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February 02, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-02

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Ambw t, t of


VOL. III. \ro. .


Pimc +:, Tx aut CENTS.

Sigmna Alpha Epsilon Will Erect one I h ai usini ete gi
of the Finest.---$12,000 Ea- fine of tire richest .joses of tie+ Smooth Baling Once More. $ ""
elusive of Furnishings. SGSr ctte n if 'pse eneralI Satisfaction.
)lr i i. . faernt -I ~~t1 stiYcassttoi4 'tre rocmbers of the S. C. A. IhId RS '1 -
tietrta C yesterday. A few mtinutes betfore a veryt lively debate 1ast nigh o AYFUIIVS
tinteerection of a srs ,o c oh t conttDETROIT FMICH.s"
rti ivhid tr siia ard the close of lire hourr an otis 1 ly+
~ ~ atltiltitYel he eatnornrrrver n. ar~tctoibe inslt d
frsaotsni1cr li-intl;rrhis sprirnsitacnoi df ..,t-ibiIt
iv to ittti i I u tre footdtufder th ust fi erotern-ofhefinotrl .1 ti n paes h
it I titil Ie hat sveraiincii
i-tv ra-iftetntetiofnti
re~tl at on tiril o see ifoo rtf auiik thit i e a t
105'itinin h e t , sod.slit k-ir1_
itrctiSCi.i iler 5101 i to tre erhit -ss V i,>o~i on i ariil of, ttrhe four i ir /ir itn tieiiieiCii-
io1irr-iItwi troutr owlsurotwarisltret
1 I) >C1 t T f ) l ihuts litn ti1e rs 11thS Crite:itboardao
_ateit r111 yloiii Il rrets- 11 teliotrt.to.sr treiiii.OleHamillri tltt1tu jtiei
s1ti'.lile(in Sriso p r ser ) o reuit itl-rsr -irr., n a st.di IC h' i t rutes o01t e s~irehcii ,tirhers-4;
stio i tolecurelite 'prigmirs tir eukmail-dto ti rec Onicil ncn enitIsderei od'i ls ierroferieli 111hti - - tfl i N
frm tecti s sar-5S N otnhite vi hud, o he ctis svrC tnirriiteo r ii hs e erotor
ferlowsswasiotheirs isssoishlitledterielerealuler.
IIo \tl~ra'lhnt t Oi ilte Univeritymegh to tsebr ari ae esna itl- otreis itArEtTE _1l
tioni-di n N foruu2 ____ rato-i haatrd hire eii nl tl;1
jtt n o oi Iet kitr ientiiftire y'o ierira' n rItte * eoerrhtrreis tit ire tt A i se _ - 11111 t -i i ,,
)51 c] 1 ' enatti i lite itncluding Ipe it-amnzi inereee ert ftin ocra sci ationset i il tha-'t-vie-ehett
Wostoft ilrte was 0n -cal l e o itL esn ti 't t- i it'elt
ot Setar o tt tt st ees ii co-' tilto
le n d tbillitartd t roftmfsf jiitti'tvttittt---
} reite t t hs m ment l,{r g adl mem ers f e~n-ittal cttrhet
stablttis I--ot-roposed
t.r.A curt i5a . . . ian i s.T wotiProfte lss wre asu sitt fr teraboerir tfr on,
an i b thasediittotcond ot th enigthIetfun,-btie of ecr iathrotthai-i't efu tdn e - qIh' n fag f
dedicaton execises a that ite.rdi nosikowtwfatwastat
than- St. 'it tiffe - - ersy ortte ord o tri kine o i ct eii-
ml i viato w lriee te idto eloiit -ir 's 5 t Otrli- t f kaie ou - ' o d Y
-loa tS I ,- i Ii. -t_ iiP c11 tl lttt siretr ofay t- rc i 5-O~tt -i , a it

irteit{' ii t iiI.-t.fe . ffliflIe eir'fir i-f - t I - iit - 1"'
ft - o'~11 % ,T t () co-i 4d { till ots it t fiiv'as'r1it l.-'-Ic a Ie ft{ ii o- fo i ll{ ti l a itiofttbats;y If i-i trnn
I' t ~ ltttt tt II. r I I tt ? tf t ni%-'s t i~orpht ,r isrrie t~ch of itnit itti lire unti e say 1'Tl )
1-l1t 1 1at l tct a l oi th co lg s c l -jCh s F. 'r ,1] E . i-ti ott I b shr twein there 'inls 1 o-f5C te it ttyt'MA B
-tt C
teaue ill12ZI)c 4I
rne era h ri ieltrttnint oif tli "' - tt~eiiCVIaudius - . tart is tte'su- shicirhbeliesedeltht iitw t het onlly ---
w!i ftrnter trozet Nii Ar , hi-i l - e a fi sketech numbrter twio. Jutrie saire 'aytif minirtaint - ing t el iii tc lil-i. 'intttanditu t~y tv iltn,
sota,sorthtrsesterrrni nth t seutit til, -Brat ha iri orn thre 1rser szty'ttre oeis stindrirn of tire assocriti;thait
andit ftbehrooves irs to trace ourt ineti; tn-tees, L'. A. '59, 1st, V. and I.. Itire officers shatpe thre policeytif tire ' F. J. IINNUCA. ',
el preparetd fertehie siruiggie. 1).f-he also tudieel laiw here. H-e society-, auth therefore the conitu-
It weouldl he worse than fonilyto ' fDi.E rs torien inlsuttsrril tuiitnu
sendsa teamn ofnmern seho, throurgh z n o .KtEsmtpoinent rvlsiitsol eraeta ERP.CHAN'T
naturally futel for a contest, are yet mnemnrers. AV song, " Frlo the Gfer- body.
unprepared by a thnoroughs course of mn," takeni fron tlicefralladium, The debeatcewas irolonged rrntil
tranin til meet thne trained athlete -,slnd an admirable cut of 'line lost a haleliotrr, and after everyone had T JcJ.
who illreprsen suc colege asPliad,' fromiitine sanie boork, are of expressed lis opinion and all par- T I O
Ann Arhor, Minnesota, and Norths- itrs o h .o1M rn liamentary tactics had keen ex-
swestern. Wisconsin must take front ineettjh . fM a.A hausted, the motions sas lus. sod dIt'or-Init
rank in the contest. That swe have interesting sketch, and cots of chsap- Mr. hloseen's substitute was carried.
creditable material ha s heen shown'a ter and lodge, of ZLeta Psi are given.----f"---
try the records of our field-days. A new department, "University A letter seas received yesterday by ='I ' _=0" 0TL1=S'Zf,
let all whose talents lie in thsatSoite, ededb AlrtP the Press Club committee from Hon.
direction, begin to train, that a large Sceis"eie yAbr Henry Watterson, who is obliged to
field may be presented from which Jacobs, U. of M. '73, discusses the deln5tetndroWabnuey ~ FOfRt'rs'r_,
to select the representative team.- fraternity question in a strong affirm- the club on account of other en-
Daily Cardinal. - ative. gagements. D tot ihg u

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