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December 07, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-07

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IC Gives
rst Radio

' Student Relations Committee of
the Development Council will
broadcast the first in a series oft
radio prokram's at 6:30 p.m. today
aver WUOM.
Aimed at acquainting students
and faculty with the work and
purpose of the Development Coun-
cil and its student group, the ser-
ies will include discussions of ac-
complishments of the two organi-
zations and plans for the future.
SRC chairman Donna Netzer,
'56, will open today's program
which will include talks by Howard
Nemerovski, '59L, Barbara Couch,
'59N, and Thomas Dickinson of
the Development Council.
The radio series is "the first
program proposed in the Student
Relations Committee prospectus
for the year to be initiated. The
Committee hopes to expand the
series into a radio-television pro-
gram in the near future.
Given Today
For U'VBand
The Michigan Marching Band
will hold its first and last informal
gathering of the season at the9
21st annual "Bandquet". at 6:30J
p.m. today in the Golden Apples
Room of the Tower Hotel.
Sponsored by Kappa Kappa Psi,
honorary band fraternity, , the¢
"Bandquet" is the traditional cul-
mination of the Band's yearly ac-
tivities, according to William D.
Revelli, director of the Band.
Toastmaster is Carmen Spadero,
'56SM, student manager of the
Band, and chairman is John Jen-
kins, '57SM.
Entertainment will consist of a'
German band led by David Fleet,
Grad., movies of the Band's pro-
gress throughout the past season
and a parody of radio and TV
commercials during football games
by Robert Trost, '58, and John
Schubeck, '57. Revelli will explain
plans for the 1956-57 season.
Lecture Topic
"Unity and Diversity in Latin
America" will be the topic of a
public lecture to be presented at
7:30 p.m. Friday in the Rackham
Prof. Francisco Ayala of the
University of Puerto Rico, cur-
rently visiting professor at Prince-
ton University, will be the speaker.
His lecture is sponsored by the
Latin American Studies Commit-

SWant Less
A California educator said last
night that public and private
colleges and universities will have
to learn to live together,, curbing
their current competition from be-
coming "an unhealthy and dan-
gerous struggle."
Arthur G. Coons, President of
Occidental College, Los Angeles,
told the Conference on Higher
Education at the University of
Michigan that "There are fanatics
on both sides of the fence."
He told the 225 presidents and
administrators of Michigan's col-
leges that America has "a dual
system of higher education" and
both private and public colleges
"are expected to serve public ends,
not purely private ends."
University of Michigan President!
Harlan H. Hatcher, addressing the
conference earlier, said that all
Michigan institutions must learn
to work more closely together.
"All of our joint efforts will
be taxed to fulfill our mission," he
said. "We are the first people in
history to make education a sub-
ject of national concern. In this
'democracy the public and non-
public colleges are inextricably
interrelated and mutually neces-
I sary to one another."

Ott Wallis, a good dairyman
but no expert with a camera,
,went to a photo shop yesterday
to pick up some film he had left
for processing and protested
there had been a mixup.
The three rolls of film Wal-
lis hid left, he insisted were
snapshots he had made 01 some
of his heifers so that he could
have them registered.
Closer inspection of the snap-
shots disclosed Wallis had held
the camera backwards and had
made 24 pictures of his own
Union To Have
Sporting Skills
A wide variety of sporting skills
from weight-lifting to chess will
be demonstrated at the Union
from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 10.
A sports show sponsored by the
Union Relations Committee will
begin with fencing, wrestling and
weight-lifting in the main ball-
room. After the demonstrations,
movies of this and last year's
football games will be shown in
the main and small ballrooms.
Sol Friedman, winner of both
fast and slow chess championships
of Illinois, will then take on all
comers in a demonstration of
simultaneous chess. He play up to
60 challengers who bring their
own sets.
Local skiing, rifle and sailing
clubs will also present displays on
the third floor, rooms K, L, M
and N.

Bulletin boards of all sizes, colors,
and types of construction are to1
be found on campus.
Information posted on these
boards may vary from maps to
dance notices. On one of them is a
notice saying the famous ancient
arch of Constantine in Rome was
put in splints to cure a modern
malady-too much traffic vibra-
tion. It had been found that the
famous structure was rapidly dis-
integrating and without modern
protective construction would soon
Information of this type may be
found daily on the Latin bulletin
board located on the second floor
of Angell Hall. Pictures of excava-
tions and ancient buildings are
often posted. Book reviews per-
taining to classic studies also may
be found there.
Another notice notes that an
ancient mystery city was recently
unearthed in Sicily by a group
from Princeton. Although the
city is in comparatively good con-
dition, its name and the cause of
death of the people are an in-
explicable mystery. The excava-
New Twist
In Auctions
BURNLEY, England (/P)-Auc-
tioneer J. H. Walton slammed his
hammer and called out "sold."
Two hundred people dropped.
The floor of a store where the
auction sale was being held sank
six feet to a basement.
Five ambulances took people to
a hospital. Several were treated
for shock. No one was hurt badly.

tors have been unable to find any{
written records among the ruins.
While research is continued on
this recent discovery, protective
measures are being taken for the
famous ruins of Pompeii which re-
quired more than two centuries
to excavate. Tourists and the ele-
ments are destroying what is left
of the ancient city.
Recently available was an analy-
sis of "Homer's Daughter," a book
discussing the possibility of Homer,
author of "The Odyssey," having
been a woman instead of a wan-
dering minstrel.
Humorous items are also present.
They range from simple pictures of
a comical nature to subtle puns on
the Latin language or archeologi-
cal events.
Always posted are class notices
and available scholarships and
fellowships. For a qualified stu-

dent, scholarships are available
for study at the American Acad-
emy in Rome, American School of
Classical Studies at Athens, grad-
uate study at Yale, and other uni-
Students and faculty all have a
hand in keeping the board up to
Ensian On Sale
The Michiganensian business
staff announced that t o d a y
through Friday, Dec. 9, would be
the last chance to purchase the
1956 Ensian for $6.00
There will be a price rise to $6.50
at 5 p.m. on the 9th. The staff
will be selling yearbooks at the
Diag., Union, and Engine Arch, to-
day and Friday.

Latin Bulletin Board Sports Variety


-Daily-Hal Leeds
NORTH CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION - The gigantic machinery
above is part of the wind tunnel being built for aeronautical
engineering and aerodynamic research.
Cater Calls News Practices
'Unhealthy' in Campus Speech'

= >-. - e

Douglass Cater of "The Re-
porter" magazine attacked what
he termed "unhealthy" practices[
in news coverage in a speech be-{
fore the journalism department
Speaking on "A New Look at1
-the Power of the Press," Cater said
"The press has become a de facto
fourth branch of government."
The powers and duties of both
press and government are "inex-
tricably interwined" to a point
where government is dependent
upon the press not only for news.
but for communication between
the different branches of govern-
"The substantial power of the,
press is in its selectivity," Cater
said. The newspapers determine
how much attention each story re-
ceives or if it is to be noticed at
Cater declared A constant
source of amazement to me is that'
not everything that the President
says at his press conference is con-
sidered news in spite of its im-
One of the most flagrant ex-'
amples of "deceit" to Cater is the
so-called "informed - circle" to
which columnists often refer as
sources of inside stories.
Instead of attempting to pre-
sent a literate, illucidated review
of the news, columnists act only
as confidential dopesters who
claim to have the real news be-
hind the news, he said.

Cater is the Washington editor

of "The Reporter" and co-author
of "Ethics in a Business Society."
He served as speech writer for
Senator John J. Sparkman (D-
Ala.) duripg his vice-presidential
campaign in 1952.
An~lgulo Talks
The development of Diego Vela-
quez's paintings was discussed
yesterday by Prof. Diego Angulo
Iniguez, of the University of Ma-
drid, Spain, in his lecture "Thee
Masterpieces of Velaquez."
Velaquez's early paintings lacked
power, said Prof. Angulo, "since
scenes generally contained many
small objects obviously there to
be painted; not painted because
they were there."
Later, however, Velaquez devel-
oped a more realistic style. "HeI
gained," explained Prof. Angulo,
"absolute mastery of perspective
and atmosphere. He solved prob-
lems of light distribution with a
style never rendered so well before
or since."
Prof. Angulo's lecture, which
was held in Rackham Amphi-
theater, was sponsored by the Fine
Arts Dept. !

(Continued from Page 4)
nati, Ohio-B.S. in Chem., Elect., Mech.,
U.S. citizens, for Prod., Const., Opera-
tion, and Maintenance.
The M. W. Kellogg Co., Jersey City,
N. J.-all levels in Chem., Mech., Civil,
M.S. and PhD in Math., and M.S. in
Elect. for Research; Devel., Design, Con-
st., and Fabrication.
Mon., Dec. 12:
The Chicago Screw Co., Beliwood, Ill.
-all levels in Ind. and Mech. for Prod.,
and Sales.
U.S. Naval Air Devel. and Material
Center, Johnsvile, Pa. - all levels in
Aero., Elect., Mech., Engrg. Mech.,
Metal., and Physics for Research, Devel.,
and Design. U.S. citizens.
The Cooper-Bessemer Corp., Mt. Ver-
non, Ohio-B.S. in Math. and Physics,
B.S. and M.S. in Mech. and Engrg.
Mech. for Research, Devel., Design,
Computation of Stresses, Strains, Shak-
ing Forces, and Vibrations.
Eaton Manufacturing Co., Foundry
Div., Vassar, Mich.-B.S. in Ind., Mech.,
and Metal. for Devel., and Prod.
Fansteel Metal. Corp., N. Chicago,
111.-all levels in Elect. and Metal.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Freeport, Ill.
-B.S. and M.S. In Elect. and Mech. for
Development, Design, Prod., and Sales.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.



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In December Reader's
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MIRACLE OF LOURDES." The cu fes at this
Catholic shrine-cures of the hopelessly sick and
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about Lourdes and its miracles.
MOW TO WRITE FASTER. Want to double your writing
speed in a short time? Here's an easy systeth of
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REDISCOVERING AMERICA. Areal supermarket, Negro
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Statg Street on the Campus

p, rc t c , c oc: o ucat r




® you can buy the

1956 Michiganen-
sian for $6.00 at the
SDiagn AUnion
* Engi ne Arch.





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