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January 27, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-01-27

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C.~j ftL). j* TsyWnt$000 LIKE FINDING MONEY.
______ Tle (cds were busy all dlay }Yes-liv Going to \Vahr & Miller's andl tace frontlace, Soc and 75c on evers
Put~ishedi(aly (Sundays excepted) during ferday ci rculating petitions \whiclh pair of Shoes as we oust reduce our stuck to
he College year, tby sill be ipresentted to te legislattire, tttakc rootm for Sprintg Guods.
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION asklligtliettto grant20e,0oo to- -
bilild the ailttixi to te gemnatsitum. 7
sbci tiopice .i)iOe year, inaraly finp~e'Scte elat titte f"e Footssear I baleen,
iiaie itgi na'i1ies ceeats. 5uaiieeea e gp cie n ulcro
bans mtay 'ie left ait the af(lee ot the (ALne, cot-td signa'lretanaidi ifte coal anditi i3 SOU'f I' AI T EI.
at Stottet's, iwith iay of te ediltorsorii eteejirise ttf th lte it'S ttre of tany i___ - XAMINE THlE
t~tll ia~ossotdreach teattfie by'atvtiliMi hewttinttleof Ite legislators, NEV SITIRTSCEVE
ta'eto'ie. At. if thety areeto appeartetexlt the amoutoutghttoIt be appropri- NWdJ S RE IVDa.Aresalmteriendfo tlc-llT("
Lioa aothe Maiaging Edtr.ie llbnasis a aetl. lButt520,a0a is a sast amonttVJ J
eeomnnnanleatiaaaasiii libyteanletanthe 1last- if mtoney' in the eyes of a Michigns
THE U. of H. DAILY, legislatture, especiallycweni it relates at Ai aermua..2 OITi.EI TET
Ann Arbor, Xich. to gymnasiums. j' ToeAnArradNrt
EDITORS . T MichgAn ro n ot
t5 I o t~ iutin. 941 ', MaaiE dio. I C MII ON(tie tiltilsM icatga1.RDaily.
1s. e a 1) . I't i l , (asi-ta ,a a aels 1155'(10tielrDa i aily. TJ1'M v (la ~ titt . iiilo 2iiut o
i.W.t. si t'i..tI .(it. sitnessiMng la seialowI ete nsisn. ' f iers Disl sye o IlĀ¢' liiiaVie.itA i
toiltrecl<lt. 2) w i/Jri,-7 ine{adilefc u~aJtiay22
t n 't it. ' tO-lu,', ,ii__ prhe.11n1S1 5 i a etno .)1'
it )ieni la ' 94,fesbs ite lDIGS Hi B aa s (g AsNa zt 5' 1 'itl i s a t. . .Arbor
LiltIty. ia . j 1e he licl S cltl l, illittilin'til ati tagiistiai''; there.~l ,atia iiii.l
t: !' iit woth'S: 1. 1'.t nc,.We itc udh t n Mon i t i . it adlli'saieatm taeltslsli
E.K io l. ;, 1 iWi aseuteshhaaeaoaa(Il.a 5e .ii11it.lee . . t i
lI 3 ai10t,'1. theiUnvetsit . .- -' i mttstathsdeatataa( cesapaaia
iie.tor.s, Tulsa i',Not.iea.r42s+1.5 Isat e AISH OO OFiei. INEt..ha sa a-i Na. ". sMai lianitms e .
t;__iitnii)iaiiiiao( aai if>: iirit t<titeiio No.t. -M0tall I i sli enets ....4 p
fatiif. i. \lilarai d.P.(. ..CLEARar.. C . A ()liii;.iroo',iiieyilii Ateataaurday eteingirece tions; t
'Vie lillilpen thetentpetiyears ttimmerciategraduates in'great'
_____ residnt oft~le (raliri, a \sst d'i mnd;sorhndgaIaeslse cure Otie aposiations;i(eniay
Ciiigepessgt 6.5prweknprvaefni gNor.e lo Oraf o rs, TakelNoice s . L DwCTAoy & Lo~uener. De'. _n. Pas. aty eng . ....l3';i
th alumsiitiosMrrm wetone'sekarticle" ""....
F.ightCtoARYriPres. so.eti. toeedoe-cBUSINESSiLOCALS.. ST i.IInT
ilti e -luia - f -ihian gea- A'sine litih, oftia ti(tors, and enrarSanlr Tte
ti bso'leartic7le tisbrisevig "Daaitslya texceptllli Suareda1y11
thatectostforaekotsefrrots-oratri- $2,009$3.009t$4.01$5lat i ,,o. Andioreaderlofe "The Daily'' 'Iis cordially rninvitedc to A anterbo
Ctal tonofsth last- SeEhHNndedOMPANYe
sitennceof ts.grailtiuleireatlor if theiolIeeohasdtheneist laucka, rllr('llnge-s
Itail horesFlt tle cie. 'ry hStndtfy
slsetirelatinftitetOeabttrectl of tile LeaNceEveryeWafor tthe1 lecrid-cdtila
I uiesitylhc(tti rle ril iii it clit atthile utd hilsBbrl( hlu i ose
li diveritytl istg liaclen:too.muchslaelPs 71 (il adpe Huenw HOLI DAY + 3OOK SALE

Pr swillI be a rare troat to seettitnd UI D'rt1't ttll iiiiiii aai'ii 'iii rn
faaat,'t :sci'iasa'itplis eat ai it'eli hia le eN ice-sf ( tuttle
hour tile notedl 'Vile ptiller ad tid isatee booia ni iiio i'"ios t itthat itiat-I
(111117 ays(it1' leiaes rennasaistit tiyall the
leadlinag .tmericatnathleticeathotiitly stien lhslciai'citen ot, lee rit'XiiiAn-
tiocorots'evs'inin atu. es' he'tseahei(nat.Nt tThe TUniversity Booksellers,
hail. lartif. Stagg 's leituite ,tltowids i rcialifrain n ' ad - ( ee 11 xm lo. ~.
ftrtiagntecdlotes, hliteross ANN 'tiiii BQ .
tiotis. As is saell knoas' thte treas-i~ 4 ~'
tiny of the Athsletie tssocitiotn( 1 is 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE..
practicallyenmpty. aMoney for thie JasiNottely i rianebutisallothe Saul CS IV it,
training anti cC pmenst~ol of the base- rar. infn ae jeweleid Rings atad (aaen-0
sail teart is seeded at once. A sootatrtiandi NOT!C EI
nosel antI interesting southlern trill DIAMONDS ,TOJE,,'('i (SitCSTUD(ENT'the t i-vaiersits at
OPALS t~ ietlto ant atteisa haaaestaitthattati
for the tetns tobetintarratngedi. EMERALDS ~ o ti'ii~ lonsaa. te hgafaraatttoD
htavetelar t a n i est tac ik oad laawest
'lhcre is in lte t'tniitrsile niateritta ERSldaaissa-iy ta' aaaaa aiicTih-
-RUBIES IN soota ttI andtnaiaae. R.L. JOLLY & CO., No.-26 o
for a otinil~ts eant. All that iow TURQUOISES a'ttxrt S thteSret
is (necessary' (or a successfuli baseball ETC., ETC. eLU5tlS.
sesnis fintancial backing. For - - HOT LUNCHES
thaese reasons, if for nose other, ATCHES'alays av ttasea ost,. And tchanvary choicest Can diesR
1niversity hall shlsd be tilleti to- tasly the mosnt perfect tamepitetcsthDei -\11I01t
wol rdcs na ti oncelto athea
m(orrowsevenintg. lleajttes, theo S.C. rtaaaataalEs wask adlat (a ti n 0*#*TUTT E',
touowSpcaF.G5.S.4 il' SlATSET.A., alwsays wsorthtyo finatncial suap- movaemaent. 'aleatost liecnehy-Ita-PR
piort, is lt receive half of thte pro- <redmvmn xat
ceeds. 'Itoe price of adntission boo V 0g't((lI F. G. STAE3LER, -
SEE.1Fbeen fixetd at the exceedingly lowse ~ ,T SMITH,
price of twenty-five cents. 'rie tDESTRITlr. SONS Coal !
Choral Union pian of sealing the & CO. 11 W. Washington St
audience will he used. ----=__________uuoz Ni ao. o.

Io the- iLe't AIti ttus.
- State Street.
)hoto rjapher,
'ONDAY, JAN. 30, '93-
merriet.t%411. iltte'st tt-ti Steriliii
oAGRS j1fpO1AJ
It it coapany lit taiatiitias itndaecthe tirec-
tiot at Charles Frohman. 'The
Grea'at C'naeday Success.
'ICES, - 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Setats snatitat ats' ~s tetly Stain.
NO..12 Wti'-IUION STh

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