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January 31, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-31

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. a 11 V.

Vol. III.-No. 's?.



ANOTHER PLAN SUGGESTED. petent instructors in the country. BURNT CORK MEN BUSY."
<me-fifth of a Mill Tax Instead ofIt is proposed to bring the Smith- The University Minstrels Will Ap- -
One-twentieth with Special sonian institute a nd the National pear at Ypsilanti Feb. 22-A 0
Appropriations. Miuseumin ito close conniection witli oo So is Promised. I
Senator Iic latioliiiiof fDetroittene nsiuto.hihwchths dess rehearsal of the U. of , -E$& "
av i a recent newsspa per interview, aelsdantages experienced by n I mnteswshl /AIFE~LR.
faosoeffho 2 ~fit~ othser universitls. DETROIT, MICH.
hjusersitsinstad ofthe rtstn - Ilie nsewenmisic was gone Itirooghi
(.niertsensi te ms oftoe beenlt ei awOaorclCots, carefully, aaiill 11the specialsonugs -
on-tenieh.Itsemstobeth Snir awOrto cl- on sv. ere sung. 'fle nest costumes arep
verittof ftetomitteesshiuch v51 1 Ie seiiior lass ioimmoittee(ionthe (flute elaboratebigi LusXV
_ied the canmpus 1 risias that this oraoricat coiitest hive subnitteda style. 'fle troupe now iniinbers
ilanii would he iiiici better thus the voliiminous report. Thle time re- flity-live.
preseiit iiettiotdof umi'kuin ttditional nmnldi FiaMrh3, lsi ii eiv ues, l ir. iBarlowtand
special appor uto s yvr wishI isCunmr
lucr cI il-iolii~ifiiis litsaiie as set for tie Wisconssin- 'i.Cuume aehcsadd
her gnieralls seemis lto hesoiieU of l'l..idebate. Orations nmtst Messrs. M-owver. Sefiermerlorus,
itfeee i iiui eu~ not coiitain imure than 2,000 svords. CakailDc eesiet eteIof 12, 4i ortI sshoes at:ioto11 ispsir less than
,ire also iii faisor of this. I lit pres- Sesven will he selecteil from all those eiierthiifts year. Ann Arboar pes, seed eo Caiaiouet to
eut valuation of flitstate is $960,- submitting orations. 'Chose will' Several neiw features have been
00o,ooo. hue-fifth of 'a Iiill tax tonter the final cointest, judged by added recenifly, including a trick
for the next twvo years svoild italize the thiotighit anid compuositions. Prof. ca bin for the tumbling scene, and a 10oi. 183-lan wOOiis'xRiAvit,
$3:.00 fterqeto h e-jTopo ilslc omte tricke horse that pronmises to create DETROIT, - - MIChIIGAN.
Bluest of flit regents for the next of three to judge these, cacti iork- as niuchi excitement as Wang's ete-
tivo years, 536000 swere granteed incofitescale of ioo.pliant. ]q.i~h mond Straight Qat.
this with teouetwseiitiethi mill tax 1y comnmittee of thiiee still jliilge Tfli first puiblic appeaiaince sill N0 1
S48,ooo a ytatwould nike a total b t'pitniheh 2do e- IA E T S
if $362,000, X2OQO00less than teenethehes rIi o ea.The rtitianiifiAo n the..utaf Ioo, t1t,'.oi,,iie s ho
sebis lto be dettritinerl his lot. maof he en iiiiearirein w illinSmohiers littl
'inc-Ifiti sit aiiill faxwsoiiul reailize. ___ Arbor oiifte -2th of ftesasuit -- ,uati'ii Isthe oiiidiio'oy
UNIVERSITY NOTFES. Imouth Detroit, the ;othiof Aas THI BRA.. .upeiort
A Junioi Law in Trouble.____ ae8fr,11iTi x l.s x--.-t~~alohers.
Daesfolit,?rndaidTheoIlicnionsuii lStraigiit
} Cit No. I C'i',rtitess ore ia ile, owthe bright-
1.'of.\Ic_.agliin' clss ~i on-Saina, ad Tled hae rot een, etmtd g~eil Sti- aitiit lat igaes ost
synn ii lt1iiwarhsibrnien soiu oii ii 5ilfiit f tbilotlvt I God Lat grown i lllts. 'This is theiold
i-tttin La il iihtetbokcoedvt adiginal Brand siof tatinttCiga~rets.
I lil si ituseeletrIi aor,tisesitetk lI ticmisnigsaenit is ilso eoinsier-ei ar orimt ii,lnd lsoivo lthto
t'io a icvrdyeedy is-I lie Noi nime'3555 . ,losisiiai every re};i .
ig printed lectuiecsiiid 1I rof ILGriff is ~~itNtiiu~i ~~ps~o f'tiii i ole ithNas rin lii}'osicc~.
tosokhits nasmi. It is saidl that mnys11 lt t it1 i
otstucoinitheeclaiss wttrecalso using -it w~tiiii liitptrebaly h
ofpriitesd noees.cuIs reseiitlkittwneelcep teil unquestioniably
isuiutld.rio aiy tosiileisul someuitvery finluetrfiil' appairateis Thle iiinstrels hhd. ilop I ie ic ,.5
whteornt aytobe for use itftethospati. t ore taken last teeh, andthflitn'" FR 11 Ts
It is sail that flit stuietiwhvtoste ait eio iiorleil-siss pstl.'tt i rtusrsI Flt~l1~ ~~~
pncu sas takeis entered ft h iv-iis .Sbn titrilor eil-so u el ~ha rhsr
ture, visitedel lthospital, yesterday, on a raiseit platform, andthfittrouipt I An([ithiarctlAsortmeto
m intenhr nI555IOiIlincomnuisywith Dr.Itreakec. tnl flitfamiliar senil-circte, i oodth
of. sTiihifn ll hisIle J effersonin societi' ill select eeigsetranetcnb x R I~:B
A National University. their representative for lbe dehate peeled. urili5
A's unoiceed in a previousis mu -, oesee roi fluisu4 i si.Cornell's New Men.R EIV[& S N
-I iPof. eport wsill not organize a___tfrliur - .hildhN
lcDahittin h ciliai s us iftiiciiiii of less thiaii itently. t icteeamonig ft heirewrausei- ____
e.luceeliniConugress lookinsg to te s'-1ho s s wishig to jisoihlsee to idatesfor Cornell's nineitthe foihowt' Coitog<>i' i ill Cs, aliii, (is-11~
tabhistimnicifodf a national uniiversity it immruediately'. usg Jothnsoin, outfiteler, played
at 'iiashiiugfon. 'Thetframner offt 'fThere ivilhe a mieetinug of tfl it ihi 'tinwoods,' Ciiuciuin'i;i' P. eT. KINNUCAN,
ill is tx-Gor. Johnis'W. H-oyt, of freshmnuiMatndolinu b isatoisighit, Wifhierbee, titchuer; Streeter, ad
\Vyouiiig, who represeruted flit uni- at' Mlr. Joel's room, 33 E. Huron, base, Wyonsing Senminary; Kirby, MVERCH1AN T--
versities of Anmerica at the uniter- unless otherswise annuncuuueil iiift catchier, aisd McCord, outfielder,
sity celebrafioiis ini fli old wvorld, bulltin boards. both icons the Penn. Military Acad-
.nai swho is thoroughly acquainted AVi. IW. Griffin aind I. It). ipson tiny; White, qtuarter back on thi' AIO
iwiths American university lift. hatt been selected by flue Alpha Nu football teanm, outfielder; Curtis,
'fle bill provides for the issuing society to represent if in ltst local last year's end on the elevens, tho
ofi $2000 seo orthi of government contest to secure a representatisve to substituted infield on Harvard's ANDro It'diit o*l
bsonds bearing five per cent interest, compete with Wisconsin. nine; Mason, pitcher; MacDiarmid,
'rhese are to be turned over to flit The Freshman Glee club has catchier; Holmes, 3d base; Craw- 7" 7Q.II=1NT3,
nest university, and lte$z,000,000 effected temporary organization, ford, catcher; antd Best, catcher.
'ccruing from the interest on these and those who are fortunate enough Tihe nine will be weakest in the box, 55 'W_, FORT S'r,
bonds will establish a fund that will to get in the chub will be notified of unless present niaterial do rapid
insure flit salaries of the most tom- the first meeting by postal cards, work or other men, are dicovered.Detrit M ein

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