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February 02, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-02

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Published Dathy (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
Subcriptionoprice $2.501perr year, inariiably
on dv-anse Single 00pies03 cents. Subscrip-
tionst nay be left at the office of the DALYos,
at Stoffiet's, with any of the editors or
authorizesd solicitors.
t'Cmmunications should reachth ie offic by

Alit .5'ttC; AOOCIA''ION CERTIsI'tCi'ES.
The certificates of membership in By Going to W ahr & Miller's and once from 25c, 5oc and 75c on every
1 pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to
the Athletic Association are nosy make coonm for Spring Goods.
ready and solhe distrihbutedl to
ineliers in the main hal 00 Aon- -CS -=
slay F:ehruary 6, at g:s5 a.us.
C. A. IoI~ I' Fine Footwear Dealers,

'''il ' littii ii . ' ' ii' s'ss '

ipTt~1~NT TW1 ; z

7 oclockhP.rn. if they arests appscarsthsenoct "'"'""IjJJ)k p.k J I.JLJU fJjUj~J~
lay. Addtress all matter intended fosr eotdica- ,fc olloss'isg 5ll clipped front this
tion to the Managisg Editor. All businsst Birmsisglssa g ro-Iterald, conceorning FOR Ir T1F1Y DAYS.
communicatios sthould he scat to tseibtol- the attractiosn at the Grandc Opera
nrss Masager. itoseo itsFriday 05011i11,5Febrnary 7"0G NCRs co -=AT (-,S
THE U. af X. DAILY , 1890"
Ann Arbar, Xi 1"T1e 1Prsceott asssclMsLean Co.
open thsesr ongageisenst isBinminghas'su Y' Toledo, Annl Arbor and North
tonsghst in11 1110 4erchsttofVeise.'
TN- ~RUS PU-~eNIN°N°°-- Ilshey sre aecordetd hy all theseShoot ilsga Rilay
__ c'sassi orts'on thse stage today.
lIt)uling1a1lste engagemenott in FPsils
tor is a sigsn that augutrs sell for delphstas fli press of thsat csty gonosslls
good class teamis this scar fta 11 t t.he sists iiith th l'.Meanhdn (ua lIIi~z c ness fse~tkoct SussndaysJsnurstos
class scanagors arc alreadly gettis'o'able r.asissi aisslenunscsiatioss asid 1pos
wholetOe ilpt15it o hl ti 50 51asttr- s
their list of mni whsst'o wsislhto Isry fot vasnildiii f"ir eIisllthe lighstlio tise most ~tx
ltSisiliic. Eservos sielti basebill sle usi lsic s' sppi'a~l, in .sssd 11110 ss isti t heLEAD NO nSCnOLOF.onBUSINESS- btag- . t ...11::iiit5Il
i£ coin ielit llllt ie was tiperir to 1.()tll 5i.enlbsgo iits'; ine teahers; arge7a'en'a'.ec 'ls Xggsr nn Arbr Ac'on*,ii 00 noo
: lott al old1 re1Ipoi t feii sltsty . sststgiootdttiit it its ltn'risr ts st 0work;wel supplsedrd'insg fai3n(.0.ry......
sif>rr tt fi til liy. isLie' siltt 0oo ; di slecrs; bloSatryeveingsircepo ~s;isl
Isis- t~t l 's i i p is st e'is cti on ope' n s the esnis's tir s ee; cme cieoal ograduatesintogreatms\;ti}1'
S ) iis ) <d sfit;shiortan grutess all soecepositions;
lliii f.ourier cooc'ratil ls f 110'i i-s lit' tiiit'hse coy is, i pero f Ni . Nc". lBr o i t isst'ts os's ..II a.in
pri~'Iloduice,i' 1r l M rclianst 1 ikysis sst wccP. R.csl,CLA RY. rs . o (. T'ileocstio notti . 1a 1t
his eiitotrprisoe ii in sctitrin" ine0 s V silos 'ithtliittheus ualishabridgc- i 1 - ' Ctral tantsdar ime.sss
'Iet.ThlIIe last sot i sioesf the brig'ht- S $. 1 ®, Ial ~etSidir
aiioh thioss ittotosos oof hiss sispatc hos est itstst Shsakespeare, thes exchantge Tra2i0n $300,$4.0, $ 0c run00sf iiiiiisiy.};r iii'
takesnsalmost sos t's'tim front the5f rtisgs causitng smuchs merritmetnt, trtandstC imIstWrrslT lonlyss, daitc,ieat'5it Suisniay.
rais aisig st undy.asappsy contclssito this great- 0 I 1 \01 y Way'. O0her tsas slttottiiii''
Inlander. ruIy ihtsis is ncswspaper est comsedylofcithismmtsortalh tbard." !l '?FI s.IB. lBENNET'T, it. 5. GF titS C~tOli.
senterpise -----.--'---- S D oty & Feiner.1 .OnPssAcs. lssO~c,
BoUSINESS LOCALS. _____________Pass.__Ag__nt.__________________
'1'io ;stggestion its a retetn~t stcessetisslisciisa itstitle S1lLIE hAN & (CO. SHEEHAN & (O0 SIHHAN & CO.
urging thie tetion oif a ciptain of of tocentsmperline. Special rates for longer
the track athlotics teats' is recreiving theODnzocofiiteS lortsesraslysgS KE 1J1AI4 E T
facor amsoitnien interesteod in thsat Gsisons has a tess groupi phictutresof
'31Dentt asnd '94 Medic. whiehi he is FOR THE SECOND SEMESTERr
brasichi of athshetic.IThe oh'inison is sellinsg at 51)cenits eacht. 81--t
At ft.e Sttuhoits' Booksto~ro. Stitdlonts, Savo hlif yoisi iionitv
p'racticalhvysunaniiosthiat it sowould I.J(Uti tst iirh nfthe istII sthhisifit. Wo s' shyr ios'tl ots s iotsst e
resultst northsottote'isosOr 0fromnthscv 'ssu5.tWofficediils ehievbnsttonachis, llsrrtl ofs
aet i et's rw o r ftotoretinhramentsndthosrses its thscity. Try hiniss. tf I sosohid-had tind sllhp-worniCollego Toxt Books frsitit thep
ofurs.41 lii1 5 stri(50 pt-EaJtsot 'wshiichtwe will uoffer at lose prices. Wetkeeehsthoe Ii otil !Chi
hpori soil)sortus twestencmi aG D and,""" SIOiGerih ms'r~anDictionalries rocoisosicinhoolby lte Faults'. \\ei
-~ 1i1.~.I~hhitiscltho'bs) tandIcleapet. fNoteohoos inithe otv.s
arc already mitltinic thseirprop ira-SHEEHAN & 0MP Y
tioissfor 'icttorsyaisthPtoNER osst'sEishi L.CORPUNYER,-
their iisocifittite)ors ' ol ai' - AnAbrI University Booksellers, - State Street.
iccessaril du o'soefruitfulh traitilog. .8. ir Street, -AnAro. SIEl VN & CO. SHEEII.XN & CO. SIIEEII.AiN t;,.C(0
Thlere i isno setter ssay ti'ss'seiiut- _ .
lice thesorkih thsnin t itfing it in "Rfichiissii 1010wiletee sssisfwiis." I AN N1VARBOR. I RE NTSCH LER,
th ad facmetn n ne-iTi°-A"rc-N R risingcgap0tii._____ I - iiE Y7J' Li U PR hoto grapher OT OUT V.
'liso Daily Cardinal sniffsvictfory -3CSOOHFORTEAE 05 3'IAIN AND051trtoiN STS
in thse air alreashy. ',tsat paper ex- NE oyt sgbo niislc . S. SERVISS, - MANAIGED.E
rts th'e slebating quialities of thse rte' i as wtell, oil variety is riichandtr~.TII IITTT7 F'TPT
sf PR a. Is Cite lesweleo Rsngs an5ud lIs ' NO IC - HOL~USE
Iwo cointestants already chsoseninsdinslts weeiinshiowsansupassiased a- NO I E .-TO 5 uDr s's
sortmnmtsin asd Ctizeins. Dton'tsssottsittoiwn 1or ONE NIGHT ONLY.
the folloswig language: DAONSCansdy when styost canget just sgoost at R.E.
Boths the doetaters thtus far chseomi OPALS tJoll &Co.'.we.'don't charetoro icstyle,bhttFiaF bur d
have hsiahitndasnt experien'se intthlis EMERALDS ' ~~ give if1 yost, andst hat is oae-hsalt. liot aind
his fM to r ide 'a'tg hit PEARLS olsslunschs'atoall Isousofsteslay aisdtnigt-s.Special E ngagemset. Pssccielii 'ouic
lie fwokM. inly avn hd RUBIES INV SELF Ott R. E. JOLLY & Co., No- 26 South
itearly four years' pracetice a105u tit Cve TURHQUOISES tC U 1U iESION State Streit. .. . VAcLIE.AINmebro t n r of T. T.,.
bieintg for son'e yearsasonso ftle -_ OT LUNCHES
samse soeiety. ILothtgentlemnsoswoer'e--ATC-E- °l-lMARIE PRESCOTTCE lashv u ot An h eycocs ade
partieipants its semi-publies whle thte wa~tchu ae.1 7tsouaito'iprAnolonure0 -AT- CndesSapported Iby thsest ownCoimsspasyitS haske-
latter has taken )parts itt tojoinstido- onlyithe st eefcttimices thal e ** .,~s sei aet ~rteIitin thm
basttes, intoohtltof owhieh tis side'wsas famossak oes ste ash stiecial ttion , 50 icsleehtoTtsslu
victoriouso. If thse electors exercise thse tsoir nun specal F. sG. S, S. & Co.'s 48 SOUTH SPAhTEtSTRET.--
moveenst. Tshe msost perfecily-isal- ________________PRICES, - N0c, 75c and $1.00.
sanse good judnlntt in the chsoiee of ianied mnovementst sant.
thte thtird man thtat thtey alsoswedlits the OwADF G T E L easosletWts'JerySr.
seleetionsof these twoland thtere is WAVONwrttt .G.
every reason to believe that they osil), STftE 'T. S TH C oa
thtere are very etncouragisng prospects DETROsIT. SON1S
for our Wisnitog this very impstortatt 0. a - & CO. 11 W. Washington St P O O R P E
coittest. g OZS N ae . NO.=.,12 W- HUEON ST

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