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January 27, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-27

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VOL. III.-NO. i e.).


PRICE, Tint, u,, t , NTT.

HE IS FAMOUS AND HANDSOME' was favorably known as a ready and! BASIS QUESTION AGAIN.
Sketch of Prof. A. A. Stagg, who enctiii'pekr a ae Attempt to Require Officers of the
Lectures Tomorrow Night and since then at Cliautauqua, anti S. C. A. to be Chosen frcm
in University Hall. Gfeneva fakeacid in man citie~s Byvangeclical Churches.
:rof. 1Alono Stagg ssas sorn. throughout te mctryivheihas titent 'i cisteniajority of isnterested sar-
at We st (trange, 1. in(. iss i n retAinigiusstciiv (id tes thyelqucstion of the S. (.A.
Sc . Ti sfI tiicrwas a cobbiler'sod j 3 ears of age, unmanrtedt hand- basis 55asssupptosedto iihasvc been
nsaker of boots sod ssosiiotl.poprtonitoftiti iefiitelysesttlcd for sonic tiimecto
Sta"" s boyihoodthtereforeisno oz address, Prof. Stahl; attrarts a comse.Tvotihe great surpise of the
~pcsstintidl'icnv a iit "eat deal sif atteitlion wheirevesr tcnche s h strsvsroee
sarly sviiced a love for 0ou1-coor I -....... _ at the busines ssmeetingi oni t ednes-
vi'ors, nusorSvea vas sas the Prof. Scott Will Addiress the P"enssv leveninigscihen thyei orisnitteei
caderi iisatihleti ccvierises ii intiCiuO.oil15 incoortioln idcits rcport.
district pistl ti ciit siio ~ 'Anl. Whitiseiins {ii heI atte Ipt was1. iiiaitcto rcqit i n Ii
veei veilsiofizirethy enisrcc ths thyeinew articlvs of iiiviii1o01atioci
floe Sls hiiitit Creviftnd hi ttt it -~ t ic'ithe isn, oiiceirstie, ss loi n-
ifs ai ciiy scvons i Coitec e L ibic itioils . I<
iiiiiid jlls minitaiiiicd iimsieif tIlrs Iv iefore the tress Clits, Satas iiay cisescicted osniy fr11111 isieiiiivs
for three vass IIoften reiplitdI ftcnoiif.t texasiteviicat viiiiurcs.ItWhitethits,
Si) l iii ip'. I cti i heads 05 i tid re iii ic iltis!O lshd- Is Oniv a parc' 'I reversal of thy for
, It. .' iacton ,i~ mariultedfo s1. ion 1is d - ln-" wh re fiituiie lieetisliS iiithe oter a'sn ,et its acc ii ttstttt of
i raing IiS 'is' sbyasclinass aInuwsoistd he cif great siignificiasve, as"t
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I nwhichs willI te sif greatin iterest to) ait
c'iaiii oi the -5, ctier tba llye. itzctin 15 of thiclcubti,50 icecos- I sftec tiic articlestiavebhenii leyi1ami
i!) ll leneedii iic Vii ate it tofit si'iros 1)1-oticsI tasimadiebya
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SUMi1til cii'

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1i 'Iie.e i lviii .5a .. .. .vs.......t..t....P...tip
.iit ititt ic 511.tif. ) c ftc cvciiic etis il c
Sittiv 's lvii s tc by 'a~ MERCHANTnl1K t
ittric ss.k st s es t lv 1 5liststi', j Yfr a e itsssvolisviso liec c'
fi tctogic ta Seniistacy. t1ttltcra s 'anie1itS sit.ciandsicii i estc. s tol o eo Poll i-
Siirs . R ll'.cltates' ' . Cs nislat
fitltie stsa s enascearyi lote 550' M I. ett ')rtsv ... ~le, eeeniendbetovoavols
V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dr «[C_. o henx wo s ue aiso O Ii lor ist redlise Is lageler; Messrs. leTAI O
gradsua te wask an,,itssi rocto natthe I MC 'I Mcreii issalts iorOhates... tro i olng'that e yprcgrmen w tts n
in 1892 haI emwasappoin1tte direorMiss SWi .i iasiss.015er e Esbs' 'Renoed, Tht
S~ilce u he aUgnerasefChcago ecue mrowfi thevllbeho cSld ha Psioe d," uninasmit
iyseei sno in sa wnt-iec ~.Ts uinwenespsitdAILOeaRndB.B
wiltle wa hentrcora t e iseAlated a acodtg- to tite n, a Tie asupOrted- e Affrm tie, ShouldT'I S
''ailnt stht lMr. Sagihasel m ae for and '1 Itante. Harms ..and V. 0.e ANCoMPtraneo
bs efaneval eutto. eCorlUionspan . Wtisen-ealve Detroit Miheidebat

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