r ' lin , g is f ost. becoming known tot the eiha-
,.J . to T tt saltoil world. (Bradtiated froml
_______ Michigal illsththe (las-s of 1882, he wa's
iitiln-s Of~(((lll soon5001apptoinited to the faculty' asIn
p01ibii10hea laly(dy xcptdi driga t nictor inl IHistory. I is aillity has
the CollaeetSeor.b
beeliisoaniarkeilthat within a w'i-a lie
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 111(0 leeniappited ti fall 1Professor Iof
- Aiteirai hstory. Professor M c-
iltis mtOtie left at th'fice(( oflthl le li v lijloricail magaztin1es,asmd Ihis "life of
at Stottet s, W(thally55of(ith(e editors orIii Lis C, ass,-in tihe American States-
authorizd soli1tor1. dei1serie, is receiinllg veryfavorable
Conoicotiene-lhold re-aih (le uiltce by ennei rmte edr fti
7 o'click P.. it' they are to apear the next tllitttf-sifu edr fti
lay. Addrese allImttler intteiedfatrtpablic- gireat series.
*11(0 to the Maoaging Editor. All buiesseTohe collrge w orlid may expect attmc
communications etioutlit le sect toi (le ttiti very valtahle cottributitnia to hiltori-
THsI~ae . o .DIY cal biography frotm the pen of Professor
Ann Arbor, Mich. lc~atlgllliil.
lly Going ft Walir & Millcr'satd arave from -' 0ehoc andt i s015 cvery
lair of Shoca as wvc oust redure our stork to
tu- akc roorm for Spsring Goods.
Fine footwcar IDealera,
7ZT~GN1 8zCO.
EJ.Os-c itt i, Lit. '91,Maaing lEdibttir.
E', A. DInsons, Lit. '93, Assitntl.
fGR-AND lhltIRA llOtS;..
. r Ii. sc ,r t. , Aosi i111 (tIlllX 5 ll S ti
W.E5 TI it.0N5. C I SaS, 1'. IG. Lit., Ils sess aMasager h f) w g nt 'Tie 'li:t'I'' F ''I;,.O T
W5.0. w~. I>,.t.17Rii. '54,As~sistnfolth lo itig 00110clippiedlfront tile
a.tItentt. °94i, Assisltnt. IBirminglhami AgeII erald, concerntlillg
fITI:t.,It1. r w tileattraetiion at the (Grad Otpera 4
11. Ii.1. (,ani so, '94. m c
Mits it. R. Shots, 9t. (1. N.' "scer , ':1" hut 't Pescat tt Mir Il'ailii C.15>fire LEADING SCnOOtL OF BUoNSSo. titog-
Notrian lFliwers, '16 . . I rel,9. Io nth ell i't l negiiiiit inl tiiliiiglliii gooi ic i ii'i-iiias- oiperiiewore; eti suppicd readingo
an5 ii f . ' . (110(0 0 ~iof°T~tll tolliglit i in T e ite lia1ttofd \etIii~er oom; da lili5 1i~ .iliii; Satrdy seenig sreeptions;
Mttlie 1 _ MOtarlat wr,s) .ioililiri hde,- y-ar; tciiiicialttgraduasongreat
.1}ly 1are ll(OI i'f b l l 111licbeat Si d eomcnl; iliiiilliaiil gadese alSecuoce po asits
l old l'iiDla on the stagi' today. tW51150epi50ct t$a.ti t~lo)Epireteli i liifai-
es-. Foc srNiwCTor iiindLiis fStudenitswho
THEARUS UBISHNGHOUE. Duin~g 0a11(11'engalgemseni t i IFll-b- csiionsofiom weakitoaiek,ictilc't'
__________________________ eilpliia tite, press ifthat city genetrally P. R. CLEARY. moes.
agreilthtimIMr. 1Macleaii had no enllt
t I, tdid not niotire amngi the il l te role of 'the Jews.'[hllremark- $2.00. $3.00, $4.00, $53
ablereasliig hulld etiiitseoitsaniilI
pubilishecdl fates oiii e li esirty oWsole coctionltiils sf Shiyloch is 115ter-- . sirst Cl-tts 'md Wail ll i
'Minstrels any for the betnclit of the Is sstanl drtew fortls the highest praiise N 1First C Was
Athletic assoriationi. It sos bectilid public aplproival, sasdilanotewiorthy
cmmenst thait hiso 011uaplerior toi.tooth ELS Doty S Fenr
customary for the miinstrels each ois llarrett inth le play. Miss itresciitt's y & Fenr
year to +ire a benseit ierforn 1ce ts asoks fa liefsias +TIA ~O lEH
yotiiwomanly grace stisi power.' She wsr
an the aid of athletics. WetruIt lom0110gorgeous dsresses illtile play. !j.
that asuihaaidate wxill he a rratocl Tseesiiile*5 SEeCOsntoNDo ~ \ a. -AND
leice' withoutt thsetiusuall abrifdge-
mest. Tlhelsaststct is one of the bright- ~ FRTESO
'li l ifficutlyof -rr-angini eat its ill Shakespeasre, the excsasige liiti
lii O ' 'aaofsrigs cansigla chg tssesmer-rismenst, and Ih A t te tdsust's ookstoir'.
as I thaica gamec withi Cornell hsagivisig a happy conclusions to thes'greast- a-ndlby-ofif s.We' 'irs- is
l Eat comeidy of l t'eimotlrd." I'
sp 'ng lpaailn this season.-fo ssCorrt-slI eodla ndsp-o1C
hell1 sayas not enoiighi woouli e miaide --- _ IIastwili wsesidwill frat llrt
fromiithe game htoafarrantila li-oltt r~fJ 5i~ indtilllarum I ici iettwil-lmIt
iif tic guaatlet'asked. Iti s to lie ;li-ia I lii'beet 11n(1 ilit-api-sf Ni
1(rgrtted that the gaile illino_ leit L. GR U NER, S H E E H ANil&
lci tleayticetesin thtC grll i I University Booksellers
iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S S. tetaI tir ste rei85Main Stee - _Antn Arbor-
conitists, iimt thefiniancrial reasoinssliSIEgII 1xN - k(IO.S IIEI II
are oft iciurse f i t fiiiiii '''3"Iieglit t(1
makethuts actiols tecessari. t lhe A
inanaeletdsre ia riefr e ineocdates seturedowhich, iS1 k I Lk i]R
cannsot blt giltessatistactiontlto all. ' 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE..
oalll lie isarheatnd these osills tesams iwi-re y Ii ite oil srcrii}_________________________
lewOelet lllissanoust 1's-i
that woil make intersing gamses.- dam we canimy t ii psdas NJOT IC E.-'IiS-i-s) r
'Mlie astudeits sholdrIrenirnilber the ciiilnil li i izai-ss. Don'tsurosit iiof tw o
etiterprise otfte iiaiageisetnuext DIAMODS S nti&Cs. ic et carge fost OS lllil brit.It
sunmmer owithi rru-sed blensthes atirl EMEOALS * il-c ittoryon, soil Ouat rione-haltf. lttIan
tail.PEARLS r-ili( luche t ialliiioits of t laliiy aidilnight.
grantands. I RUBIES IN's stat IOtilt R. E. JOLLY & Co., No- 26 South
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Ticmc Garin efriect.Sondaoy, .tiiiiisiiy 21 Sti
Depatre oi ilf :rinsioat1Ass Arbor.
Nat . Moiatsil -ai ,x ress.. i .. 2.Iii
Nos:. l'assecr Ass Arbor Across ' it noton
No.i5. 'failiantiiihseiior..- se. 4 p.
Nio. it. tIa0 ajis stltise e'ir-r - ...I 13 ait -
No.,4. 'o Mailbd Ex res sl....... i p. i
INo. i5. Tf otiAeciaisioaion .. Culit. is.
'ily cxceptl Stinday.
'Trall intlritSri ut-we i- nnArhor ci cili
- Toledioconly,Ossii,Sexeoiittsndao.
oilier istrisodilyiexcettiS~unday.
A4. It. troNNISOTI, II. S. GtlbENWviODu
c Gen. Pss. Agehnt. Llocal Aent
Sttldelts, asaehalt p isis slnutv ;
111 rec'iovtng i ioliiilIsOnss of',
Coilege Toext Bookcs from thefii -
111s1iesuileilbyhole lit-ill o. Wec
#l books inti e liy -il '.
State Street.
AN lk ((). IS1EEIIA- I CO.
Ihoto grapher
I01N R(lsI 31.1's\ NDa litt"RONa-Os.
Friday, February 3d..
Speciol dingagemen-iit Iaecell rolIii-
liii; folloawing, clipipledt Ifrom
hPeripatti,"' iiin hie t iversily
Msagazinec. is sfitmiieresl t tUnit-er-I
sity stutises:
'Tle Uiversity if Michiigant hias fifty
sif its ox'-t graduates upon itis faculty.
No fact rculh posasibhy shioiwbetter thie
confidenth le regents of thet''iiser-
sity lhaove ito the charcter f tiewoosk
idsise. -' decidledstenihency prevails to
select younsg tmessicr professorships.
Ansong floe youtnger tooembers of thie
faculty tt-ifesaor-Ansileso C. McLatghs-
W5AllTtHES oivcos oaIto isr most
satchiftulrore. It isiinroiiitosteiicure
oilly th cstolpcrfetltimeireccste
sworlilpodsucies. ItsaddiliisI tion l lie
famous makes tie ask'speriaatttion
to our 0ccnispecsialaF. S.,S-&Cos
msovementi. site cmost tierfecti-l--
AVH lsIls F.G'.
S-ratles- . S IT ,
State __Street___ H. 1). IVIAcLJ§AIN,
And 1thc verychict CaS nodhes MARIE PRESCOTT
TUTTWE','' ie" omseS cni Polutiu
PRICES. - S0c, 75c and $1.00.
ppL/. ST.&Q.EBLEP etoissaliatOWattis'IJewelry- Store.
C a!GBOw' 11 W. Washington St 1pIoTOGRAPHER
1 NO. S.NO.:12 W.-HURON ST.M