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February 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-NO. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY FEB3RUARY 7, 1893. IPRic, TrieR ENTS. ANOVEL PROGRAM. rade eine 9 r The two candidates A SEASIDE LABORATORY. Proposed Rendition of the Ope oereno oc rdae For te Study of Marine Biology at etta "Trial by Jury' at the failed. ILardnei aindiliddlecoff Leland Stanford. Jr-One of Four J (KA&Io" Coming '95 Cass Social. have foinied a patneiships t Du-Ii in the United States. I" Steps are beiing taken ...…

February 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. so fortutnte as to obtain their positions j jl ", F T Dfft\M NEY.~ ". f Amay, well feel proudtlof the lhonor' and LI ixu ElI DNG II iNI --rest aissured that the plans Whichai a- 1,y Goinl- to W\ahl- & -Aillcr's and save from 25c, 5oc andi 75c on every i'ulisied ~ atle 5 ts vas exted) (tuinmmigers If tilfis formning wiltl briiigIa Shill-tsar ofShoes as whe most redce our stock tos (s Colie ee, ty csleet reteail Isior thle wo...…

February 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLoTHING S(E" tLi 'c ALL QY~LCOATS AT ~OF ALL, SUITS AT ] 01F' ANLL SINGLE P'ANTS AT j OFF. As usual, the first in the field. The ex- treme styles nowv ready at. S3ee these bargains before buying. WA DHA MS, KENNED Y RE ULE. 1 3 I Ann Arbor Savings Bank i PATRONITZE Excelsior Laundry, Ann ArborN Mich. Capital Stock, $50,0(00,i OW EN'S BARBER SHOPD.' Ila /1A'S rI1/; 11)5 viil Slepiut, $15i0050. tae natadeth c ...…

February 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY WHITMANAeifbg MAfPhladlpia, !TO SUPPLY A PEMITP FOR1 THlE ITE37 MASHALOW. oho Ottot$I4.tt0.It JV Iave iReceived /1hc lomb~erg, Carlsbad and Alpine Ihalt. '. 7e GALKII I IT 'OL 1.0 Latesl Tads in Fedor as. I I ITE FELIOWS i I tOIRoluN. (34 So. State Street.)_ . _ =iT 1 J _ SELLS THEM. W ILS EY, I. TO~ _______________________________31 Sou/ thote FStreet, .- UP STAIRIS. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES- NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANt)...…

February 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…c j e tt* VOL. III.-No. 587. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY (E, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A SUBJECT WELL TREATED. She said it is the duty of man toj Prof. Fiske's Lecture on Alexander respect every woman no matter what Hamilton Bears the Stamp of her condition, simply because she Careful Historical Research. is a woman. Perfect women do not Particularly instructive to the stu- ineed our respect, but the degraded dent of history w...…

February 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, Published IDaily (Sundays excepted) during the College tyear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subriptioocprice V501per yicr, invtariably iu advanre Single coes 13 rents. Subscrip- tions snay be left at the otice of the ILYi, at Secffet's, with anay of the editorsorti authorized solicitoes. Cotnnicaietionsoulittdreeach the atire by 7 ocelock P. im. it they are to appeae the 'next lay. Addrest all mlatter inteetded f...…

February 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. HERE +I YOUR +CHANCE ! ALL OVER1COATS AT :1 OFF. Our FEnti ret Sto(ck of Negligee Shrts, il t feleollar (si a-and ALL SITS A -GOu.f'si, at ONE-IlALT I ICE. This is for (oe meek oly. We ALL SINGLE PANTS AT.1r OFF. have Nobby Styles atd the (on-ret Colrs fori the essig season- ePines and finks.' Conie before yotr size is g;ou See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & REULE. w--ros1a~ Ann Arbor ...…

February 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 'TT TT -RrA -kY III . f { I AAA ~t MARSI~iMIA LLO WS. Mafm.aaCellulosid boundI edge,ra W weiecvdIe lne r 'rsa adApn lt.T CALK INS, ONLY $14.00. Ladesl Fands in fedoras. 1,I51E-FL[,OWS IN PROPOR'TION. (34 So. State Street) EL HM IS Y 31 Sooth State Street. 11P STAtRS. j~ MOORE&WETMoR, BOOK STORES= NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _________ ANtD CORCNER OtF Si'ATE AND WitItIAM STREET. ttt1Ii5 (jltSity el ook,, Re 17 i liBooks, FLast...…

February 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Adh tt* of, 0 VOL. III.- \o. SF. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIG'AN, SATURDAY, fOEBRIUARY 4, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THIRTY-ONE CONTESTANTS. The Names of Lontestants for Ora- torical Prizes Have Soon Handed In. Thirty-1ic0candidaisfr h oa toia ontestsil07000ilndcdin 10thir~ Rale o Pres. Oilol hl1~ l c l' 111 o lt, op s t'l 1117 e00 7 l10 ° i 12 '1)11 ,7 1j his 0 ;til'0 oil 1p 7 11000z? <ito gh t a li 0i7:-1111( 05i17i01i and?. tihree _%)101117001...…

February 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…T1HE U. OF M. DAILY. h horn of senltimtent, t in,liotItLI KE FINDING MONEY. C" of a " his~torcnentorirs. llilartit ('otiege i - 011 71110r 11 two lllllltded1and ifty 5 'i1s15 By C ino to \A'abr & Nil B and savx fromt 25e, 500 and 7, 1 0nevery PbishedtDaoly Isiellays x c5epted) dutrng l t d Yalle wax sfotinded 01)0111 . 111 ! Firof Sbhoes as xe must rduce our stork to the lolllet' 501ar, byl hundrediyears 11070. No t fof the111'make roin for Sp...…

February 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M . DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.' rnr, is Y1OUR ;CHAN CE! ALL OMEHfUQATS AT 11 OFF. ALL SUITTS AT Ot. Our Emtir, 54(l-k 51o eilifieS~t's, wih tar 'lied (ole ndij ('tiffs, it (-) l~lA II" 'titLE. Tisv is fios ri ok tii . We ALTL SI Gx-LE 1131N TSAIT'_. OFF. bIase iNibbv Styles alld tlii (s' Crei' (olors for th i~ sitim Seasoni Bluies andl Piks." Comtt e efre yourt'size is cone See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS. KENNEDY, &...…

February 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Phaiadelpia, MAKES THE -BLST AlSIALXIOWS. CALKINS, 34 So. State Street} FOR CHI AAA5 "st gO reatliTO SUIPPLL ADE-,ANL FORTHE IIEY7S 'lahborariy, Celluloidt booundr eJdgesi loab~, trtt A/iiaTr ONLY $14.00. f'LhvaRcivd tesflom )q l s nd A lpn.las h rCI' "aE FE LLOWSat50 IN PROOIOtO N. NAMJ V V !t OISEL I 0 1>01 'Southta tte Street, LP It' AtttS.j r rta MOORE&WET OREBOOK STORy '?;O- 6 OU~TH M51AI1N STREET 1) CO NE O''i...…

February 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…je tt4 Of . t1a VOL. III.-NO. S5. Nor. IllNo. s5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, F'RIDAY, FEI RIJAIIY 3, 1893. PIETtEENS PRICE, THREE LENTS. BUT ONE GAME WITH CORNELL.iniynasinni. Wire screens will be THLECU' RP u__ sedl to protect the glass. Tbis will Th is oneto heSao o Th GameFrsatCnIthaca thGivenn TU- Nh ame oftSothern Cove es- make a splentlid, roomy place for Night--western Trio Begins Wy0 tae o oternaye ges ctice,2.esp ecially for long d...…

February 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r ' lin , g is f ost. becoming known tot the eiha- ,.J . to T tt saltoil world. (Bradtiated froml _______ Michigal illsththe (las-s of 1882, he wa's iitiln-s Of~(((lll soon5001apptoinited to the faculty' asIn p01ibii10hea laly(dy xcptdi driga t nictor inl IHistory. I is aillity has the CollaeetSeor.b beeliisoaniarkeilthat within a w'i-a lie THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 111(0 leeniappited ti fall 1Professor Iof - Ai...…

February 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. H'ER +--IS* "YOUR CHANCE4! ALL, OVEiROATS AT .1 OFF. _________()i-lOatEntiite SsaL it Ne-lisree Shijis wi h selitul si( lists a i ALL SUTS AT OF.Ciffs, at ONEHALF IIIE This is fo wIn uecstnlyoti. We ALL SINGLE 1ANTS ATI OFF. have -Nobly)~ St ves and the ('irect ( unis hifr 111f, (si iii n-y~a~i 1)Itios are1 Pinks.-(nine before youtr sie i ome See these bargains before buying. WAD/IAMS, KENNEDY &/?EULE. ...…

February 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF MC. DAILY WHI MA , 0 QH IKIMA5 5Sf WHTMNAa TO SUPPLY A PEMAITP FOa THE NEWvEST Of Philadephia,) f AhrS TilE BEST i1 tIIT R M A IIAJA LEOWS. bII SaI, e(llli iue es, l1 ONY 1400 We lavee Ieeied tlre llonwsery, Calsbad and Alpine iais. f7ill, i Laes Fads in ]Fedoas CJ KII Il-1 t1Ow~s IN PR LonRTION. 34 So. State Street SELLTirrrEll W ILSEY, ' i I Sout}1 State SlirceI P-1'L'SA I 1 I qcrQ MOOR E &WETMOE, BOOK STORES- NO-6 SOUTH MAIN STREE...…

February 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…Ambw t, t of AL VOL. III. \ro. . VoL. ~i.-N. 84. UNIVERfSITY OF MlICIIIGAN, TIL1I1SDAY, FEBRU AR~Y , 1898 . P10Tnr-CNS Pimc +:, Tx aut CENTS. A NEW FRATERNITY HOUSE_ She Had Hold of the WrongOe LIVELY TALK AT THE S.CA Sigmna Alpha Epsilon Will Erect one I h ai usini ete gi of the Finest.---$12,000 Ea- fine of tire richest .joses of tie+ Smooth Baling Once More. $ "" elusive of Furnishings. SGSr ctte n if 'pse eneralI Satisfaction. )lr i i...…

February 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…Published Dathy (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptionoprice $2.501perr year, inariiably on dv-anse Single 00pies03 cents. Subscrip- tionst nay be left at the office of the DALYos, at Stoffiet's, with any of the editors or authorizesd solicitors. t'Cmmunications should reachth ie offic by THE U. OF M. DAILY. Notice. LIKE FINDING 'MONEY. Alit .5'ttC; AOOCIA''ION CERTIsI'tCi'ES. The certi...…

February 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALEA HERE+,- IS o YOUR o CHANCIW! ALL OVERCOATS AT 4- OFF. __________ Our Entire Stock of Ne.(tisee Shirts, swi thistarched (lColtars and ALL S C] ITSffs AliF. I t O NE-HA1LF PI CE. Tbis is for lie week only. We ALL SINGLE PANTS AT } OFF. have Nobby Styles and the Correct (Colors for thle eominog season- '151li'S andl ']Piks." Come befo'tre' you i-size is ';cane. See these bargains before buying. WA DI-...…

February 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY WHITMA, ~ o ' 3IIPL AEMITID FOE THE ITE KESI LMAK T14BESTE 11 m r m51TA3 I - IT = TS C'AT17ThC5 ONLYG1400have ti ce Jescl teilatuerg/, Carlsba,' and Alpinc110.3. Tihe CLINS.L4K, I LOS 'CO0ch.Ltest Pads in .Fedoras. 34 So. State Street WIS Y!I IT 1 SELLS T11-I1.IM WLjY ;A out tOSutetsStoolt - 11IE STAIRS. MOOR TORE, BOOK STORES<N0- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND Coj>5NER O TTE ANTI NIL IJA 5101 ETS. titist t I t~o oS LLL itltJ- o, s...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…of n. Wail VOL. 111-NO. S3. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 1FEM)IRUARiY118. PRICE, THREE CENTS. iHON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS The majority of those who took part A NOVEL DANCE. -- in the field day last fatt are atready Will Deliver the Washington Birth- Patrons and Patronessis of the day Oration-Success Crowns memhers of one or thse otlser (if Terpsicorean Muse Will Produce the Laws' Efforts. teegymnasiums, an iedig'Living Whist." good st...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…'J.Of 1 TF(.1~tU. Published Daily (f~uedays excepted) duriflg the Collece yesr, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tbbst-tptite yrie $2.5t0 per year, lnvarlably tvitellne inge oe-pe :catsr. Stebsetip- ttottc tmay be left at he ofice of the DILYto et Siottt't, tvth wlcofcthe edittorsor tomme niatieetons- shold rechcthe otibet by Jay. Addriesseail mtteintendteid fit pubica- tieitthe Maning Mel tbtir. All binetes THE U. of X. DAILY, Atn Arbo...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. HERE -,is YOUR : CHANCF410 ALL OXT.Eil(OATS AT OFF. ALLI SUITS AT. OFF. Our LEntreStock of N eglige e Shirets, tewi tsarchedtl larts alld Fai~h, at EON E llA IFI ' 1''F 'ITis is forone week L only. We ALL SliN1'E1 iNS AT I0(FK. ave Nobbv Styles aod lie (Corec't (ilors fthe I C'toiliiiSeson01 I lles srtlin lu.'' ( ote bob t' oat'size is gone. See these bargains before buying. WA DHVAMS, KENNED Y RE...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE LT. OF M. DAILY WHITMANAeebi10S PL APE IP TE Of Philadteiphia, ' T SIF ~kDE I.ND ol TE NITE3 LAKES 711E:I1LeSI I =N -sIT MAS1.1ALIOWS.! Mxorui} Clltoil oti wneONLY $1400. 1T['e have Received the fc ioee, £'orlsbaai and A hone _hals. -T-he CAL : ILatest Jads in Fedoras. Lit itI- iiFELLOWS IN PROP'ORTIOsN. (34 So. State Street) :_SV0 =- SELLS THEM. WILSEY, I ~ ___________________ A outh iState Street, - UPt'STA IIts.j -" MOIfORE &WETMORE, BO...…

January 31, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…IJE o . a 11 V. Vol. III.-No. 's?. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUJARY 31_ 1893. PRICE, TUREi+. CENTS. ANOTHER PLAN SUGGESTED. petent instructors in the country. BURNT CORK MEN BUSY." <me-fifth of a Mill Tax Instead ofIt is proposed to bring the Smith- The University Minstrels Will Ap- - One-twentieth with Special sonian institute a nd the National pear at Ypsilanti Feb. 22-A 0 Appropriations. Miuseumin ito close conniection witli o...…

January 31, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. , C. e W.T't-pu money and plenty of influence. To LIKE FINDING MONEY. 0~ secur tese, ther must be a move- ment toward centralization. TIhis By oing to WVar & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75c on ever Put ahe Oah (undas ea~ettel drisa ocens oreandbettr ogania of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to he ollteene va r 0111V tea alumni associations andmaero frSrigG ds THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 1,000 alumtn...…

January 31, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. 'ERE is YOUR"'C11ANC1W! ALL OVERCOATS AT j- OFF. ALL SUITS AT OFF. Our Eti xc Stock of negligee Sirts , with stairced C oll~ariii (liffo'si t ONE-I IALE 111PRIE.'Tb is is f' ormOxxwee'oiilt.We AiLL SINGLE IAiNTS AT 'OFF. iLax e No1b eStyles,11a(1 the Correct ('olorstior lhe coniiiil" e auoi- See these bargains before buying. WA DHAM8,. KENNEDY RE UL E. Blues andii 1Piks.- 'omiebefore your0111 ' S1/...…

January 31, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…TriHE: U. OF M. DAILYV Of Philadelphlia,) 10 ;ST C j. nn M nm m T SUPPLY1k PEMAIIP P0. IRE ITE YE 11 10'e ve eau'etl the iom bugy, C(io'lslitd and Alp/tm ibic~s. The CALKINS, OL 1.0 Latest F1ads in TJfdoros. k 1 11"'ll FELLOWS IN P11OI1tfl'ION. 134 So. State Street.) #{ .J 2 077 SELLS THEMl. W I L.,S EY, ' _____________________________ 4ASeatl State Street, - UP STAIRS. MOORE &WETMOREC~i BOOK STORES" CNO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _ AN]) CORNER (if ...…

January 30, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…tt* of , t . Dai! . VOL. III.-No. $1. VOL. lITNo. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDMAY, JANUARY 3O, 1893. PRETEECNS YKICE, T.HREr,, CENTS. SHALL CREDIT BE GIVEN. l it is felt to be a direct preparation! '"THE MODERN ATHLETE." WorkDon on oil for their chosen profession, anti to 'or Wr an n olge Pubis.- An Interesting Leoture by Protes- - nations-The Theme Disoussed that enst of not less value ts.a0 sor A. Alonzo Stagg of China- A by Prof. Sc...…

January 30, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'JC. of .M. Tatty. GRAND OPERA HOUSE.I LIKE FINDING MONEY. 1__ .111. WILKINSONS WIDOWS." By Going to War & M- iller's and save from 25c, 5c and 75c on every Te members of Charles Froliisans pair of Shoes as we mst reduce our stok to Pubtlished naily (Sundays excepted) drnge Co.xil make their owvins Williani make room for Sprig Goods. the Colicge year. by ilette's "Mr. W ilkinson's Wiilows" THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATI...…

January 30, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.t1ERE + is YOUR C-ANCEW ALL OVERICOATS AT OFD,. 0O11 IEttire Stock ot Negligee Shuts, with istarch cit (ol i ai so Cuffs, at ONE-HIALF PICE. This is for oneie iekconly . VWe ALL SUITS AT OFF. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. have Nobbv Stvles and the Correct (olors foc the coalingo seaso- 'I~lnes an Pinks." (none before your size is gone. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. 111wV...…

January 30, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILV H -tOTEL +EP Q FOJ RTAIA (tv Il) t;O),TO S"JFFLY A PEMITP FOR THlE INEYEOT Will be but 400feet from art en- R A QIAg .1 - trance toJthej WORLDS FAI, eLY $e4n.00. We lttre eReceiv'edl e llaiiesg, Carisbaed and A 1/f l a/s. Tim WORL'S AIR ONL $1 00Latest Fads ia Pedoras. And °offers low rates and 5u11C1'or ITTLF~tIE LLOWS IN JIRolOZIreON. ___ acconsodateons. Incloire ~ aboot it at 'vI iL.SE Y, j CALKINS, - '34 S. State. j eS...…

January 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…Ijc itI. off"AT. W ail VOL. I1.-No. 80. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 189. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE MERRY DANCE. '901. Itwiilbe nted thtithef Jniv'er- LANSING LEGISLATORS. sity of Michigan is jsot two ceinturies 'The Sopnomore Hop an Unquaiifiecdyneitxi ivilytle xln The University Committees In- Success-A Ciose Rival of thThe spected the University Yes- Junior Bali. aretothists as stron. he ir lst tei- terday. sonl tosreiees...…

January 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'W. of shorts about a capan howoldLIKE FINDING MONEY. The eastern teams hlave their tap- Bly Going to W'iahr & Miller's and save fromo arc, 50C anti 75c on every ' utithntt ailr (Sundayas excetedta) during - t~ s a) pair of Shoes as we must retdnce our stork to O(ttnCole y ear, by taint, adtebnfti easilyap make room for Spring Goods. parent. tith oar track athletics - THiE U, OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION placed ionte hands...…

January 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, HERI + is YOUR C1IANCIW ALL OV'ERC)ATS AT; OF!'. ALL..SUCITS AT FL OFF. )ai Ou Etii ' Stoc'k(of N'gi gee Shirt's, wi St t'rcihe(i (ollars n Cuffs, at ONE-IIALF PRlIC'E. This isfor (oliewetik oniy'. We ALL SINGLE PANk.TS AT :- OFF. have 1obN Steles and the (oriect Colors for tile icoiiiig saston- BLnes land P1inksi.- (Comte hefoe' your size is goleo. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNE...…

January 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…__ THE U. OF M. DAILY HOTEL . EPWORTH~ IRJ~A Will be )01 40 feet from an en- T SU LYA EM IPFRTEIT iET trance to the -IT ~ T WORLD'S AIR, ONLW$14 00 vehoboeceived the llom~ztesiq (arlsaed nd Alpine liats. Tie Ledea Fadsinc-doreas. :1nd offers loss rates and superior Lts asi IITrfFE.ILLOWSIN PROP'ORTION. - arcomodations. lInluire 7 ahoot it at VIII LS Y, J. CALK INS,' 34 S,. State. ,3ousthlStataeet, - UP STAIRS.jl MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES- NO...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… VOL. III.-NO. i e.). VOL. II.-h. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG AN, IULAY, JANUARiY 27, 1 S it. PstTsei:Ce'' PRICE, Tint, u,, t , NTT. HE IS FAMOUS AND HANDSOME' was favorably known as a ready and! BASIS QUESTION AGAIN. Sketch of Prof. A. A. Stagg, who enctiii'pekr a ae Attempt to Require Officers of the Lectures Tomorrow Night and since then at Cliautauqua, anti S. C. A. to be Chosen frcm in University Hall. Gfeneva fakeacid in man citie~s Byv...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C.~j ftL). j* TsyWnt$000 LIKE FINDING MONEY. ______ Tle (cds were busy all dlay }Yes-liv Going to \Vahr & Miller's andl tace frontlace, Soc and 75c on evers Put~ishedi(aly (Sundays excepted) during ferday ci rculating petitions \whiclh pair of Shoes as we oust reduce our stuck to he College year, tby sill be ipresentted to te legislattire, tttakc rootm for Sprintg Guods. THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION asklligtliettto ...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, GREAT CLOTHING SALE. 1W ALL OVE"ILCOATS ATI', OFF. ALL~ SUITS AT-I OFF. I l IATN ('A I' ,NItI'?II.JEI(I LA LY E' !iW LA1Z WOO .LEN 1 SE, GLOVE'S AIN 5 MN"ITTdFNiS. A1A..4 A T' T C I T \T / Y T T _t..a . " . ni rv . rra -. i .. .-. 1 See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY d RLE..AT THE TWO SAMS. Ansn Arbor Savings lBank PATRONIZE --5THE ARGUS,-- Assn Arbor Altoh. Capital Stock,1,t, OWNSBABR SHP 14 j1 fN IN ,...…

January 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. D~iL- , HO E 'ti R-7, ea 1( trace to thte WORLD'S FAIR, Andl offars lowtrates andl sat o10r cornodaions. I ncr . aboot it at pOf Q -JAiA .._.... _ ............ .{ :._ . LI M N '2 I C IJ YLY ft)E M A I 1 1 T -IL 1TE7FST it I b t WeiIitavh ReceivedThl /1w ug ~, Girlsbca7 antd Alp-ine 1108. e ONLY $14.00. Latest Jaads in J14doras. i.t U it', FFttl.,,OVia~t IN rii rt(-)lt t . WILSEY, I CftLKINS , , - 34 S. -tate. a; ot tleSl( U....…

January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…je 'eof , . 1 . VOL. III.-N-O. TS. VOL. 11-No 78. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUiRSDlAY, J A-NLAIIY26, IS9<l. PscTttzeCNS Tfji.,,F, , CENTS. THE JANUARY INLANDER. ;K. Friedman, and "Anita," by f U. OF P. MAY WITHDRAW, }Stewairt 1:. White. The Alumni Question Discussed by She is Disgusted at the New Rule - Ralph Stone-A Number of n erse, Lawreiice A.1cI ii ill Passed by the Inter-Collegiate Good Things. has the prize poem, Broken FotalAsiton ...…

January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…'W. of W(. $Taity. Published Dsaily (Sundays exscepted) during the Colleive year, b~y THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION subscription pricesh..dl per year, invariably n draneo Single opies i3 sents. Subscrip- tions may be left attsthofire to the D~AILYs, us Stutlot's, swith uany sothe editors o autborized solicitors. Comutnicattions sluld reach the office by 7 o', it theynare to npperthe test dny. Asddress nlsnatter intendest tue pub...…

January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 3


January 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…TiHE , L. OF M. DAILY Wt\ill be but .400 teet CI 10fronLtAiDMAaiFOi en-ETES trneto the=T =21r WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $14.00. I ae iewt /elouotq albdadApa ae h .Lalcal hads in Fedoras. ,And offers low rates antd superir r T '4,H FP t.HfS IN PleO11 t tO . stt'totnotaots. I nqtireo ab7ltit at W ILS EY, CALKINS .. 34 ,S. State. 5RI. tlSState Street, I-P STAIROS.j MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES- NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ;etcitit(. 's oot r loot c hook - St...…

January 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…4c tt f s . Da . VOL. III.-No. ; i . Voc. 11.-N. 7 .IVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUJARIY 25, 1898., o ontCNS YRiCE, THREE CIrN S. MICHIGAN vs. WISCONSIN. April -o-Prof. J.C. Rolfe, 'The f LANSING ALUMNI AWAKE, -- Influence of the Roman IEmpire on r The Laws May Enter the Inter-Un thehere owth of Chiristianity. Ter Will Soon be an Active . - varsity Debate-Not so With Alumni Association at the Graduate Student.Ii-ly 711of . A.A.Stan...…

January 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,"-j Mf T1iitmovement of Lansing alumniLIE FN NG M EY " d " Q L '' towards organization ought to startLIE FN NG M EY sip: or seven other "ities of the state By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 500 and 7,5c on every Paulise I faily t(iin(ia3- exceptedf) daring in the same direction. There ar7 pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stork to the College year, by make room for Sp~ring (goocds. at least that niumber of ...…

January 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 77) • Page Image 3


January 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 10 S Nlj LY A ]DEMAITP F'OR TlE NWS -Wlit be hut 400 feet Iroi~ n i ME M: m tranc to the M aoO/anf, ellodbdb iate, WORLD'S FAIR, ONLY $i4.00. IL ~have Received Mei fomiberg, Carlsbad and AlPine I1al3. fThe .lalest fads in Fedoras. And offers lose rates and supi/oer IF/ ~I.,,FLL OtS IN PI'OIOI.Tzw arromodations. Istquire aboot it at W ILS EY, CALKINS , - 34 S. State, a<sea0111state Street, IT' ST A1RS. Ij MOORE&WT OE BOOK ...…

January 24, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…c je tt* of , t . ai n. VOL. III.-No. 76. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 189x. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PROFESSOR BELSER RESIGNS. main building. At Antietam, a regi- He Goes to Colorado State Univer- ment, composed mostly of U. of M. sity on Account of1 ll Health, boys, captured a very important Will Have the Chair of Latin. battery, simply as the commanding It has been known to the students officer said, "because tiey didnt for ...…

January 24, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,.o W T t trcl ege and now prospects LIKE FINDING MONEY . ,.l T "re fare for a debating league. It is to lbe hoped that the tendency wiii-By Going to Wahr & Miller's and nave from 25c, 5oc and 75c on every PulshdDil Sndy x- d drn ,.,. nr. So es O. as we mu-s,t reduce our stockto a- the college year. by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subseriptiottsraieo&o.50 per year,"invarniably in sdant'e tingle cpe e~n~ tinate. Sab...…

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