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October 07, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-07

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VOL. LXVI. No. 11




vY. i

French Assembly
Called By Faure
Premier Asks Policy Approval,
Government Existence Threatened
PARIS ()-Premier Edgar Faure, striving to save his wobbly
government, called on the National Assembly last night to back
his moderate policy for French Morocco.
"I have faith in my formula as a means of building French-
Moroccan friendship," Faure told the deputies.
Critics are free to criticize his plan, he said, but if it does not go
through they may have to find a program to replace it.
Four Ministers Ousted
} Faure dropped four Gaullist ministers who refused to accept
his plans for Morocco-pegged to the creation of a three-man regency
--- council to 'replace an unpopular
Sultan now retired in Tangier -
o H onor nd parried threats from other
who were being pres-
sured to quit.
Last night Faure opened debate
G rid G reats on the government's measures to
end the bloody strife in Morocco,
where nationalist demands for
At Half -TineJ home rule clash with the desire
of French colonists to keep close
rein on the territory. His Cabinet
By BILL HANEY has authorized him to ask a vote
Spectacular half-time and pre- of confidence. Defeat on that vote
game shows have been planned for - perhaps Monday - would spell
tomorrow's Army-Michigan game. the end of his seven-month-old
Director of University Bands regime.
William D. Revelli has prepared Possibly More Resignations
a unique intermission show based After a day of confusion on the
on "This Is Your Life" which will political front, the government was
honor the election to the Football still in operation. But further res-
Hall of Fame of seven Michigan ignations - if they develop -
greats. might torpedo the Cabinet.
Five All-American football play- Faure himself recognized the
ers and two all-time great coaches difficulties. He said the Moroccan
will be portrayed by present-day debate will be closed out with a
'M' Club members. session tomorrow and continue
Adolph "Germany" Schultz will "until the end of the debate --
be saluted by the band with "My and maybe the end of the govern-
Hero." Schultz played center for ment."
the point-a-minute teams of Field- At a Cabinet meeting yesterday
ing H. Yost from 1904 to 1906. He the Premier was authorized to ask
was selected to the All-American for a vote of confidence on the
squad in 1907 and is called the Moroccan question. He is expected
man who originated line-backing. to use this weapon to try to whip
Schultz will be represented by Tom doubtful backers into line. The
Jorgenson, '56. expectation is that the vote will
Fiery Freidman e toni till
The band will then honor Ben- not come until Monday.
nie Friedman, the first Michigan
quarterback to be named to anF en h r
All-American team. Friedman,
who played in 1924-26, received
his All-America honors in 1926. Quells Rebels
Because of Friedman's reputation
as a fiery competitor the band RABAT, Morocco (.P)-French
has chosen to salute him with military forces seemed slowly
"Sout-Hearted Men." Lorne mastering the Riff rebellion yest-
Howes, '56, will take Friedman's erday as Premier Edgar Faure
part. prepared to fight for his govern-
Tom Harmon, who played half- ment's life back in Paris.
back in 1938-40, earned Ali-Amer- But while some rebels came in
ican honors two years, 1939-40. groups with white flags to surren-
As Bob McMasters, 56E, dressed der, French officers reported they
in Harmon'sa famous 98 takes the were encountering "reticence" in
field, the band will play Holly- other areas. Many of the warlike
wood, the city where Harmon now Berber horsemen were just van-
The band will form a clock and ishing back into the mountains
play "The Dance of the Hours" with their weapons.
td commemorate Yost's fabled For the present, Resident Gen.
teams. From 1901 to 1905 Yost's Pierre de Latour du Moulin seem-
teams piled up 2,271 points to their ed more anxious to gain the
opponent's 42. Mike Delaney will rebels' confidence by generous
portray Yost. treatment than to pursue them
Stein Song for Oosterbaan with reprisals. Those who asked
Next to be honored will be pardon were required only to sur-
Michigan's coach, Bennie Ooster- render their arms and allowed to
baan. Oosterbaan was named to go.
the All-American squad each of
his three years as Michigan's
greatest end from 1925 to 1927. Developmiy en t
John O'Reilly, 56, will represent
Oosterbaan as the band plays "The
Stein Song" which was popular Discussion Set
during the famous end's career.
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler will be More than 100 prominent Uni-
Alonzouted Sta ,Crisler dPlayfoo versity alumni will return to Ann
ball coach Crie olh fot- Arbor today to participate in the
bal cac, dubbed him "Fritz". Second Annual Conference spon-
after.he made three mistakes in a sored by the Development Council.
football game. Stagg gave him rincypal eveomethCee-da.
the name "Not cause you're per- IPrincipal event of the three-day

fect like the violinist, because series of meetings will be a forum
you're just the opposite." discussion at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow
During Crisler's tenure as head in the League. Questions from
coach Michigan teams rolled to the audience pertaining to Uni-
116 victories while suffering only versify development or adminis-
32 losses and 9 ties. Dick Harrisonytrative policy will be answered by
'56,wil tak th par ofthea panel of University and Alumni
atletdietr, at f heorganization officials, student
Heston Presents Certificates leaders and faculty representa-
Then, as the six men represent- tives.
ing the all-time greats stand on University President Harlan
podiums along the side-lines, an Hatcher, Regent J. Joseph Her-
honor guard will accompany two- bert and Joseph W. Planck, chair-
time All-American Willie Heston man of the Alumni Fund Board,
to the field. will welcome conference members
Here the band will play "Mr. at the reception today. Citations
Touchdown, U.S.A." of Honor will be presented to stu-
Heston played halfback four dent, faculty and alumni advisors
years at Michigan, from 1901 to who served the Council last year.
1904, making All-American honors
his junior. and senior years. Go r rn Of
Certificates to admission and a no
permanent place in football's Hall 7 t
of Fame at Rutgers University in Won Pay Taxes
New Brunswick, N. J. will be pre-
sented to the immortals' repre- SALT LAKE CITY OP)--Utah's
sentatives. Republican Gov. J. Bracken Lee
Honor Army said yesterday he will not pay his
An elaborate pre-game show federal income tax for this year

What Next?
DETROIT (A')-Raining out-
side and your windows at home
are open?
Simply dial your telephone
number and the windows will
close themselves.
This was one of a number of
electronic marvels predicted to-
day by Roger M. Keys of Gen-
eral Motors.
Other predictions: kitchen
floors washed and dried auto-
matically, houses with their
own. atomic. or. solar. power
and sewage systems.
UA W-Circle
Truce Talks
NEW CASTLE, Ind. WP)-Truce
efforts collapsed yesterday and
the CIO-United Auto Workers
warned of possible renewed vio-
lence at the struck Perfect Circle
foundry here.
Union representatives walked
out of a City Hall meeting after
bitterly declaring to company offi-
cials, "We are of the belief that
you are putting production ahead
of the human element and human
A company spokesman told re-
porters that Perfect Circle intends
to reopen its piston ring foundry
here as soon as 'the National
Guard is withdrawn and law en-
forcement authorities permit.
Unionists Poised
International representative
William F. Caldwell told a public
meeting that thousands of Indiana
unionists are poised to march
against the three-story brick foun-
dation if it reopens for produc-
tion. Eight persons were shot in
such a march Wednesday.
In reply, Perfect Circle's attor-
ney, Clyde Hoffman, told Mayor
Paul F. McCormack:
"We are just not in a position
to close that plant."
Police Close Plant
State police closed the plant
Wednesday as 5,000 angry, shout-
ing sympathizers with the UAW-
C10 strikers converged from
throughout the state on the 100
nonstrikers armed and barricaded
inside the foundry.
The company admitted it stock-
ed the plant with firearms. But it
said this was a protective measure
taken with the full knowledge of
law enforcement authorities.
Craig Orders Guard
Gov. George N. Craig, at the
urgent request of McCormack, sent
the Indiana National Guard in
here shortly after midnight. About
600 Guardsmen took over this
east central city of 18,000.
Armed Guardsmen set up road
blockades around the plant and
surrounded it with infantrymen.
Two half tracks with' weapons
guarded the entrance. Two tanks
were held in reserve.
After truce talks broke off, May-
or McCrmack told newsmen he
intended to keep the National
Guard in town over the week end
so there would be no attempt to
open the plant before the first of
the week.
"We want to let this thing sim-
mer down," the mayor declared.
He added he had no immediate
plans for bringing union and man-
agement together.
There was no disorder yester-
All public gatherings-political
meetings, athletic contests, dances
-were banned. Liquor sales were
halted. Otherwise the city was
normally busy.

Worst Avi

iation Disaster




SGC Members Indorse
Deferred Rushing Study'
Asked for their reactions and ideas concerning the recent pro-
posal for a study committee to evaluate the rushing system. Student
Government Council members expressed definite interest in the prob-
Proposed by Daily Managing Editor, Dave Baad. '56, elimination
of pledging for first semester freshmen was specifically called for.
Baad told the Council that he would ask for the committee to be set
up in a formal proposal at the Oct. 19 meeting.
He added that he was informing the council of his impending

motion so that they would have tin
Nixon Visits
iDENVER (A')- The Denver
White House announced yesterday
that Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon will fly here tomorrow for
a hospital visit with President'
Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Pres-
ident's invitation.
Nixon will fly here with Sher-
man Adams, the President's chief
deputy; Maj. John Eisenhower,
the President's son; and Dr. Paul
Dudley White, Boston heart spe-
cialist, for the weekend.
White House press secretary
James C. Hagerty said he did not,
know what Nixon would discuss
with the President but he added
it would not be "a visit where
controversial policies" would be
taken up.
Late yesterday afternoon!
brought another cheerful bulletin
on the President's condition.
Hagerty said that the President'
sent an invitation to Nixon to;
visit him through Adams at the
time he wrote the Vice-President
a few days ago to continue pre-
siding over Cabinet and National
Security Council meetings.
The 'conference, Hagerty 'made
clear, would be limited to topics
cleared in advance by the presi-
dential physicians. Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles may vis-
it the President sometime nextj
week for a talk before going to the
foreign ministers' meeting at Gen-
eva, but this has not been definite-
ly determined.'
1,090 Men Sign
Up For Rushing
A record 1,090 students have
signed up for fall rushing, Inter- '
fraternity Council Rushing Chair-
man Fred Lyons, '57E, disclosed
The previous record of 1,019
was set last year.J
Lyons expects more than 600 to
Open rushing will begin Oct.z
24th. .It is not necessary to regis-
ter in order to rush.I

ne to gather data pertinent to the
deliberations of the committee if
it is set up.
Grimm States Position
Assembly Association president
Jeannette Grimm, '57, expressed
the opinion that it is "SGC's place
to study the problem, but the
groundwork will have to be done
by the four housing groups con-
She added that Assembly 'and
Panhellenic have set up a rush-
ing study committee that met last
spring and will meet again after
fall rushing is over to study the
"We work collectively and share
our opinions. Although we dis-
agree on some issues, our basis
concepts are the same," she con-
In opposition to this view. In-
terfraternity C o u n c i l president
Bob Weinbaum, '56, felt that SGC
should recommend "that the prob-
lem be handled by IFC, IHC, As-
sembly and Panhellenic as these
are the four groups directly in-
volved. "I think the problem can
bew orked out, and that discus-
sion and evaluation of the present
system will benefit these groups,"
he added.
Study Greatly Needed
Baad presented the opinion that
the four housing units couldn't
handle the problem adequately.
"The need for the study has ex-
isted for a long time, but nothing
concrete has been done by these
organization," he said.
Tom Bleha, '56, IHC president,
remarked that "much of the basic
groundwork will have to be done
by the four housing units.
SGC Should Coordinate
SGC representatives Joel Tau-
ber, '57, and Bill Adams, '57, both
expressed the opinion that the
study is merited and should be
done with SGC as the coordinat-
ing body for the four housing
However, Bill Diamond. '56E,
agreeing with Weinbaum, thought
that the housing groups 'could
handle this alone.
League president Hazel Frank ,
'56, indorsed the idea of deferred
rushing suggested by Baad. She
added that she felt that the prob-
lem was one to be handled by the
whole SGC body and not just IFC,
IHC, Panhel and Assembly.
All interviewed felt that this
study was merited, with several
members saying that their own
groups or they themselves have
been thinking about the problem.

Crash Claims
Two Victims
From State
Officials Speculate
On Possible Causes
LARAMI, Wyo. (:1-A four-
engine United Air Lines DC4
plunged into the face of a sheer
mountain peak yesterday and all
85 persons aboard, including a
crew of three, were killed.
It was the worst commercial air-
line crash in United States' his-
The crash of a Northwest Air-
lines DC-4 in Lake Michigan on
June 24, 1950, was the worst pre-
vious commercial air line disaster.
Fifty-eight were killed.
The worst crash of any type
was an Air Force C-124 near
Tokyo on June 18, 1953, in which
129 perished.
Four of the passengers aboard
the plane boarded the craft at Wil-
low Run Airport.
The airline listed them as Law-
rence Monk of Fellston, E. Rey-
nolds of Flint, and Mrs. Georgie
West and Earl West Jr., who were
returning to their home in Salt
Jake City.
Monk, an airman, was enroute
to Oakland, Calif., as was Rey-
First rescuers to reach the chill-
ed scene atop 12,005-foot Medicine
Bow Peak, among them Maj.Ger-
ald Downey of the Wyoming Civil
Air Patrol and state patrolman
Ben Butler, said they found about
50 bodies strewn along a 300-foot
course down the face of the moun-

-Daily-Hal Leeds
LOOKING OVER SOME OF THE BOOKS in the rare book room
at Clements Library last night, are Howard Peckham, director
of'the library, John Powell, speaker at the fourth annual Adams
memorial lecture and Mrs. Peckham.
Historian, Vliews Records
As Experience In Motion

'History is human experience In
motion-it is the discoverable and
the knowable," John Powell, Amer-
ican historian, lecturer, and writ-
er said last night. .
Paying tribute to Randolph Ad-
ams, Powell viewe dthe first di-
rector of the Clements Library as
the man who "looked to history as
the power to set men free to gov-
ern the present."
As the family and friends of4
Adams, faculty, Regents and the
Clements Library Associates gath-
ered for the fourth annual Ad-
ams memorial lecture in the im-
pressive main hall of the library,
Powell's words reminded the group
of the life pulsating within the
historian's vast records.
Epidemic Swept Nation
Referring to the great cholera,
epidemic which swept the nation
in 1832, Powell told how an his-
torian's records revealed fear and
terror of people caught in a plague
which left them no place of
"The records show episodes and
events as human beings lived
them. Through the historian's in-
terest in humanity, the records
come to life," Powell continued.
He tol dthe group, assembled in
formal attire, that the historian
today is burdened by the pressure
of presenting a "standardized pic-
ture of the whole of a nation's
Suppresses Investigation
"The student's reactions to the
great picture of American history
is one of a uniform nature, which
suppresses the desire of the stu-
dent to investigate further."
Powell asserted his belief that
history is not a study of theories

or dates, but of movement with
a "dignity and purpose." He said
that "every phase of history is
of questi nable assumption, sub-
ject to challenge and necessary to
be disputed if students are to be
Hits At GOP.
In YD Speech
"I think the cduntry has been
standing still and maybe going
backwards under the Republican
administration," Prof. Samuel El-
dersveld of the political science
department told the Young Demo-.
crats yesterday.
"The Democrats have a trem-
endous number of wonderful cam-
paign issues," he said citing farm
prices, the loyalty program, Dixon
Yates and the Talbott case as ex-
"Many more people are basically
predisposed to the Democratic
Party," he remarked, but the party
has a "terrific problem of voter
"If we could motivate these lazy
Democrats, we could practically
count on winning the election on
this alone."
Speculating on 1956, Prof. El-
dersveld described Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon as having "his
foot in the door" for the Republi-
can nomination. His position has
put him in the public eye, the pro-
fessor said, and he would be-ac-
ceptable to most elements of the
Republican Party.
"I think it's Adlai Stevenson all'
the way" for the Democratic nom-:
ination, he commented raising the
question as to whether the 1952
candidate "can make the right
sort of psychological appeal."
Homer Cooper of the Survey
Research Center discussed opinion
polls showing the Democrats with
a "huge majority" of voter sym-
pathy. "We have to go quite a way
to find a Democratic group that
has a Republican majority" in
party identification he told the
Dry ags Ont
"Gargoyle sales day Wednesday
was marked by heavy rains, as
usual," observed Gordon Black,
'58, Garg business manager.
"However," added D. H. Kessel,
managing editor, "plans are to sell


Mail, Wreckage Found
One rescuer, Vance Lucas, of
Buffalo, Wyo., said he climbed to
the top of the peak and there
found a bit of wreckage, scattered
mail, a man's topcoat and part
of the plane's instrument panel.
The westbound plane shattered
itself against the peak about 50 to
75 feet from the top. The moun-
tain is about 40 miles west of here
in the Snowy Range.
Howling winds, which some offi-
cials say may have contributed to
the tragedy, caused Sheriff John
Terrill of Carbon County, in
charge of rescue operations, to call
off efforts to retrieve the bodies
at dusk.
Rescuers Called Off
He ordered all rescuers off the
face of the steep mountain and
down to a base camp slightly more
than a mile away.
Terrill said the mountain-train-
ed parties, supplied during the
evening and night with special
gear, would start lowering the
bodies by winch apparatus today.
He said they would be brought
to the University of Wyoming's
summer scientific lodge about six
miles from the scene for identifi-
The scene, littered with bits of
wreckage, bodies, clothing and
cargo, was marked by two huge
patches of oil where the plane's
engines apparently struck the
Glacier Holds Wreckage
TV wreckage then slid down
the steep incline in two ravines,
much of it coming to rest 300 feet
down on a small glacier.
.Two' bodies were at the base
of the crash scene. Twenty-three
others were concentrated in one
area on a small shelf. Others
were strewn along the path of the
wrecked plane.
Rescuers said the largest sec-
tions of the plane remaining intact
were a part of one wing and a
vertical stabilizer with UAL's red,
white and blue colors, half-way
down the peak.
IFC Requests
No Serenades

t Was The Heat AND Humidity
No temperatuse or rainfall records were broken yesterday
although the combination of heat and humidity seemed to have set
some sort of a high for lethargy.
During the drizzle of the early afternoon there were more bicycles
being wheeled by un-energetic students than ridden.
j:?x< ?Pedestrians, too lazy to circumvent the puddles on the Diag,
sloshed through them and tried to keep their books out of the rain.
Readers Stick to Papers
After dinner the lights in the League started to flicker. People
noticed, but were too physically attached to their newspapers to bother
objects other than newspapers stuck to people. one coed walked
into the library with several leaves sticking to her slicker.
The secretary's old summer cry of "Cut my salary but give me
air-conditioning" became merely the old school try, as University of-,
ficials dampened enthusiasm and forecast a long, cold winter.

At a meeting Tuesday the In-
terfraternity Council Executive
Committee decided to discourage
serenading of fraternities by sor-
ority wounim duiring rushing.

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