recent attempt by Wisconsin's Gov. Walter J. Kohler to con-
centrate the operation of the University of Wisconsin and nine state
colleges under a single board has renewed the issue of whether one
board or separate boards are better for education.
The answer of the Wisconsin State Assembly to the governor's
1 proposal was to retain two separate boards, one for the University of
Wisconsin and another for the other nine state colleges. Instead, it
passed a bill creating a co-ordinating committee to harmonize the
policies of the two boards.
Proposals have been made that a single, centralized board be
established for all Michigan colleges and universities. University
officials, though not taking a definite stand, have indicated disfavor
with the single-board idea.
'Not Proved Helpful'
- University President Harlan H. Hatcher, pointing out his opinion
was only one of general observation of the single-board system in
other states, said yesterday, "It has not proved to be a helpful
solution in the states that have tried it."
This is the general opinion of those who have watched the
single-board system, he added. Among the states whose institutions
of higher learning are governed by one board are North Carolina,
Oregon, Montana, Georgia and Iowa.
Director of University Relations Arthur L. Brandon agreed with
President Hatcher. The single board "has not worked particularly
for the advancement of education in the states that have tried it,"
Brandon said.
Somewhere Between'
He pointed out that some think the competition between separate.
'boards is good for education, while others argue that a single board
would bring more educational statesmanship. "I think the answer is
somewhere in between," Bandon said.
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said he
"was not at all certain that a single board will accomplish all that its
proponents think it will."
A single board has been called the only way to eliminate "unneces-
sary competition" among schools. Niehuss listed this as one of the
"possible advantages," but also advanced some disadvantages.
Two Disadvantages
He mentioned the "difficulty of one board being familiar with
several institutions" and a possible "dissipation of a board's interest
and knowledge." He did not think there would be that singleness of
purpose and interest in the institution that separate boards for
different schools have.
Niehuss also said, "I don't think there have been any clear answers
of more effective administration with single boards."
The only experiment with a single board that has proved at all
successful, according to President Hatcher and Niehuss, has been the
California system. "But that was developed from the beginning,"
President Hatcher said.
Amendment Needed
Other aspects to be considered are the tendency of a common
board to level off education" mentioned by .Brandon, and the fact
that a change in Michigan would require a constitutional amendment,
pointed up by Niehuss.
"I'm inclined to look more for voluntary and effective cooperation
between the boards," Niehuss said. Brandon pointed out that Michigan
has attempted to work out a co-ordinating committee similar to
Wisconsin's through the Council of State College Presidents. "Studies
G the Council has made have been very helpful," Brandon said, "but the
Council lacks power."
President Hatcher indicated that committees are presently study-
ing possible answers to more Affective university and college adminis-
tration on the board level.
Brandon suggested a committee should be formed to study the
centralized boards in those states that pave them.
World News Roundup

Chides Ike
School Aid
Charges Nothing
Has Been Done
CHICAGO (AP)-Adlai Stevenson,
former Democratic presidential
nominee, yesterday attacked Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's pro-
gram of school aid before an audi-
ence of school teachers.
Stevenson, in a speach prepared
for the National Education Associ-
ation convention and broadcast
over the CBS radio and TV net-
works, quoted President Eisenhow-
er as saying just after he assum-
ed office: "Our school system de-
mands some prompt effective
"Yet, today," said Stevenson,
"two and one-half years later,
when this need has become acutely
critical, nothing has been done.
Instead of "prompt effective help,'
we await a conference on educa-
tion to be held at the White House
next fall.
Conference Inadequate
"Now a conference is fine," said
Stevenson, "and it will dramatize
the great significance of our edu-
cational system and its critical de-
ficiencies, but it seems to me a pit-
ifully inadequate excuse for years
of doing absolutely nothing about
America's No. 1 domestic need-
schools and teachers"
Stevenson referred to the White
House conference on education,
scheduled for this fall, a meeting
of some 2,000 educators of various
creeds, races, occupations and
geographical locations who will
make recommendations on school
The former Illinois governor
said the President recommended
to Congress last February that it
pass legislation for seven billion
dollars worth of new schools.
"But to get them," said Steven-
son, the President "recommended
that Congress pass not a law but
a miracle."
"For meeting this seven billion-
dollar need, the President propos-
ed grants of 66 millions a year for
three years, This is 33 cents a year
to meet every 35 dollars of admit-
ted present, crying need."
Stevenson termed it "interesting
if disheartening to reflect that
while proposing an effective grant
of only 66 mHlion dollars a year
for three years for school con-
struction aid, the President at the
same time proposed a federal
grant for highway construction aid
-mostly on 'a matching basis-of
3 billion dollars every year for the
next 10 years: This is 45 dollars
of federal funds for highways to
every dollar for schools."
GM Shares Hit
Record Highs
NEW YORK (M) - General
Motors stock rode to record highs
on the New York Stock Exchange
yesterday on the news that it
would triple its outstanding com-
mon shares.
In an exciting day, G. M. rose
$14.37 a share to close at $127.75
on a turnover of 167,100 shares,
making it the day's most active
This represefited a rise in market

I value of nearly $1,336,410,000. 1

All Smoke
City fireman worked up a lit-
tle extra sweat from the heat
A little extra heat was in-
volved, too. It caused billows of
smoke to pour from the three-
story dwelling at 307 S. Division
St. shortly after 5p.m. yester-
A neighbor phoned the fire
department which immediately
dispatched two engines to the
scene. After fighting through
the thick smoke, fireman found
the source of the trouble.
A tenant in the basement
apartment had left food cook-
ing in a closed aluminum dish.
Fireman turned off the stove
and returned to the station. Be-
sides light damage caused by
the smoke, the only casualty
was the food, of course, which
had disappeared in the heat.

Ike Upholds Wenzell Role




End Revolt,
Men Freed
Hardened Washington State Pri-
son convicts freed their nine host-
ages suddenly and dramatically
yesterday and ended a 26-hour re-
volt which won for them major
Appearing suddenly from the big
prison's control center,' Associate
Warden Ted Bezzerides walked
with an escort of convicts to the
prisoner's Administration Building
and was followed quickly by eight
other hostages.
None of the officials or guards
who were seized in a sudden, vio-
lent revolt against prison condi-
tions at 9:46 a.m., Tuesday was
harmed. Most appeared shaken,
'All Scared'
"I was scared. They were all
scared," said Bezzerides. "Any man
would be a fool in such a situation
to say he wasn't scared."
The sudden end to the uprising,
spearheaded by 33 men described
as among the toughest of the 1,700
inmates at the state's only prison,
followed a series of conferences be-
tween five revolt leaders and Dr.
Thomas Harris, state director of
Harris signed a nine point agree-
ment, the hostages were released,
and prison authorities moved
swiftly to restore order. The in-
mates were locked in their cells,
guards rushed inside the walls and
steps taken to feed the men.
Chief among the concessions
made by Dr. Harris was one in
which he said he would do eveyy-
thing in his power to assure that
no reprisals would be taken against
any of the convicts.
Dr. Harris took note, however,
that a new state law makes rioting
or the holding of hostages in a
prison a felony.
He also agreed to establish an
inmate council and to free fr..
mediately from isolation and seg-
regation wards the men held there.
It was from this segregation ward,
deep inside the prison, that the
revolt started.
Dean To Give Talk
Dean Willard C. Olson of the
education school will present a
paper meeting of the National Ed-
ucation Association at 9:30 a.m.
today at the Conrad Hilton Hotel
in Chicago.
He will speak on "Desireable Ad-
justments of Contemporary Educa-
tion to the Needs of Childhood and

TEA-Students chat at an International Center tea, held today and every Thursday fr
6:00 p.m. The teats are intended to give the 480 foreign students enrolled at the Universit
mer a chance to meet each other and American students informally and get acquainted.
British 1eacher TrainingCompar'

"In England we have not pro-
fessionalized the professions to
the extent they have been in
America" was the observation
made by Prof. Walter H. G. Ar-
mytage of Sheffield University in
England yesterday.
Discussing the teaching pro-
fession in England, the historian
described a college education of a
would-be teacher. Three years of
training with emphasis in one
subject field are required.
Department of Education work
follows in the fourth year, with
professors in history, psychology,
letters, the arts and sciences
training teachers in their chosen
Judge Doubts
Plichta Story
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Jr., yesterday told Wilma Plichta,
33, he did not believe her story of
forging checks of more than $33,-
000 to pay a mysterious blackmail-
Mrs. Plichta pleaded guilty to a
forgery charge. Judge Breakey ac-
cepted the plea and adjourned the
case until Aug. 2. Mrs. Plichta had
stood mute when arraigned on the
forgery charge last week.
"Let me remind you that the
maximum term of forgery is 14
years," Judge Breakey said after
hearing her story. "I shall expect
you to think this over carefully
before I sentence you."
Judge Breakey did not say
whether he intended definitely to
sentence Mrs. Plichta Aug. 2.

fields, Prof. Armytage told a re-
porter. There are no separate edu-
cation schools as there ara in
American universities, he noted,
The fourth year of work begins
with a 13-week teaching period by
the education student. Future
teachers are regarded as staff
members of the secondary gr
grammar schools in which they
are practice teaching. Following
this period, five weeks of seminars
are held.
During the seminar sessions,
headmasters from the schools in
which students did their practice
teaching report to college profes-
sors on the teaching students did.
During the second academic
term, fourth year students take
a five-part study curriculum. His-
tory, psychology teaching, meth-
ods, school hygiene and one op-
tional subject are included in this
program of study.
Then the students enter pri-
mary and secondary schools again
and assist regular teachers in
teaching duties. The teachers, col-
lege professors and external ex-
aminers observe student-teaching
and evaluate the work done.
. Different from American teach-
er-training work is the English
practice of having inspectors ob-
serve the college professors as they
teach future teachers, Prof Ar-
mytage declared.
Another important difference
between English and American
systems is that, in order to teach,
people do not need to receive an
education diploma, Prof. Army-
tage remarked. The main advan-
tage to earning a diploma, he said,
is the higher increment diploma
holders receive.

The English profes
lecturer in history
here this summer.
Says A
Race St
Eisenhower said re
"perfectly stupid" fo
spend so much on ar
He added that th
disarmament may c
Big Four meeting, a
extent of trying to
way to approach it.
He said the top lei
itself would not get
stantive problems."
It all boils down t
of international insi
maments productio
said, and he added,
"We earnestly wan
answer to this com
tion . . it is perfec
the world to contin
much in these agenci
mentalities that coa
and if we don't hav
us so little good."
On Dixon-Yates, I
delighted that the ci
is planning to build
plant, that "this is
with the philosoph
Memphis has anno
as an alternative to
produced by the Dix
vate utility group un
between, the firm ai
Energy Commission

White House
Will Cancel
If Possible'
Kefauver Claims
Misuse of FBI
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
defended the part played by Ad-
olphe H. Wenzell in development
of the Dixon-Yates power con-
tract-a contract the President
now says he will cancel if it feas-
ible for Memphis to build its own
generating plant.
Asked at his news conference
whether he regarded Wenzell's
role as proper, the President said:
"Indeed, yes."
Some members of Congress
have raised the roof because, they
said, Wenzell served as consultant
'-Sam Ching to the Budget Bureau on the Dix-
on-Yates plan when he was vice
'om 4:30 to president of the First Boston
y this sum- Corp., and later that firm became
fiscal agent for the private pow'
er syndicate
Not Influence
The White House has contended
that Wenzell did not influence
negotiations for the contract,
which has been fought over bit-
terly in Congress for more than a
ssor is a guest year.
of education The controversy took a new
turn Wednesday with a chargeby
Sen. Estes Xefauver (D-Tenn),
that the Eisenhower administra-
tion has made "a shocking misuse
of the FBI" by assigning PBI
agents to "check on Memphis"
plans to build a municipal power
r/ JfS plant.
"Is there no limit to which this
politically minded administration
. will go in order to carry water
for the private power interests?"
[ ~Kefauver asked in a statement.
) -- President Battle Won
ecently it is It now looks, though, as if Dem-
r the world to ocrats have won their long battle.
ns. against the plan to have the Dix-
ie question of on-Yates interests erect .a 107-
me upat the million-dollar power plant at West
t least to the Memphis, Ark., and furnish elec-
find the best tricity to the lines of the Tene-
see Valley Authority.
vel conference Eisenhower told his news con-
down to "sub- ference he will cancel the Dixon-
Yates contract if "the complete
o the question feasibility" of the Memphis muni-
pection of ar- cipal project is established. He es-
n, Eisenhower timated this might take two
t to find some
plicated ques-
tly stupid for
ue to put so
ie adintr-State Ahead
t us so much,
e this war, do In Atom Field
he said he was
ty of Memphis
its own power Michigan has moved "well out
in accordance ahead in atomic energy develop-
y in which' I ment," Walker L. Cisler, president
of the Detroit Edison Company
)unced its plan said yesterday.
taking power Speaking in a Summer Session
xon-Yates pri- lecture, Cisler said Michigan has
der a contract been motivated by avoracious ap-
nd the Atomic petite for fuel.
., The state consumes more than
a million tons of coal a week for
heat energy, Cisler pointed out.
By 1975, that required for electric
power generation alone will soar
million tons, he added.

Michigan, possesses "the stimu-
S_ lating intellectual climate provid-
ed by our great universities" and
"an unexcelled resource of crafts-
men, technicians, engineers, sci-
entists-the men who have built
' what is perhaps the world's best-
known industrial center," Cisler
I believe Michigan's own en-
ergy -consiciousness is the best as-
surance of her continued and in-
creased prosperity in the new era
of the atom."
As Michigan's tangible efforts,
he named the University's Me-
morial-Phoenix Project and the
Atomic Power Development As-
Ssociates, Inc.
The Phoenix Project is a re-
serh nrogram stidving the

By The Associated Press
Tourists in Russia . .
MOSCOW -- The Kremlin has
decided to throw open the borders
of. the Soviet Union to tourist
For the first time since before
World War II, a number of Soviet
cities will be open to American
and other tourists.
This move has long been expect-
ed. Since the death of Stalin, pre-
parations appear to to have been
under way to make certain selected
areas of the Soviet Union ready for
Canadian Wheat . .
OTTAWA-A deal for sale of 19
million dollars worth of Canadian
wheat to Poland partly financed
by-a government-guaranteed bank
loan, has plunged Canada's Parlia-
ment into bitter controversy.
The opposition Progressive Con-
servatives, trying to block the deal,
charge Prime Minister Louis St.
Laurent and Trade Minister C. D.
Howe, misled the House of Com-
mons in stating the deal is incom-
plete, while the grain dealer who
negotiated it 'says it was finished
two "veeks ago.
spor ssue * . .
partment, after eight years of re-
fusal, has decided to issue a pass-
English Education
ti opic of Movies
Education in Fnaanr3 wil ho

port to Dr. Martin D. Kamen, A-
bomb scientist whom the depart-
ment once linked to communism.
The decision was disclosed yes-
terday before Judge Richmond B.
Keech, in United States District
Court by Asst. United States Atty.
Joseph Rafferty.
Polio Strikes . .
DETROIT-Two Detroit child-
ren vaccinated with Salk polio'
vaccine have come down with par-
alytic polio.
Health Commissioner Dr. Joseph
G. Molner identified them today
as David Weiss and Myer Gordon,
both 6 years old.

Cuban Head of Modern Language School Visits

The director of the School of Modern Languages at Central
University in Santa Clara, Cuba, is a two week guest of the Univer-
Prof. Rodriquez de'Ia Cruz is the guest of the English Language
Institute. He is here conferring with teachers of English as a foreign
TheCuban teacher heads Santa Clara's counterpart to the Uni-
versity's English Language Institute. The purpose of his visit to Ann
Arbor is to strengthen ties between the two institutes.
Methods Similar
He reports that all of the methods, materials and textbooks used
here to teach English to foreign students are also used at Santa Clara
Describing teaching of English in the Cuban school, Prof. de la
Cruz declared that there is an ever increasing number of college
students training to be English teachers in Cuban secondary schools.


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