je tt4 Of
. t1a
BUT ONE GAME WITH CORNELL.iniynasinni. Wire screens will be THLECU' RP
u__ sedl to protect the glass. Tbis will Th is oneto heSao o
Th GameFrsatCnIthaca thGivenn TU-
Nh ame oftSothern Cove es- make a splentlid, roomy place for Night--western Trio Begins Wy0
tae o oternaye ges ctice,2.esp ecially for long distance IpcictobePayd_"_
throwving anti batting. Perhaps tinh IeGe lwl ie ishs fsOTS -
Michigan.still lplay but one base- dirt floor of the basement ivill be util- fh1ANdFJU kLERS"
plyconcert of the seasoin tis evening a ERIMC
sail "anir swiths Cnsnell tias yca. ifor cise practice of base-rusnningt, Is yam (5. Satuirday -evening the
Tl-' -ansuitliDescorastioiinsaygamsse but cite wiii base to be exr icisedI to crib aipieairsat Coiriwsater, iMiri. si1 i,. i d i iilsn~te Intise tiiiissh c cs ncrtasl ~ ~ i A
wiil occrt a suloi ,I sy 3o, il prientrunnngi"into lte imaine iioii I sirsevesrii wvrks the sctub hissbeen I
Detrtoit. I'hr sontmipiatedl gamir pils.1 s Several omein ass iw nstcis rciig wt uh itrs n
wsih Cornellsic Ithliacas ihas benrci p e it enl igth bud ing, at Someni seaw ansi lakiss-'songs
abandsroned )ll aaemenit lii whicshs will probsably ib inriais forssheiii ve bhincii arefills Vise
snit consisiderC orel'5urate f cainidssii tlrhreisnning" sitnist pracisticerhasbern mnorie sillst-cunt ansd
1120 suon i cli t ris i ti utily a spes-sil s emeisterithsoroughii thsass esvesr lirfor e lsT e
isI tsiiii trrlrirs iftiiIs James Whitcomb Riley, Ins usiri is beasrsss s Witen iiiiswant ihicLatstimetriopolitanStysvn
ao l nisi ii or li e .S'o ii Cois rne 55mll' 1to) tine clibaindievers-thsing isi- or'$2, -$i or55ssisen s i ii0itisiaipisrless tlraii
msainagers actd liiiT a si i j n ~ p45t 5~ 5 ~ 5tatnhid-er : lsi viiAss Arbor peices, send finsCtloigueiii
hurmii i Ii sats, tln sssoristhis isbeein ningagiediiyctin e hetsrhest thsat :ihian snhas ever& C0
lhtint ii o usli sot afforri tosofferta -Sudiens'Ls ectisse Assocsiltiom for (is . sri. Y F
targetgisasrantrr. list arcessitys of'I in rinter tasim int iii i nives stv Iall 171hr insnualiwserns s tii llibe 101, 1S3-185WOWni i sARA .,
"isving' sp this -ause is tos be regret- P'is -ni" sacnb egisn sitsarussitdinatry nnDETROIT, - - 1IIttIItIAN' .
cr1d for i tncs5 sisn th isamisosnid hiIrsRirey nimorimotnistaiy k1 wn tine rsvenisng of April 1i2,' after U f
irtis~~~~~~ ciaucao Iair ssrI s the ''I oosser Poetis the nmost sischsltefllwinvg tr siib ,I~IIOl tgtQt
ire aiclose.r'esi" m isrrsicdialectic iasn on the iplat- I isciessisety- vs isted: htssskeenn - Ni. I
sirii-rsis ormInastodlay. It has ibeensastllssaidl° Ciand ialsics, Chicas niDes hinen,OGAR1"E
It fiiis silkie'iceliisai hb osrf him thsat ''a "nod actorI wis i s tal Ia.;I sinessiaanit I Insa'sNe .Ii n- ^ iov 5 igtit p yei ie'
is sn Is ni I o tssr, I isisis usroneto is iswlen hrestent upon tlielectusrec sas ICits, St.Lonis.s ans phrisi miii -- v c ia"gsdliiir the siiiissay
<)ft ist l-' seam s is iither West. ~ Ris humCisgaettswllfinis
lplatfr . -l . Ilevs o n il l lt i"BAD ueirt
, tisnd "' utakniing poems eijoy silargci salr WesterinCoiieuse Base Basslii.iiniiiihCuutsi
Z~l 1\0. 1.i("'s i n uusnmd 'isnnthei'Ssu"c-
' dsi iiii tins anthnse sit 'sun' iticsr hisiris nl asi, i as uiii 5Viginis. 'ihis stil e ,ri
iil lt5 S~soi t is probab l iric ii s spisyCviicagorteAtleic l I iii ii C mr c driii rasiissi sca'sstrassiitCur nus'i c-
poet In it any ithti; Irg fii. andwas bisughtoui isi s i n tas eiyeaii r 1i575.
itfiatitwoisle -ass'wisillier piased v5 aiic5 i ill bli e -st cii fI the c l t iisng nBewae o rai onsnacn oservetliatith
'idlCabeitndishirs"tItsretere h
t~i lessii 151leasuntiad eerltsitnt irt isis 1 isis at slAIIEm iii b U nquran
1 Ithe cou trThis srPliesssissaveas
uses ly rillginissistlicsinisisthtt1c.' Vaei iib.c;sinciii t a , nt i .
--, v tla tecNisi i ts l i c s-tsar-euenisi sisisn s. lc.iltasin e ~e5m 5-i0ciii0
5 isslctiet, is agss Ia ues 11'nabF r
'a~lee have notr or-is e .a t I is LterainNen sci xt a r sniv. o iNi.sch.sibis ii l IiisaIrs
num'rcii thcr.Isin.Ic5i i 5 an td e 'ne'ins s'ti is ili tJsEsisitt
l~ i y~ l "i s a e a e b i g ;I< ie 'iic t n r .--:F IIii liiasmissi n o i ftyri i lsic s 15 willi 'fl~
r ies t is ithIi ,cs5 ism yo tisssi t iils-ssisis I P l erf j tii' bili n i =1 1 h rct .crteio
aOii; isit ill"I Isis e r ), -- i ssc l tessi" aisus-si cedt ithiris atin h olg . L s
h 5555 v.Lciitc ht '00555.. Latn daot i eti h ti ysar i tth RoinsIosass ersit o x for
:iinic rc ate nd;[ t
vrsssit t t nasina, Itooissninton,
isd.ciPsicue Isisicrssts 1 ~af vettc.
I nil tDe iiauwsv iversity,(cress-
castir ,I nit.;\Wabashs ColleeCrawv
tsordsvi lie, last i sersit' Iltisnois
The lidgwsiltlhreisade switicoin-
siderabnly less expeinse thanswouldi
othierstise be incurred by an eastern
trip, and it promises to bie fully as
nosel and attractive.
'Tie canditlates for the 'Varsity
teami sill commence training
dust as soon as the windosts and
sky-light have been placed 'a the
i9 io'clsicks. 1/is:,is's lrtlc //1 ~
Riepublicans, Notice'
Att stuideints or citizensdsiriig
an invitatioin io tine Mishigass Chub
Blanqulet at IDetroit,onaFIebi.'s2nd,
still send their nanmes to list presi-
tient of tine U. of I. clab.A spec-
iat train will leave immediately after
Col. Douglass' address. All cannes
turned in after Feb. 14th cannot be
considered. 1t. IH. h'ARiSO1s,
Mcl~owelstill be one of North-
western's pitcher again this year.
stans sti osugiin hue lioes suitsteak bi-iI
h uindi thur bat. P. J'. KINNUCAN,
I niasndlS'ainford J r. Itnisetsity
tin thiiee caindidates for the position M R H N
ofpitchirCt aptism, Cannpbel ndnII H N
McI aiim SWiltoin siltlibe listregul-
lar catchierT.L R.
' The election of a base ball rap- TA LO
l ain for tine cominig season occurred
last Saturday. Blefore thne meeting AXShti ,l~t5
r Leary seemed to be the mnost popu- ADFio~ o
lar candidate, but as he w~ss cot at
all anxious for the position, Pills- :F='F'. -T=7'OOI-TN~s
bury was nominated and elected.
The choice is a good one, as there
is not a man in the University bet- 55 'W_7'.FOEIT ST'_
ter acquainted wills base ball mnatters
and mect-Minnesota Ariel. Detroit, Michigan.